The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1974, Image 3
SMORGASBORD All you can eat for $1.59 Monday-Fridby 5:30-7:30 Open: Sunday-Friday 3:00-12:00 Saturday 3:00-1:00 Delivery Boys Wanted. Apply in Person i/MFAvrrni associate store STEREO and ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Lafayette, Dual, Sanyo, Garrard, and More. 1414 S. Texas 846-0318 Redmond Terrace Shopping Center MSC council voices discontent with Batt THE BATTALION Page 3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1974 Interstate's lobcjaugrj VNlVdtSITT SQU»*f SHOPfINS C(NT(R 846-1151 ‘ STARTS FRIDAY for 7 DAYS ONLY SAT-SUN: 3:15-7:30 NITELY 7:30 ONLY By JIM CRAWLEY A resolution of discontent with The Battalion’s coverage of MSC events was passed in a memoran dum to the Battalion Editorial Staff on a voice vote, by the MSC Coun cil. Steve Eberhard, SG president, argued that SG should also have the same rating as the MSC commit tees. The proposal, by Eberhard, was taken under consideration and resolution was approved. The Battalion resolution pro duced a flurry of discussion between council member Bob Bell and Bill Davis, council president. Davis, who introduced the motion, cited that The Battalion, as a student paper, shovdd place more emphasis on MSC events. “The MSC committees have had problems recently in getting infor mation out of The Battalion. All MSC programs merit better atten tion in the Batt than at present,” said Davis. “We tried to make nothing in it (the memorandum) to be vindictive to The Battalion,” said Davis. “One of journalism’s problems is what to print and what not to print...each level has to decide. In fact, I wonder if in a community of students, the Batt isn’t the only paper to be received by students. It would be a disservice to not include all the news, both local and na tional,” said Bell. “Let’s be vindictive, if we don’t think clearly about this problem,” Bell said. In other business, the council voted in favor of a recommendation allowing the council and the MSC Directorate to have priority in facil ity scheduling. The University Center priority resolution asks the U. C. Schedul ing Manager to give the MSC com- Association of Baptist Students invites you to REVIVAL BEACON BAPTIST CHURCH Villa Maria at Kent Oct. 21-26, 7:30 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Jimmy Henry Nature has a gift for you.. . A garden in your window. There where you will enjoy it the most, make an outdoor wonder of plants and flow ers! You’ll find plants, pots and supplies at HARDY GARDENS Hwy. 6, So. (2303 Texas) College Station 1127 Villa Maria, Bryan mittees a higher priority in reserv ing space. This would give the di rectorate an edge over other stu dent organizations. The council also approved the resignation of the Host & Fashion Committee chairman, Kathy Arm strong. Troupe performs Woody Allen play A Woody Allen play, “Don’t Drink the Water,” will be the first presentation of StageCenter Thurs day through Saturday and Oct. 22-26. The eight performances will each begin at 8 p.m. at the StageCenter Theatre on College Avenue. Directed by Mary Castle and Wendell Landmann, the cast con sists of 12 local performers. Will Worley takes the lead role as Father Drobney, a priest living in the U. S. embassy in a small communist community. He is magician and narrator. Jerry Holbert plays a dual role as ambassador and sultan. David Bar ron is Kilroy. Tickets will be sold at the door, $2.50 for adults, $1.50 for students and $1 for children-under-12. Sea son tickets will also be available. A WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS I METR0-G0LCWYN-MAYER A CARLO P0NTI PRODUCTION DAVID LEAN'S FILM of boris pasternaks DOCTOR ZHilAGO fQl panavision* metrocoior ^ mSj wm w. m Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif... together as only lovers worlds apart can be. .T C presents d 13ldke EdlDdFCls film ie Andrews Omar Sharif The Tamarind Seed IPG1 an Avco Embassy release IS Interstate’s CINEMA I VNIVCRSITT SQUMf SNOPfINC CfnTCR 846-1151 2nd BIG WEEK At 7:30-9:45 SAT-SUN FEATURES AT: 3:00-5:15- 7:30-9:45 ! fupfnamba Sitf Come To Diamond Country Sankey Park Diamond Salon 21 3 s. MAIN Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega ’74 Greg Price SENIOR SWEETHEARTS NOMINEES for ’74-’75 pose by the new water sculpture in the mall by the board of director’s wing. They are (from top circling right) Gwen Flynt, Cindy Lukefahr, Diana Bernhard, Jeannine Paletta and Beverly Hadeler. (Photo by Douglas Winship) OPEN MON THRU SAT 9:30-9:30 THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY SE/ir INFLATION-3 DAYS ONLY Black & Deoken lwv SALE DOUBLE-INSULATED QUALITY DRILLS 3 Days Only 1 /4” Drill Model 7004 6.97 6 All-purpose drill runs at 2500 RPM has a 2-amp motor. Drills Vi” in steel, Vi" in hardwood. 3 Days Only %” Drill QQ 9 Double-reduction gear, 1200-RPM, 3 /e” drill has a 2-amp. motor. Drills 3 /a” in steel and 3 4” in hardwood. SAVE ON 7 V4-IN. CIRCULAR SAW 3 Days Only 4900 RPM; 9-amp. motor. Cuts 2” lum ber at 45°. 17 97 * AIN DOWNTOWN BRYAN \ 1 1 / / ^ Engagement Rings Wedding Rings AGGIELAND , FLOWER & GIFT 209 University 846-5825 Football Mums - Personalized and Custom-Designed GIG ’EM AGS! TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION TffAPEZG THE HUES CORPORATION with two successive hits “Freedom for the Stallions” and “Rock the Boat” G. R0LLIE White friday oct. 18 8:00 PM RESERVED GENERAL SEAT ADMISSION A&M STUDENT W/ ACT. CARD 3.00 A&M STUDENT DATE 3.00 2.00 PATRON 2.50 Double Insulated 2-SPEED %” QUALITY URILL 3 oT 12** Drills 3 /8" holes in steel or 3 4” in wood. JIGSAW AND CUTTING BLADE 3 Days 044 Only O 3200 SPM, 2.1-amp. motor. 1” hardwood; 1 Vi’ softwood. FINISHING SANDER SALE ZT 12 ar 1- or 2-hand control. For wood, metal or plastics. TICKETS GO ON SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 MSC BOX OFFICE (1st FLOOR RUDDER TOWER) OPEN 9:00-4:00 EVERYONE MUST BUY A TICKET STEP INTO THE MSC CIRCLE 2700 South Texas Ave., College Station