Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1974)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1974 Kalmbach enters guilty plea Students lobby for own righfc i\ Ruff also said that in the sum- 000 contribution (Continued from page 1) Townhouse” and run by former White House aide Jack A. Glea son. The Washington Star-News said the operation was run from within the White House by then chief of staff H. R. Haldeman. Ruff said Kalmbach “gave re ports to White House staff mem bers and a former staff member,” without identifying them by name. The $3.9 million, he told Chief U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica, “was distributed to vari ous candidates selected by mem bers of the committee in consulta tion with members of the White House staff.” mer of 1970, one individual con tributed $1,150,000 which Kalm bach turned over to the commit tee. The person was not identified, but the Star-News said he appar ently was John J. Mulcahy, the head of a subsidiary of Pfizer Laboratories, whose contribution of $599,000 is on the public rec ord. The second charge against Kalmbach, a misdemeanor car rying a maximum one-year pris on sentence and $1,000 fine is that he promised “an appointment as United States Ambassador to a European country” to J. Fife Sy mington Jr., in return for a $100,- Symington, now 63, was am bassador to Trinidad and Tobago from August 1969 through No vember 1971. He is the former president of a hardware and building supply firm in Luther ville, Md. and a first cousin of Missouri Sen. Stuart Symington, a Democrat. (Continued from page 1) Booth said the real basis for apathy was powerlessness in the post-Watergate era. “If NSL is going to work, it is going to do so because of a ma jority interest,” said Booth. “The people we are up against spend their full time trying to stop or ganizations like NSL from form ing.” Humphrey said he did not agree there was a lot of apathy among students. Humphrey noted that students had refused to accept continued involvement in Vietnam and had also refused to accept environ mental germicide. Woodward said students should be involved in government and lobby for impeachment of Presi dent Nixon if that is what t wanted to see done. Delegates will lobby with tl?; respective senators and rep^ sentatives on Capitol Hill Tio day and Wednesday, preset them with both national and sti student issues. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day . . . . . . . 5e pi • ••••• ue per wo 4it per word each additional day inimum charge—75c HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR RENT WORK WANTED Minimum charge—Toe Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertio Apply in person, Pizza Hut, 2610 Texas Avenue, Bryan. 354t4 of Student Pu Campus Briefs insertion DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication Official notices must arrive in the Office ications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. Near A&M, one bedroom newly decorated house, fenced yard yard. 846-4455. 864tfn FOR SALE Used Coldspot, Sears, 110 volt, % horse power motor. Call 693-3671. 354tfn Campus poll Camera equipment, Pentax, 135mm, many sories for: Maymia-Sekor, Yashi Student Government Constitu tional revisions and the MSC lawn policy will be voted on Thursday. Polling places will be in the MSC, Sbisa newsstand and Li- or: Maymis Complete darkroom with dui m301 enlarger. Contact Richard Strickland 845-2241 between 8 and 6. 354t4 King 3-B trombone, accessories. -4650. brary. They will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Election Board Chairman Bar- new. Cali Hank, 845 ry Bowden said that students would need their activity card and ID in order to vote. ca, rst Help Wanted: Woman to take phone calls in her house. Easy way to pick up extra spending money. Write Texas Sewing Machine Co. 11391 Harry Hines Dallas, Texas 353t3 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination of the Doctoral Degree Name: Simpson, James Rodney Degree: Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics Dissertation: WORLD TRADE IN BEEF AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTED SOUTH AMERICAN COUN TRIES. Time: March 12, 1974 at 9:00 a. m. Place: Room 310 in the Agricultur Two bedroom furnished house. References required. Couple only 2607. corner lot. . Call 823- 353t4 For this coming Spring, try a new •y a ■ Townshire Shopping Center. hlS do, blow-dry style. Lady Fair Beauty Sib Private bedroom in nice area. Close to ryer priv- 845-1041 or campus. Kitchen, washer, Hedges. To female stude 846-0908 after 5. arei and dry ent. Like 35414 Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumb ing needs. North Gate. 338tfn Government openings Five senate and two judicial board positions are open for fil ing in the Student Government. The five seats include at-large senators from the colleges of edu cation, engineering and geosci ences. A seat is open for one sophomore from the college of ag riculture and one for an off-cam pus graduate student. Both of the Judicial Board po sitions are graduate positions. Applications are available in the Student Government office on the second floor of the MSC. Fil ing for all positions will close at 5 p.m. Thursday. All positions re quire a 2.25 grade point ratio. BUY BRAND NAME STEREO EQUIP MENT in factory sealed cartons. Fully guaranteed right here in College Sta tion at super discount prices. No rip off « and no gimmicks. Call Creed 846-8329 between 5 and 7. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY For employment information oymi at Texas A&M Universit; 444 24 hours a loyment Oppoi through Affirmative Action. 3ity Call 846-4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Opportunity ;ure Bldg. e V " Dean of the Graduate College ?: 1 George W. Kunze Apartments for rent, good for two boys. 15 a piece. Furnished, part of utilities paid. Call 846-5132 or 846-6124. 333tfn $45 a pie SPRING AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS — ' '— ^ "—'— * — ards dent YMCA Two bedroom furnished mobile home. Six miles from campus Hwy. 80. Couples only. Call 846-1865. SSStfn financial Aid Utnce, Room 3US, YMCA Building, until March 31, 1974. All applica tions must be filed with the Student Finan cial Aid Office by not later than 5 :00 p. April 1, 1974. Late applications will not be accepted. 354tl7 Part time help wanted for 3-C Corral, [ousewives or students, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. eekt 1972 Pinto Station Wagon. Radio, heater, air conditioning, 2000 cc engine, excellent condition, 84516040. 363t3 Ip • sewives or stud* weekdays and Saturdays. Apply in person between hours 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. 3-C Bar-b-que, 810 S. Main. See Larry Law less. 352t4 Texas A&M University, February 13, 1974 Office of the Dean of Admissions and Records To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in residence and credit for ninety-five (95) semester hours. The hours passed at the pa: reliminary grade report period on March 4, 1974 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students Committee applications Furniture for sale: refrigerator, china cabinet, etc, new riding lawn mower. Call after 5,’693-4258. The Town Hall Committee will have applications for the 1974-75 Committee available on Tuesday, February 26. The deadline for turning in applications is March 1, by 5:00 p.m. Interviews will be held during the following week. Town Hall is seeking those inter ested in public relations, advertis ing, and art. Applications are available in the MSC Programs Office. Any questions should be directed to Town Hall, 845-4671 or Chair man-elect Doug Thorpe, 845-3904. SPECIAL 1973 VW Sports bug, ver comfortable, call 846-4506. 352 Motorcycle, must sell, T-500k, Suzuki, clean, 1973, crashbar, $725, Dm. 12, 221, 1970 GTO, loaded, new tires, new batte: excellent condition. 823-4914. ttery, 35K4 1960 Corvette, reupholstered, tuned, good condition, $1500. 846-8081. 351t5 Spring break Spring Break will be one week March 8 at 5 p.m. and school will earlier this year since school resume at 8 a.m., March 18. opened a week late due to the en- Spring semester exams begin on ergy crisis. Break will begin Monday, May 13. Ref. Zoltan D. Szucs will ex plain Protestants and their beliefs in a Free University presentation tonight at 7:30 Rm. 127 of the Academic Bldg. Auto Mechanics is adding two additional sections of introduc tory instruction Tuesday at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. in Rm. 101 of the Free university USED CARS Not The Largest Stock But The Best For Less Low Overhead See Us Before You Buy NEWMAN MOTORS 505 S. Texas Bryan 822-4824 RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. preliminary grade repo 4, 1974 may be used ninety-five hour requ qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the Ring Clerk, Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, in turn, will check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the Ring Clerk starting March 15, 1974, and continuing through May 3, 1974. The rings will be returned to the Registrar’s Office for delivery on or before “he Ring C to 12:00 p. m. to 4 :00 of each week. BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school, University Shop ping Center, & Medical Center. $145. unfurnished. $165 furnish ed. All bills paid including cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 817tfn Furniture Stripping Antiques AMITY, Inc. of Bryan 1103 W. 25th 10% Discount To Aggies on Stripping Marc I). Luther 713/822-7717 Bryan, Texas 77801 The A&M running up and a recon g.l romp o Friday, fell and droppe< Trinity on 1 The Agg free of ma the Broncs mouth by I Ceron outq Bill Hoove match, 6-4 winds and er returnei day to dis] enth-ranke Burrman, 1 Two upi freshmen remaining Typing done, reasonable rates. Cut theses and dissertations. Mrs. White 693-4483. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate, 1! kinds. 822-0544. a per 6561 Mobile home space for rent 6 miles from campus. Couples only. Call 846-1866. Full time typing. Call 823-7723 or 3838. n 315tfn SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Ready and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. 1)0 a. m. to 13 :U0 noon and 1:00 m. to 4 :00 p. m., Monday through Friday ing. Washateria on grounds Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 6, 846-3408 or 822-6135. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Admissions and Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk LOST Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since Hi! 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 (7tli 346tfn WANTED TO BUY SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Authorized Zenith Sales and Services 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Leopard hound dog, vicinity Jersey and iontciair. Name: Snicker, left eye par tially blue. Reward. 823-7448. 853t4 Name: Snicker, left eye FOR SALE OR RENT Want to buy diamonds and old gold. Carl Bussell’s DIAMOND ROOM, 846-4708. 346tll Mechanical Engineering Bldg. Two classes have changed meet ing days. Death and Dying has been moved to Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Rm. 204 of the Academic Bldg. The Gospels is now held Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in Rm. 125 of the Academic Office. A rummage sale to benefit girls’ clubs in both Bryan and College Station will be held this weekend. The Officers’ Wives Club hosts the sale, at the Old Woolworth Bldg, at 204 N. Main St. in Bry- Rummage sale an, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Items on sale include clothing, appliances, some furniture, baby items, craft items and original art. TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - 1V2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 BEUAIR PAM 220] Leonard Kd. 822-2326 or 822-2421 KcntalH or purchases Liirrro Lots From .'<29.50 It take “Figar MSC B P. S ONE MONTH RENT FREE Viewpoint panel The Student “Y” Association will present a Viewpoint Panel on Dating. The panel will consist of coeds, and will be presented February 27 in Room 301 of the MSC Tower at 8 p.m. In past years, the panels have been mainly with Tessies, stu dents of Texas Women’s Univer sity. This Year the panel will COME SEE OUR SPACIOUS FLATS AND STUDIOS 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms (Studios) 10 Floor Plans (650 to 1360 sq. ft.) Washer - Dryer Connections Shuttlebus 24 hour Security 1600 Southwest Parkway Phone: 846-5767 GENERAL @ ELECTRIC Barcelona Kl MAI Ol» U I NOW Ol'IN fOK SUM HON Diiittittil. ( .01 S4f» 170*1 f«n 1 mile from campus Volleyball Court & Swimming Pool Recreation & Club Rooms All Utilities & TV Cable paid Now Available 1 Bedroom, 1 baths 2 Bedrooms, l 1 /^ bate 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths FAMILY AND STUDENT SECTIONS. feature not only Maggie Panels, but Aggie Panels as well. Views aired are strictly the pan el’s views. Panel members will each talk about 5 minutes on the subject, then a question and an swer session will ensue. Panel members were respon dents to flyers and were selected by interviews. • 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM • CARPET • ALL ELECTRIC KITCHENS • RECREATION ROOMS • SWIMMING POOLS • SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE Convenient Locations To Campus Hurry so you can have preference as to available locations and color schemes bulletin board Tanglewood South 411 Hwy. 30 846-2026 Monaco Apts. 306 Redmond 846-2509 TONIGHT EAGLE PASS HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7:45 p. m. at the MSC foun tain for Aggieland pictures. WHEELMEN will meet in Room 502 of have its picture taken at 5:45 p. m. at the MSC fountain. Dress casual. ) P- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BIOEN GINEERS will meet at 7 p. m. in Room 333-B of the Zachry Engineering Cen ter to hear Dr. Feinstein of Houston’s oom 504 m. to an and Marine Biomedical Lab. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY will sell grapefruit in Room 110 of the Plant oon nee Building from 5 to 7 p. m. The cience J ale will continue Wednesday. NE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY WIVES CLUB will hold a Ladies’ Lab Night at 7 :30 p. m. Wives of ET., I.T., and I.D. majors should wear work clothes lajors and meet in Room 210, Fermier Hall, ■elco Husbands are welcome. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS CLUB will meet in Rooms 112-113 of the Plant Sciences Building at 7:30 p. m. ine tountain. uress casual. SPORTS CAR CLUB will meet at 7:30 p. m. at Mimosa Room, Old College Sta tion City Hall, 101 Church Street. SAILING CLUB will meet in Boon of the Rudder Tower at 7:30 p. see the movie “Sailmaker, A Mi His Cruft.** PHILOSOPHY CLUB will present Ric Masten at 4 p. m. in Room 410 of the Rudder Tower. SAN ANGELO-WEST TEXAS HOME TOWN CLUB will meet in Room 301 of the Rudder Tower at 7:30 p. m. Aggieland picture will be taken and plans for spring party will be dis cussed. THURSDAY SKEET AND TRAP CLUB will meet in Room 404 of the Rudder Tower at 7:30 p. m. ces Aggieland pictures will be taken at 7:16 p. m. in front of MSC fountain. will hem- meet in Room 1024 of the New Chem' istry Building at 7:30 p. m. PHYSICS COLLOQUIUMS will present Dr. Ronald J. W. Henry of LSU on "The Close-Coupling Approximation in Electron-Atom Scattering’’ at 4 p. m. tering ' at 4 p. in Room 146 of the Physics Building. WEDNESDAY ST. THOMAS HOMETOWN CLUB will Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery HICKORY HILLS MOBILE HOME PERK If -Private club & pool for po< -Picnic tables & Bar-B-Cue pits -Rec. hall & -Ponds for fishing -Paved streets, driveways & patios -Underground utilities -Planned community activities rgro led community activ Rentals Available 2001 Beck Street 822-6912 COUNTRY STYLE LIVING HWY. 2818 at industrial Raj^ '713) 822-7650. -EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m Mon. Thru Sat. Brake Shoes 4.60 (2 Wheels) exchange Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 14.95 exchange Most any part Tor most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy Dealer • H “We accept BankAmericard - Mastercharge" Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 28 Years In Bryan this is living . . this Tlantation Oaks ^ Sw/m Bodies b y SUL BOSS LODGE NO. 1300 AF & FM Vassarette Just Arrived E.A. Exam and FC Degree Choose tops and bottoms separately for perfect fif. • Tuesday, At 7:00 p. m. XK'CfW’ Signed: LT l-y|V 3618 E. 29th Tom Williams, W.M. Bryan’s only intimate apparel shop. J. J. Woolket, Secy. *-vC 4 A&M SHUTTLE SERVICE STUDENT RATES PLAY AREA (FOR CHILDREN) CLUB (Penthouse I) / SAUNA BATHS & / EXERCISE ROOMS RECREATION CENTER (Athletic Equip. Avail. Free) CABLE T.V. LAUNDRIES SUN DECK PARTY ROOMS LOUNGE AREA (With T.V.) LIGHTED TENNIS COURTS BASKETBALL COURT VOLLEYBALL COURT INDIVIDUAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 24 HOUR SECURITY ALL UTILITIES PAID COVERED PARKING ALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Vial... NOW OPENING PHASE III & IV APARTMENTS STARTING AT $139 & UP. 1-2-3 BEDROOMS FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS r - * - >> s Is nx<u **. 846-8561 1201 HWY. 30/COLLEGE STATION