The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 19, 1974, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1974 CASA CHAPULTEPEC MEXICAN RESTAURANT (Only restaurant in Bryan serving Mexican style steak) 1515 South College 822-7784 Bryan, Texas LUNCH SPECIALS Tuesday thru Friday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Taco Dinner $1.39 Plate Lunch $1.75 Tamale Dinner $1.39 Chopped Steak Mexican Style Served Enchilada Dinner $1.39 with Gravy, Rice, Beans, Salad, and Cemhinatipn Dinner $1.39 homemade Flour tortillas "Unheard oF lacrosse team defeats Longhorns College ^uniorTProgram^or Sirls Attend the college of your choice. Receive over $500.00 per month during your senior year. ★ ★ dr Apply during junior year. Be guaranteed a job. FOR DETAILS CONTACT: TODAY'S ARMY....OFFERS YOU MORE. By PAUL McGRATH Staff Sports Writer Ever hear of lacrosse, the sport that sounds more like a French word for a crucifix? Well, a sport it is and it’s alive and thriving on the A&M campus. Lacrosse is a fast paced, physical sport played much like hockey, only on grass. The ball used is a hard rubber sphere about the size of a baseball. The players wear pads and use netted sticks to move the ball which sometimes reaches speeds up to 90 miles per hour on goal shots. Fresh off whipping the Univer sity of Texas by a 6-4 margin, the A&M lacrosse team travels to the Alamo City to play the San Antonio Lacrosse Club. Wally Green scored two goals against the Longhorns in last Saturday’s match. Team coach David Gruber, Greg Smith, Rod Speer and Chris Listras also lit the scoreboard for A&M. Midfielder Bill Dickup set up two of the scores with assists. Team manager Tony Arthur said the team ‘looked good for this time of the year. ” This is only the second start for the Ags. However, Arthur added, “there is always room for improvement. ” Pat McCurry, one of three team goalies, said “The ball gets going pretty fast and it’s not soft. Some times I won’t even see it. You have to use yourself as a human target.’ McCurry, who had four saves against Texas, wears a minimum of padding to allow him to move more freely. the thick of their season in play start- and usually ended in the death or But the physical aspect lias ing next semester. maiming of several of the particip- been totally eliminated and is# Lacrosse began as a form of enter- ants. The game is much more con- reason the sport is quickly risis tainment for the American Indian trolled now and even has referees. Lacrosse anyone? F He typif ies many of the nearly 30 players on the team because like himself, they are new but show a lot of promise. “The guys have really put out, commented Dickup. Like all club sports, lacrosse is funded by receipts from the Univer sity Exchange Store. The money covers road trips and pays for equipment. The Aggies compete in the Texas Lacrosse League along with clubs in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin. They have separate schedules for both the Maroon and the White teams. The teams get into Fans react favorably to Houston s streak HOUSTON (AP) — The Houston Oilers, who have drilled so many dry holes in recent National Foot ball League seasons, finally hit a gusher and it still was blowing full steam Monday in the midst of the biggest strike since the East Texas Spindletop discovery. The oil industry’s first and most glamorized gusher occurred 80 miles east of here near Beaumont, Tex. but the Oilers four-game win ning streak, their first since 1962, is creating almost as much excite ment. STATE REPRESENTATIVE RICHARD BARNET SPEAKS ON “MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS” NOVEMBER 21, 1974 12:30 P.M. ROOM 225-226 MSC ADMISSION STUDENTS-FREE NON-STUDENTS-SOc A POLITICAL-FORUM PRESENTATION ANOTHER MSC ACTIVITY Save money and enjoy Kentucky Fried Chicken every FAMILY TUESDAY THE DINNER BOX $1.29 The dinner box includes three pieces of the Colonel's finger lickin' good chicken, potatoes 'n' gravy, cole slaw, and two rolls. THE SNACK BOX 99c The snack box is just right for small appetites. It has two big pieces of chicken, potatoes, gravy, and a roll. No substitutions please. Kmtiitfkif fried UkickeH 110 Dominik Drive, College Station 3320 Texas Avenue, Bryan Jeers turned to cheers Sunday as the largest Oiler home crowd of the season, 44,950, witnessed Houston’s 20-3 victory over Cincin nati. The crowd gave standing ova tions to everything from the delayed kickoff to the two-minute warning. The delirious, victory-hungry fans even gave the Oiler offense a standing ovation in the fourth quar ter when it failed on a third-down play. The gaiety continued Monday when Coach Sid Gillman hosted his weekly news conference by having ham and eggs served to newsmen Eric Moede and Sheen Smith move the ball. (Photo by Glen Johnson) “I’d rather have one Sid Gillman than 1(X) Paul Browns, Oiler run ning back Fred Willis a former Cin cinnati player, said. Gillman didn t want to dampen the Oilers success with further dis cussion about a rift with Bengal Soccer team sinks Maritime Academy instead of the usual donuts and cof fee. “Winning does make a differ ence, let’s enjoy it while we can, Gillman beamed. “I’m getting a lot of enjoyment out of this team, not just because we re winning either, but because of their complete wil lingness to do the things necessary to win. “You have to get people around you that have the same ideas that you do.” Houston’s victory evened its re cord at 5-5, the same as the Dallas Cowboys, who will meet the Oilers Sunday in the Astrodome. A stand ing room only crowd of 50,000-plus is forecast. Oiler players and fans, openly hostile to Gillman during the NFL players strike and a five-game losing streak earlier this season, now are singing his praises. Coach Brown last week over some late Oiler game film. v That’s all in the past,” Gillman said. “He made some remarks that were uncalled for. It was something we didn’t do. But that’s all right. But it’s nice to beat the great one’ Brown. It pleases us a great deal.” The soccer team scored a re sounding win over the Texas Maritime Academy Saturday in non-conference play. The Ags heat the Mariners, who play in the Gal veston league, 9-0 on a wet drill field. In the firSt half, the Ags bounced to a 2-0 lead within five mil A&M led 6-0 at the half will •nJ itli J Brady Bunch oils down SUpsides to gain crown Led by the all-around play of Ronnie Loomis and aided by a bumbling opposing offense, the Brady Bunch beat the Slipsides 14-6 for the Co-Rec Intramural Football Championship. Loomis threw one touchdown pass, caught another, and provided excellent pass coverage for the Brady defense. He shared quarter hacking duties with Willy Robson, who must have scrambled for over 200 yards in his own backfield. The Brady Bunch benefited from two first half Slipside miscues. Having Radiator Troubles^ 1 raiiliii Let us FLO-TEST it! We specialize in “Factory Method” radiator cleaning, repairing and recoring. Our inland Flo-Test Machine will quickly de termine if your trouble is in the radiator. We repair heater cores also. WORK GUARANTEED CONNOR’S RADIATOR SHOP 101 S. Texas Owned by Glenn Connor —Class of ’71 822-2684—822-5132 First, SS’s Fred Sasser caught a punt on his ten yard line, hack- pedaled to the endzone and threw an incomplete pass to give the Bunch a safety. Then Slipside s Alan Bryant intercepted a pass at Brady’s 30 and was headed for an easy touchdown hut one of his Hags fell ofi. Sasser atoned for his mistake by intercepting a Brady pass, one of five Slipside interceptions and re turning it 25 yards for a touchdown. The extra points failed and the score stixid 6-2. The rest of the contest was domi nated by the Brady Bunch. QB Willy Robson completed a 45 yard pass to Gary Hill to set up an 18 yard TD bullet from Loomis to sure handed Linda Fletcher. The extra points failed, making it 8-6. A 35 yard pass from Willy Tobson to Ronnie Loomis set up Brady’s final score. Loomis hit Robson for 38 yards and a 14-6 final score. The game ended as Slipside s Brady Gage intercepted a pass at midfield and was stopped at Brady’s 18. Acadenn never really pressd goalie Tony Gallucci. Hank Arnold took overingoq second half, making a couplei saves as the Ags scored threero goals to complete the romp. Greg Ingram, alternatingahi: and forward, scored fourofil A&M goals. He pasted one ofi goals into the far comer of the oeti a long direct free kick. John Map was second in the scoring withh goals. Greg Erickson and Kylew each scored one. A& M scored their first goal a maritime player attempted topa the hall to his goalie and missal The Ags are now 3-3-3 fortliest son with the final two gamestoi played this weekend. The Ags la Texas on Saturday and I/'touns College on Sunday. ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction!! standard equipment" C 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 "Somebody still cares about quality." Keepsake REGISTERED JL DIAMOND RINGS Keepsake engagement dia monds have perfect color, cut and clarity. Choose from our beautiful holiday selection. EMBREY’S JEWELRY Your Christmas Store Northgate g : 00-5:3 ; ' Mon.-S* 1