The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 03, 1974, Image 5
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1974 Page 5 Cotton pageant queen entry turned down By T. C. GALUCCI stadtuB One hundred and fourteen (min- 1,18,1 o! us one) duchesses from across e ^».the state, will vie Saturday for that j flje crown of the 40th Annual Queen of Cotton Pageant and Ball. Sponsored by the Student Ag ronomy Society, the pageant will be held in the Rudder Auditorium —but not without hitches. After being invited by the Agronomy Society to submit a candidate, the Women’s Awareness Workshop did so, only to have their entry returned and refused. >Pularit)L ^ . :’d mad 4 on « to Hl _ n on be. Equal Opportunity fable iJ. Housing INSURANCE — HOME LOANS BUSIEKtJONES AGENCY 1200jKjlla Maria — 823-0&11 FARM & HOME SAVING A)SS^CIATION (Nevada, Mo.) According to Kathleen Oaks, co- chairman, the Workshop submit ted the application, the required $15 entry fee and a picture of their candidate, Stephen Goble, managing editor of The Battal ion. “The word ‘duchess’ was inen- tioned several times on the form, but never was the word ‘female.’ We had everything in on time, but after the deadline had passed, the form was returned to us denying us the right to enter Steve as a candidate. When I asked them the grounds, I was told that everyone knows that a duchess is a woman. I informed them that I didn’t know any such thing. According to my dictionary, a duchess is the wife of a duke, and I doubt if they have any of those in their page ant,” said Oaks. Following a telephone conver sation between Barnee Escort, co- chairman of the Women’s Society sponsor, last Thursday morning,, Bockholt still refused to allow Goble to enter the otherwise all female affair. “The reason being that he did not meet the qualifications of the club. The rules state that the can didate must be a woman, and Steve is not a woman,” said Bock holt later. According to Escott, Bockholt said that they would be glad to accept a female entry from the ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS DEL MONTE GARDEN SHOW SALE SPECIALS GOOD APBH 3. 4. 5. 6. 1974 WEDS.. THUES., Htl., SAT. YOUR MAN IN GOLD FEATURES: If.S.D.A. CHOICE \ BEEF MEET: BOYD HALL STORE DIRECTOR: COLLEGE STATION BRYAN We offer our customers ttie finest quality U.S.D.A. choice beef available anywhere at any price. You get the finest trim and a large variety to choose from. Each purchase is truly a value. Our beef is not injected with any chemical to make it tender because it has the U.S.D.A. choice in signia on it to assure you it is the finest. BBCOtae A- U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF LB. RUMP ROAST U.S.D.A. CNOICIBKF BONE IN POUND USDA ^CHOICE SLICED BACON 99° ROUND STEAK ^l 48 TOP ROUND STEAK “ *1” CUBE STEAK $ 1 68 SLAB BACON 89° HOT LINKS "s-™" TO® SWIFT’S FRANKS 69° BREADED SHRIMP ^ *1 89 DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR IMPORTED BOILED HAM CHEDDAR CHEESE COOKED PASTRAMI TDRKEY BREAST VERT LEAN NEW TORR REMEN S LEAN t TENDER SLICED TO ORDER , $ 2 45 II 85 J2 48 >2" LIGHT TUNA GREEN BEANS SNAK PAK PUDDINGS: FRUIT DRINK FHOltN Fm JANET LEE ICE CREAM NAVEL ORANGES ir™ 1 ?'"™”... .41 A y QC A Q0S CALIFORNIA VI1A.INRKH 3 "A* l WHITE ONIONS 8 ( GREEN CABBAGE »12 < JUICY GRAPEFRUIT » S.&SB' BRAKE JWCE 49* AJAX m 13° AJAXJi.39 c COLLEGE HE. Wi WILCOMi U.S. FOOD STAMPS Workshop and have Goble as her escort. Escott replied that they would be more than happy to pro vide Goble with a female escort. The Workshop plans to follow through their objections as far as necessary. Said Oaks, “Basically one of the purposes of the Women’s Aware ness Workshop is to fight discrim ination against males as well as females. We would like to see equality for everyone. We feel that the male body is equally en titled to being the subject of ad miration as well as exploitation, depending on how you view the Cotton Pageant.” The Workshop has already con tacted the A&M Chapter of the Civil Liberties Union. Marty Hok- anson, president, and Bill Platt, Brazos County ACLU, have refer red them to a local lawyer for ad- cive. Oaks says that they are seek ing legal advice, and will just have to wait for the next step. With or without Goble, the Pag eant is scheduled for 7 p. m. with a dance following. Tentatively set for 9 p. m., Bill Mack and the Mid night Cowboys will provide music in the first floor of the Rudder Theater. The ball is $4 a couple and can be bought in advance by calling 845-3042. Profits from the event will go for scholarships and field trips for the Agronomy Society. Next Saturday night members of the Women’s Awareness Work shop hope to see Goble parading down the Rudder Auditorium. The Student Agronomy Society says that he won’t unless he meets the female qualifications that Bock holt says are required. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED : &4M. I \ h | i CROSS' SINCE 1046 Writing Instruments in Lustrous Chrome Pen or Pencil $ 5.00 Set $10.00 Mechanically guaran teed for a lifetime of writing pleasure. Embrey’s Jewelry “The Friendly Store” North Gate 846-5816 PEANUTS Pear comiBinoR, . TERKl&LEr___y "(a)E WOULD LIKE TO SEND IT BACK TO HOV, BUT YOU DID NOT INCLUDE RETURN POSTAGE' "P.5, don'tsendthe return postage now... 7/ r “U)E THREkWOUR STORtf' out the WINDOW I I