The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 19, 1974, Image 6
Hockey’s donations emerge THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1974 WANT AD RATES BATTALION CLASSIFIES* major Senate hearing issue WASHINGTON (AP) — The single largest beneficiary of Nelson A. Rockefeller’s generosity said Monday his acceptance of $625,000 did not hinder his ability to act ob jectively as a New York state official. “My judgment was not warped,” William J. Romm, a long-time friend of the former New York gov ernor, told the Senate Rules Com mittee. The committee is consider ing Rockefeller’s nomination to be vice president. “We frequently disagreed,” said Ronan, adding that if his actions as a state official enhanced the interests of the Rockefeller family, “that would be incidental and only be cause their interests are so inti mately identified with the interests of the community itself. ” Rockefeller’s gifts totaling $2.5 million to friends and associates over the past 17 years have become a major issue in the confirmation hearings. Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., said “reasonable men could draw the reasonable inference’’ that Rockefeller’s gifts to Ronan were meant to influence Ronan in viola tion of state law. But Byrd said he was making no such allegations and is prepared to give Rockefeller the benefit of the doubt. Ronan’s testimony carrte on the last day of the Rules Committee hearings. Chairman Howard W. Cannon, D-Nev., said the commit tee probably will vote on the nomi nation Wednesday, and Senate Democratic leader, Mike Mans field, said a vote by the full Senate could follow next week. However, House Judiciary Committee action on Rockefeller is expected to delay final confirmation until around Christmas. That com mittee opens hearings on the nomi nation Thursday. Ronan has been associated with Rockefeller since 1956. He played a major role in Rockefeller’s first campaign for governor, in 1958. When Rockefeller took office, Ronan became his chief of staff . Ronan left the governor’s office in March 1968 to become chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Last May he became a trustee of the state Power Author- ity. Rockefeller had appointed Ronan to the board of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 1967, and last May 3, Ronan became chairman of that agency. Beginning in 1962, Rockefeller loaned Ronan $510,000 in six in stallments. Ronan said, and his tes timony backed that given by Rock efeller last week, that the loans were made out of friendship and were used to improve Ronan’s capital pos ition and for investment purposes that would yield income during his retirement. From the start, Ronan testified, he always intended to repay the loans and was never given any indi cation by Rockefeller that the notes would be forgiven, as they all were May, 3, 1974. Byrd told reporters that informa tion gathered by the FBI on whether Rockefeller had indicated he would forgive the interest-free loans “does not square with Ronan’s testimony.” One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 / Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 3 p. m. day before publication FOR SALE FOR RENT OFFICIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE ARMY SURPLUS THINK BONFIRE Check Us for Your Bonfire Equipment Work Gloves 39c pair Shoulder Pads 29c BARGAINLAND 1809 So. College 822-2210 Bryan 4119 5-string banjos trom $99.95 up at Lange Music Co. 1410 Texas Avenue Bryan 822-2334 "SPIRIT OF AGGIELAN0" Christmas otter Painted 1946 by talented Aggies “BONFIRE," "YELL PRACTICE," "SENIOR COURT," "FINAL REVIEW” Reduced until Christmas $9.95 set "THE PARKERS” 846-5031 4114 Glen Oak Mobile Home Park Private, Country Living For Rent: Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Spaces 6 miles from campus on Hwy. 30 Call after 5. 846-1865 Official notices must arrive in the Office ofS Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. oftheday ing publication. 30121 ! ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1 miles south of campus. l>.*ke for fishing. W’ashatcria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R Cain Co.. 823-OU34 or after 5. 846-3050 or 822-6135. 166tfn TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS To he eligible to purchase the Texas AftM rr^ undergraduate student must have at least outyu, \j Ap V c b- residence and credit for at least ninety-two^jecj ’ ^ hours. A year in residence may consist of theH spring semester or one of the above and lfull^ session (both the first and second terms). ll3L ' , I>assed at the preliminary grade report periodo filing dDO One bedroom furnished apartment, close to campus. 16, $85 per month. 822-1669 tober 21. 1974 may be used in satisfying this niwti.;, ..tings It hour requirement. Students qualifyingundertfenii • ]1 bills paid, available Dec. from 8 to 5. the oiy1> Apartment for rent for 2. $45 a piece. 846-5132. lOtfn Youth Golf Clubs, age 9-13. Wilson. No. I wood. 3579 irons, Iwg, excellent condition. 693-4238. 4413 WORK WANTED the oil ut on St the offe tern. He 7 foot Caldwell weed shredder in ginxl condition. Call 822-3980 after 5 p.m. Will do typing Call 823-4579 after 5 p in. and all day Saturdays. 45t5 Kids escape with minor injuries in bus tractor-trailer collision WE BUY BOOKS EVERY DAY!! Whether used at A&M or not. Let us buy your hooks and you can rebuy at the price sold within the month. LOUPOT’S At Northgate 3717 12x60 two bedroom, furnished, mobile home CA-CH, after 5 p.m. 846-3336. 45t4 Experienced typists. Fast, accurate reasonable. 846-8333. 410tfn 1974 mobile home, small equity, pick up payments, 822-2503. 43Ki Full time typing. Symbols. (Jail 823-7723. 392tfn 1966 Honda 450. $450, negotiable. 846-3091. 43t5 Typing clone, reasonable rates. Can do theses and dis sertations. Mrs. Whitmore. 693-4483 291 tin Back issues of Playboy Magazines. Phone 846-9893. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. ()>H 2 VU\u Honda 350 CL. Honda 175 CB. Excellent condition. Will sacrifice. 846-5645. 36tfn Have roto-tiller, will travel. Custom tilling, 846-1164 43t6 lation should leave their names with theringc)Q|;i seven, Richard (Joke building. Thisshouldbedcxn to October 21st in order for all records to bechtc^ .1 determine ring eligibility. Students already SUSt* . ninety two (92) completed hours on recordmavcd any time (Jruduate students are eligible tooidoi proof (receipt) that they liave filed for gradiutmO tiers for mid semester will be taken by the nxi starting October 24. 1974, and will continue December 6. 1974 All rings must be paid forij . _ when the order is placed. Students will savettofi 1 HlillUS / will bring grade reports along when ready lo»j Students who fail to leave their names inadvwti| asked to return later to allow times for recnrdn checked The rings are due to arrive at the ^ ((. Hu niH Office on January 28. 1975. All rings ordered, repi . flQ v .» of whether on October 24. 1974 or DecemberiS will arrive at the same time. The ringderluaij [uidud th from 8 a m to 12 noon and 1 p.m. toSp.m ofeadnrf n^d tllU Monday through Friday. However, in order for to be cheeked, orders must be placed prior to during this ordering period. We hope this idon* will Ik* helpful and extend our congratulationi Edwin H Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk FOR SALE OR RENT HELP WANTED LONGVIEW — Forty-one pupils aboard a school bus suffered slight injuries Monday when their bus and a tractor-trailer rig collided north of this East Texas city. Authorities said the bus over- Logo sought by college turned upon impact. Most ol the injuries were abra sions, bruises and lacerations, said Brian Williams, public relations di rector for Good Shepherd Hospital. Thirty-two children and the bus driver, Elmer Hale, were treated as the hospital went into its disaster procedures, calling in all members of its medical staff. hospital soon alter word of the acci dent spread, Wilson said, and were kept advised in the hospital’s clas- COLLEGE STATION — The Liberal Arts Student Council is sponsoring a contest to find a per manent emblem or logo to repres ent the College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University. The College of Liberal Arts is cur rently the only college at TAMU which does not have such a symbol to represent the college. An award of $25 will be made to the winner. Deadline for entries is 4 p.m. Dec. 13 and the applications to compete should be turned in with prdper identification to Dr. Diane Strommer s office +»n-4he eighth fiodr of the Harrington Education Center. Any Texas A&M student, faculty or staff member may enter the con test. The council is looking for an un complicated logo that may be re produced easily. Judging will be by three students, two faculty and an administrator. The symbol will be used along with the other colleges’ emblems for centennial purposes during 1976. Departments included in the Col lege of Liberal Arts are economies, English, history, journalism, mod ern languages, philosophy and humanities, political science, psychology, sociology and an- thropoloty. The school nurse at Judson Junior High School, later sent to Good Shepherd nine pupils who had been brought to their school directly from the accident site. Cindy Barrett, 11, was admitted for observation with a possible head injury. Michael McCallum, 13, was kept because of a possible back in jury, Williams said. Hale, the bus driver, was treated for a minor leg injury. “Many of the children were X-rayed for possible fractures, but only two were discovered—a collar bone and a wrist,” Williams said. Parents began arriving at the sroom. The pupils were released to their parents there. The truck driver was not injured. One pupil, Todd Brown, about 10, said the tractor hit the side of the bus. Brown said some pupils crowded out the back emergency exit which some older boys had opened while others made it out the front door. The accident happened on U.S. 259 about 8:30 a.m. as the bus at tempted to make a left turn onto a farm road. The tractor-trailer rig was attempting to pass at that mo- ment, investigators said. “Collectors Square’ 608 South Bryan St. Bryan, Texas Open Tues. Thru Sat. Every Week Antiques, Collectibles. Wood Stoves, Furniture, Iron Pots, Crockery, Glassware, Old Mine & Railroad Stock Cartillcates, Woodcut Print Pictures (1800's), Old Bot tles, Glass Top Dated Fruit Jars, Camel-Back Trunk, Foot Pedal Sewing Machine, Plows, Spurs, Branding Irons, Mineral, Crystal, Geoda, & Rock Specimens A Cut Slabs, Onyx Figurines. "The Place With Atmosphere, That Has Items With Experience" BELAIR Mobile Home Park, ipu Swimming pool, TV cable, all cit 5 minutes from campus wimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, from $29.50 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn FOR RENT Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn SOSOLIK’S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 Hair Removal Specialist by Electrolysis "MILLIE”, 822-2711, 710 Nall Lane. 35tl2 Sewing machines repaired. All makes. Experienced, fast, reasonable. P. D. Gandy, 846-5626. 32tl6 TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom Furnished or unfurnished All utilities paid Swimming pools 2 laundries Play yard Shuttle bus service From $155 505 Hwy. 30 846-6116 40tfn RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. AVON Needs part-time help in this area. Call 846-8224 THE CRADI'ATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degm Name Marquis. Eugene Lx*Roy Degree Ph D in Civil Kiigineeriiifl Dissertation HIGHWAY SAFETY STRL'CTUB Time. \o\cml>er 27, 1974 at 3:00 p.m. I*Luf Ihmin 115 ft m the Ci\ il Engktoeriqtljy George W kim/r Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Dqrtt Name Howell. Tern Allen Degree Ph I) in Agricultural Engiiieeriih: Dissertation OPTIMIZATION OF GRAIN CHL M WATER USE EFFICIENCY l\| HIGH FREQUENCY IRRIGATIONEYSIfl SIMULATION AND STOCHASTIC DiAU PROGRAMMING. Time No\enil»er 27. I 30 n in Plot «• ft«>om 209 in the Agricultural Enfcmmml George W Kiin/e I Van ol the Graduate College Waitresses needed. At Pen! House I Inquire at 846-9384 3714 Earn money now or laetween semester*- wherever you are. Call 846-7381. 4ltl6 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Deem Name: Brown. Patricia Jeanne Degree. Ph D in Microbiology Dissertation. AN INVESTIGATION OF THEII OF MICROCYSTS AERUGINOSA: EFI OF V ARYING I 111 ( ONCENTRAljtf SFI.K< I F.D SALTS UPON TOXTCtR I HI 1 M I i is ol THE IT)X1N (M PHYSIOLOGICAL PAR.AMETERS Time: Noseml»er 25. 1974 at 200 p.m. Place Room 313-B in the Biological Sciences George W. kitnr.e Dean of the Ciadnate ('allege By RO Stall )n Saturd nse quek Id not rei he lack o: nse and tl This is sider he ds which rage per "his was ( iners and n you c< ing is o en backs :s in the the year t luxury, klield ha astrain n Jubba B urday wi for a ! chdown also hac ded in hi 11 'IN’ technician, part TV helper 822-4862. • full time. 2) Part time rudio- 39tfn JOB OPPORTUNITIES Earn Spring money, work between semesters in your hometown. 693-4140. 4514 AGGIE FANS! Greyhound charter to Aggie-teasip game Nos - . 29. Reservation deadline Nov. 25. Call Hank, 845-4049. 45t4 TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - IV2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas FOR SALE 1971 Firebird, 350-2 barrel, power steering, automatic, air, radio, gocxl rubber. Limefire green. Beautiful shape. 846-7179 after 7:15 p.m. $2,(XX) firm. Serious inquiries only please. 45t4 Baby crib, mattress, stroller, also car rooftop luggage carrier. 693-4606. 45t2 BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, I bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school, University Shopping Center, & Medical Center, $155. unfurnished. $175 furnished. All bills paid including cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 Men or women, full or |>art time. $2 hour start. No experience necessary. Hours arranged to suit you. Part time 10-3 or 5-10 weekends. Apply in person to man ager. We also need management trainees. Salary' open Apply in person to owner. Whataburger. Bryan or C. S. 409tfn WANTED Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumbing needs. North Gate. 338tfn Nicely furnished 1 bedroom duplex, pirn* paneling throughout, $75 month. 846-5122. 24tfn FUTURE CPA’s learn how to pre pare for The CPA Exam. BECKER CPA REVIEW COURSE Call Collect 713-223-8936 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER APARTMENT SELECTORS 3200 S. College Ave. 823-7506 FREE SERVICE TO YOU SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet apace. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 MOBILE HOME OUTLET Sales and Service Two Locations: S. Texas & Hwy. 30 693-2929 N. Texas & Hwy. 21 822-9140 lWhy rent when you can buy for less? Any M.S. or Ph.D. in Nuclear-Mechanical-Chemical Engineers. Very Important Positions Availa ble. Please Contact Immediately. Call Collect 214-233-7990 Dr. Carolyn Custer 45t4 DALLA larterbac pitalize onday, 1: |in his te 'ednesda Staubac so heat could Isily, a sp Dotball I SPEND THE SUMMER INI MOUNTAINS OF NEW Ml WORKING AS A CAMP COUNSELOR! Girls apply now: Sharon Daniel, Camp DM Lubbock Council of Camp Fire Girls Box 5630 Lubbock, Texas 79417 B\ I ^ Top Twi I ffte football I ies, season n n basis of 2' I Oklahoma i I Alabama (9 Michigan (h I Ohio State — 9 PETS i l2. HIKE cute kittens to good home. 846-7220. ROOMMATE WANTED \<-«-d roommate for spring. Plantation 01 2761 •eS/montldy. Cull 693-2761. Need riders to Chicago. Thanksgiving 845-4611. 846-6975, Suzanne. 45tl LOST Need 6 tickets toTexas game. Bill White, 636 S. Center, \| a | r Irish setter Please call 845-2011 or846-1W Grand Prairie, Tx. 39t8 5 Lurge Reward. The Jenny Pitts Donna Brunton Don Whitney Evenings 1-535-7395 823-8531 845-2774 846-2131 846-3420 I Notre Dam 6 Nebraska I Auburn | So. Caliion Texas A&M (0 Penn State Maryland Miami, O. No. Caro. J Michigan S Houston Baylor p Texas I* Pitt | California Florida J )lhers recei’ IBrigham I alioina StaU I sin. Yule. OAK FOREST Mobile Home Park “THE LUXURY MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY” lYs miles from A&M Clubhouse Swimming Pools Laundromat Concrete Pads with Tiedowns Large Concrete Patios with Sidewalks Playground It costs no more to live in the finest. Krenek Tap Road, Off Hwy. 6 South 846-3857 or 846-2680 NATIONWIDE OFFICES \ Job Opportunities AT LANTA EMPLOYMENT CANVASING C/fy FOR A&M Graduates Current fee paid listings registered with the University Placement Office or... . contact Continental Personnel Service 1706 E. 29th St., Suite F Phone: 823-0927 RESUMES PREPARED OPENING SOON El Chico Restaurant FULL AND PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE Waitresses Kitchen Help Cooks Cashiers Hostesses Bus Help APPLY IN PERSON TO MANAGER 3109 TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING