THE BATTALION Devaluation Efforts Failing L , $$$ Spiralling May Bring Trade War BatUBon Classifieds M. irra Bt BILL SOKOL Bfc—r*mtm am to you Wo* and propor* for Uim — u It 4M from tW oad of World Wor notMool oMMtory ototo to maty . tW oprnln* art of tW iatoma ' , . ,IT _ ool ttonal poo—I* rrtote now Wow- P*o—d OO Wo mm ^ Inr-Uto —t art ma, to a dan ^ f . ^ v. law a trad* war to nval tWo* . aoxt art may W a 4aa- ” full bktwn trad* war W- ~ twooa th* U.B., Japan, aad WoW- * “* •to Karopa TW ftrot d— W •• of th* dollar, la mi, th* U » can a* aad Poiaad. ao woH ao H TW WII for by Ntma 1 * “i to to impoo* b%Wr tariff walla Now lh*r* lo *o*a •poca- lation tWt Japaaoo* otooi liapor- totioa will b* prohibitod (TW on*mploym*nt valuation to by attoaipto to limit juot aarh • system. But this lat> MoW foaraooM Is thr *ot d*valaatkm. a stab ia th* back fart tWt trad* wan historically to Japan, whom yoa has goa* up to hot- la vala* about 14 pore oat ao a wars played thoir result. Is a bad slpn far th* sac- ad rival ‘ f^mnmm. urn Growlac trad* war, with Japan , . 1#1- Japaama Wv* already voluntarily w particular, can W avoided only M1 ^ 1918 redared .tool nporte to tW U S.) „ f lnaAr ton and buaii—n than o dofoaoivo ssaaou- tion Is do- from tW by th* apirallmp iaflotWa of tW U.8. dollar TWt mftetioa, oaaoad hy th* ooat of tho gisoWl trad* aad Wootora as a Th* asw MW devaluation ae- knowlodprd th* failure of that > la UX UX aad hi th* eoa- to earn a aaa th* pi- pot* mort offoctively for asw Moat of Morpaa Guaranty Tnaot la Loadoa admits that th* apoeslators who prefltod moot la the 4l*valuatioa wore “tW For- was worm than *v*r. Thor* no way oat of ai Hat of tW B04 Mp- post (U.S ) com A for any rad If did not stobtlis* th* dollar, aar did H renew anyone's confidence ia X TW dollar was stBl soar- . — ~ -T". Com UX 01111 coot i* China aad the Third aad tW W * rU1 !*»•••• eohicldoata tWt 1 - within • week of tW devaluation. Henry Kiaainper announced the UX was opening a liaaaa office ia Phkinp—on* of th* principal reasons far the first U.S. office ia China la more than twenty bonks untoadod thoir dollar* darty, years was to facilitate trad* be na*d* *bout MM million, aad loft h* said. foreign banks aad corporations , holding th* wrong end of the signalled vmW And they only round one ia wWt will b* ^ W fiorc* com petition not only for . . - ^ the China markot. but aim for 1nn ^ markoU in Southeast Asia, start Tor example, food prims ia tW mg with Saigon, where Goaoral UX wfl] soar eve* for excWnpo to *a- W solliap more UX-grow* food privet* invest- ■ brood now tWt the UK. corporations can hot hm lowered tW prim of tWt food. sow for use of the Thom lower prime moke H labor available ia Third competitively attractive to World eooatrim run hy Wostom nations Mors on anted governments saay saoan grantor profits for tW TW wmf 4my tW Vtaw. iSfLl.E**! eoom-flr* waa signed. David f Rockofritor. chairman of the . . aad part ia th* ovaato leading to hetb World Warn On* and Two. _ . _ . ■ The devaluation la tho UX'a pugnacious asmrtion of self in tormt to lot Japan aad Western Europe know that this country will not idly trait for a possible I compromise bet is lusts*ii ag- bw of a nattoa fllbtiap to momtary system to brtap ardar proaoivoly tryiap to nmoin Num- pr—n * stay *a top ia a toad* war with ^ .tabittty to tWir rsmpstisa bar On*. As Japan, oapocially, ro- - - - A CsmsaMtos ef 10, mad* mo «f speed* to tW UX’* mova, the ■ their advanced, stroomHaod moaomy of oueh iatoromsd eoaatry’* leading spiralling suermaion of economic ■mor* uattod, baakora. Wa bsoa m**t»ap in mn sou vara aad caaat*rm*n*uv*ra ml l-.urT. Switmrland sine* th* first da- may spin oot of control. Markot Nixon's et, along profito, insufficient th* exponmon of tivo capacity, costly aad roomiap go rim. and federal welfare floted th* dollar far relative stability it the war. If the of im w I iy Bat the ovorval- the UXh prod acta lorn mmpolMoo in tW world merket while Japan aad Weetem ntinned to competitive LOW, LOW PRICE! SHUGART COUPON SKAQm ALRERT80N Ml S. CbMc* Tliv n FrL, SbL — Mmrek li. It, 1? 9 WALLET SIZE COLOt PORTRAITS / H., 99,, “ bipbm pricoa oa th* first leg of his But highs i*m trip to lantern Bo- rthete th* mote I th* fiuaacters of ia th* growing trad* war, am do "y Bait News Summary By THE ASSOCIATED PR RMS tonriv* hy hto Com- 10 years im| WISE REB BEUCIMS APPLES Unbeatable frozen foods P«TM ME1ICM (Rig Ceok. Reel Isek.) % t rctHr M to h* WASHINGTON—Th* railroads , enunist captors and told thorn with bis critically ill xsothor. Ho live It unions nnnouaeod tonto “about every bit of information I discus—d mm* aspects of his cap tivity at a bows conference but 4S. returned here rsfuosd to rrvoal details of th* wages aad benefKa by more than Monday night after more than mission that lod to hi* capture. Id par coat for 500,004 railroad 1) Tho question facing voter* was two-fold, with the second propo sition contingent on paaoog* of the first. Th* Drat proposition sought Ion **• ...... $i5o | Son. John C. ^ 9 Por pa—s asked authority to front. $160 million in Th* settlement was uapruce dented ia’ that ^ was th* Drat time in railroad labor Kioto ry that the parties r*och*d agree ment before current contracts as pired. and without strikes or aay disruptions in service WASHINGTON—Two brother* and aa 1R year-old companion hold in l i*e of bond la eons booting of Sea. John C. Stennis. D Miss The three men will have a pro luaiaary hearing on March Z1 After carefully sxplaining to each defendant hi* nghta. UX Magistrate J*an F, Dwyer mt bead at $25 .MO for J*ha 8. Mar •hall, 21; $60,000 for Tyrone Marshall. IE and $10d00 for _ ^ _ u ^ _ Derick Holloway. 1$. all of Thoy todude aU of Dallaa, Tar- Northeaat Waahington r * Bt « Enu ' N * ,r “ T * C** 1 * _____ bora counties. aad portion* of CLARK AIR RASE. Philip *»-«—■ 1m - Walk — Another 10$ American rr - Smn Jariate. Liberty, Polk. ndoreon, Hen - Kaafamn. Tho Dal laa-Fort Worth area thie Parifkr choch-ia potai. ^ kalaam of pawor with Thoy are flying out of th* "»•" » P«r cent of th* *U- North Vietnamese capital Wod iy m thro* C141 hmpitol port there cooM not hav* Trinity Project vigorously ia behalf of th* navigational, flood con trol, aad th* river development Opposition largely cam environmental groups ap aad approval of a maximum 16-c*nt down th* river but par $104 valuation property tax tacked the pro poo* I oa a broad DINNER&.49 ed a majority of th* total vote aad had to carry ia nin* of th* 1? counties participating ia th* historic decision All or part of Urn counties H* ia tbs Trinity Elver Authority's (TEA) voting and taxing tarri- wmr prisoners, including • plane TriuMg, Mw hijacker aad aa admiral’s mn. Awrm md with th* Drat hatch expected to touch doom at Clark mound p.m . or $:1$ BJB EST Two North Texas split over the issu* as as quasi spokesmen for aad against the project. Jim Weight of Fort Worth favored it and Alan Steelman of Dallas opposed a. | . Th* project won an •lortiaa- eve endorsement from John M»iy. and Ti “I hav* a special inter—t ia this project bocaum B arm dar ing my administrattoa as fsrmm govror of Texas that this prehonsive plan hy Coagre**," Connolly mid ia Dallas . . This program is a wim investment in o for prooont and Uona," Connelly mid Dahate ever tho controversial Qppaaoat* lohollad th* projoei 4:16 peojoct raochsd a aoar-fovorioh o "giant boondoggle pitch ia rocont weeks, particu- that R was lariy upstream ia the hoavily rally, ecologically and environ mentally They said th* tax NEW BRITAIN. Coaa —Frmd populated arm *f th* CIA agent John T. Downey mid Th* TEA forecast a turnout of | Tuoaday he was —hjocted to la- aoariy half p million vet on aad that taxpayers Cbe Battalion on Mom of h a m The uudml wciicti only Th* iv/^orted. ooo pvefti. srlf lappordng priw edUed and a per end by uudmii os o oahi*rd» and tea. M—r^TariTotov. ^OMkswa aad Th* MEMBER Prom. Texas Pram LCTTEB4 POLICY Iran, to lit* rduer mow be typed, end *** mort (hm AM words im length. They mmt to me^#l Am to mi ■nltr Wff MW —orVfewMi Wp K RR aw TW nv. dgnod, eb hough the 1 •mmormeof with the I Mien Vo. Thr —Satina Ho Codtrgr flstis*. Team 77*41 *17. ed aP O a Raois EDITOR Womens Sports Editor - MTKF ETCH Rad Spec• Janet LanArs .... Bill Hoary . Kovia Coffey FRYERS It - tl - U. aiT-*o*ai t lf& c K'icvfit/tite fhcr. PEANUTS f 5 5M00PV T A CMAfCE?i$ HE COMAOOfT? t > ^JJNK!! 1 HATE THE litORLP! I HATE EVaWMPVANP EVBPmNS IN TME WHOLE 'jiPu»f.o-wiDe iiWRU>!! U)HV EL4£ LdOULT HE 6E ftWLOAC A TROPHY C TriEfiE^ N0TH1N6 600D103ER