The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1974, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1974 Adjustments board delays request action on first case By GERALD OLIVIER Staff Writer No action was taken by College Station’s Board of Adjustments on its first case Tuesday night. The new board, meeting for the first time, delayed action on a re quest by B. B. Scasta for a variance allowing him to construct a building closer than the minimum seven feet from the property line. Fredda Austin, chairman of the board, said Scasta was not present to answer questions and the action would be taken at the next meeting. The board has the power to grant variances of the city’s zoning ordi nance, but does not have the power to charge the zoning of a plot. the doux ch@ne THE ULTIMATE IN APARTMENT CHATEUX 1-2-3 Bedrooms furnished & unfurnished AM electric appliances Individual Heat & air Club (Mansard House) Lighted Tennis Courts Baskt a Volleyball Courts Men a Women Exercise Rooms Sauna Baths AaM Shuttle Service Pools Party Room Lounge Area (with T.V.) Recreation Center (Athletic Equip. Available Free) Free cCable T.V. Laundry Rooms 24-Hour Security All Utilities Paid Play Area for Children 846-3741 office open between 9-6 Mon. - Fri., Sunday 2-5 1401 FM 2818 (West Loop) College Station Behind The New K-mart MON., THURS., FRI., 9:30-8:30 MANOR EAST MALL Our People Make Us Number One Diamond pendants to show how much you care. Your Choice 5 59® Here’s a special gift to remind her always of your love. Each diamond pendant is uniquely styled with a contemporary touch in brilliant 14 karat gold. Zales m Golden Years and We’ve Only Just Begun. Zales Revolving Charge • Zales Custom Charge BankAmericard • Master Charge American Express • Diners Club • Carte Blanche • Layaway Illustrations enlarged. A A A kAAA A A A A d vrUnp Top of the Tower Texas A&M University Open to the Public Serving Luncheon Buffet 11:00 A M. - 130 P.M. 7 Days a Week $2.50 Daily HH5 $3.00 Sunday TEXAS Available Evenings for Special University Banquets Department of Food Service Texas A&M University “Quality First” case the only appeal is through the court system. The board spent most of the meeting developing procedures to follow at future meetings. Requests for variances or com plaints concerning the actions of a building official go first to the city planner and are then referred to the board for final action. Once the board has ruled on a The group decided that a form for the requesting of zoning variances needs to be developed. The board set no regular meeting date, but decided to meet as needed. Austin said the next meet ing will be within three weeks. In other action, the board ap pointed Kathy Leabo to serve as its representative on a committee being formed by the city to study possible revisions of the zoning or dinances. Flagpoles, center to be recognized TAMU’s new student health center will be formally dedicated Saturday in honor of the late Dr. A. P. Beutel and recognition made of the new Kyle Field flagpoles erected in memory of Lt. William B. Blocker, a former student who died in World War II. Ceremonies officially naming the A. P. Beutel Health Center will he at 9 a. m. in front of the new build ing. Special note will be made of the new dual flagpoles at the south end of Kyle Field prior to the start of the football game with TCU. The 100-foot poles were given to the university by John R. Blocker of Houston, a 1945 graduate, in mem ory of his brother, also of the Class of ’45. SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 CHARLIE S MOTORCYCLE SERVICE 600 N. Bryan 822-4552 PARTS AND SERVICE for most makes and models “The Company Built orfReputable Service’’ MOBILE HOME OUTLET Sales and Service Two Locations: S. Texas & Hwy. 30 693-2929 N. Texas & Hwy. 21 822-9140 Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 Village Casuals Junior Specialty Shop The latest fashions from the NEW YORK MARKET Students - open a charge account “of your very own” 10% off anything with initial purchase MANOR EAST MALL OAK FOREST Mobile Home Park “THE LUXURY MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY” IVz miles from A&M Clubhouse Swimming Pools Laundromat Concrete Pads with Tiedowns Large Concrete Patios with Sidewalks Playground It costs no more to live in the finest. Krenek Tap Road, Off Hwy. 6 South 846-3857 or 846-2680 WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 3 p. m. day before publication SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICE TO ANTIQUE COLLECTORS!! Browse for bargains among our many collector items, Antiques, Bottles, Glass, Iron-ware, Pots, Crockery, Rocks, Geodes, Slabs. We sell, buy, trade. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. “WEL COME.” “Collectors Square” 608 South Bryan St. Open Wed. Thru Sat. Every Week 25t4 ARMY SURPLUS We Have Real Surplus Over 6,000 Used Pocket Novels— BARGAINLAND 1809 S. College 822-2210 Bryan 8t30 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn FOR RENT H0LIK SQUARE APARTMENTS two bedroom studio washer/dryer connections unfurnished only 1.5 miles from TAMU From $155 to $175 823-8041 846-3687 26116 $125 month Must see to believe. Two bedroom furnished apartment. All bills except electricity, paid. 823-8419 17tl6 BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school, University Shop ping Center, & Medical Center, $145. unfurnished. $165 furnish ed. All bills paid including cable. Summer lease open to students. $10.00 discount to all summer students. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 391t£n Apartment, 1 bedroom furnished studio, 515 First St., Northgate. CA-CH, carpeted, drapes. Married students or coeds. No pets. Phone collect 825-2761 Navasota. 24tfn Nicely furnished 1 bedroom duplex, pine paneling throughout. $75 month. 846-5122. 24tfn Rentals near campus. House and apartments. 846-8209. 24t4 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Mobile homes for rent. 822-2627. Finfeather Acres. 4tfn ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. IVz miles south of campus; Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3408 or 822-6135. 166tfn SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Lather (off old hwy. 6 so.. C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 BATTALION CLASSIFlEb FOR RENT Apartments, $85, bills paid, 822-3078. 2609 Todd St., Bryan. 21tfh HELP WANTED SHAMROCK VILLAGE APTS. one bedroom furnished utilities and cable paid convenient to shopping center 3 miles from TAMU 823-8041 846-3687 26116 BRITT’S Part time help in advertising layout. Flexible hours, experience preferred but not required. Apply in person, Manor East Mall. 25t4 RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. AVON Needs part-time help in this area. Call 846-8224 86«tfn NEED EXTRA MONEY! Excellent opportunity to sup plement your income, for husband and wife or single in dividual, male or female. Work your own hours, set your own goals. For appointment call 846-8104 after 5. 25t6 FOR SALE OR RENT IBEUAIR [ Mobile Home Park! 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, from $29.50 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn FOR SALE Back issues of Playboy Magazines. Phone 846-9893. 24tfn Refrigerator and gas range. Call 845-5126 and nights 846-8471. 25t4 VW station wagon, 1969, $800. Ask for Shinichi, 845-7110. 25t4 ’73 Suzuki 750, saddle bags, fairing, after 6 846-2692. 25t8 Antique bathtub, trunk, oak washstand, Victrola, foot pedal sewing machine. 608 South Bryan. 25t4 ‘ IBM” Electric typewriter, adding machine, opaque projector, copying machine, offset letterpress. 608 South Bryan. 25t4 this is living . . this Tlantatioi Oaks 501 AAM SHUTTLE SERVICE STUDENT RATES PLAY AREA (FOR CHILDREN) CLUB (Penthouse I) SAUNA BATHA & EXERCISE ROOMS RECREATION CENTER (Athletic Equip Avail. Free) CABLE TV LAUNDRIES SUN DECKS (Overlooking Swimming pools) PARTY ROOMS LOUNGE AREA (With TV) LIGHTED TENNIS COURTS "OUR PLACE" The New Phase Hi /' BASKETBALL COURT VOLLEYBALL COURT INDIVIDUAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 24 HOUR SECURITY ALL UTILITIES PAID COVERED PARKING ALLELECTRIC APPLIANCES Snack Bar & Billards 846-8561 NOW OPENING PHASElll & IVAPARTMEMTS STARTING, $149 & UP 12 3 BEDROOMS FURNISHED* UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS Office open 9-6, Sunday 2-5. Will show Apts, after hours by appointment. 1201 HWY 30 COLLEGE STATION FOR SALE OFFICIAL NOTICE 2 bedroom furnished apartment 2 blocks from univer sity. 415 College Main, Apt. 4. CH-CA, $135. 846-0692 or 846-5444 . 25t4 Bring: your bikes to White's Auto Store, College Station—your oldest and most de pendable store—for parts, repair, or trade and prices you like. 230tfn Official notices must arrive in the Office of Publications before deadlineof 1 p.m. ofthedaypr*. ing publication. Furnished bedroom, utility bills paid, 10 minutes drive to campus. 846-5645. 25t4 7 foot Caldwell weed shredder in good condition. Call 822-3980 after 5 p.m. Horse pasture, $15 per month. Phone 846-7015.20t 16 69 VW, engine recently overhauled. Call 846-7811 after 6. 13tfn Apartment for rent for 2. $45 a piece, 846-5132. lOtfn 1973 Honda 350 CL, best motorcycle in town for $750. 846-5645. 19tfn Boy’s 3-speed bike, 26M» ", good condition, $45. 846-8359 after 5. 26t3 Earn your Christmas money in your spare time. Call 846-7381. 19tl7 1973 Yamaha 125 Enduro. wife’s bike, 2000 miles, excel lent condition, $575. 823-8405; after 6 846-3541. 26t3 Part time work available to suit your schedule. $2/hour. Call 846-4701, 2 p.m.-9 p.m. 24t3 Men or women, full or part time, $2 hour start. No evperience necessary. Hours arranged to suit you. Part time 10-3 or 5-10 weekends. Apply in person to man ager. We also need management trainees. Salary open. Apply in person to owner. Whataburger, Bryan or C. S. 409tfn '68 Camaro 327 cu. in., 3-speed, standard, air condition, radio, tape deck, bucket seats, vinyl roof. Excellent condition. Call 845-4265. 24t16 George Green Builder In an effort to fight inflation we are reducing our advertising space. We have new and lived-in homes for sale. Call us and we will pass our savings along to you. office 823-8041 after 5: 823-5578, 846-3687 24116 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M ri^ undergraduate student must have at least oneyt t residence and credit for at least ninety-two(92) hours. A year in residence may consist of the (Ji spring sensester or one of the above and a full n session (both the first and second terms). Hie (Missed at the preliminary grade report period«[, tober 21, 1974 may be used in satisfying this nioet): hour requirement. Students qualifying under thin Lation should leave their names with the ringderk,i seven, HR-hard Coke building- This should be doot[ to October 21st in order for all records tobechechfi determine ring eligibility. Students already!», ninety two (92) completed hours on record may oric any time. Graduate students are eligible to orden proof (receipt) that they have filed for graduate ders for mid semester will be taken by the rin(i starting October 24, 1974, and will continue December 6, 1974. All rings must be paid for when the order is placed. Students will save tinieft will bring grade reports along when ready (o Students who tail to leave their names in advancevi asked to return later to allow times for reconhhi checked. The rings are due to arrive at the Rtgut; Office on January 28. 1975. All rings ordered, regmk, of whether on October 24, 1974 or Decembers, will arrive at the same time. The ring clerk bm4 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1p.m. toSp.m. ofeadne Monday through Friday. However, inorderfor to be checked, orders must be placed prior toff] during this ordering period We hope this infonHi will be helpful and extend our congratulations. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk THE weonesda t tu, foil CHILD CARE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degrt Name. Higgins, Ronald Clair Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engin Dissertation STATISTICAL PROCEDIRES f REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF TECHNKl DATA THAT MUST BE COLLECTEDK STORED DURINCTHE ANALYSISOFAHiJl ICAL SYSTEM Time October 24. 1074 at 1 00 p m. Place Zachry Engineering Center George W Kunze Dean of the Graduate College ALL THE WAY AGGIES!!! Playland Nursery School Open during the games Call for Information and Reservations 822-2520 or 822-4972 22t7 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH ml CIENCY EXAMINATION All Juniors and Seniors in cumculad the College of Science must taket# English Proficiency Examination or Wednesday, October 23, 1974 atW p.m. LOST Shepard-mix dog. White, brown spots. 1 eye. Vicinity Wellborn. Was injured when lost. 846-6102. REWARD 2512 BIOLOGY Department Curricula-Row 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula-Row 228 CHEM MATH Department Currlcula-Room 211 ACAD PHYSICS Department Curricula-RoomZI! RHYS For information and guidelines o the nature of the examination, chw with the departmental secretary. Completion of this examination, i requirement of the College of Scienco is a prerequisite for registration forllK^ Spring Semester, 1975. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY For employment information at Texaa A&M Univeraity Call 845-4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. 406tfn WORK WANTED Experienced typists. Fast, accurate reasonibie 846-8333 fill WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. Good student typist—Freshman or Sophomore, to learn photocomposition keyboard and work approximately 4 hours each evening, beginning at 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. See Mack Goode at the Printing Center. No phone calls, please. 22tfn Typing done, reasonable rates. Can do thesesandik sertations. Mrs. Whitmore. 693-4483. 816 Typing. Experiencedv fast, accurate. All kiM 822-0544 197112x60 Wickline mobile home, 2 bedroom, bath, CA-CH. 823-4066 after 5:30. 24t4 1973 Honda, 350 CL, excellent condition, executive owned, bargain. 846-5645. 25t4 TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - IV2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas COUNTRY STYLE LIVING HWY. 2818 at industrial ParF (713) 822-7650. WILLOW OAKS APARTMENTS COME LIVE WITH US — — 1 B/R Furn. Efficiency Apts. For Singles — All Elec. Kitchens • Dishwasher • Disposal. — Ind. Heating & Cooling, Patios or Balconies Garden & Townhouse Apts. Private Patios, Covered Parking — All Elec. Kitchens, Attic Storage — 5 Laundry Areas — 2 pools — Excellent Maintenance — Security Patrol 3902 E. 29th Bryan 846-7996 IB fii