THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1974 Pa«e 7 ? at ion$ J iristi—jj ; oastal lL chnoW'lF nusua ^ new evidence that sup- rts Dr. George F. Carter’s claim the antiquity of man in America been announced in California, garter, Piper Professor of geog jhy here, maintains that man has d on the North American conti- ijtit 100,000 years, as opposed to 1,000 to 20,000 years. Evidence supports antiquity of man claim and esirj le nt, si 1 farming eYelopi, d harvest! e prodiit^ soil, eduction h cott® fossil hominid bones from California, sites. It more than doubled the generally-accepted time frame for\f man in the New World. Carter contends that glaciation patterns require that the bones came from hominids whose forebearers crossed into the Americas in even more ancient times, 80,000 or more Anew technique for dating human years ago. The early men were be- les bears out Dr. Carter’s con ten- lieved to have crossed on a Bering Sea land bridge, exposed by glacia- fhe bone protein dating system of tion locking sea water into ice and Jeffrey L. Bada was applied to lowering the ocean level. The oldest direct dates so far de- ter/tnined for any New World hominids were announced at a press conference yesterday in La Jolla, Calif. The conference was based on a paper by Bada and Dr. Roy Schroeder of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Carter. The paper is to be published in “Sci ence,” journal of the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science. Hominid bones horn sites near La Jolla and Los Angeles were found to be from 6,000 to 48,000 years old. At intermediate steps were fossils of 26,000, 28,000 and 44,000 years age. The Los Angeles samples, already radiocarbon dated, were analyzed by the protein technique as a check. Ac ceptable agreement was found. The bones were dated by measur ing their aspartic acid racemization reaction. Over long periods of geological time, certain amino acids found only in proteins of living or ganisms undergo slow racemization, or change, producing non-protein amino acids. The ratio serves as a kind of clock. By chemically measuring the ex tent of racemization in a fossil bone, its age can thus be estimated. The samples were from a series of skeletal remains collected between 1920 and 1935 by the late M. J. Ro gers for the San Diego Museum of Man. They have since been stored at the museum. Rogers once showed Carter the sites and circumstances of collection. The dates “suggest that man popu lated the New World substantially earlier than 15,000 to 25,000 years ago, the last time the Bering land bridge existed,” the paper states. “The most important inference from the 48,000 year date is that man was already in Southern California before the last known possible cor ridor through the Wisconsin glacia tion,” Carter remarked. “It put a sea-to-sea blockade across North America.” “For some time it was possible to argue that man first entered America through a corridor through the ice mass about 30,000 years ago,” added the TAMU professor, recently named a Piper Professor through the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation of San Antonio. “But man in Southern California at 48,000 years ago, as shown by these new findings refutes such argu ment,” Carter said. READ BATTALION CLASSIFIEDS GALA GRAND OPENING AND TAKE HOME ARE HERE IN YOUR BEAUTIFUL NEW LEWIS & COKER U.S.D.A. CHOICE [BONELESS] SIRLOIN ^■49 U.S.O.A. 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