THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1974 Page 5 New press, director set for fall semester Frank H. Wardlaw, director of the University of Texas Press since its establishment in 1950, will join A&M next fall to head a new scholarly press, announced TAMU President Jack K. Wil liams. The new operation, to be known as the Texas A&M University Press, will include a general book publishing program with emphasis on books in fields coinciding with the university’s principal academ ic strengths and books designed to serve Texas and the Southwest, Dr. Williams noted. “We are pleased to have a man of Mr. Wardlaw’s prominence in the publishing field join Texas A&M University, and we look forward to developing here a great university press,” the TA MU president added. “With his leadership, we have the opportun ity to join the select list of uni versities making available in printed form scholarly works and great books in the arts and hum anistic studies.” “My new assignment at Texas A&M is an exciting one,” Ward- law said “I feel that we will have the opportunity to build a publishing program which will present books in fields which are vital to the national welfare. I also welcome the opportunity to continue to serve Texas in the development of a strong and re sponsible regional program.” “My 24 years at the Uni versity of Texas have been good ones,” Wardlaw continued, “and I leave with many regrets. But this new challenge that has come to me is too attractive for me to refuse. And we will still be in Texas.” Wardlaw's appointment is ef fective Sept. 1. His title will be director of the Texas A&M Uni versity Press. The program which he will head represents virtually a new endea vor for TAMU, Dr. Williams not ed. It will, however, function in conjunction with a facility known as the A&M Press which has been primarily a printing opera tion. A native of South Carolina, Wardlaw attended the University of South Carolina and was a newspaperman in that state be fore joining the faculty of the — ^ □aSKAGGS Talbertsons DRUGS & FOODS j SIM RIDE SUE mm ' ..kPHlUit DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR HOT 6BQ CHICKENSK5I* SMOKED SAUSAGE ~~~ ?1 n COLE SLAW...::.:: : 55° CORN-ON-COB ~ 2s 39* PINEAPPLE"--" Sit* plastic wrap::: *27' KETCHUP' :55‘ AIR FRESHNER.— s 39* ORANGES—”".: A,.’! CARR0TS“.r.”" < ." 2&38 { green BEANsrr:r::zZ’Z’ 39* RED POTATOES.:™'^” 2.39* English peas.:::::::.":.:::: 38* i@SKA6Gs ALBERTSONS drugs s foods ■ . ; ' - UNIVERSITY DR. AT COLLEGE AVE. HOWS Mon. thru sat, S».M. to 12 P.M. SUNDAY * A.M. to 10 P.M. U. S. C. School of Journalism in 1938. In 1945 he participated in the establishment of the Uni versity of South Carolina Press and became its first director. Five years later he became the first director of the University of Tex as Press, now one of the nation’s leading scholarly publishing hous es. Wardlaw has served two terms as president of the Association of American University Presses. As chairman of the association’s international committee he ob tained a grant of $225000 from the Rockefellar Foundation for a na tionwide Latin American Trans lation program. While serving as association president, he was in strumental in the establishment of CILA (Inter-American Scho larly Book Center) in Mexico City. He served as a member of the as sociation’s board of directors for eight years. He has also served on the board of directors of Franklin Book Programs and on the advisory committees of John Knox Press (Presbyterian) in Richmond and The Henry Francis DuPont Win terthur Museum in Wilmington Delaware. He was a member of the advisory committee for the subventioning of humanistic pub lications of the National Endow ment for the Humanities and has served as a consultant on publica tion matters to the National Sci ence Foundation. A member of the Texas Insti tute of Letters, Wardlaw has twice served as its president. He is the author of one book and has published numerous magazine ar ticles, including several in “The Saturday Review” and “Harper’s.” He is a member of the Headliner’s Club and Town and Gown Club in Austin and The Philosophical So ciety of Texas. He is listed in “Who’s Who in America.” Wardlaw was married in 1940 to the late Jane Williamson Ward- law; they have four children. In 1970 he married Rosemary Leonard Boynton of Junction City, Kan. Atomic energy program set for Dallas HS c* • ■ “A Dallas area high school stu dents will have opportunity this term to see the numerous ways atomic energy can help people. A program titled “This Atomic World” will appear at 22 schools in the Dallas area. St. Mark’s School viewed the edmonstration - lecture Thursday. It will also be presented in Fort Worth and surrounding cities dur ing the spring semester. The program will appear in 91 North Central Texas schools this semester. The 40-minute program is spon sored by TAMU’s College of En- engineering. Conducted by Orlan L. Ihms, it acquaints students with basic principles and sources of nuclear energy and its role in agriculture, industry, medicine and research. Using student terms, Ihms will explain structure of atoms, how nuclear reactors operate and con cepts such as radiation, fission and fusion. He will employ special equip ment to show sources of radiation and how nuclear energy is har nessed to generate electricity. Use of radioisotopes for life process studies and disease diagnosis and treatment will also be depicted. In separate presentations to science classes, Ihms will go into extra detail on atomic structure, radioactivity, radiation biology and nuclear science careers. The program will be at Chris- tion School today Jesuit College Prep; Jan. 23, Bishop Dunne High School; Jan. 24, Bishop Lynch; Jan. 28, Green Hill School; Feb. 1, Wilmer-Hutchins High; Feb. 2, Pinkston; Feb. 6, Bryan Adams; Feb. 7, Carter; Feb. 11, South Oak Cliff; Feb. 12, KimbalL Also, Feb. 13, Roosevelt; Feb. 14, Sprtice; Feb. 15, Samuell; Feb. 18, Adamson; Feb. 20, Jefferson; Feb. 21, North Dallas; Feb. 27, Sunset; March 1, Carroll at South- lake; March 6, Coppell and April 2, Red Oak. PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Are., Bryan Weingarten Center