The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 22, 1973, Image 2
, _ ■ ' ! ■ ] 1 : 1 Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, February 22, 1973 THE BATTALION Listen Up — Aggies Support Arciniega Fan Club Editor: It has come to our attention that there is occurring one of the gx-eatest injustices ever to happen in collegiate basketball and that is the malady, the paradox, the sad, sad story of Joe Arciniega. We have attended many bas ketball games both home and away only to find that Joe Ar ciniega, the spirit leader, and the moral nucleus of the Texas A&M basketball team, must warm the bench. We are not criticizing the other players or the coaches on the team, for they have proven their abilities. But the abilities of Joe Arciniega lie untold, for in warm-ups his 30 ft. jump shots are knocked astray by a first stringers practice shots. We can never hope to change the many ways in which Joe has been concealed; but we do hope to shed some light on the fact that Joe Arciniega is more than a true team leader, he is a true Aggie. Therefore, we hereby announce the first Official Joe Arciniega Fan Club. We ask that all true basketball fans, whether Aggie or not, will realize the greatness of Joe Arciniega and join with us in bringing to light the recognition that Joe so richly deserves. Joe Arciniega Fan Club membership certificates may be obtained free of charge by sending a self-ad- dressed stamped envelope to box 69fi4, College Station, Texas. We close this letter with the fan club motto: “We want Joe in the show!” Elliott B. Vaughn, ’74 K. Douglas Hubbard, ’75 R. Stanley Heid, ’75 J. Joseph Beach, ’75 ★ ★ ★ Editor: In reference to Jeremy Smith’s letter on Feb. 20, I too am all for Krueger-Dunn remaining coed be cause I feel it is good for the uni versity. However, Mr. Smith, I ob ject to two of your comments. First, you stated that if male stu dents were replaced by female stu dents in Dunn the facilities would be wasted. I don’t feel that the facilities would be wasted. In fact, female students might make more use of the facilities if male stu dents were gone. (However, nei ther you nor I wish to see male students leave.) Second, I object to your rather rash statement that male students at A&M were slobs before the large registration of female stu dents. Since you are a freshman at A&M you probably are not fa miliar with the appearance of stu dents in previous years. Contrary to your beliefs, I feel that stu dents at A&M have always been as well dressed or better dressed than students of other universi ties. As you see, I do not object to your belief that male students should remain in Dunn. I agree that the removal of male students would not alleviate the housing problem. Perhaps one solution to the housing problem would result if all the male students who have been wanting and begging to get off campus were allowed to find off-campus housing. The consoli dation of the remaining male stu dents would create dorm space for women wishing to live on campus. This is not a permanent solution, but it might create a little more harmony until more coed dorms can be built to receive A&M’s ever growing student body. Mike McWilliams ’74 ★ ★ ★ Editor: Being a resident of Hotard Hall, I definitely feel that Hotard should remain open to males. The only justifiable reason for moving the men out of Hotard is to increase women’s on-campus housing but it will only put it off to a later date. The facilities that the first floor TV room have to offer are gen erally used by the Sbisa help of the Hotard Complex, even though they are outnumbered by the up per floor residents three to one. This TV room costs over $32.50. It would be wasteful if the facil ities were not used, as they prob ably would not, should the resi- CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle ‘Caligula’ “It’s more fun to do something about the world’s problems than to just fuss about them!” (Continued from page 1) Contesting Caligula are sena tors who are unwilling that “pa tricians should be forced every evening to run circles around Caesar’s litter.” Their efforts to end Caligula’s reign fire troubled by impracti- calities. “It takes a day to make a sen ator and ten years to make a skilled worker,” observes Helicon (Charles Tyler), to which Calig ula replies, “But I am very much afraid that it will take 20 to make a skilled worker out of a senator.” The senators consider the rul er’s philosophy an irrefutable one “done in the most moral way” since “it is better to tax vice than to ransom virtue as republican societies do.” “Tyranny can be fought open ly,” says Cherea (Audie Beeson), “but cunning is necessary against dispassionate wickedness.” Other members of the Aggie Players cast are Joe Tenant, Jim Dennis, Kevin Dees, Greg Walk er, Connie Carter, Jack Gressett, Stephanie Inman, Cheri Lindquist, Patricia Lockstedt, John Steele, Richard Dixon, Kirk Stewart, Leonard Kowalski, Mike McCas- kill, David Nobles, Tom Benson, Mark Bower, Terence Yorks, Lar ry Lindsay and Randy Gilchrist. “Caligula” design and direction is by Robert W. Wenck. Dennis heads the scenery crew and Linda Pettett is in charge of costumes, designed and fabricated from scratch. The Aggie Players, TAMU stu dents company of the English Department section directed by C. K. Esten, will charge $1 per person admission. Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Mail subscriptions are ear; $6.50 per full year. 21 Texas 77843. yea sal per school ect to 5% P‘ Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Members of the Student Publications Board are: Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. Tom Adair, Dr. R. H. E. Hierth, W. C. Harrison, J. W. Griffith, L. E. Kruse and Jim A. Albanese, Dr. use for or not paper and local news of spontaneous Rights of republication of all other are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. origin published herein, matter herein B. B. Sears The Battalion, puiblished in Collei Sunday, Monday, May, and once student newspaper at Texas A&M, is ge Station, Texas, daily except Saturda and holiday periods, Se week during tember through summer septerr chool. EDITOR MIKE RICE News Editor Rod Speer Women’s Editor Janet Landers Sports Editor Bill Henry Assistant Sports Editor Kevin Coffey dents of Hotard move out. Hotard is by far the best dorm on the A&M campus, and I feel that all A&M students secretly wish they could live in Hotard. Present residents in Hotard would strongly oppose living in differ ent dorms after enjoying the lux uries Hotard has to offer, such as the second-floor Coke machine, the third-floor phone and the fourth-floor water fountain. What right would the administration have in trying to make us move? Moving the residents out would place the male and female stu dents at the same end of the campus. That would be ridiculous, for A&M would resemble any other coed campus. Before the ad vent of girls on the A&M campus, students were neat. Presently, however, in Hotard, and in most of the North Gate area, students keep messy and unpresentable as they want to look like slobs in front of members of the same sex. Hotard should remain open to males. Let the administration solve the women’s housing prob lem some other way. The 12th Man in Hotard SABER 701 TEXAS * COLLEGE STATION 1 846-7755 LARGE SHIPMENT OF WINES JIM BEAM HIGHLAND MIST WELLER’S CABIN STILL Bourbon Scotch Bourbon 86 proof 80 proof 86 proof 5th 5th 5th $3.99 $3.59 Special Discount To Aggies $3.99 SAINT THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 906 Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) Telephone: 846-1726 Sunday, 8 and 9:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, Canterbury Eucharist and Supper, 6: 30 p. m. Thursday, Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, 6:30 a. m. The Rev. James Moore, Chaplain. The Rev. W. R. Oxley, Rector REJOICE WITH US! Sunday, 10:45 a. m. and 6 p. m. A SPECIAL AUDIO-VISUAL CELEBRATION WILL BE FEATURED SUNDAY EVEN ING AT 6 P.M. TRY A DIF FERENT WORSHIP WITH US! UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 315 N. Main — 846-6687 Hubert Beck Pastor Barcelona RLN l AL OFFICE NOW OPEN f OR SEE! < I ION 7()() Dominik Call N4(v I 700 f 01 Inlot nialion • A&M Shuttle Bus • 1 Mile to A&M • AH Utilities & T.V. Cable Paid 4 Students in large 2 Br. - 2 Bath — $62.50 ea. Family & Adult Sections. 1 Br. - 2 Br. If you eat out SPP Can Save You Money! (Just dine at the following discount offering restaurants) • BURGER CHEF • DAIRY QUEEN 2301 Texas 1406 Texas at Coulter 822-6334 2919 Texas at Villa Maria • CASA CHAPULTEPEC 1315 S. College 822-1301 • WANT-A-BURGER 619 Texas • DENNY’S 2712 Texas 822-5335 • SABER INN 701 Texas 846-7755 • Zarape 311 MacArthur 846-0513 • KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN 3320 Texas 846-3238 • TOKYO STEAK HOUSE 2025 Texas 822-1301 $PP (Discounts Vary) Student Purchase Program A Student Government Project MARK YOUR CALENDAR FEBRUARY 28 I 1 LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY THE PAI Mars! from night, police day, I At der d< the at fin h B V On* da «< l l I 1904 Ft sion, net qrlinder. 1971 » ihipe. 84 1965 Cl 1)90. Cal Recentl chair in ind cxcell 5 p. m. 846-0216. C BMW O Open 3 Official tf Studer I p.m. of To be A&M Un itudent n year in rt (95) semt the prelii March 12, this ninet; qualifying leave the Boom Sev in turn, v rinit eligil be taken fO, 1973, 1973. Th Registrar' (ore June duty from day throu Reps. known b establishe .annahec . Apply N. Y. C. Around around 258-: BATI T\ Zeni AH] 713 We will have our representative on Campus February 28 to discuss Career Oppor tunities with a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR insurance company. Contact the Place ment Office for an appointment with our representative. ng INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE - BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Home Office: Birmingham, Alabama PEANUTS ■ j] arAci B iLrl' By Charles M. Schii "A PlNGFMiTTER MM PE PESI6NATEP TO BAT FOR THE STARTING PITCHER ANP ALL ^gSEQUENT PITCHED IN ANY 6AME WITHOUT OTHEPWI^E AFFECTIN6 THE STATUS OF THE PITCHERS IN THE 6AME.. " " FAILURE TO DESIGNATE A PINCH-HITTER PRIOR TO THE 6AME PRECLUPE5 THE USE OF A DESIGNATED PINCH-HITTER FOR THE GAME... PINCH-HITTERS FOR A DESIGNATED PINCH-HITTER MAY BE U5EP... // ''ANVSUBSTITUTE PlNCH-HTTER FOR A PESI6NATEP PlNCH-HlTTER HIMSELF BECOMES A DESIGNATED PINCH-HITTER...A REPLACED DESIGNATED PlNCH-H ITTER fFHALl NOT RE-ENTER THE GAME " I PROBABLY WON'T GET TO BAT THE WHOLE GEASON... R< T TY 909 '