THE BATTALION Switched to pro-type offense TCW will gamble to win By MARK WEAVER ta • «r .rttcU. af SWC wtll hr MMShnc for its k«p ARrr • 3-A-O if ITT • Itttfr rtak coukbi t bait H—d ooack Jim Shofnet ootntnf from thr San FrmncStco 4Brr'i to TCU in MTS, Km chonfrd tfrr Frof offrnM from the Wishhonr to • more gambling pro-type oRrner This will mean more peasmg end mm mum W n»n p«a> "Wei tK to hove a h«g-plav of frnao os oppoard to a boll oowtrol oArnae. Shnfner said “1 doubt that we re physically strong reough to punch the ball down-Aeld And we shouldn't gH shook if we hove the bell throe or four times and don t get anything but a punt, beeouar down the hue we re going to hit sooae- Hung hat Son Francisco 4Bor s John Rrodie and Cone Washington were visiting TCU doling spring training paying IJRI alClOss sv» Tie® vgaamo * barks and srtde receivers. Rrodie lad the FrO|p in calisthenics before one scrimmage, showing the yaung- sters hoar they do tl in the pros ’ Shefner will build a winning team Brodie said "He's just that kind of guy." The Frogs will hove 13 returning starters, but their lack at size and strength will probably hurt them There are some bright spots oa the 1V74 team At quarterback, the starter will be junior Lee Cook (Al, 181). He has soane starting eaperience after re placing injured Kent Marshall last yam far h couple of games In the hnckfiald will be fulbnek Mike Luttrel (AO, BOS) who has rushed for 1.771 yards in his three years at TCU He will bring aU- SWC experience to an otherwise new backfreld Juniqr Kent W aldrep (9-11. 180) will be at tbe baMback position and Dickie Powers (At. 180) will be at flanker Gary Patterson (Al. 170) beings speed to split end as ha ran high hurdles in 14.4 as a freshman at Frogland. New starter Alan Layne (AO. 908) will be at tight end Seniors John McWilliams (Al, 290) and Terry Champagne (5-10, til) will be the offensive guards Merle Wang (A4, i47) and new star ter Soot* O Glee (A4. t90) will be tfie tackles Defense for tbe Frogs may be a strong point with the bnabackers leading the wuy Al-SWC senior Dedrick Tarvaan (At, ttS) will ba middle linabaekar while Cana Moser (Al. 225) and Mike Hanae (Al, 215) will be the outside linebackers AO throe were last vearv Ciene Hernandez (AL. 179) and Allen Hoaker (All. 1751 will be tbe defensive halfbacks Hernandez led tbe do nfer r nor in TCU may be held back by their snaal time, but the ofcnaive back field is definitely a strong point The defanee is strong said may return as the TCU trademark The offensive line will keep the F rogi from competing as a real chal lenge Without a kna. the backs can't run. And without running TCU la really a I " Balt sports J CLUB SPORTS SOCCER The Soccer dub will bold an or- ^uurational meeting Wednesday Sept. 11 hi room W8 of the Rudder Tower Practice is bold every week day at 9 p m on the soooar field on Jersey Street Anyone with ques tions may roll Bo Stem pel at 84A387S SWIMMING Anyone interested in Joining tbe women's swimming team should go to the natetortum after 3 p. m. Coach Dennis Foadkh is looking for trails era and managers for both the men s and women a swim teams. In terested parsons should alao go to L*§ RUGBY The aettona! champion Aggie side is looking for more payers Practice la held duly at 9 p.m. on the drill field. Potential ruggers should go by or contact George Alden at 84AI498. The first aaaldi of the sea son wdl be Sept. 14. LACROSSE Anyone interested in playing inc rease should attend a practice at 9 p.m on the drill field Spring is the season for lacrosse but several ex hibition games are oa the drawing board. Included are possible games in the Astrodome and Texas Stadium WATER POLO Among the new women s spa on campus is water polo Girls in terested should got in touch with coach Dennis Foathck at the swim miag pool after 3 p.m POLO The polo team is welcoming members to the dub Anyone with a horse and interested in learning or playing is welcome The team plays private dubs from Texas and also 1 A ^ m n i ■ 11 m A — *- — - *vtJrTIH?®SlIM?MlflltP uWil such as Harvard and YtJe Practice is Wednesday at 6 p.m and Satur day and Sunday at 3 p m Informa tion can be obtained from Mike McOenry at S4A08M OPEN MON THRU SAT 9:30—9:30 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY THUMBS ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR 0«r Rtg 32 M 4 Days Otdy $ 29 NHiltlffttt aiM ifvlits l iiflt UP SPECIALS Items Locsted la Oar Csmsrs-Jswslry Daft. 8-DIGIT CALCULATOR 0«r Rbr. 29.M 4 Days Only $22 craftlt bat aai mart A ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR Oar Ra«. H 96 $ 4 Days Oafy POCKET CALCULATOR Our Rif 49 M $ E 4 0avt(My ■Vw# SUDE RULETTE Oar Rag. M.M 41 SQUARE DELUXE Oar Raf. Tt.M 4 Days Oaly $ 67 10 11 tt 1 .‘V* II K MART 100’ TYPEWRITER $29 SUNBEAM ALARM TCteT *2 £ NAP ALARM CLOCK OaSs*. S4T WESTCL0X BOLD II tmtm-t-tl 050 4SW*M| n^usmuroarn Mi