The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1973, Image 1

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ay, October ]
Student-Run Day Care Center Folds After Two Weeks
Competition and apparent lack
of need caused the Student Gov
ernment Day Care Center to close
its doors after two weeks of oper
“We opened for the convenience
and service we could offer the
Ag-gies,” said Virginia Leahey,
chairman of the board for the
center which closed the middle of
September. “When we (the board)
found there was no longer a need
for our existence, we decided to
close down.”
Three years ago A&M took a
survey to see if a day care cen
ter was needed, according to
Leahey. “At that time a center
was needed for students’ children.
“Last fall when I took over the
project the Ags still needed such
a utility,” continued Leahey. “So
the Student Senate approved the
project and agreed to sponsor it.”
This year the area need for day
care services was partially met
by local churches. The remaining
need was met with the opening
of a community day care center
in College Station.
Originally the non-profit or
ganization was set to open Jan.
15, 1973. The date was postponed
to Feb. 1 providing an adequate
number of children had paid tui-
One Does Not Gain Much
B yMere Cleverness.
Vol. 67 No. 299
College Station, Texas Tuesday, October 16, 1973
The Feb. 1 deadline was not met
either and the opening of the cen-
Student Senate, according to
ter was set for the fall semester.
Leahey did say the middle of the
year was a bad time to open any
type of day care service.
SG President Randy Ross em
phasized that the “center was a
professional operation with an ed
ucational environment for the
children of A&M students in the
two to four age bracket” in the
Jan. 17 issue of The Battalion.
“It is not a babysitting serv
ice,” he continued.
But according to Leahey the
facility was turning into such a
“We were attracting children
two and under, some of whom
were not trained to use the toilet,”
said Leahey. “This was not a part
of our purpose.
“We were running our workers
to death with such a young
group,” continued Leahey. “They
were at ages where they really
couldn’t do anything.”
Another reason the organiza
tion folded was lack of interest
on behalf of the public and the
“Our purpose was to help Ags
out but they did not help us.”
The state-licensed agency re
quired the enrollment of 20 chil
dren at $60 a month in order to
meet the monthly bills. When the
center closed, eight students were
attending regularly.
“The board decided why waste
SG money when they could be
spending it on something else ? ”
Leahey said.
| The price included one hot
meal daily plus a morning and
afternoon snack. The center was
open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. week
days at 305 Welbom Rd., a loca
tion close to campus.
The organization had initially
planned to begin business in the
Lutheran fellowship hall but amid
other changes the center was re
“Without the original help of
the Lutheran Church the Day
Care Center could never have
opened,” said Leahey earlier.
Leahey continued to say that
the short operation of the center
was successful for those who
worked with it.
“Even though it was not phys
ically successful, it v/as mentally
so,” said Leahey.
“We connected with the cen
ter learned a lot. The SG became
acquainted with business and all
of us met a lot of people in the
Bryan-Gollege Station commun
Gray bows his head to the
astroturf in a moment of
futility in Lubbock Satur
day where the Aggies fell to
the Texas Tech Red Raiders,
UT Mascot’s
Mother Dies
“Hook Horn,” mother of the
University of Texas mascot
“Bevo,” is dead.
“Hook Horn” died Sept. 28 at
age 23, Parks and Wildlife offi
cials said Thursday.
She died at Ft. Griffin State
Park where the official State
Longhorn herd is kept. She was
the matriarch of the official
Texas Longhorn herd.
Parks and Wildlife personnel
gave the cow the name of “Hook
Horn” because of the unusual
configuration of her horns. One
curved into the air, while the
other dropped below her face.
Spiro Bids Farewell
With Emotional Plea
Agnew bade farewell to public
life Monday night with praise for
Vice President-designate Gerald
R. Ford and a call for political
and judicial reforms as a result of
“my nightmare come true.”
Agnew, who resigned Wednes
day and did not contest a charge
of federal income tax evasion,
vowed that his final moments on
the national stage would not be
spent in “a paroxysm of bitter
And, while the words were
emotional, his nationally-televis
ed farewell address was delivered
in calm, unimpassioned tones.
Agnew repeated his denial of
bribery and extortion accusations,
and noted that his tax conviction
stemmed from a plea of no con
test, not a guilty plea. He was
fined $10,000 and sentenced to
three years of unsupervised pro
Teacher Graduate
Hasn’t Changed
An updated survey of A&M
teacher graduates reveals the
“typical” individual has not
He is nearly 40 years of age,
holds a master’s degree, is a
teacher or administrator in a
Texas public school, holds two or
more professional education cer
tificates and is member of two
or more professional organiza
tions. Findings are detailed in a
College of Education publication
by Dr. Paul R. Hensarling. He
directs TAMU’s Teacher Place
ment Service.
Hensarling noted that data on
the year-long study is on file for
use by researchers from depart
ments of the College of Educa
The publication, “Follow-Up
Study, Teacher Education Gradu
ates, 1923-73,” involved work by
graduate students Burton Her
mann and Pamela Faulkner. The
study was funded by the Council
on Teacher Education. Hensar
ling noted that the Association of
Former Students and Registrar’s
Record Section cooperated.
It updates a study made in
1972. By combining data from
both researches, the report was
compiled on the basis of responses
from 3,422 graduates, or nearly
70 per cent of the total popula
Hensarling said ages of re
spondents ranged from 20 through
the “over 60s.”
“It is interesting to note that
many who are over 60 gave their
ages as a matter of pride,” the
report states. “For example,
statements like: T’ll be 84 in
May’ were quite common.”
Predominant teaching fields
are vocational agriculture, gen
eral science and industrial arts.
The early history of TAMU
teacher education emphasized vo
cational agriculture and indus
trial arts. The trend began to
broaden in the 1960s.
“Another point of interest,” the
report indicates, “is the male/
female ratio of the respondents:
2,877 males or 81.2 per cent and
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.”
I Adv.
545 females or 18.8 per cent.
This ratio can be explained by
the fact that this study covers a
span of 50 years, while women
have been admitted to A&M for
less than a decade.”
More than three-quarters of
the respondents live in Texas.
They most frequently listed Cali
fornia, Virginia, Florida, Illinois,
Colorado, Oklahoma, New York,
Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennes
see residences. One lives in Mex
ico, three in Canada, and 50 over
Only slightly over half of the
respondents have remained in
some phase of education. Thirty-
nine per cent are in public
schools; 10 per cent, colleges and
Aggie Players
Set Cast for
‘Wives School’
The upcoming play concerning
the Women’s Liberation move
ment produced by the Aggie
Players, “A School for Wives,”
was cast last week. It is a satire
on sixteenth century attitudes
toward women written by the
French playwright Moliere.
Analphe, played by Tim Mc-
Canlies has raised Agnes, played
by Stephanie Inman. He has
fashioned her into what he feels
is the perfect woman. However,
she soon meets Horace and com
plications ensue.
“It says a lot about today, it
is still contemporary,” said C. K.
Easton, director.
The date of opening night re
mains unannounced due to a
problem of location. The cast is
as follows: Tim McCanlies,
Analphe; Kenneth Dimmick,
Chrysalde; Ken Brown, Horace;
Jim Dennis, Alaine; Pat Lock-
stedt, Georgette; Stephanie In
man, Agnes; Bradley Ellis, not
ary; Mark Scott, Enrique; Kevin
Cowser, Oronte.
Agnew departed with words of
praise for President Nixon, who
had personally approved major
decisions made by government
prosecutors in the bargain that
led to his resignation and convic
tion on the one tax charge.
He said he had been proud to
serve 57 months with “a great
President,” who had advanced the
cause of world peace.
Agnew said that despite his
personal sorrow, he sees only
good ahead for the nation.
Agnew said Nixon made “a
wise nomination” in choosing
Ford to succeed him as vice pres
The nomination of Ford, now
House Republican leader, has
been sent to a receptive Demo
cratic Congress, which is expect
ed to confirm the choice.
“He’ll make an excellent vice
president and he is clearly quali
fied to under take the highest
office should the occasion re
quire,” Agnew said.
Agnew complained that leaked
accounts of the federal criminal
investigation into his activities as
governor of Maryland and as vice
president had prejudiced his civil
rights and put him in an impos
sible situation.
He had only praise for Presi
dent Nixon, and for Ford, the
man nominated to succeed him in
the vice presidency.
“In choosing Gerald Ford, the
President has made a wise nom
ination,” Agnew said. “ . . . He’ll
make an excellent vice president,
and he is clearly qualified to
undertake the highest office
should the occasion require.”
Agnew said he did not want
his last moments on the public
stage to be spent in “a paroxysm
of bitterness.” But he said he
wanted the nation to understand
fully the reasons for his resigna
tion last Wednesday.
Agnew said he hopes the trau
ma of his case will “form the
crucible out of which a new sys
tem of campaign financing is
forged,” to avoid even the appear
ance of wrongdoing by public of
ficials in raising political funds.
Agnew urged an overhaul of
political finance laws, to provide
public financing for every candi
date for office. He also urged re
form of the system of justice, and
specifically attacked the use of
immunity to gain testimony
against people accused of wrong
“As things now stand, immuni
ty is an open invitation to per
jury,” Agnew said. “In the hands
of an ambitious prosecutor it can
amount to an invitation to legal
ized extortion and bribery.”
Agnew specifically denied, as
he had before, the accusations of
bribery and extortion leveled by
government prosecutors. And he
said that while he accepted con
viction on the tax evasion charge,
his plea of no contest was not an
admission of guilt for any other
PAULA BOATRITE, a belly dancer, strikes a mystic
pose for performances at the Brazos County People’s Festi
val held in Manor East Mall Saturday. Thousands of people
attended the second annual event. (For more photos see
page 5)
Five-College Conference
Housing Problems Outlined
TUESDAY—Decreasing cloudi
ness later this afternoon with
scattered showers expected to
dissipate. Warmer and partly
cloudy weather anticipated for
tomorrow. Today’s high 77°
tonight’s low 67°. Tomorrow’s
high temperature is expected to
be around 83°.
Representatives from five Tex
as universities met here Sunday
to exchange ideas on student fair
housing committees.
The TAMU Fair Housing Com
mittee hosted the conference in
the Rudder Tower.
Jackie Heyman from TAMU
began the preliminary presenta
tion by explaining the compiling
and distribution of TAMU’s
apartment guide. She also men
tioned plans for the next issue
including an evaluation of duplex
and house landlords.
Of the four other schools par
ticipating in the conference
(Prairie View A&M, Stephen F.
Austin, North Texas State, and
Southwestern) only North Texas
had an existing fair housing com
mittee. The other schools planned
to institute programs of their
North Texas related case his
tories to the conference concern
ing their tenant problems. One
interesting case involved two co
eds who served notice to their
landlord that they would be leav
ing in 30 days. The apartment
manager then told them they had
to leave the next day. When the
girls did not comply he cut off
their electricity and entered the
apartment with force and tried
to move a bed out of the apart
The North Texas committee,
which usually refers students to
the small claims court, has de
cided to prosecute on a higher
level. The case is pending.
Kevin Rogers pointed out the
desirability of a student fair
housing organization because it
is biased toward students. He
felt this was more helpful than
a disinterested third party such
as the Better Business Bureau.
“TAMU has one of the more
strong fair housing committees in
the state,” said Barb Sears, chair
man of the TAMU committee.
“We handle five to seven com
plaints per week. North Texas
refers most of its complaints to
the small claims courts.”
Other schools use their student
attorneys to handle tenant com
plaints, said Sears.
Schools which did not partici
pate in the conference sent in
formation about their programs
in their Sunday night verbal
ly having to work for points, while Cher—well, being Cher.
the last live stop
for use in the conference.
The literature from the other
schools was combined with in
formation compiled by the TAMU
committee in a display. The dis
play included copies of new laws
pertaining to tenant-landlord re
lations, apartment guides from
other schools and model leases.
“Model leases show what the
ideal lease should look like,” said
Sears. “There are clauses stu
dents should avoid; for instance,
those which release the landlord
from any responsibility of latent
defects in the building.
“The conference was a suc
cess,” she said. “It broadened
our knowledge of what other
schools are doing and helped us
analyze our own program.”
The fair housing conference
was the first in a series of con
ferences hosted by the Texas Stu
dent Association. Sears sent
copies of all information gathered
at the conference to the TSA
Next week SFA and Sam
Houston will co-host a conference
on dorm living at SFA. The pur
pose of the conference is two
fold: to discuss liquor on campus
and refrigerator rental pro
^1 Bio Control
Of Insects
Topic of Talk
“Control of Insects by Biologi
cal Rather Than Chemical Meth
ods” will be discussed at the Free
University session on “Biological
Aspects of Social Problems” Wed
Dr. Gordan Frankie, assistant
professor of entomology, will be
guest lecturer at the 8 p.m. pro
gram in Room 146 of the Physics
Dr. Johannes van Overbeek,
professor of biology, is coordi
nator of the course.
“Genetics of Human Resistance
and Vulnerability to Disease,”
with guest lecturer Dr. Norbert
McNeil, will be the topic of the
Oct. 24 program.