The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1974, Image 2
Listen up Page 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1974 Ticket hassle cost of winning Editor: With all the present bickering overTAMU football tickets I feel it is time for me to bicker along with the rest. First, I’m sick and tired of stu dents griping about having to sit in the end zone or other less desirable seats because of a high demand for tickets. I sat on the 40-yard line for 4 years and watched the Aggies lose, so we should all be glad to sit any where we can and watch them win. Second, the high demand for the Tech game tickets for students wasn’t for students or their dates. It was for their friends and relatives back home who haven’t been to Aggie games in quite a while but are now jumping on the bandwagon. I ve talked to too many students about this to know how extensive a practice it is to buy date tickets for the above-mentioned latecomers. Third, the demand for the TCU game student tickets is almost half of Tech’s, and this game is just as cru- Ballots by mail offered Below is a request for an absentee ballot for the elections on Nov. 5. Tear it out and send it to the county in which you are registered to vote. Requests for absentee ballots must be received in the County Clerk’s office of the county of resi dence no later than four days before the election in which they are to be used. The ballots will not be sent earlier than 20 days before the election and the notarized ballots must be sent to the clerk no later than midnight the night preceding the election. It must be received by 1 p. m. on elec tion day. The request for a ballot does not need to be notarized. APPLICATION FOR BALLOT BY MAIL ARTICLE 5:05 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF FOR THE .ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE_ JDAY OF_ I the undersiijned. hcrebv rruke application for aii official ballot to be mailed to me for absentee voting by me at election to be held in Election Pet. No—, ■ • "■ Genera!, Primary, Others above stated date. County, Texas on the I do solemnly swear or affirm that: 1 I am a resident of said Precinct ~nd have resided in this Precinct and have resided in this state and County for 30 da\s next preceding >uch election and that 1 am dul\ qualified elector entitled to vote at said election; my residence in said election precinct is. Street Address 2. Because of: D SICKNESS P. PHYSICAL DISABILITY Town | Attach Physicians. Chiropractor or Accredited |Christian Science Practioners Certificate. cial as any other. TCU has been known to pull some tremendous up sets of nationally-ranked teams while having a less than mediocre squad itself. Fourth, the demand for the Baylor game student tickets will be quite high. I’m sure, but everyone should remember that two years ago TAMUsent back 2,000 of its student tickets to Waco because they couldn’t sell them here! What can a responsive and re sponsible ticket office and athletic dept, do when the students’ whims to attend or not to change with every weekend? Of course, many will say that I and my family and friends were stupid to support a loser for so many years. But, it’s our university and team and we can’t ever trade them in like new cars we don’t like. Be glad you’re not at Ohio State where only seniors can get tickets to any home game! Winning does have a price. Hank Wahrmund ’74 Girls infringe Editor: The infiltration of women into almost every aspect of man’s world has now taken another step. I personally believe the women in the Corps not only do not belong there, but from what I have seen, exhibit little if any Corps pride or spirit. The traditional freshman “whip ping out’’ to upperclassmen when done by a woman Corps member reaches, at times, a ludicrous state and exhibits no respect behind it. I feel the male members of the Corps should be rightfully indignant to this intrusion of the female. In my eyes this ranks next to the worst possible potential happening on this campus, the admission of women to the Aggie band. Lynn Rodgers ’76 Paint urged Editor: So many of the people attending the games in Kyle Field are an noyed by the intense itching caused by the fiberglass seats. A possible coat or two of a durable, water-proof paint would certainly help, even if the Aggies do stand during the en tire game! Lillian Foreman, ’77 You are invited to attend classes on the doctrine and s 1 ments of the Episcopal Church, Wednesdays, 7:30 St. Thomas Chapel and Episcopal Student Center 904 Jersey Street 846-1726 r Beverley Braley Tours, Travel Traveling GHR^TM^S Holiday Group Space NEW YORK <y> |M departures December 20 & 21 MIAMI s 137- departure December 20 Includes round trip air fare from Houston. PLAN NOW!! All Group Airfares Subject to Fare Rules on each Departure D RELIGIOUS BELIEF Slate Church or Kuth D PERMANENT DISABILITY ( F R I UK' \ IT ON FILE I am prevented from appearinc at tb ■ polling place in said precinct on the date of election. * 3. I expect to be absent from County of my residence on the dav of >.iid election at the time of ap- pivine for said absentee ballot, I am absent from the County of my residence and expect to be abs-nt from said County during the remainder of the period of absentee voting for said election. This appl.- cation will be postmarked from an address outside the C ount\ of my residence. Attach Voter Registration Certificate Here Mail Ballot to me at this address outside the County. Street Dated this Town .day of^ State 19. Signature of Voter •WHtn YOU CALL ON US YOU UNIVERSITY CENTER Your own personal travel agency on campus 846-3773 TOWNSHIRE SHOPPING CENTER 1907 Texas Ave., Bryan 823-091) I BEVERLEY BRALEY UNIVERSITY TRAVEL TEK1MA1S WEEKDAYS: 7:00- 8:00 1009 W. 25 Bryan CLOSED SUNDAY Name of Witness in event of electors Physical Disability. **Strike Paragraph not Applicable Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of Station, Texas 77843. the University administration or the Board of Directors. The The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local by students as a university and community newspaper. Editor- news of spontaneous origin published herein. Right of reproduction of all ial policy is determined by a majority of the editorial board. Station, Texas. LETTERS POLICY Editor ..T:':..: Greg Moses , Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are Assistant Editor Will Anderson subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial Managing Editor LaTonya Perrin staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guaran- Sports Editor Mike Bruton tee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the Photo Editor ....... . Alan Killingsworth address of the writer and list a telephone number for verifica- Copy Editors . . . Cynthia Maciel, tion. Carson Campbell. . , T . r7 , News Editor T.C. Gallucci, Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room Steve Bales 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. c ity Editor \ .T. . . .Rod Speer •-'Members ofthe Student Publication; Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman; Special Assignment Reporters . .Teresa Coslett, Dr. Tom Adair, Dr. R. A. Albanese, Dr. H. H. Hierth, W. C. Harrison, Steve Mary RuSSO, Jim Crawley, Paul McGrath, Tony Gallucci, ■Rberhard, Don Hegi, and John Nash, Jr. Mark Weaver, Gerald Olivier, Joe Matthews, Steve Gray, Jack Hodges, Judy Baggett, Barbara West, Wendy Wetzel Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. „ , , . „ ^ , , _ General Assignment Reporters Dave Johnson, — — Kanaya Mahendra, Jim Peters, Chirra Reddi, David White, MEMBER Cindy Taber, LeAnn Roby, Roxie Hearn, Debi Holliday, The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Ro Se Mary Traverso, Ron Amsler, Robert Cessna, Richard The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Henderson, Daralyn Greene, Scott Reynolds, Sandra Chan- Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, uler September through May, and once a week during summer school. — Photographers Douglas Winship, Mail subscriptions are $5.00 per semester; $9.50 per school year; $10.50 per David Kimmel, Jack Holm, Glen Johnson, Chris Svatek, Gary tull year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished Baldasari, Rodger Mallison, Steve KraUSS WE RE FEEDING OUR THIRD GENERATION OF AGGIES! Yes, that s right. Our famous Chicken Fried Steak dinner has brought Aggies to Wehrman’s Cafe for over 25 years. Where else can $1.65 bring you a home-cooked Chicken Fried Steak, French Fries and a salad? We WILL be open after the TCU game. N^ We’re only minutes from A&M. Follow Hwy. 2818 (by Easterwood Airport) to Bryan, turn right on Hwy. 21, and there we are. We’ll be looking for you. The Contrasumers A Citizen's Guide to Resource Conservation Albert J. Fritsch THURS. □ Rudder Tower Rm 601 8 : 00 pm Admission Free "The Quality of Life " OCT T7 step into the MSC circle NOW ACROSS FROM CAMPUS 2V 2 BLOCKS OPENING SPECIALS: CACTI/SUCCULENTS 39c REG. 59c HOUSE PLANTS (LARGER SIZES 49c, REG. 69c) FOLIAGE 10% OFF FRESH PLANTS DAILY FROM OUR GREENHOUSES IN WHEEL0CK REGISTER FOR FREE PLANTS (7’ CORN PLANTS, ETC.) DRAWING, NOV. 9 ★FLORIST SUPPLIESADRIED FLOWERSaUNUSUAL GIFTS* “CASH & CARRY FLORIST”* COLLEGE MAIN PLANT MART 313B COLLEGE MAIN 2y 2 BLKS. OFF UNIV. DRIVE OPEN DAILY 10-6