The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 22, 1974, Image 5
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1974 Page 5 Aggie entrepreneurs form chemical analysis service iTwo TAMU post-doctoral chem- iits are bypassing corporate work to form their own chemical serv ice company. IDr. Bert Frenz and Dr. Jan toup are utilizing their academic aining and experience in X-ray rystallography to form Molecular tructure Corp., a service com- any designed to aid researchers in! chemical and crystal analysis, phe company began with only an idea about a year ago. How- ver, by renting specialized equip ment to accomplish crystal struc ture study, they were able to develop their services and launch the firm. With a basic appeal to both chemical firms with research labs, and universities with graduate re search programs, the pair believe theirs is the only company of its type in the world. To complete crystal structure analyses such as those offered by the firm would require qualified operators and more than $100,000 worth of equipment. Total understanding of chemical structures is important in several areas, according to Troup. He noted that, for instance, a com plete analysis of a given drug might allow scientists to improve the drug’s performance by slight re-arrangement of the molecular structure. “We can furnish a complete analysis package, including draw ings, molecular models, and other information for a fraction of the previous cost,” Frenz noted. “Al so, a complete analysis has tradi tionally required several months to complete, but we can do the job, on a rush basis, in about three weeks.” “The information package we provide for our clients could be described as a sort of road map,” Troup explained, “giving complete ‘directions’ for all the atoms in a given crystal.” The pair noted that they are negotiating currently for the pur chase of a mini-computer for use in their operation. Following that, they plan to acquire specialized X-ray equipment they have been renting. They are also seeking enlarged office spect to house their equipment as the firm grows. The students’ departure from academic to business activities is unusual in their field. Most Ph.D.’s attempt to gain enploy- ment with large firms to gain ex perience before branching out on their own. However, Frenz and Troup, while studying under Dr. F. A. Cotton, renowned research chemist and Robert A. Welch, Distin guished Professor of Chemistry at TAMU, have gained extensive experience that enabled them to embark on their unique business venture. Troup, who graduated with a Ph.D. in chemistry May 11 at TAMU and Frenz, who obtained his Ph.D. from Northwestern in 1971, have already gone interna- WE CARE ABOUT YOU.... RELY ON IT!! SKAGGS ALBERTSONS FEATURES U.S.D.A. CHOICE HEAVY BEEF WITH EXCESS FAT AND BONE REMOVED AND CODE DATED TO ASSURE YOU THE FRESHEST MEATS YOU CAN PURCHASE ANYWHERE. ONLY THE FINEST MEATS ..RELY ON IT! MORRELL S CENTER CUTS EXCELLENT FOR BBQ GRILL COLLEGE STATION STORE BACON SMOKED PORK CHOPS SMOKED SAUSAGE PERCH FILLETS BONELESS ROUND STEAK CANNED HAMS BONELESS STEW RUMP ROAST BOOTH S BONELESS DECKER QUALITY LEAN BEEF CUBES USDA CHOICE BEEF DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR •2 HOT BBQ CHICKENSt ■1PT. BBQ BEANS ^ •1 PT. POTATO SALAD <6 DINNER ROLLS DILL PICKLES JANET LEE CORN FRUIT COCKTAIL tm MIXES ATKINS KOSHER WHOLE KERNEL ALBERTSON S ALL FLAVORS ICEBERG LETTUCE GRAY WATERMELLOR HAWAIIN PAPAYAS YELLOW ONIONS LARGE MUSHROOMS TROPICAL TREAT NEW CROP SWEET-MUD BROWN KAB0B FOX PIZZA APPLESAUCE CHEfSf PEPPER0NI SAUSAGE HAMBURGER CAKE DONUTS « AO c PKG M ■m FLAVOR mm ■ "■chhdren^L b < love I 1 WW FOR ONLY JANET LEE A BAKER S DOZEN ICE CREAM PLAIN OR SEEDED ALL FLAVORS — HARD ROLLS 68 c 30 $ 1 SWANSON LEMON MERINGUE MACARONIS CHEESE PIE CA $1 8 INCH _ 79 c ^0 FOR ONLY MADE WITH LOVING CARE HOURS MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. ALL == T WISK LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT 32 OZ. BOTTLE University Dr. at College Ave. WE WELCOME U.S. FOOD STAMPS tional with their young firm, com pleting single-crystal X-ray dif fraction service for chemical firms in England and Canada. “We plan to operate the com pany on a part-time basis, giving equal time to post-doctoral work and company business,” Troup noted. “Then, provided we reach a sufficient level of business, we will enter the chemical service field full-time.” Cavalry takes last trail ride for seniors Parsons Mounted Cavalry rides into the sunset tthis week. Members of the Texas A&M University organization saddled up Sunday for the last itme, for a cos to Uvalde. Nine riders and two pack horses plan to cover about 25 miles a day, riding farm-to-market roads on a 160-mile circle around the north side of San Antonio. Bobby Huddleston of Uvalde is scouted the route which will take the riders into the hills northwest of San Marcos, along the “Devil’s Backbone” near Wimberley, past Canyon Lake and, via Bandera, to Uvalde. “We’ll sleep wherever we can mange,” commented Army Capt. James Holland, cavalry troop ad visor. “We figure to meet some interesting people, and they’ll usually know someone 25 miles on down the road with whom we can put up.” Besides forming a relaxing out ing, the trail ride will call atten tion to the Corps of Cadets all senior troop. Organized last sum mer, the 20 member unit rode at march-ins to football games, re views, parades and a rodeo this year under command of Mike Col lins of Dallas. Huddleston’s father, a vet at Uvalde, will take several drivers to Uvalde to drive the trail riders’ rigs to the end of the route. Dr. C. H. Huddleston graduated with a doctor of veterinary medicine degree at Texas A&M in 1944. Troop members making the ride besides Collins, Huddleston and Holland are Bob Byrnes of San Angelo; Paul Hess and Pete Dun- nam, Dallas; Ross McDaow, Co- dumbus; Johnny Becker, San An tonio, and Fred Pronger, Strat ford. CHAPMAN’S Decorating Center Complete decorating: services. Carpets, Draperies. Wallpaper, Paints. Vinyl floor covering. Interior Decorator on staff. MOT S. Texas Ave. S. Texas Ave. Station—840-1737 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816