The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 19, 1973, Image 1

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    iurvey Shows More Men than Women in Grad School
Fewer women than men college
jors plan to go to graduate
id professional schools, accord-
ig to a nationwide survey of
liege students. Only 29.4 per
it of the women opposed to
|,6 of the men plan to pursue
■her degrees.
iThe 1971 study was sponsored
by the Association of American
Medical Colleges, the Graduate
Record Examinations Board and
the Law School Admission Coun
The study found that the num
ber of women with A grades that
planned to get doctorates was
almost equalled by the number of
men with C grades or lower.
Also, of the women who plan
to get higher degrees, one out of
three get them in education while
only 3 per cent plan to work in
law or medicine. Of the men,
12.7 per cent plan to go to law
or medical school.
The survey also found that
among blacks 18 per cent planned
to pursue a doctorate degree as
opposed to 14 per cent of white
seniors. This is due to the fact
that “only the more able black
students succeeded in earning a
bachelor’s degree,” the report
The report also stated that
“there no doubt are more real
istic educational opportunities
available to black youths today
than was the case 5 or 10 years
Blacks reported financial diffi
culty as the greatest obstacle to
graduate school despite the sur
veys statement of “increased ac
cessibility and more financial
Jewish seniors lead all other
denominations in planning to
attend graduate school and all
other Protestant or Roman Cath
olic students planning to enter
medical or law school.
Overall, the study found that
self-image and encouragement by
family and friends played the
greatest part in the student’s de
cision to attend graduate school.
The findings on women caused
the principle author of the report,
Dr. Leonard Baird, to say it was
“society’s loss.”
Students with the highest
Che Battalion
THURSDAY—Partly cloudy &
hot today with a high of 93°
expected. Widely scattered
showers today & tonight clear
ing tomorrow and on through
the weekend. Winds southeast.
The low tomorrow around 73°.
grades usually go to medical
school or into the fields of phys
ical or biological science.
Students generally felt that
they had a better memory, were
more determined and studious
than other students who planned
to go to work or into the military
or who had completed their
Everyone Complains
Of His Memory, And
No One Complains
Of His Judgment.
College Station, Texaa
Wednesday, September 19, 1973
i U S A.
Murder Plot Alleged
AGGIE SPIRIT TAKES strange forms. Ellen Kennedy and Sandra Lloyd display this
Sign-up” sheet on their Hughes Hall domicile.
victed stock swindler said Tues
day he was offered $100,000 by
Elliott Roosevelt and an alleged
mobster frontman to assassinate
the prime minister of the Ba
Roosevelt, son of former Presi
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, called
the allegation “an outright lie.”
Louis P. Mastriana told a
Senate subcommittee he was
asked to assassinate Bahamian
Prime Minister Lynden O. Pin-
dling because of Pindling’s alleged
failure to grant a gambling
license to an associate of mobster
Meyer Lansky.
Roosevelt, in a telephone inter
view with a radio station from
his ranch near Lisbon, Portugal,
said: “It is an utter and com
plete fabrication and outright lie
made by a man who is a known
con-artist, who has been con
victed, who has been put in jail,
who has been adjudged by the
courts of New Jersey as a mental
imcompetent, and who conned me
and my associates out of $10,000
Banquet Rooms Available
Council OKs Outside Catering
The 24th Memorial Student
lenter Council approved Tuesday
light a recommendation to allow
utside caterers to use MSC ban-
|uet rooms.
Food Services is presently func-
lioning in the University Center
mt due to construction it can no
onger provide catering for meals
)r receptions on any large scale
n the MSC.
Insurance Rates
Made Competitive
The Council made the recom
mendation with the understand
ing that outside caterers will be
allowed only until Food Services
is again able to provide such
services, providing the prices and
quality remain competitive with
off-campus establishments.
In other action, the Council ac
cepted the Travel Committee’s
agenda for the year. This agenda
includes five student-oriented
AUSTIN <A>) — For the first
;ime, Texas automobile insurance
lompanies can compete with each
ither by cutting premium rates.
The announcement was made
Tuesday by Gov. Dolph Briscoe
find State Insurance Board Chair
man Joe Christie, a followup on
ihe new competitive insurance law
?assed by the recent legislature.
The officials released a list of
13 insurance firms who have been
ipproved to write auto insurance
ip to 15 per cent below the Sept.
authorized rates. Until Tues-
iay each company's rates had to
>e the same on the same type of
insurance, except for fire and
tiomeowners coverage which be
came competitive last March.
"These approvals are ample
svidence that Texans are going
to get a better deal in the market
place when they shop for auto
mobile insurance,” Briscoe told a
news conference.
Christie said the approved fil
ings announced Tuesday “will re-
luce some motorists insurance
>y nearly 20 per cent of last
year’s rates since the board has
granted a 4.3 per cent average
rate reduction in August.”
Christie said he would not be
mrprised “if our competitive sys
tem caught the attention—if not
Jecome the model—of other states
% are working toward insurance
The companies authorized to
make deviations and the amount
approved by the State Insurance
Board included:
Select Insurance Co. 10 per
lent below current rates for pri
vate passenger cars except as-
agned risk, 12 per cent below
or eligible commercial, effective
Nov. 1; Security National Insur
ance Co., 15 per cent below for
all eligible private passenger and
commercial except assigned risk,
effective Nov. 1; Massachusetts
Bay Insurance Co., 15 per cent
below all private passenger, hired
car and non-ownership class 1 and
2, except assigned risk, effective
Sept. 18; Allstate Insurance Co.,
10 per cent below private passen
ger except class 2 and 2 CF and
assigned risk, 10 per cent below
all commercial except assigned
risk, commercial class 2 and pub
lic, effective Oct. 3.
Rules Group
The Senate Rules and Regula
tions committee is looking for
students not serving as senators
to take an active voting part in
its functions.
The committee will meet Thurs
day in Room 604A&B of the Rud
der Conference Tower at 7:30
Curt Marsh, chairman, said the
committee will discuss on-campus
drinking and revisions to the sen
ate by-laws.
Two constitutional amendments
and one by-law revision were ini
tiated by the Rules committee
last week and will be voted on
at the next senate session.
Clint Hackney, a committee
member, is investigating on-cam
pus drinking.
trips beginning with the LSU-
New Orleans weekend, Sept. 21-
The three buses booked for the
LSU weekend have already been
booked. The package includes a
round-trip bus ticket, two nights
in a hotel and a football game
ticket for a student price of $48
and non-student price of $55.
“Ski The Alps” is another trip
planned for Jan. 3-14 to go to
Averiaz, France for $395. Averiaz
is 1,800 meters high in the Alps
with only a cable car connection
to the nearest larger village. Lo
cated near Geneva, one can only
get to Averiaz by foot or reindeer
“Holiday On Wheels” will be
Dec. 26 through Jan. 7, which is
12 days in central Europe for
$380. Package includes round trip
jet flight to Geneva, unlimited
use of an economy car and a free
car drop off in Paris if desired.
The last two trips are sched
uled for March 7-18 to the
Spanish Riviera and Athens,
Greece. The Spanish Riviera
trip costs $382 for 12 days in
Costa Del Sol with first and last
night’s lodging in Paris.
The Athens trip is $505 for
round-trip air fare, daily conti
nental breakfast and sightseeing
Three committees were also ac
cepted as a part of the MSC
Directorate as a result of the
Tuesday meeting. These include
an Outdoor Recreation Commit
tee, an MSC Dance Committee
and the Cepheid Variable Com
The Outdoor Recreation Com
mittee, chaired by Doug Ridge, is
to sponsor a program of activi
ties and interest groups geared
to the outdors. The group will
sponsor such activities as camping
and canoeing.
The MSC Dance Committee will
serve as a programming body for
the planning and production of a
variety of dance programs open
to A&M students. It will also
function as a source of informa
tion for other campus organiza
tions that wish to sponsor dances
for segments of the student body.
University National Bank
“On the side of Texas A&M.”
The Cepheid Variables Com
mittee is concerned only with lit
erary, artistic and educational
purposes in order to provide a
focus for the enjoyment and study
of science fiction—fantasy litera
ture and art for the students,
faculty and staff of the univer
sity. The committee is also to
encourage the development of
amateur and professional science
fiction-fantasy craftsmanship.
The council allocated $150 to
the Philosophy Department to
support a lecture series by Rev.
Michael Murray Oct. 16-18. Mur
ray is rector of St. Michael and
All Angels Church in Cuernavaca,
Moreles, Mexico after having
served as Communications Offi
cer and Secretary for Experi
mental Ministries for the Execu
tive Council of the Episcopal
in Miami.”
Roosevelt is a former mayor of
Miami Beach.
Pindling, reached at U.N. head
quarters in New York said,
“Washington seems to be full of
scandals.” His aides said no
formal comment would be forth
coming until they had more in
formation. Pindling was attend
ing the General Assembly session
Teague Rejects
VA Post, Plans
For Re-election
Olin Teague said here he will seek
re-election from the sixth Con
gressional District next year, dis
pelling speculation that he would
accept appointment as head of the
Veterans Administration.
Teague said he still expects
to meet with President Nixon
about the VA post, but said, “I’m
not interested in the job.”
He added that a talk with the
President is not likely to change
his mind.
Election Set
To Fill Three
Senate Posts
An election to fill three vacant
living-area Student Senate seats
will be held Thursday, announced
Barry Bowden, election board
The Henderson-Fowler, Keath-
ley-Hughes living-areas and Dunn
Hall must elect senators. At the
close of filing, three students
from Dunn, two from Keathley-
Hughes and one from Fowler
were in the running.
Polling places will be open from
2:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the respective
lounges and to vote “students
must present their dorm keys, ac
tivity and identification cards,”
Bowden said.
that voted the Bahamas into the
Mastriana testified that he was
offered the $100,000 by Roosevelt
and Michael J. McLaney, an asso
ciate of Lansky.
“They came to me and offered
me $100,000 to kill, to whack
Pindling,” Mastriana told the
Senate permanent subcommittee
on investigations. “They expected
me to kill him.”
Mastriana, now imprisoned in
the federal penitentiary at Tex
arkana, Tex., said McLaney was
angered at Pindling because the
prime minister refused to grant
him a gambling license.
Mastriana said he was hos
pitalized for a while in the mid
1960s in New Jersey. He said
that while serving time in prison
on a number of charges, including
forgery and fraud, “I had myself
adjudicated insane so I could do
He said he was released from
the hospital in 1965, spent two
more years in prison, and in 1968
and 1971 was “examined by gov
ernment psychiatrists who found
me to be of sound mind and legal
ly competent.”
McLaney had given Pindling
nearly $1 million to finance his
political campaign, Mastriana
said, with the political payoff
funds coming from Lansky.
When the gambling license was
not issued, the stocky Mastriana
continued, they came to him and
offered $100,000 to kill Pindling.
Who are “they”? asked Sen.
Charles Percy, R.-I1I.
“Roosevelt and McLaney,” re
plied Mastriana.
McLaney was found guilty in
December, 1971, of two counts of
willful income tax evasion. He
was sentenced in federal court to
one year imprisonment and fined
Lansky is a reputed financial
brain of the underworld.
Mastriana said he was given
$10,000 immediately. Of that
sum, $7,500 came from Roosevelt,
Mastriana said, and $2,500 came
in the form of a check made out
to Roosevelt by McLaney.
Roosevelt endorsed the check
over to Mastriana, a member of
the committee staff said. The
check, dated May 17, 1968, was
made on the Bank of Nova Scotia,
a bank with branches in the
vides shade for Marty
Burns’ youthful raccoon pet.
(Photo by Gary Baldasari)
‘Spirit of Aggieland’ War Relic
Sought to Restore as Landmark
A hobbyist’s inquiry for a dif
ferent color scheme has led to a
search for an Aggie war relic.
Mike Montgomery, an A&M
student, bought a P-51 airplane
model last week and wanted a
different painting plan. Dave
Mullins, co-owner of Hobby
World, suggested he paint it like
the “Spirit of Aggieland,” a
World War II pursuit plane.
Montgomery thought he was
joking. But Mullins asked him
to look up the P-51 in a book of
plates illustrating the Eighth Air
In the illustrations of four
P-51s representative of the 356th
fighter group was the airplane.
Under the group marking of
dark blue and dark red diamonds
on the cowling of the plane is a
script title: “The Spirit of
A few days later Mullins and
Montgomery began their search
for the original plane. They hope
to restore it and place the 38-foot
plane in front of Kyle Field or
the new Memorial Student Cen
They took their story to the
Texas Aggie, The Association of
Former Students and the Trigon.
“No one believed us,” said
Mullins, “until we showed them
the book and the model. It's odd
that with all the keeping up
Aggies do with each other than
no one we have talked to has
heard of the plane.”
This illustration shows no kill
marks on the plane, which was
based at Martleshan Heath in
Suffolk, England.
Mullins explained that the air
plane either stayed out of combat
or the pilot wasn’t very good.
How does one go about finding
Parking Enforcement Tightens
The increase in campus parking
tickets is nothing new, according
to campus Chief of Police O. L.
Police are now placing tickets
on cars parked on the wrong lot.
Previously tickets were issued
only for parking in no parking
zones or access lanes.
A couple of weeks was allowed
for new students to learn where
to park.
Many tickets have been issued
to cars parked illegally near the
over-crowded Krueger-Dunn lot.
Chief Luther said that 11 more
parking spaces have been added
to that lot from the Corps park
ing zone. “Students who cannot
find a place to park there should
park in lot 50 across from the
Zachry Engineering Center,” he
Chief Luther added that about
500 more parking spaces would
be open Oct. 15 when the lot
east of the railroad tracks opens.
Parallel parking will also soon
be allowed on Lewis, Houston and
Throckmorton Streets.
Until then, Luther explained,
tickets may be avoided by park
ing on the lot 50 where there
are generally 300 to 400 spaces
a plane that is 30 years old? The
plate gives the Air Force identi
fication markings, OCV; and the
first three series numbers. From
this and other information in the
book Mullins and Montgomery
have placed the airplane down to
the squadron level.
They have written letters to the
group and squadron commanders
working with addresses dated in
the 1940s.
The crucial information the
two need to find the plane is the
last three serial numbers. With
those numbers, one letter to the
Wright Patterson Air Force Mu
seum in Dayton, Ohio and they
can tell us where the plane is,”
said Mullins.
“One of four things has hap
pened to the plane,” said Mullins.
“It was either lost near the end
of the war, sold to a foreign coun
try as surplus, scrapped for alum
inum, or, hopefully, stored at
Kingsman, Arizona.
If it is stored at Kingsman the
two hope to retrieve it and add
a landmark of sentimental and
historical value to many at A&M.