The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1974, Image 5
=y , ?•,<:%! =ivld K - tl 7 n B - Ckitl 7 0r ' ChitSI Daniel t f • onni ' L.'u « K e!“ U 'S ■“'K Alvii I Murray jj,J| Fr ederi t k|| - Jwell M , 7“' smith 8 ' 011 ’! ELAINE THE CHICKEN, an official mascot for Hotard j'a*! E»*Si Hall, has laid five eggs since she joined the ranks of the =n^»ndi| Hermits. She will sadly leave TAMU Thursday to be bred I to produce fighting cocks. (Photo by Stephen Eberle) Student organized workshop hosts professional architects THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1974 Invitations have been sent to landscape architecture students for a student-organized workshop this week with professionals in the field. “Workshop ’74 Southwest,” which is open to the public, will host 15 practicing landscape ac- chiteCts from throughout the Southwest. Registration will be held on Thursday from 3-6 p. m. Friday and Saturday, during Design and Construction Sessions professionals will study with the students and present problems for them to work out. Visiting students from Louisi ana State, Oklahoma State, Okla homa, Texas Tech and Mississippi State Universities will hear Dr. Fred Smeins, Associate Professor of Range Science, at 6:30, Thurs day night. Speaking on Saturday morning at 9:30 will be Dr. Vir gil Stover, Professor of Civil En gineering, Texas Transportation Institute and Dr. Clarissa Kimber, Associate Professor of Geography. Buddy Harding, co-chairman of the program along with Ron Sas- sin, noted that he hopes the idea, which was a graduate student’s inspiration, will catch on and that other schools will decide to host the workshop in succeeding years. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS EL PASO — An El Paso tele vision newsman, who challenged the city’s mayor and mayor pro tern on alleged violations of the state open meeting laws, has lost his job. Richard Wheatley filed com plaints against Mayor Fred Her- vey and Mayor Pro Tern Ruben SPECIALS GOOD WEDS., THURS., FRI.,SAT FEB. 13, 14, 15, 16, 1974 wmy& "DEfL ftiQimw, DEL MONTE BUFFET SIZE MIX OR MATCH !! CUT GREEN BEANS, CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN, PEAS, CREAM STYLE WHITE CORN, FRENCH ■ |BANKAMEBICARdI STYLE GREEN BEANS tiv/(Ofiu 6nr FlESTAoDELMONTE GMil PIT HAM FULLY COOKED LB. WATER ADDED 1/4 SLICED PORK LOIN FULL QUARTER LOIN SLICED Wll ill ,..Jl BEEF PATTIE MIX..m™». 89 c Wl EN ERS .vi?:'*"."* 1 ?"".*! ri'c, * | LUNCH MEAT.."“"f«w!?.*.'. M. SS ( SLICED BACON. 4198' S A U S A G E. A". 0 .', .r. 1 :! * 89° CORNED BEEF.. ! w*w»: *1 48 SWISS CHEESE..”;?”™”®^:'" 0 ..’ s ] 43 SLICED BEEF LIVER.. 8 ?.” 99< DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR FINE GERMAN MEAT PRODUCTS WEIStl’S SMOKED ^ 1 99 KNACKWURST >r. : .* !‘>l” LIVliR! wE|stisBRAuNcHwE,GtR $159 SALAMI ."T i . s T i . $ 2” DEL MONTE CORN o, CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL $ I ma JANET LEE ICE CREAM PINEAPPLE E 89 c PINEAPPLE JUICE — 3£ 5 1 KETSUP ■ 4i 5 l GREEN BEANS 4.:: 5 1 * * f , -- .7 '' .-■'SPECIAL layer HEART SHAPED. BAKERY COCONUT MERINGUE PIES 8 SIZE ♦ jAPPLES—ssras— .£0 GREEN BEANS 49 POTATOES 2.39- GRAPEFRUIT4.. $ 1 0 A DDAYO VITAMIN RICH A LB. OO lUAnnU 10 x c roo' JOHNSON CHERRY PIE ASSORTED DINNER ROLLS MUCH RICHER DOZ. TREE TOP APPLE JUICE APPLESAUCE CAKE DONUTS SNACK FAVORITE FOR ^ ONLY HOURS MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. POTATO ROLLS LIGHT AND TENDER Schaeffer after newsmen were barred from a meeting the pair had with federal officials. Later, station management re lieved Wheatley of on-the-air du ties at both KTSM-AM and KTSM-TV. ODESSA — Jim Cranberry, a candidate for governor in the Re publican primary, says the state’s labor forces are afraid to debate right-to-work and agency shop is sues. At a Lincoln Day dinner spon sored by the Ector County Repub lican Party, the former Lubbock mayor said the time has come “to tell labor forces they don’t have a franchise or the constitution of Texas.” SHERMAN — A convicted rob ber-murder filed a $10,000 dam age suit Tuesday against Sheriff Woody Blanton of Grayson Coun ty and a retired Blanton deputy, James Lambert. Walter Lee Morris said in his petition he was beaten by the two officers in 1970 until he confessed two murders and a robbery. National WASHINGTON — The sub poena commanding President Nix on’s appearance in a Los Angeles court finally reached the clerk of the District of Columbia Superior Court, eight days after it was mailed from Los Angeles. The Postal Service is trying to find out why it took so long. The sub poena asks Nixon to testify at a hearing Feb. 25 and at the trial of three former White House aides on April 15. The three men are charged with burglary and con spiracy in the break-in of the of fice of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychia trist. WASHINGTON — The 13-na tion Washington energy confer ence searched Tuesday for a com promise common energy policy for the major consuming coun tries. A deepening split within the nine-nation European Eco nomic Community cast a cloud over the meeting, which began Monday and was to end late Tues day. The key question of a con tinuing group to prepare for fur ther meetings on energy plagued the final hours. France opposed the preparatory group. International TOKYO — The red star of China’s young revolutionaries may be rising once again. But it ap parently isn’t shooting to the heights of the 1966-1969 cultural revolution when youthful Red Guards smashed deviations from Mao Tse-tung’s thinking. The in dication that there may be an ef fort to restore young Chinese to an important role in the political plans of Peking’s leaders came in the official newspaper People’s Daily. The paper warned against repressing the “revolutionary ardor” of young people who criti cize the late Lin Piao and the ancient philosopher Confucius. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Agr&ie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 University Dr. f At 1, College Ave. Limted Rights Reserved THE ACADEMY OF DANCE 702 Rosemary Opening Feb. 18th Ballet, Toe (CeccheMi) Tap Conditioning Exercises Cynthia Crain Instructor Open for all Ages 822 2796 .—m