The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1973, Image 3
Embrey’s Jewelry “The Friendly Store” Watch & Jewelry Repair Engraving Diamonds Set In Senior Rings Seiko & Bulova Watches North Gate 846-5816 PAWN LOANS ■oney Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center Ponderosa Specials • Friday Evening Fish Fry — $2.00 • Sunday Noon Lunch $2.00 • Special Weekend Rates for Parents & Students Call 846-5794 Ponderosa Motor Inn . i ' ■ LAST DAY TODAY Walt Disney’s “SNOWBALL EXPRESS” STARTS TOMORROW 'Honeymoon's over... it's time to get married." r Walter Matthau Burnett "Petew Tillle” All about love and marriage! A UNIVERSAL PICTURE fpol TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION* IfJlfJ THE BAHALiON Tuesday, January 23, 1973 College Station, Texas Page 3 108 Feared Dead In Air Crash KANO, Nigeria (A*)—A charter ed jetliner carrying 202 Moslems home from a pilgrimage to Mecca crashed and burned on the runway of Kano’s airport Monday while coming in for a landing in a fog. Officials said they fear 180 per sons perished. They reported 30 survived, all of them severely burned. The plane had a crew of eight. This would make the crash the world’s deadliest air disaster in volving a single aircraft. One hundred seventy-six persons died in the crash of a Soviet Aeroflot jet near Moscow last Oct. 13. The crash here was the 11th in little over a year in which 100 or more persons were killed in various parts of the world. The one previous to this was the crash of an Eastern Air Lines jet in the Florida Everglades on Dec. 30, which cost 101 lives. The Boeing 707 of the Royal Jordanian Airlines burst into flames as it touched down at Kano’s tiny airport, witnesses said. The pilot was identified by a Royal Jordanian spokesman in Amman as Capt. John Water man, an American whose wife and children live in Beirut, Leba non. The spokesman said the air line had been informed that he and the seven other crew mem bers were among the survivors. The four-engine plane had flown about 2,100 miles from Jid da, near Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. Mecca is the Moslems’ holiest place. Kano airport officials said visi bility was about 1,500 feet when the Jordanian plane crashed around 10 a.m. Officials said the aircraft had been scheduled to fly to Lagos, Nigeria’s capital about 730 miles to the southwest, but was diverted to Kano because of foul weather. Thousands of Nigerians flocked to the airport and many wailed and shouted with grief for the dead, most of whom were believ ed to be Nigerians. The pilot’s wife told a news man in Beirut, she had heard from aviation sources that the runway collapsed at the point at which the aircraft touched down. She said her husband, a World War II Air Force veteran, had ibeen flying for 20 years in the Middle East and had logged 20,- 000 hours’ flying time. Waterman was bora in Fresno, Calif., but had not maintained a U.S. residence for many years, his wife said. GM Recalls 3.7 Million Cars To Correct Steering Fallacy Bulletin Board TONIGHT Women’s Self Protection Class will meet Tuesday at 7:30 in Room 253, G. Rollie White Coli seum. C A M PJJ S’) LAST NITE TONITE “HOUSEWIVES REPORT” & “I WANT WHAT I WANT” STARTS TOMORROW 1:45 - 4:15 - 6:45 - 9:15 'Charles Bronson has the role ol his career! Leosro/v globe TheValachi Papers' F^om Columbia F Skyway Twin ;f o• ivf-in jf WEST SCREEN AT 6:30 P. M. “BLOOD OF MUMMY’S TOMB” At 8:05 p. m. “NITE OF BLOOD MONSTERS” EAST SCREEN AT 6:40 P. M. “COOL BREEZE” At 8:15 p. m. “THE SPLIT” The Houston Ballet Program THROUGH A GLASS LIGHTLY Music - a taped collage by Sonja Zarek Choreography by James Clouser Lighting by Patrick Ballard CAPRICHOS Music by Bela Bartok Choreography by Herbert Ross TCHAIKOVSKY, PAS DE DEUX Music by P. I. Tchaikovsky Choreography by George Balanchine PAQUITA Music by Leon Minkus Choreography by Marius Petipa Bryan Civic Auditorium Thursday, Feb. 1, 1973-8:00 p.m. Ticket Prices: Students $1.50 Patrons $3.00 Tickets and Information — MSC Student Program Office 845-4671 A TAMU Special Attraction Women’s Awareness Workshop will meet Tuesday in the Library, Room 402 at 7:30 p.m. Aggie Cinema will meet in the Memorial Student Center Art Room at 7:30 to prepare for the “Ambushers.” A&M Dairy Science Club will meet Tuesday in Heep Hall, Room 112 at 7:30. WEDNESDAY Senior Class Council will meet in Room 2A of the MSC, at 7:30. All interested seniors are urged to attend. TAMU Weightlifting Club will meet at 7:00 in G. Rollie White Coliseum and will accept new members. Texas A&M Scholastic Serv ices will hold organizational meet ing for tutors at 7:30 p.m. Any one donating quizzes for the files should take them to the Dean of Women’s office. Official registration for tutor ing will begin next week. DETROIT <A»)—General Motors recalled 3.7 million 1971 and 1972 cars Monday to correct possible steering lockups which the com pany said are believed responsi ble for at least 12 injuries. The automaker said it had re ports of 96 incidents in which fly ing stones allegedly lodged be tween the coupling and car frame, causing steei-ing interference. Twenty-three accidents, involving 12 injuries, were reported. GM said the cars being recalled were full-size 1971 and 1972 models of Chevrolets, Buicks, Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs. They will be fitted with a shield over the steering coupling, the company explained, to prevent the possibility of stones or gravel lodging between' the coupling and the car frame. Although the list price on the shield is only 85 cents, the recall could cost the auto giant more than $12 million. The postage bill alone will be an estimated $1.6 million, and a spokesman said labor costs would be about $3 per car. Notices to owners will start going out in about two weeks, GM said, and the shields will be installed free of charge. CASA CHAPULTEPEC OPEN U A. M. TO 2 P. M. — 5 P. M. TO 9:30 P. M. 1315 COLLEGE AVENUE — PHONE 822-9872 SPECIALS GOOD TUBS., WED., THURS. & FRI Taco Dinner Q9c Enchilada Dinner 99c 2 Tacos Fried Rice Fried Beans Guacamole Tostaditas Hot Sauce 3 Enchiladas Fried Rice Fried Beans Guacamole Tostaditas Hot Sauce Tamale Dinner 99c 2 Tamales Spanish Rice Fried Beans Chile Conquezo Tostaditas Hot Sauce Combination Dinner Enchilada Tamale Spanish Rice Fried Beans Taco Guacamole Tostaditas Hot Sauce We Accept Personal ized Checks and Bank- America- card IBankAmericard! 1! i Jl In announcing the recall, GM said its own investigations and those conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin istration showed lock-ups could occur “if a car is driven over loose gravel, on extremely rutted roads at speeds which cause the car to pitch excessively.” Under such circumstances, the company added, the front frame cross-member may scoop up loose stones or gravel from the road way. Zebulon White To Give Two Lectures Dr. Zebulon W. White, former associate dean of the Yale School of Forestry, will give two lectures Thursday. The programs are sponsored by the Forest Science Department. Dr. White will speak on “The Role of the Consulting Forester” at 3:30 p.m. in Plant Science Room 106. He will discuss con sultant’s services and fees, and professional ethics. At 7:30 p.m. in Zachry Engi neering Center Room 2, Dr. White’s topic is “Taxation of For est Lands: Equity or Subsidy?” The rational of timber taxation will be discussed, including new laws. Dr. White currently is a con sulting forester. He recently com pleted writing and editing “The South’s Third Forest.” He is a member of the Property Tax Sub- Committee of the Forest Indus tries Committee and chairman of the new Metrication Committee of the Society of American Fores ters. His education was at Dartmouth and Yale. The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) has passed a new regulation making charter (lights available to the general public Now you and your friends can fly to Europe at rock-bottom charter rates without joining a club and without bema stranded Under these new rul^s we can provide the safest, most comfortable ^ jets m the air • Enjoy complete financial security through a bonding and escrow program • Have free assistance with hotel bookings auto rentals. Eurail- k passes tours and cruises while overseas • Leave on convenient departure dates. June through October • Fl y non-stop fo Europe and return • Deal with charter specialists We have chartered over 50.000 seats from the U S to Europe >n the last i 0 years V?\- seats f At Last! Non-Affinity Charter - DC8 Stretch 252 Seats Noft-Afftoitjr Charter - !!! DCS Stretch 252 Seats Important 1 Must Make Reservations 90 Days In Advance! Tours Available ' ' Depart June 26 July 18 Aug. 14 Sept. 18 Oct. 17 Depart June 13 Beverley Braley Tours, Travel ^ u u " e || Memorial Student Center — 8 16-3773 Sept. 5 Townshire Shopping: Center — 823-0961 ° HOUSTON Days 21 28 21 14 14 DALLAS Days 14 21 21 14 10 14 Return July 17 Aug. 15 Sept. 4 Oct. 2 Oct. 31 Return June 27 July 18 Sept. 5 Sept. 19 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 taskT KtfN vmm & cjssotk HOW SmiMlX 'tOMX THRU 3XN. ZttTIl CflSTLY uA wtLmt uvt •• Mituikt mtio imi HEEP—THE MAvGtCtANS' WRTHDM • ROD STEVt ART—NEV- ,er AouawmEw qw it ft mtio imi joe COCKER—JOE COCKER CAT STE VENS—CATCH RUll AT TOUR 0« Ut lUt&O TAMS KRtS KR\S- TOTFERSON—THE REST OF KR\S KR1STOFFERSON • DONNA FAR GO—THE HAPPIEST G\RIS \N THE vmovt U.S. A. OH Mmx SUMO TAPES THE FIFTH DIMENSION—GREATEST HITS • MOODV SLUES—SEVENTH SOJOURN OH COUmtlA SUMO TAPES SAR6RA STREISAND—HISTORICAL CONCERT LIVE AT THE FORUM LOGGINS AND MESSINA—LOG- GINS AND MESSINA OH KAHHEH 1H0S. STEM© TAPES .AMERICA—HOMECOMING JAMES TATIQR—ONE hhAN DOG