The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 29, 1975, Image 11

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on decline
NEW YORK (AP) — The sexual
revolution is cooling down as some
of the avant-garde find that sexual
variety without affection leads to
“frustration, tension and jealousy,”
a panel of researchers said Tuesday.
“The movement of American soc
iety toward reducing sex to animal
like conduct between people is
about to end,” said Prof. Amitai Et-
zioni, a Columbia University
sociologist. He said the pendulum is
swinging hack "to a new synthesis, a
new middle.
“Increasingly,” Etzioni said, "the
separation of sex from affection is
being discovered by the avant-
garde of sexual liberation to result in
frustration, tension and jealousy.”
He added that people are now
"seeking ways to draw a line bet
ween sexual freedom and sexual fan
“It’s been discovered in varying
degrees that all this sexual spice
leads to less satisfaction, Etzioni
said. “There is now more emphasis
on things other than sexual acroba
tics. ”
Etzioni spoke to a news confer
ence about a session on human sex
uality at the 141st annual meeting of
the American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
The Columbia sociologist said
this view was based in part on inter
views with 215 single persons in
Greenwich Village in New York and
50 couples at Rutgers University
who had lived together and had de
cided to get married.
Robert C. Kolodny, of the Re
productive Biology Research Foun
dation in St. Louis, said his resear
chers saw and interviewed hun
dreds of people from all walks of life,
most of them white. He said their
experiences confirm the Etzioni
“We have found,” Kolodny said,
“that a strictly mechanical, hedonis
tic approach to sex, while espoused
by some, is relatively rapidly falling
to the wayside. Kolodny said many
of those who experimented with the
hedonistic approach found it “en
slaving, not freeing.” They are re
turning to “at least a search for a
relationship where there can be a
positive emotional return.”
“Society, I think, has now been
saturated with the sexual “how to do
it hooks. Swinging seems to be de
clining and people are looking for
committed relationships, for some
positive emotional return.”
HOUSTON (AP) — Texas Inter
national Airlines, shutdown since
Dec. 4 hy a strike, announced
Tuesday it plans to reduce its post-
strike flight schedules by 20 per
The Houston-based line also is
reducing its work force from 2,400
to less than 2,000 employees.
“Furlough notices have or will be
sent to approximately 18 per cent of
the management and the union em
ployees, including pilots, stewar
desses, mechanics, and the striking
ground agents, ” said Robert D. Cal
laway, executive vice president.
Callaway said that after the end of
the strike it will take months to re
cover passenger traffic lost to com
petitors since the strike began.
He said the flying time cutbacks
amount to 20 per cent of what traffic
would have been without a strike
and 17 per cent of what it was just
before the strike.
“These cuts will occur primarily
in the competitive markets where
we expect sharply reduced pas
senger loads,” Callaway said. “For
tunately, for the smaller cities that
rely entirely on Texas International
and which we do not compete with
major carriers, we will be able to
essentially maintain our pre-strike
level of service.”
The strike began Dec. 1 when
about 1,000 members of the Air
Lines Employee Association walked
ofl their jobs after contract negotia
tions failed. The airline terminated
its operations Dec. 4 when the Air
Line Pilots Association and the
Flight Attendants Association ag
reed to honor picket lines set up by
the striking ground employees.
Texas International had been car
rying 6,500 to 7,000 passengers a
day in nine states and Mexico.
Negotiations were broken off
again Jan. 16 in Washington but
Donald J. Breeding, personnel vice
president, said Tuesday he antici
pates the talks will be resumed very
Breeding said that all key issues
in the dispute had been resolved
Jan. 16 except for the union’s de
mand to cut the eight-hour work day
to 7'/2 hours.
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