The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1973, Image 1
i Che Battalion Tuesday, September 18, 1973 le a taS i’s Kne« meetirj BM Found Guilty n Anti-trust Suit JLSA, Okla. <•£’> — Interna- Business Machines Corp. found guilty Monday of mon- stic practices in a federal ruling that analysts say result in major changes in worldwide computer industry. S. District Court Judge A. man Christensen ordered IBM lay the Telex Corp. $352.5 on in damages and directed onroe Named tllowship ordinator Haskell Monroe, assistant president for academic af- has been named the local linator for inquiries about orth Fellowships. Danforth Foundation of St. has announced approxi- ily 100 fellowships will be ed in March 1974. r. Monroe said Danforth Fel- ips are open to all qualified s of any race, creed or citi- ip, single or married, who serious interest in careers king or administration in s and universities and who to study for a Ph.D. in any of study common to the un- uate liberal arts curricu- in the United States, iplicants must be under 35 at time application papers are and may not have under- any graduate or profession- idy beyond the baccalaureate, ns must be nominated by | officers of their under- te institutions by Novem- 20,1974. The Danforth Foun- lon does not accept direct ap- ,lions for the fellowships, le fellowship is for one year, is normally renewable until ipletion of the degree or for ximum total of four years duate study. Telex to pay IBM $21.9 million for theft of trade secrets. The ruling sent IBM stocks, long one of Wall Street’s biggest favorites, tumbling on the New York Stock Exchange. Shares closed at $272, down 26 from Friday’s close, or about a 9 per cent drop. Telex soared 79 per cent in price during the short while it was traded. On the American Stock Ex change, Telex warrants—rights to buy Telex stock at $11 a share— doubled in price, jumping 2Va to $4.25 a/share. Should the ruling stand—and IBM announced within hours that it would appeal—experts see a broad impact on the company, its competitors and the industry as a whole. “This will certainly make the computer industry more competi tive and, if upheld, will give bet ter opportunity for others to enter the basic computer manufactur ing business,” said W. Carroll Bumpers, chairman of Greyhound Computer Corp. Christensen, in his order mailed to the court here where he heard testimony in the case for nearly two months earlier this year, or dered IBM to disclose certain por tions of electronic design in an nouncing new electronic data processing equipment. He also enjoined IBM from “adopting, implementing, or car rying out predatory pricing, leas ing or other acts, practices or strategies with intent to obtain or maintain a monopoly in the market . . .” IBM also was ordered to stop “single or bundled” pricing of IBM memory systems in its Sys tem 370 central processing unit, and to price its processing units and memories separately within 60 days. Telex had argued that IBM had been pricing the equipment in ways designed to freeze out com petition. A Telex spokesman said Telex was pleased with the decision. Telex had sought $1.2 billion in damages, accusing IBM of pred atory marketing actions. IBM de nied the monopoly allegations, saying its share of the computer accessory market—a field it said now has 1,800 manufacturers— had declined annually. In its countersuit, IBM accused Telex of stealing IBM secrets by hiring IBM employes for key jobs. Hunt Withdraws Watergate Plea WASHINGTON (A>)_E. How ard Hunt, the first of the Water gate defendants to plead guilty, asked Monday to withdraw his pleas because the government de prived him of evidence to support a defense. Hunt’s motion asked the court to dismiss all charges of conspir acy, burglary and wiretapping. “The investigation and prose cution of this case were replete with deliberate obstruction of justice, destruction and with holding of evidence, perjury and subornation of perjury—all by re sponsible government officials,” Hunt said in a motion in federal court. Four other men who pleaded guilty to taking part in the Dem ocratic party headquarters break- in have also asked the court to withdraw their pleas and lift the convictions. Hunt’s motion said he had two defenses available to the indict ment. “The first is that his acts were lawful because they were per formed pursuant to the Presi dent’s power to protect the na tional security,” the motion said. “The second, assuming that the acts were not lawful, is that he was justified in believing they were lawful.” The government has a week to reply in writing in the cases of all five meh. Oral arguments would follow. Hunt said in the motion that he was led by Watergate con spirator G. Gordon Liddy to be lieve that a counter-intelligence program known as Gemstone was approved by then-A tty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, Nixon campaign aide Jeb Stuart Magruder and then- White House counsel John W. Dean III. It said that Hunt planned the two entries into Watergate and photographing information in the party’s files because of a report by Liddy that foreign govern ments were supplying funds to the Democrats’ campaign. Two days after the break-in, Hunt’s safe in the White House was opened. The petition said that Dean failed to turn two note books over to the FBI and that their absence remains unex plained. ‘Nutshell’ Confuses Numbers Have you ever awakened some morning before classes only to find all your clocks have frozen, including your watch. Your first reaction might be to call “time and temperature” at 822-5623. If so, your frustrations will prob ably go unresolved. The number given above has been circulated by “Nutshell” magazine to those interested in the time and the current tempera ture. However, it is incorrect. Calling this number connects one with Cecil Woods, manager of the Timber Lake Mobile Home Park on South College. For the past two weeks Woods has been bombarded with phone calls for “time and temperature.” Some people, expecting to hear a recorded message, hang up when they hear a “hello.” After con tinuously receiving phone calls from others, who did ask for the time or the temperature, Woods would reply with “some silly answer” such as “It’s 98 degrees and snowflakes will continue to fall until midnight,” or just any thing to end the calls. After re ceiving some calls late in the night, he finally resorted to tak ing the phone off the hook after about 9 or 10 p.m. It is understandable that one might also confuse these two numbers in the College Station area directory. “Time and tem perature” is directly below the number for Timber Lake Mobile Home Park. However, please note that the correct number for “time and temperature” is 822- 6712. AN ELECTRIC VIOLIN was the tool of this modern- day “backwoods” fiddler as he set the pace for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in Friday night’s concert. Gourmet, Sex Topics Included Free University Offers Courses &M Location Determined ty* Nearby Bryan Saloons/ &M owes its present location the “demon rum,” according Meric B. Thomas, grandson the man who surveyed the linal campus site. homas, who is executive vice sident of Dallas Rupe and , Inc., has donated to the Col- of Engineering the compass iOFSPEi , 1 t t • incoln Union egins Fall ebate Season ! 'incoln Union debaters will pre- i t "Marriage: Dying Art or ^ ! ning Science?” tonight at 7:30 j m. in the Architecture Build- Auditorium. n the debate style used the — 1 lienee decides the winning side x j h a change of opinion vote. A ; e is taken before and after the 'ate, and the side which changes Ire opinions wins. Other universities which spon- this type of debate program hide Harvard, Oxford, and Yale, it year, the Lincoln Union de ers discussed such topics, as Obscenity as American as to and Apple Pie?”, “Was coin A War Criminal ?”, “Abor- l: Freedom vs Morality” and | Ian the Broads.” | The debate, which is free, is en to the public. For more in- mation on Lincoln Union, call -1515 or come by the Lincoln ion cubicle in the Student Pro- tos Office. ase PEN -0*. [JID 2.00 OFSP® and chain used to lay out the campus in 1871. Judge James Dickenson Thomas, a community leader in Bryan in the late 1870s, was appointed by Gov. Edmund J. Davis to head a commission to choose a site for the state’s Land Grant college. “The committee deliberated at some length,” Thomase recalled, “and decided that the original location, quite close to Bryan, would be unfair to the students. My grandfather’s committee felt it would not be proper to subject the young students to the influ ences of the saloons which were then open in Bryan.” Thomas’ grandfather was later appointed by Gov. Ireland as president of the board of trus tees of the college. It was through his recommendation that the gov ernor made Thomas Gathright the school’s first president. The instrument donated by Thomas consists of a compass and chain, all made of brass, fitted into a wooden box. The equip ment, according to Thomas, was used by his grandfather to survey land purchases he made for him self and others. “The chain was used before surveyor’s tape was invented,” Thomas explained. “The chain is made up of a specified number of links and plots of land were measured by chains and links rather than feet and inches.” The instrument came to TAMU through the efforts of Thomas, Asa Hunt, and Marion J. Neeley, all members of the Class of ’22 and prominent businessmen in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Hunt provided transportation for the instrument from Dallas, and Neeley furnished a display case located in the commons area of the Zachry Engineering Center. Judge Thomas, who partici pated in the great prohibition campaign in Texas in 1887, moved to Dallas when he was sure the college he worked so hard to secure for his community was operating in a permanent manner. He became a respected member of the bar in Dallas and was in strumental in developing much of the area in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas. He died Oct. 9, 1910, and was eulogized by the Dallas Morning News as a prominent church and Masonic member. The TAMU Free University will be offered again this semes ter as a service of the Memorial Student Center Council. Courses taught at the Free University are free and no grade points or credits are given. They are taught by professors, staff, students and community people. Registration for Free Univer sity will be Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Rooms 225-226 of the MSC. Women and Literature will be taught by Pat McAlexander. She will discuss the changing role of women in literature from the 18th century to the present. The course will trace the social history of American women and attitudes toward love and mar riage through an examination of American fiction. It will begin with an 18th century novel The Coquette and end with fiction ap pearing in current periodicals. Bill Ashworth Jr. will teach The Bible and Prophecy. He will offer an objective view of the Revelation of God to Man, Israel, the Gentiles and the return of Christ. Pastor Hubert Beck will hold a course called A Study of the Book of Revelation which will try to “get behind the scenes of John’s writing and relate it to the future.” The Old Testament will also be explored. Barnee Escott will teach a class in Human Sexuality in which experts in the field will discuss such areas as love, child hood sexuality and evolution. A&M Student Dies in Monday Car Accident Silver Taps will be held for Randy Wayne Nelson, an A&M sophomore, who was killed in a one-car accident Monday, morn ing. Nelson, 19-year-old finance ma jor, was killed about 1:15 a. m. Monday when the car he was driv ing struck a tree when he appar ently lost control of the vehicle while heading east on State High way 21. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson of Atascosa. Other survivors include two brothers, Rocky Nelson, a TAMU senior, and Frank Nelson Jr. of Houston. Funeral services are tto be held today in chapel of the Galloway and Sons Funeral Home in Bee- ville. He is to be buried in Beeville Memorial Park. The topics covered in this course will include: sex and the law, evolution of marriage, child hood sexuality, sex and mental health, and love. Babysitters will be provided. The course will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. The course is sponsored by the Women’s Awareness workshop. Dr. Manuel Davenport, head of the Philosophy Department, will teach a class entitled Man and Time. It will consider various concepts of time and their impli cations for the quality of life. Dr. Charles Rodenberger will teach Science & Religion, a course on the conflicting theories of creation and evolution. Stu dents will be encouraged to choose a particular science and perform some studies of the lat est scientific findings that would tend to confirm or deny the theor etical principles. Pastor Hubert Beck and War ren Finn will instruct a course which will explore to what extent chemical and surgical regulation of life is warranted. The Ethical Implications of the Biological Revolution is the course title. Gourmet Cooking will be taught by Trudi Adam and a small fee will be required to pay for the food which will be used. Introductory Texas Fishing will cover the basics of freshwater fishing in Texas. Bruce Sublett will instruct. The Sports Car Club will spon sor a course in auto mechanics, which will delve into maintenance and repair. Pickin’ and Singin’ will be or ganized by Larry Ludewig. The students in this course will be the teachers and they will cover different aspects of performing music. The Cepheid Variable Commit tee will offer a course called Sci ence Fiction Fantasy. Collecting, anthologies, author reviews, SF cinema and SF magazines will be discussed. Beginning Chess will be taught by Charles Cole, North Indian classical music by David Court ney, and English debating style by Mike Perrin. Other Free University courses include: Applied Public Rela tions, Philosophy of Man; Search for Identity in Contemporary World and an Introduction to the Bahai Faith. University National Bank “On the side of Texas A&M.” Adv. THE RENEWED CAVALRY CORPS is followed by a new type of janitor corps in part of the pre-game ceremonies before Saturday’s A&M- Wichita game. Bicycle Registration Set Friday—Play It Safe! i