Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1974 National Student Lobby Overdue staff shake-up leads toward new foe By ROXIE HEARN Staff Writer This past summer the Na tional Student Lobby (NSL) underwent a long overdue staff shake-up and is now aiming toward a new focus, said Carol Moore, an A&M student and a board member of the organiza tion. Moore, who serves on the external affairs committee of student government, exp lained the changes as a “retreat and regroup” situation. The organization is being served by a new executive di rector who has brought about many changes, said Moore. “Our communications direc tor was fired, our legislative di rector and our publications di rector both quit and at least five others in lesser positions quit. “These people had been in under the old director’s philosophy—we needed a new direction. “We went from no files, no records, no bookkeeping and no publicity to a new sense of order. ” The group represents stu dents, she stressed and has de dicated itself to “combating the money crunch on campus,” said Moore. “We believe in equal access to political and educational sys tems in the United States,” she said, “but the only way this can come about is if everybody can afford to go to college.” For this reason NSL works toward the expansion of basic grants, the student loans, and college work-study programs. “We try to stay away from | Bulletin Board f TODAY CAMAC will present a speech by Dr. Severn Gomez at 8 p. m. in room 302 of the Rudder Tower. AGGIE SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY will meet at 8 p.m. in room 510 of the Rudder Tower. DEPT. OF ENGLISH will present a poetry recital by Prof. Paul Christenson at 7:30 p.m. in room 575 of the Harrington Education Center. TAMU SAILING CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 410 of the Rudder Tower. STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOCIETY will meet at 4 and 8 p.m. in room 226 of the library. PHI DELTA GAMMA will hold a reception for all interested woman graduate students. For info call Karen Switzer 845-1741. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Barcelona Apts. Party Room. TAMC GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY will meet at 1 p.m. in room 205c of the Geosciences Bldg. FREE U-BIOLOGY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS will meet at 7 p. in. in room 502 of the RudderTower. FREE U-SCI FI WRITING will meet at 7 p. m. in room 501 of the Rudder Tower. ARTS COMMITTEE will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the SPO of the MSC. THURSDAY PENTECOSTAL POWER will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the All Faith’s Chalep. FREE U-AUTOMOTIVE PRINCIPLES & APPLICATIONS will meet at 7 p. in. in room 101 of the M. E. Shops. FREE U-BIBUCAL INTERPRETATIONS will meet at 8 p. m. in room 108 of the Academic Bldg. PANHANDLE HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 104A oftheZachry Engineer ing Center. Plans for making money will he dis cussed. RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION will meet at 7 p.m. in Library Conference room 226. SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 302 of the RudderTower. A list of hometown club members will be given out. SOPHOMORE CLASS COUNCIL will meet at 7:30 p in. in room 501 of the Rudder Tower. FRIDAY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION will meet from 11:30a.m. to 1:30p.m. in the Old Exchange Store Lounge. There will be an infor mal coffee hour. FREE TUNES, sponsored by the Basement Commit tee, will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Rudder Center fountain. Tim York and Mike Hawthorne of theT&M Express will lie perform ing. There are no finer diamond rings TIMELESS W1NDSONG Permanent registration, loss protection, perfect quality assured by Keepsake. Keepsake REG ISTEREdJLdiAMONO RINGS Embrey’s Jewelry North Gate 9:00-5:30 Trade-Mark Reg. Last year, some 12,000 smokers didn’t think when they were in the forest. They dropped their lit cigarettes instead of crushing them dead out. And so 12,000 forest fires started unnecessarily. And about 60 million trees died. So if you smoke in the forest, put the life out of your cigarettes. No dead cigarette ever killed a tree. A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council the ‘sexy issues’ like abortion or amnesty, and focus on those we can have some control over; things which concern students as students,” Moore said. Presently NSL is completing its annual referendum. Accord ing to Moore, last year’s ques tions were poorly worded and ill-defined and she is working to make them “as clear as pos sible” this year. “We re asking for con stituent input so we ll know what issues the students want us to lobby for,” Moore said. The group is also presenting the foreign students’ view of a recent change in the policy of the U.S. Naturalization and Immigration Office. As of April 19, work permits were no longer granted by the foreign students’ advisers, but through the regional office. Fewer applications are being accepted by them in an effort to increase the job market for American students, said Moore. As a result, work permits are extremely difficult for foreign students to obtain, she said. Moore, who travels to Washington, D.C. every three or four months, describes being a boardmember as a three-pronged position: na tional, regional and individual. Nationally, she is concerned with who’s hired, who’s fired, what legislation they are con cerned with and the progress of the organization’s fund-raising operation, Moore said. On the regional level, Moore is one of four field-persons for Region 11, composed of 14 states. She appoints state coor dinators and keeps abreast of s!a,t n "" bbVi " g " ,eMl * Individually, r„,j ln, , er f sted i" the i S! « NSL. 1 stay involved inj! pertinent to A&M. A&M is a conservatij campus and we need toseel our kind of focus is kept," s Moore. Aj SKAGGS ^ ALBERTSONS L DRUGS & FOODS UNIVERSITY DRIVE AT COLLEGE AVE. Wtcts EFFECTIVE WEB. - SAT. , On. ZJ-26 OWEE HOURS 7 A.M. - 12 MIDNITE DAILY 9 A.M. - 12 MIDNITE SUNDAY I SALIN.4 Sjonal Farn ficial said '1 1 to (1 hers from Ltest agr trices. Max Ba [he NFO fold the Lnventio shooting o V..>7 BLACK & ORANGE KISSES Fresh and Tasty- Goblin Satisfying 200 Cl SPOOKY BUYS A Bag of Tasty Spooks And Pumpkins On Sticks 18-oz. Bag ORACH PICTURE 10-oz. 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