The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 12, 1973, Image 2
Pag-e 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Friday, October 12, 1973 CADET SLOUCH Listen Up h >‘Solid Religious Life’ Lacking Hert you T ay 1 , can describe graduate college is that ays feel somebody is following you I” Editor: “Texas A&M University is non sectarian, but its high objectives cannot be achieved unless its edu cational program is founded on a solid religious life. Divorced from the spiritual aspiration of the in dividual and of the group, educa tion cannot be complete.” This quote is taken from the A&M 1973-'74 catalog. There are no courses in Bible study or theol ogy offered at this University. A&M is a state supported school. However, other state sup ported schools not only offer these courses, but give up to 12 hours credit for taking them. Some of these schools offer Bible study courses through local churches. Others have Bible history classes included in their curriculum. Tex as Tech, T. U., North Texas State, Sam Houston State and TWU are a few of the universities offering Bible courses. If education cannot be complete without a good religious back ground, why isn’t the Bible offer ed in our educational curriculum. Anna Crumrine *76 ★ ★ ★ Editor: Campus construction has made the atmosphere uncomfortable enough without having some lawn mower riding around belching blue smoke like a mosquito fog- ger. How about a little ecological- minded undating on some of the maintenance equipment around here ? Van Samo ★ ★ ★ Editor: The issuing of free grade points for physical education courses is a ridiculous policy and should be So-Called Tradition A topic of increasing concern has been the enforcement of the so-called tradition of not walking on the grass at the Memorial Student Center and removal of hats inside the building. We say “so-called” because no ruling body in A&M’s history ever approved the grass and hat policies— they simply evolved. These methods of respecting former students killed in war action has been great in thought, but poorly carried out. Some students have caused headaches no end for people such as President Jack Williams and Association of Former Students Executive Director Buck Weirus because visitors and former students have been roughed up by overzealous individuals trying to enforce non-existent policies. It’s been getting worse each year. To compound this problem, student leaders have realized that the grounds of the MSC have never had memorial status. The building has only been dedicated to honor deceased Ags and was named the MSC. discontinued. To “reward” hard working students with free grade points, as advocated in a Battalion editorial, is absurb. Competent hard-working students enrolled at a major university should be able to maintain a 2.0 GPR without these free points. Then again if these free points keep some students from gaining admission into profesional schools, shouldn’t “Caveat Emptom” be imprinted on all application blanks for admission to TAMU ? Otto Zeck ★ ★ ★ Editor: Your sensitive and thought-pro voking editorial of the Oct. 9 edi tion brought tears to my eyes. Just think, not only can A&M brag that we have the largest freshman honor society, but we can also brag that we enable more “hard working students who deserve a break” to stay here when they would flunk out of other schools. Surely anyone can see that both attest to the high intellectual caliber of A&M. I’m glad that women are going to be encouraged to take P.E. I wonder how many we lost because they didn’t get the break they de served. Also how many were cut out of scholarships because they didn’t have an inflated GPR. I have heard subversive people mention that A&M's inflated GPR is dishonest, but dishonesty is cer tainly a small price to pay to en able more good Ags to stay on. Besides, we all need a good ego boost now and then. Nevertheless, I wonder if it is something that we can be proud about. Barbara Felkins ★ ★ ★ Editor: Oh boy! We've now got two million-gallon fuel tanks, so let’s turn on all of those totally worth less display lights around Zachry and the Oceanography-Meterorol- ogy buildings. Insomiac chickens in Navasota do enjoy the sight at 3 a. m. And it’s so economical! Each of those 24 lights at the engineering center is only 400 watts. Such an example for our outstanding Uni versity makes it look more like a den of apathy. Does anyone in the administra tion care to contest the judge ment ? C. David Stasny ’74 The Student Senate now has a bill for consideration which would request University officials to extend memorial status to the grounds. It does not ask for a ruling- on a hat or grass policy and we hope no such action is initiated. Since the building is public property open to anyone, we don’t see how the state can require people to take hats off or keep off the grass no matter what students here might want. Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery The grounds should be dedicated as a memorial and at the same time students should respect it as a memorial on their own initiative—without written rules. With so little grass left around the center, it would seem foolish to con tinue the method of accosting fellow students, faculty and visitors and ordering compliance—especially when it causes bad feeling and publicity for the University. SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 ''fl£-KrJ\SRRJS- FRENCH’S WEE AGGIELAND SCHOOL State Licensed, Day Care, Kin dergarten, Pre - Kindegarten, Private First, Drop-in Care, and After School. Village and Anderson in College Station. 846-6952. Editor: Re: Josten Ma’s Oct. 9 letter concerning the Corps of Cadets. The letter written by him and his band of peace freaks was very childish. The slogan he quoted is just a part of A&M. Nothing personal is meant against the races. The Corps has always echoed violent or “groady” say ings. One must be exposed to the rough side of life rather than just the rosey side if he wishes to become a leader. Those signing the letter have already shown they would rather sip coffee in class than go through the Corps and become someone worthwhile. John Lee ’75 ★ ★ ★ Editor: Re: Josten Ma’s Oct. 9 letter concerning the Corps of Cadets. It seems the civilian members of TAMU like to exaggerate and sensationalize anything they be lieve is wrong with the Corps. I am a second year member of the Corps and I have never before heard the atrocity, “I don’t care what the peace queers think, I just want to kill some chinks.” The people who wrote the letter concerning this wish to leave the impression that the Corps is a group of atheistic racists bent on genocide. This so-called atrocity is the words of one man, which these people construe as the atti tude of the entire Cadet Corps. The answer to Ma's question concerning the Corps “crap out” is yes, it is another tradition of ours and it does build mind, spirit and unity. This is something a civilian student will never understand. Mike Paulsen ’76 Greg Knape ’76 John Mosser ’76 ★ ★ ★ Editor: Re: The Oct. 4 letter from Mr. Prince, Mr. Triplett and Mr. Krue ger concerning yell leaders. I can see your point in wanting yell leaders at the south side of the field, as well as the east side where they are normally located. But it wouldn’t be plausible. To be fair to all the fighting twelfth men, yell leaders would have to be placed in front of every section and that is out of the question. As to weather it is on account of your being ‘non-regs,’ I don’t believe so. I’m sick of hearing from the Corps that it has so much more spirit than ‘non-regs’. Sure, the turn out to the home games is almost 100 percent, but what do you expect, Corps students are forced to attend. It’s a fact that if they didn’t have to go, their turnout would be considerably less. I was glad to see ‘non-regs’ as yell leaders this year for the first time, but next year I’d like them all to be ‘non-regs’. It’s time for the Corps to ‘pull its head out’ and realize you don’t have to wear a uniform to be an Aggie. Steve Allaire ’76 ★ ★ ★ Editor; The names of two old A&M in stitutions are being changed and I see no reason for this. Oct. 2 in which two A&M reflected upon the treatment|J received upon joining the Siiii; Bootline at the Boston Collf^T^iw^ game. The two co-eds were o-'*'*" 8 White ° . . . % luive it: aut WANT ■* dar . . 4C per word Minimi Clos: $1.00 p euc FC explicit about their strong des ^s ami repair to join the bootline and the quip: ifications which they felt site to obtain this high privilj Indeed, having completed Tip., hours, having ordered an AftW 8811 S 190 - ph senior ring, and being a graduate in May are all imj Obevy small 1 020 after 5 tant parts of joining the l»j^ in „ t rr pe “‘'- 8 line. However, I submit — NOES. LTl Ivation. 3507 there are other, perhaps less t«| gible, but just as important ifications they should have cilfc cheveiie j sidered before setting foot ony„ n ^ tio t "L n ^ track to join that line. Boso. You see, it is a question The Memorial Student Center is now the University Center. Why ? hasn’t the MSC just been enlarged and expanded, or is it all a new animal ? The MSC was dedicated to the Aggies who died in World War II. Are we now taking this memorial away from those men ? Can’t it all be the MSC and have the new parts dedicated to the Ags we say “here” for each April 21? Changing the name of the Ex change Store to the Texas A&M Bookstore seems unnecessary to me. “The Exchange Store” is a unique name for a college book store and quite identifiable with A&M. It’s the same old Exchange Store that was on Ross Street. Maybe students will retain the old names even though the signs read differently. It has been ten years since A&M’s status was changed from college to univer sity, but the Ags still sing, “We’re from Texas AMC.” Lynne Edwards ’76 ★ ★ ★ The MSC still exists and is part of the University Center, which includes the Rudder Conference Tower. The Texas A&M Book store is just that, it hasn’t been an Exchange Store for years and hence the name change. The Singing Cadets now sing, “We’re from Texas AMU,” as it should be. — Ed. ★ ★ ★ Editor: I am writing in response to the letter in The Battalion on see, it is a deeper qualifications! Howma: times in the past three yea; have these young ladies misi; HOBBIES, a Yell Practice? How mat times have they stood on t! “wood” at Kyle Field? Ho | many times have they retuiJ from a game or a Yell Practy^ Panel unable to speak because ART SUP PICTU1 “yelled their guts out” supfw;,,, ing the team ? How many limp” have these young ladies wili| catted from the gates of Kp Field to their seats? How mail times did these young ladies down and “push ’em off” f{ the Sergebutt wildcat when tl were Juniors? How manyofti F 11 Motoi Excel N Call Ti names and numbers of startups players, statistics of the ganidj and records for years past these young ladies committed memory? And one more thii Firebird air, disc 2-bbl, immai SOS. “TRADE if it was 1 January 1922 or ei w^tmy^sen’o* 29 Sept. 1973 would these yoni*"’ ® a * h ‘ ,r ladies stand up en masse wi:P ! I ' lnu>ln to proud hearts and tears in ttefc Ford Galax eyes when the coach asked fcL ch v E] some King Gill to replace . 6 , Lincoln Co injured player. I imagine eveiyB one of those “Old Army Afl| ^ WOUld Stand. K Kenworth. Donald L. Falk 75 |J Diese| i 1 °‘ BP€ fcrwowl Winch " 'BM Caterpillai A JLLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” John Deere, “I 2401 Texas. Ave. 823-8002 THE COLLEGE STATION >hn Deere, “I nndem Traile rick Contract Saw, Steel Brick Hussy, 608 S. Ur iooil used can h, 10 x 12, Mston 718/926. 1971 Pl/i Ail Autumn \ : 1911 Honda ( 1148. Formerly East Gate Lounge §10 VW autoi lanled. Radio, maculate. $1,1 BEER-$1.00 PER PITCHER 64 Jeep Wag d engine good Pool Table — Foosball — Bumper Pool and Your Favorite Games Typing. Call Open From 2 p. m. — Mon. - Fri. 4 p. m. — Sat. - Sun. Typing done, ses and dissi |ii-4483. iTyping - fast, 86-6196 after 6 Across From Sparky’s Pizza 109 Walton Drive 846-9819 Typing. Expe mis. 822-0644. 'THIY’tf NOT SHOOTING AT EACH OTHER—THEY’RE SHOOTING AT US!’ Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is ^i‘or or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the University administration or May, and once a week during summer school. the Board of Directors. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated by students as a MEMBER University and Community newspaper. The Associated Press, Texas Press Association LETTERS POLICY Mail subscriptions are $3.60 per semester; $6 per school Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% and are subject to being cut to that length or less if sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: , The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit Texas 77843. such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed and show the address The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for of the writer reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it or not ‘ ‘ . , otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous Address correspondence to Listen Up, 1 he Battalion, origin published herein. Right of reproduction of all other Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas matter herein are also reserved. 77843 Second-Class postagre paid at College Station, Texas. T —r—^^ ~ EDITOR MIKE RICE Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Mnnno-inP- bVHtnr T>„j Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. Tom Adair, Dr. R. A. Albanese, Dr. LClltOr KOd fcypeer H. E. Hierth, W. C. Harrison, J. W. Griffith, L. E. Kruse and News Editor T. C. GallUCCi b. b. Sears. Photo Editor Rodger Mallison Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising ® * — Kevin Coffey Services, Inc, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. ASS t. Sports Editor Ted Boriskie KTAM HOME OF THE AGGIE SPORTS NETWORK THE EMORY BELLARD SHOW SATURDAYS AT 11:45 A. M. Southwest Conference Football Each Saturday Thru December 1st This Week TEXAS A&M vs TEXAS TECH-SATURDAY 1:45 P.M. SMU vs RICE - SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. KTAM 24-HOUR MUSIC REQUEST LINE NUMBER 822-4545 KTAM 1240 BR YA1\- COLLEGE STATION Experienced tj •6-6551. time typ OO. AUTO FOl Call; Farmers 3 «0 s. Col] Havol Conoco Gulflu * S p ^ ch ( ^ternato Startei from ] Most ai to Amei ^feign c Your Fri< ^^Amerii Exce]