Listen Up — Students Hit Again; Corps Struck Editor: Man’s inhumanity to man, a theme I have known three years as the Corps of Cadets, that noble institution of our University. I have no malice towards my pre decessors but a deep feeling of betrayal that all I have done and endured, but to myself and others, was nothing more then a game. It wasn’t a harmless game though because I have seen many of my peers scared quite severely and for what, I just don’t know. I was lucky enough to escape much of this for I could conform quite well but now that I have reached my junior year, what is here ? I’m afraid not too much more than adolescent pride, ego expres sion, and a feeling of superiority simply because of longevity. All of this would be harmless frater nity hazing if not disguised as legitimate ROTC training. And truly this is not the case and only I as one who have been part of this organization can realize the divergence between Corps hazing and legitimate training. Maybe once this reflected our society but today the individual is respected and allowed to develop as his own moral personage. But even today at A&M we are split because on one side, mine by the way, will not except other students as unique individuals. It is hard to vei'balize my dis illusionment when I’ve conformed, to realize it was not much more then an exchange of a few years of servitude for one year of god like power with a number of social casualties in between. What is the solution, I just do not know but let’s not as Aggies ex cuse inhumanity as a legitimate institution. I think A&M is a tremendous university not be cause of it but despite it, a great credit to all involved. Randy Gilchrist ★ ★ ★ Editor: All this about a new water tower, who needs it. Is not the function of a water tower to serve as a reservoir ? And does not the one we have now serve CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle that function ? Some have said that the pres ent water tower makes A&M look like a state prison. Does this mean that the past accomplish ment of former students of A&M would be much greater had A&M a different water tower? Why don’t we stick with the one we’ve got and stop worrying about water towers? In short, if the statement “don’t judge a book by its cover” is valid perhaps we could extend this to “don’t judge a university by its water tower.” William Srors ’68 ★ ★ ★ Editor: I hate to draw attention away from the serious prpblems of cockroaches, music programming, and where to put the Maggies, but I would like to ask who is responsible for letting a speaker as naive and misinformed as Cleburn Maier speak about drugs and narcotics on the A&M campus. Cleburn Maier is naive for be lieving the two reasons he lists for keeping marihuana illegal: “First, there is nothing filthier than grass grown in Mexico. It is laden with lice and vermin. Secondly, there are many people mentally incapable of handling marihuana and I’ve got scars all over my body to prove it.” As for point one, marihuana with high THC content can be (and is) easily grown in the state of Tex as. Anyone worried about filth only has to grow his own. Fur ther, as in the case of prohibition, if marihuana is legalized, legiti mate businessmen can be expect ed to put out a product with high quality control, thereby eliminat ing the A1 Capone type referred to in point two. i.e., you don’t get scars buying whiskey in Col lege Station. Saying that “nothing . . . filth ier ...” also shows us that ‘Night Gallery’ “It may make you look more distinguished than a met, but not taller!” (Continued from page 1) He has had more than 500 TV plays produced. His publications include seven books and a num ber of shox-t plays published as frequently as 12 times in the U. S., England, France, Italy and the Soviet Union. Students with activity cai’ds can get genexal admission tickets for 50 cents each and reserve seats for $1. All others are $1.50 general admission and $2 re served. Reserve seat tickets will be sold only at the Student Pro gram Office in the Memorial Student Center. General admission ducats are also available at the City Na tional Bank, First National Bank, First Bank and Trust and Bank of A&M. Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Represented nationally by Naticjfial Educational Advertising Services, Inc, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association :a, be LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced and no more than 300 words in length. They must bt signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Mail subscriptio 1 ing _ The Battalion, Room 2X7, Services Building, ptions year; $6.50 per full sales tax. Advertisin are year. All subs rate furnishe Texas 77843. $3.50 per semester; $6 per school All subscriptions subject to 6% iquest. Address: College Station, >ed otl origin published matter herein are also reserved. herein. papei High to the use for to it or not news of spontaneous ts of republication of all other Members of Lindsey, chairma H. E. Hierth, W. B. B. Sears erei Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. The published Sunday, May, and once Battalion, 1 in Colleg student newspaper at Texas • A&M, is Station, Texas, daily except Saturda holiday periods Monday, and holiday periods, September week during summer school. Saturday, through EDITOR MIKE RICE News Editor Rod Speer Women’s Editor Janet Landers Sports Editor Bill Henry Assistant Sports Editor Kevin Coffey J Cleburn Maier is either misin formed or trying to deceive us or both. As a forensic chemist at a major crime lab, in the last two years I have analyzed over 1,000 samples of illegal marihuana, most of which were confiscated in Texas, and have never seen one louse, or any kind of “vermin.” The microscope tells it like it is, Cleburn Maier doesn’t. One sus pects his statements may be re lated to such government scare tactics as supporting pseudo scientific research purpox-ting to show LSD-induced chi-omosome damage (Science, Apr. 30, 1971) and in any case places him in the same class as people at the turn of the century who were lobbying for illegalization of alcohol by claiming that a person with al cohol on his breath wandering near a gas lamp was in mortal danger of setting himself on fire. The person most mentally in capable of handling marihuana that Cleburn Maier ever will ever meet will be the one he sees the next time he looks in the mirror. Which brings us to—why was he allowed to spread his gross distortions and exaggerations as fact at a “university” and who invited him to do so ? Lee Don Bienski Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, March 21,115 BUSIER - JONES AGENCf HOME MORTGAGES INSURANCE VARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: NeVada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 Refrigerator Fee Now $10 Refrigerators may be rented this week for $10 for the re mainder of the semester, an nounced Steve Hill, distributor. The fee will be the last reduc tion of the semester for the ma chines. Students are x’eminded that the refrigeratoxs may be kept through final exams. Anyone interested in rental should contact Hill at the laun dry sub-station behind the Uni versity Hospital on Wednesday between 3 and 5 p.m. and Tues day and Thursday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. The office phone number is 845- 6342. NOW BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. YOU MSC WILL BE PLEASED WITH THESE CARE- ( 1 ^ ) FULLY PREPARED AND TASTE TEMPTING Cafeteria ^ FOODS. EACH DAILY SPECIAL ONLY $11 PLUS TAX. MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL BROILED BACON WRAPPED MOCK FILET STEAK GERMAN STYLE POTATOES Choice of one vegetable Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL FRESH CORN FED CATFISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Grandma’s Cornbread Choice of one vegetable Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee WEDNESDAY EVENINC SPECIAL CHICKEN FRIED BEEF STEAK w/CREAM GRAVY Choice of two vegetables Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee TI ITALIAN CAND ^ SERVED W Parr Ch0ice You cannot be! 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