ri.D. 1 I I Today % I ONE OF the Fowler-Keathley-Hughes Area contributions to the beauty of the TAMU campus prepares for summer. (Photo by Ray Franklin) Flying subs p. 3 S.G. outlines p. 4 |j Batt sports awards p. 5 ijij S Weather Mostly cloudy and mild Friday with variable winds 6-10 mph. Inter- j§ mittent light rain de- ijlj creasing throughout the afternoon. High 76°. Low iji; tonight 60°. Partly cloudy Q and continued mild Sat- urday. High 83°. :§ Che “Our liberty depends upon the free dom of the press and that cannot be limited without being lost.” .. . Thomas Jefferson Police arrest boy in Rattalidtl muti lation slayings m m m H HOUSTON — A slight, announced a juvenile court will tions about the arrest and the then the decapitated boc Vol. 67 No. 394 College Station, Texas Friday, May 10, 1974 Judiciary Committee opens impeachment proceedings JOOgpCC! B07I WASHINGTON >—With re minders of the historic import of its task, the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday began hearing the evidence its impeach ment staff has gathered against President Richard M. Nixon. The hearing began on a day that saw appeals from Republi can leaders to the President urging him to reconsider his de termination to remain in office and fight the impeachment move. Chairman Peter W. Rodino Jr., D.-N.J., in a brief opening state ment, said, “I don’t need to stress again the importance of our undertaking and the wisdom, de cency and principle which we must bring to it. “We understand our high con stitutional responsibility. We will faithfully live up to it.” The senior Republican on the committee, Rep. Edward Hutch inson of Michigan, referred to the panel starting “consideration of the most awesome power con stitutionally vested in the House of Representatives.” The two opening statements took less than eight minutes to read and then the committee voted 31 to 6 to begin hearing the evidence in closed session. James D. St. Clair, President Nixon’s chief Watergate lawyer, was allowed to sit in on the hear ing and was the first participant to arrive at the committee room. Accompanied by two other White House lawyers, St. Clair said he planned no opening state ment and “neither have I been asked to make one.” Asked if he considered the Judiciary Committee’s role equiv alent to that of a grand jury. St. Clair replied, “Clearly not.” The 150 seats in the committee room filled early, 90 of them with reporters and most of the others with relatives or friends of com mittee members. A long line had formed outside the hearing room with people hoping to attend the historic session. Only 10 got in. Dominated by Democrats the membership of the committee numbers 38 and includes two women, three blacks and a Catholic priest, all of them law yers. The key issue in this first phase of the presentation of evi dence will be whether the material dealing with President Nixon’s Watergate role is grounds for his impeachment. HOUSTON > — A slight, crew-cut 15-year-old boy placed in custody for 10 days Thursday after being arrested in the mutilation slayings of two brothers. Geraldine Tennant, a referee for the county juvenile court ruled that the youth could be detained in custody for a minimum of ten days. The youth, whose name is not being released by juvenile au thorities, was arrested late Wednesday night in the deaths of Kenneth Elliott, 11, and Ron ald Elliott, 12. Kenneth’s body was found Wednesday in a wooded area near the Elliott home in eastern Har ris county. Ronald’s body was found in the same area last November 20. Kenneth had been decapitated, castrated and his stomach slashed open. Ronald was also sexually mutilated and his stomach slashed. The district attorney’s office Finals mean long hours of preparation for many University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M.” Adv. Exam week means pulling all-nighters for many and the University and the Bryan-College Station area have various 24-hour establishments to meet this need. Study areas open 24 hours a day include the Library from Sunday through 12 a.m. Thursday, the study lounge on the third floor of the Zachry Engineering Center, Lounges A-l, A-2 and A-3 on the northwest end of campus and the Krueger- Dunn Lounges. Other study areas open until midnight are the Corps area lounges and Rooms 104, A, B, C, and D in the Zachry Center. Some study area is available on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center, west end, until 11 p.m. There are a number of 24-hour restaurants in the area. These include Denny’s, the Dutch Kettle, Sambo’s, and the Rodeway Pancake House in Bryan. There are also several places where ready- to-prepare food can be picked up at any hour. These are the U-Totems at 1405 University, 402 N. Texas Ave., 301 Patricia and 2613 E. 29th. announced a juvenile court will be asked to certify the youth as an adult so he may be tried for murder in the two crimes. Other wise, he can only be adjudged to have participated in delinquent behavior and confined until he is 18. In the court appearance Thurs day Referee Tennant cleared the district attorney’s office and a lawyer appointed by the juvenile court to represent the youth only at this hearing. The young defendant had blond hair and appeared to be about 5 feet 3 inches tall and weigh 105 pounds. The dead youth, Kenneth, was 4 feet 4 and weighed 68 pounds, deputies said. The defendant’s father, mother, and stepfather were in court with the child. All three refused to talk to reporters. Mack Arnold, an assistant dis trict attorney, said the youth will next appear in court May 20 on the motion to certify him as an adult. Sheriff Jack Heard told a news conference earlier Thursday, “The same person is under confinement in both cases. He lives in the vicinity of the Elliott family, but he is not related to them.” Heard, citing the family code, refused to answer almost all ques- Last daily Battalion This issue of The Battalion marks the end of regular daily printing for the spring semester. The Battalion will be issued weekly on Wednesdays throughout the summer. Normal printing will resume again in the fall. about the arrest and the 15-year-old, declining to talk about any statement given by the youth, the murder weapon or the youth’s mental condition. The sheriff said he believes there is sufficient evidence against the youth. Kenneth disappeared Tuesday after returning from school where he, like Ronald, had been a special education pupil. Dennis Odel, principal of their school, said both victims were “slow learners” and were bused to an other school daily for special classes. The parents of the dead youths also have five other sons. They moved to the eastern Harris County area seven years ago from Lakeland, Fla. The father is a draftsman. One of their sons, Steve, 18, is the estranged husband of Deborah Cobble Elliott, 17, for mer wife of Charles C. Cobble, 17, one of the 27 victims of the Houston mass murders discovered last year. Two youths, Elmer Wayne Henley, 18, and David Owen Brooks, 19, have been charged in those slayings. Both have been in custody since last August. Heard said his office could find no connection between the slay ings of the Elliott children and the mass murders. Ronald’s body was found Nov. 20 after he had been missing four days. Kenneth’s body was found by deputies searching on horseback. They first found his clothing, then the decapitated body 50 feet away. The boy’s head was found about two hours later, 50 feet away. It was propped against a tree and covered with pine needles, depu ties said. Singing Cadets Romania fund short $5,000 The Singing Cadets will need $5,000 to make their trip to Romania, says Director Rob ert Boone. The money will pay for round trip air transportation from Houston to New York, Boone said. Donations are now being ac cepted and any gift is appreci ated, said secretary Lynda Harp. Money may be donated at the Student Programs Of fice in the Memorial Student Center or mailed to The Sing ing Cadets, P.O. 5718. The Cadets will leave May 25 and return home June 16 and the $5,000 will be needed before departure, Boone said. Preparations for the singing tour are well underway. In addition to the Romania tour, the Singing Cadets will perform this summer for the International Association of Hospital Administrators in Chicago on August 12. 5 Student accuses Yosufzai of graft YOU ^RE- ping $1.29 k r \M !EEF M % % [M jN£B iapple r Tea Campus Chest said to be defrauded by former VP By LATONYA PERRIN Conflicting stories surround the final outcome of an investigation of fraud charges made against Shariq Yosufzai. Earlier this semester Joe Walker accused Yosufzai, then vice presi dent of the Student Government, of defrauding the Campus Chest. Walker said that Yosufzai helped him get a loan and grant from the Campus Chest and then asked for half of it. An investigation, conducted by Dean of Men Charles Powell, has ended with no disciplinary action taken against Yosufzai. “He had asked me for a loan of $60, but when David White, former SG treasurer, asked me if I would like to have half of the $250 I had applied for as a grant instead of a loan, Shariq wanted to borrow $125,’' Walker said. Yosufzai denied having asked for any money from Walker. He said that he did not hear the story until the investigation into the allega tions made by Walker began. The loan was given last summer by Yosufzai and White, both Walker and Yosufzai agree. White said that Yosufzai had no part in the granting of the loan. Yosufzai said he and White interviewed Walker and decided that he could have half of the money as a loan and half as a grant. “Joe had originally asked for a $250 grant, but we did not feel that he had shown sufficient need to give him the full grant,” said Yo sufzai. Walker denied that he had asked for a grant. He said that he was sure he had asked for a loan and was very surprised and pleased when he was offered the $125 in a grant. White said that Walker originally asked for a grant. Raiford Ball, a member of the committee which investigated the allegations made by Walker, said that he understood from the testi mony that Walker had asked for a loan originally. Walker said he was upset when Yosufzai asked him for the $125 while White had gone to get the check because he “began to think something was shady.” Later, when he demanded that Yosufzai pay the loan back to him, Yosufzai refused and told him that he would get the original loan changed to a grant, Walker said. Yosufzai stated that Walker con fronted him later in the year after Walker had been given the loan and grant and demanded that Yosufzai get the loan portion changed to a grant “or else.” “He did not say what he would do if I did not,” said Yosufzai. Walker approached a student senator about the problem. Walker said that he was afraid that the deal had not been fair and that it would be held against him later. Debi Blackmon, the senator con tacted by Walker, took the matter to Randy Ross, then president of Student Government, and White. White said that he and Ross inves tigated the matter and could find no conclusive results and turned it over to Dean Powell and a com mittee of three students. The stu dents included Ball, T. Mark Blake- more and Chet Edwards. Powell said that no conclusive evidence was brought up in the meetings that would be grounds for any disciplinary action. Saturday, Walker went to San Antonio where he took a polygraph test administered by Associated Security Advisors, Inc. The results of the test showed two of 19 ques tions with a positive result. A pos itive result means that there was a reaction to the question which could indicate a falsehood. The summary written by the person who gave the test explains the rea sons for his reactions. The questions which he said “no” to are “Were you aware that this loan was not ethical at the time that you received the $250?” and “Have you lied to me today about any of the questions asked about the loan ?” The first one was asked twice. Powell had submitted a list of five questions. The first one above was Powell’s fifth and the 14th on a list of 15 compiled by the examiner. “In regards to Dean Powell’s question 5 and my questions 14 and 15, the reason for the positive re sponse is that as Mr. White left his office to get the $250 check for a period of approximately 10 min utes, Mr. Yosufzai asked him for $125 at that time Mr. Walker thought there might be something ethically wrong in the way the loan was processed. Consequently that is why he reacted to Dean Powell’s question 5 and my question 14,” according to the written statement by the examiner. “Since he react ed to these particular questions pos itive, he reacted also to question 15.” When Walker returned with the report of the examiners this week Powell talked to both Yosufzai and Walker. Powell told The Battalion, “unofficially” that at those meet ings he asked them to make resti tution for the entire amount of $250 with Walker paying a portion and Yosufzai making up the differ ence. Walker said that Powell told him he would ask Yosufzai to pay half if Walker would pay half and Walk er agreed. Yosufzai denied being asked by Powell to pay any portion of the loan, but said that he had offered repeatedly during the investigation to pay $125 of the amount. “Since I feel some degree of re sponsibility for his getting the loan, and I am now convinced that he did not need the money, I feel I should make some restitution,” Yosufzai said. “If he does not re turn the full $250, I will donate $125 to the Campus Chest.” THE APPROACH of summer has its effects on campus as students wear less and seek the outdoors. (Photo by Gary Baldasari)