The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1974, Image 7
HOUSE OF TIRES COULTER AT TEX. AVE. 822-7139 BRYAN - HOUSTON - CONROE - PASADENA STEEL BELTED 40,000 MILE TIRE WHITEWALLS TWO FOR 4999 F78XJ4 Fiat A PAIR PRICE G78X14 G78X15 *55’*,,„ H78X14 H78X15 *59’’ L78X15 $ 65” . WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD FOUR PLY POLYESTER WHITEWALLS LOW AS Each Plus 1.83 F.E.T. E78-14 1 099 F78-14 1 1# Plus F.E.T. 2.41 878-14 0199 H78-15 ■ p,us F.E.T. 2.82 678-14 1 Q99 G78-15 1 W Plus F.E.T. 2.63 878-15 23"p!us F.E.T. 3.13 LE ROGUE Steel Beltedl RADIAL TIRE G78 14 G78 15 H78 14 H78 15 J78 14 J78 15 L78-15 SETS OF 4 169.99 189.99 199.99 209.99 DEALERS WELCOME iti F.E.T. MBMk. CREDIT EAST THE BATTALION Page 7 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1974 Oakland beats Dodgers 5-2, go for championship today Ur>\ T** \ -r. TT_ 1.1 . _ . _ MBIIM — Pinch-hitter Jim Holt stroked a two-run single, high lighting a four-run Oakland rally that carried the A’s to a 5-2 vic tory over the Los Angeles Dodg ers in Wednesday night’s fourth game of the World Series. The triumph gave the A’s a 3- 1 edge in the best-of-seven Series. The American League champions will try to nail down their third straight world title in Game 5, which starts at 8:30 p.m., EDT, Thursday. The A’s won with a typical Oak land rally—four runs on just two hits in the sixth inning. For a change, they displayed some long- ball punch but it came from a most unlikely source — winning pitcher Ken Holtzman. Stripped of his bat during the regular season by the American League’s designated-hitter rule, Holtzman continued to make up for it by swinging a big World Series stick. He produced the game’s first score with a long home run in the third. But the Dodgers wiped out that lead in the fourth inning on Bill Russell’s triple that sailed be tween Bill North and Reggie Jackson and rolled to the center- field fence. So the A’s were on the short end of a 2-1 score when they came to bat against Andy Mes- sersmith in the sixth. North, leading off, worked a walk on a 3-2 pitch that just missed the corner. As the speedy Oakland runner took a lead off first, Messer- smith threw over, trying to keep Good seats available for TCU game By MIKE BRUTON COMMENT: There are still plenty of good seats left for the A&M-TCU football game Saturday in Kyle Field. There have been rumors of the game being sold out, but the Athle tic Business Office predicted today that about 38-40,000 fans will at tend. There were better than 50,000 people at the Texas Tech game this past weekend, and all conference games are important ones. For years area football fans have wanted a good Aggie football team. Texas A&M is now amongst the top teams in the nation. Where are all those loyal fans? AL.LEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 r Peiuston Cafeteria ^ NOW BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THESE CARE FULLY PREPARED AND TASTE TEMPTING FOODS. EACH DAILY SPECIAL ONLY $1.29 PLUS TAX. Monday evening SPECIAL, Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Rolls and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Rolls and Butter Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL ITALIAN CANDLELIGHT DINNER — ITALIAN SPAGHETTI ^ SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE ^ ^ Tossed Green Salad Parmesan Cheese Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee Our meat and fish are processed in Government inspected plants. Friday evening SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread OPEN Sunday through Friday Breakfast from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Doughnuts & Coffee from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Lunch-from 11:Q0 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Dinner-from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce & Crabapple Cornbread Dressing Rolls - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable him close. He threw once, twice, three times. But then he tried North once too often and the ball bounced past first baseman Steve Garvey for an error, moving North to second. The opportunistic A’s wasted no time capitalizing on it. Sal Bando snapped an 0-for-ll Series’ slump with a single and North scored easily, tying the score at 2-2. Next, Jackson walked on four pitches and the A’s were off to a big inning. Joe Rudi sacrificed the runners up with a bunt and that brought Claudell Washington to the plate. Manager Walter Alston ordered Washington walked, loading the bases, and bringing up Fosse. But Fosse got no further than the on deck circle. He was called back and Holt, a midseason pickup from the Minnesota Twins, was sent up to pinch hit. Holt had gone hitless in 25 consecutive pinch-hitting swings during the regular season, but things turned out much better for him this time. He ripped a single to right. Bando, of course, scored easily. Right behind him came Jackson. Right fielder Joe Ferguson un corked a fine throw to the plate that seemed to have Jackson beat. But the A’s slugger slid around catcher Steve Yeager’s tag and the A’s led 4-2. A moment later, Oakland had another run when Dick Green forced the runner at second base, scoring Claudell Washington from third base. The four-run inning was the biggest by either team so far in this Series, plagued by puny bat ting attacks by both teams. The first three games each wound up with the score 3-2. “QUALITY FIRST' ( Batt sports ) Part time student positions available in ART AND CRAFT CENTER. Pick up applications in the Student Programs Office (Rm. 216, MSC). Deadline for returning applications October 25, 1974. If you have any questions call 845-1515. OPEN MON THRU SAT 9:30-9:30 THURS, FRI, SAT AUTO DISCOUNTS TUNE-UP SPECIALS-4 DAYS ONLY _ a c d. 3-TO. RATCHET SET Reg. 7.27. 3 / e " ratchet, ex- tension and” plug socket. ^wm4 Days ' a. NAME BRAND PLUGS Sale Price. For most U.S. cars. Resistor Plugs 78? ea. b. Case of 10W30 $ 24 quarts of fine heavy duty motor oil c. H.D. TUNE-UP KIT Sale Price. Points, rotor, con- 4 Days C d. 3-PC. RATCHET SET Reg. 7.27. %'' ratchet, ex- Ea. tension and" plug socket. A e. SPARK PLUG WIRES CASE ^ e 9* 7.33. 8-cylinder wires with caps for most U.S. cars. denser. For most U.S. cars. f. LIGHT OR DWELL TACH Reg. 16.88. Timing lighter 4 Days dwell tach. 4, 6, 8 cyl inder. FM CONVERTER Reg. 38.88 4 Days Only With integrated circuitry, automatic frequency control. Gives you fine-tone FM music on your AM car radio. 8-TRACK PLAYER Reg. 48.88 4 Days Only Compact, slim-line automatic 8-track stereo tape player with slide controls, fine tuning and channel selector. Save! WEDGE SPEAKERS Reg 9.88 17 4 Days Only Pr. Deluxe chrome-trimmed wedge speak ers. Kit contains two matched 3x5 speakers (4and8ohm). Charge it! 8-FT. BATTERY BOOSTER CABLE Our Reg. 2.44 1.66 4 Days Only Convenient booster cable made with copper wire and copper-coated steel clips. Deluxe 8' Cable .... 3.53 Copyright © 1974 by S. S. KRESGE Company GAS OR OIL TREATMENT Reg. 671 Ea. 58 c Ea. 4 Days Only Gas treatment lubricates upper cylinders. 12-fl.-oz. Oil treatment helps reduce oil consumption. 15-fl.-oz. 2700 South Texas Ave., College Station