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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1973)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Friday, February 16, 1973 THE BATTALION BUSIER - JONES AGENCY HOME MORTGAGES INSURANCE FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 Rodeo and Rick Nelson *1.00 Off At Houston Post Night At The Rodeo you’ll enjoy both and save $1.00 per seat. Performance time is Tuesday, February 27, 7:45 p.m.. Astrodome®. Just clip the coupon. One coupon, one ticket, one dollar off. It’s the only night to see Rick Nelson . . . and more fun than a “Garden Party’’ *1.00 Off With coupon on any $4.50 Arena, $4.50 or $3.50 Mezzanine, $2.50 Loge or Upper seat for The Houston Post Family Night at the Rodeo. One coupon per ticket must be presented at time of purchase, no facsimiles allowed. Coupon will be honored at the advance ticket window at the Astrodome®, at all five Foley's or on the night of the performance at the Astrodome® February 27, 1973 • 7:45 p.m. • Astrodome The Houston Post We Get There First And Stay All Day (Additional coupons available at The Houston Post) Aggies Hope Tube Jinx Is Over; Battle Longhorns Saturday In Austin By BILL HENRY Battalion Sports Editor It’s TV time again for the Texas Aggie basketball team and coach Shelby Metcalf hopes the jinx was broken last Saturday against Arkansas. The Aggies are riding the crest of a two-game win streak and hope to keep things alive when they visit the unfriendly confines of Gregory Gym in Austin Satur day beginning at 2 p.m. The game will be regionally televised and A&M hopes last Saturday’s 108-82 slashing of Ar kansas broke the Aggies of “stage fright.” The Aggies have been on TV three times in the last two sea sons, previous to last week, and lost all three. Things have been going well for the Aggies since losing to SMU in the much-publicized brawl with impressive wins over the Razorbacks and Baylor, 86-73, in Waco. Randy Knowles is scoring well, 70 points in two games, Mario Brown and Mike Floyd are han dling the ball well and inside men, Jeff Overhouse and Jerry Mercer, are battling the opposing big men. Texas, standing only 3-6 in Southwest conference action, hasn’t given up and won’t roll over for the Aggies. Strange things happen when the two teams meet in any sport but especially in basketball. Last year the Longhorns overtook A&M twice but Metcalf stands 12-7 overall against Texas. The Longhorns have had to replace injured Larry Robinson and haven’t been successful. Rob inson, as a sophomore last year. COMING SATURDAY! 3 W. C. FIELDS SHORTS! FREE POSTERS AND "... A MAJOR INFLUENCE IN FORMING THE ATTITUDES THAT LED TO THE PRESENT LEGAiX SITUATION REGARDING MARIJUANA ... HILARIOUS WHEN VIEWED FROM THE OTHER S/DE\ OF THE GENERATION GAP, A GAP TH/S FILM DIO SO MUCH TO CREATE..." was voted the MVP of the confer ence as well as being the top scorer. John Wilson, 6-8 post man from Odessa, has tried to take up the scoring slack but is averaging a little over 15 points per game compared to Robinson’s 26 points last year. Scoring, however, is the only real problem Texas has as the defense and rebound strength is fantastic. Metcalf will start the combi nation that has been working well for him lately with Brown and Floyd at the guards, Knowles and Overhouse at the wing and Mer cer at the post. The key to victory in the past two games has been Knowles’ tremendous shooting and the guard play. While the defense looks to be closing in on Brown and Floyd driving up the middle, they drop the ball off to the open man under the basket. That di mension was missed earlier in the season. Texas will start a big team against the Aggies Saturday with 6-10 B. G. Brosterhouse and Wil son at the post, 6-6 Eric Gros- curth and 6-7 Jack Louis at for wards and 5-10 Harry Larrabee at the guard. In the first meeting, which A&M won 69-64 in College Sta tion, the Aggies were able to rattle Texas with a full court press. Texas, however, outre- bounded the Aggies and played a much more consistent game. After the Arkansas game tlj team vowed to finish the remain der of the season undefeated ii hopes of gaining a National b vitational Tournament bid mi Saturday’s contest will beak® challenge to that vow. The Aggies return home Tut* day to play the Rice Owls it 7:30 p.m. SWC Standings 1 Team G L Pet. PF T. Tech 8 1 .888 641 SMU 7 2 .777 734 Baylor 6 4 .555 658 Arkansas 5 4 .555 736 A&M 5 4 .555 713 Texas 3 6 .333 662 Rice 2 7 .222 643 TCU 1 8 .111 631 Mario Brown Randy Knowles Tuesday’s Results Texas Tech 74, TCU 64; SMU I) Rice 68; Texas A&M 76, Bayli 63; Arkansas 86, Texas 74. Saturday’s Schedule Arkansas at Baylor; Texas Ted at Rice; SMU at TCU; Texe A&M at Texas. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES per ' si da per word each additional Minimum charge—75c [mimum charge— Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE p.m. day before publication FOR RENT Near A&M. Available February 15. Two fenced yard. bedroom house. 846-4455. 213tfn Aggie Couples or Vet Stu dents save $10 a month on rent. Special Rental $120 a month on apartment re gularly renting for $139 a month. 2 bedroom furnished central air & heat less than 1 year old, central location. T.V. Cable & Utilities Fur nished Except Electricity. 204-A Lane Dr. — 822-5236 211tl3 Three room modern house. Unfur nished on Hwy. 6 South, 12 miles south of 825-2 C.S. $70. -2402 Navasota. Unfurnished duplex apartments A&M campus. Call 822-3793 weekdays 846-6296 after 5 and weekends. 205t30 near s and Travis House Apartments 846-6111 505 Hwy. 30 C.S. Our 2 bdr. Apts, have 960 sq. ft. 4-Students $57.40 each. All bills paid cable T.V. 2 pools Bus to A&M Ruth Shelby - Mgr. Verda Shelby - Asst. Mgr. Will show apts. anytime. 202tfn BROADMOOR ARMS AND PINE APARTMENTS 2 bdr. furnished or unfurnished. Central air and heat, carpeted. From $135.00 per mo. All bills paid, including cable. 5 minutes to campus. Office 1503 Broad moor. 846-1297 or 846-2737. ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. iy 2 miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. ng. Washateria on groi Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3408 or 822-6135. U-STOW & GO SELF STORAGE 120 Units To Serve Your Needs 2206 Finfeather Rd. Bryan, Texas 822-6618 TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 HELP WANTED $2.25 AN HOUR 12:00 to 1:30 Mon. - Fri. Waitresses or Waiters over 21. Personable. CROWN & ANCHOR INN 846-1126 Attention A&M Seniors. Major South western U.S. Company Interviewing for Sales Management Training Position. Must be a graduating senior at A&M. Call Mr. Jenkins at the Kamada Inn For Interview on Tues., Feb. 20 216t2 NEED EXTRA MONEY? How to earn at home stuffing envelopes. Steady income. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope to R. Bollinger, Box 350, Prescott, Ariz. 86301. 215t4 SECRETARY — SALARY OPEN in local organization Top executix di ' i al confidential office correspondence and jp executive needs attractive and personable secretary with above average skills to handle filing. 210tfn MEN — WOMEN WORK ON A SHIP NEXT SUMMER! No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Perfect summer job Send $2.00 for informatioi summer SEAFAX Box 2049 - DZ, Port Angeles WA 98362. 210tl0 REGISTERED NURSE Position Available For R.N. Small dispersible type school hospital. Need Both Live-in and Live-out R.N. Salary, Hours negotible. 823-0066 210tfn WANTED Female roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment with 2 other girls. Monaco I. 846-0060. 216t6 Roommate wanted for furnished duplex apartment. $55 per month with all bills. 822-1197. 215t3 TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery FOR SALE plan gal. aquarium, gravel, filter, pump, ts, lighted hood, etc. $50. 845-1287. 217t3 1968 Chevrolet Impala 4-door. Excellent condition, automatic transmission, air, power steering, power brakes, radio with rear speakers, heater. 846-7827. 217t2 1964 Corvair Monza 900. Rebuilt motor. Low mileage. Excellent condition. 846-1310. 217tl Must sell 1969 Yamaha. Good condition. Low mileage. New tire. Will talk price. Weekends or after 6:30 p. m. weekdays. 822-1886. 216t2 Stereo Cassette Player-Recorder, best offe year, 4600. $80 Used 1 Call Alan. 845- 21613 SPECIAL NOTICE ACTION (PEACE CORPS/VISTA] Will Recruit At Memorial Student Center, February 19 - 22, 9-4 Dtily All Graduating Seniors. !i;ii Escorted Scandinavia and Crest Bra gland. 2 :30 p. tions, M len, Norway, Contact Richard M. Yuill, W:j m., 846-0205. Deadline for ch 15. r rm 111 DYN, 8-track stereo with AM/FM re ceiver and 2 speakers. Best offer. 846- 4376. 215t3 Black Labrador retreiver pups, good with children. Not 822-0095. Hunters ; purebred. $6. 215t3 TV. Good condition. $35. Black upright piano. $200. Call 846-6957. 215t4 Chevy II. Stan< for town and university transporta' ’63 Ideal tion. Fixed price, $249. transmission, spoi (Cash) 846-1174. 21414 1972 Honda SL 350. Very low mileage. 46-0216. 214tfn Pure blood dalmatian puppies. 4500. Call 823- 21218 1971 Cougar. Low mileage. Air, auto matic, many extras. Excellent condition matic, many and will sacri fice. 846-7464. 1972 Honda 175. miles. 845-3875. Plus 2 helmets. 1,400 211tfn 24’ x 6’ Gooseneck Trailer, in good shape, and good tires. Call 822-3980 af Saturday & Sunday. after 5 all day GIRLIE MAGAZINES, GIRLIE POCKETBOOKS. 8MM Color Films, 8-track Party Tapes. Open 3 p.m. to 12 p.m.—7 days a week Tremendous Selection CENTRAL NEWSSTAND 333V2 University Dr. — C.S. 209tfn Beautiful purebred silver and black Ger man shepherd puppies for sale. Eight weeks old (weaned) $20. Phone 823-2144 after 4 and on weekends. LOST Frida let sty ly 2-9-73, ladies gold watch—brace- le, recent gift. Reward. 846-1698. 216t3 PERSONAL To the students and personnel of TAMU. —Do you need to buy quality furniture ? you need to buy Discount Furniture sells and offers to you ality and national brand furniti qni dis ire at count prices. You must see us before you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Emplo; xas A ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. need furniture. ,mpl see us before you ture Co. you ou cannot afford not to i buy at Discount Furni- 136tfn This is Living. HELP! Empty milk bottles from AH Creamery needed to continue pnxkie* Please return us soon as possible. Have you picked up your 1972 Aggfe: If not, please come by the StudentPli cations office, 216, Services Bldg, mill your copy. ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! C» uation announcements will goonuldt uary 16 - February 23, Mondiy-Fra 9:00-4:00, Cashier’s Window, MSC. 1® Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY,Hit Dodge Sales and Service Since 1)1! 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 ffl CHILD CARE Babysitting. 8-6. 4402 Colkge ii Bryan 846-3368. W WORK WANTED Experienced seamstress. Would lb teach sewing and will also fill p® orders for sewing. 846-9219. Ill Under-water work, utility diving. 9 3662 or 846-8914. !« Typing. Electric. Experienced In i papers, theses, resume correspondence. 1 5291. Ill Experienced typing, electric, near cut’ 846-6561. » Typing, electric, experienced, neir« pus. 846-6473. ID Fast and expert typing, Julie, MM evenings. IIS Typing 822-0526. Typing near campus. Electric. ■ perienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or SIM III Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for» 8 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W-T1 All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2131 —EVERYDAY- Tehnis j Private Club\ Swimming Men’s & Women’s ^ Sauna and Exercise Room 1201 Hwy. 30 \ College Station (713) 846-8561 SPARKLING NEW 24 Hour 1 and 2 Bedroom Flats and Studios Quiet, Wooded Residential Location Security Students - Adults - Families - Individual Heat and Air Private Patio or Balcony - Pool - Sauna - Tennis Courts Club House - Fireplace - Billiards and Table Tennis Shag Carpets - Custom Drapes - All Electric Kit chens Free Cable TV and Bus Service to A&M Campus Southwest Village Apartments 1101 Southwest Parkway & Medina St. College Station, Tex. From 150*° - 846-1931 OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6:00pi Mon. Thru Sal. Premium grade Douglas W mounted and HIGH SPEIl balanced for no extra charf' Priced below the so-callf' “Sale” prices on most tirs Just check price with others. We sell only Premie grade tires, and gladly invi# comparison. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66 Gulflube — 35c qt SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolilt 69£ Each Alternators 18.95 exchatf' Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer prit' Your Lawnhoy and Friedrich Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Masterchar? Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Paris 320 E. 25 822-1653 Giving Better Service For 27 Years In Bryan 1 F Pre Mol gor he men fror T by 1 her 81a< that forn to r cond posh also stra: idea; T1 meni Ausl strai biliti indh state prop cies take appr Th turm attor Trav “N the i siona up fc as a char* time it wa nifiet Gi MO NA1 pie e a yea dent Layt< “P( can 1 Olsor for I confi, make ize.” “T1 the v and t tinuei duced the a As son ( overs eharg propc key i On, ding ordin; tional <<*p inere: % g lobbie the e the c Sti cause to be; said. “St adult spons affaii “Fi R< Nc Ap starti of Re Stud Uym Ap the S the IV the ( Thur Th, loum Stude Zachi Th, tofil Eich( U “On