The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1973, Image 2
Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, January 18, 1973 THE BATTALION Infant Deaths Linked To Cigarettes WASHINGTON <A>) _ New evi dence linking cigarette-smoking to stillbirths and newborn infant deaths was cited Wednesday in the seventh annual government report on smoking and health. The 381-page document, which for the first time does not men tion the surgeon general, sug gests “the strong . . . association between cigarette smoking and higher late fetal and infant mor tality among smokers’ infants.” The report said several recent studies have demonstrated a “statistically significant relation ship between cigarette smoking and an elevated mortality risk among the infants of smokers” and that the risk increases pro portionately with the number of cigarettes smoked. And, the report adds, “new evidence suggests that, if a wo man gives up smoking by the fourth month of pregnancy she will have the same risk of in curring a fetal or neonatal loss as a nonsmoker.” Studies have shown that “the ▼ ^ r\ s&p urn ' J S v \ ' 4| ^ i jhb rn^rn BASKETBALL MENTOR Shelby Metcalf and his assistant Jim Culpepper call one of several Ag-gie huddles during a come-from-behind victory game over Texas Lutheran’s Bulldogs Wednesday night in G. Rollie White. A&;M finished the game with 96 points to TLC’s 77. Batt News Summary I By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rules that included half a dozen Two more antiwar events have WASHINGTON—Black defend- close votes on so-called “reform” been scheduled — a march and ants have a constitutional right proposals. symbolic signing of a peace treaty to question prospectjyp , jurors — and an interfaith religious service about possible racial, prejudice, HOUSTON—Fire Chief C. R. called an “inauguration of con- the Supreme Court ruled" unani- Jake Cook was subpoenaed Wed- science.” mously Wednesday. nesday by a Harris County grand The decision reversed the mari- J ur y investigating the Houston juana conviction of a bearded Fire Department. AUSTIN—A key item of House Negro civil rights worker in Flor- Cook was ordered to produce Speaker Price Daniel Jr.’s “re- ence County, S.C. records which the subpoena said form” program met opposition in were “removed from the files and committee Wednesday as two not delivered” earlier. members questioned the need for AUSTIN—Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby a one-term limit on Daniel and easily won his first test of power WASHINGTON Despite indi- a h future speakers. in the Texas Senate as senators cations that a cease-fire may be Reps. Jim Vecchio, Dallas Dem- voted 25-4 not to take away the near in Vietnam, plans for war ocrat, and Ray Hutchinson, a Dal- lieutenant governor’s authority to protest activities during the las Republican, both challenged appoint committees. presidential inauguration week- the one-term limit bill at a hear- The decision came after a two- end continued to spread Wednes- ing before the House Rules Corn- hour debate on permanent Senate day. mittee. Che Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those Of Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- Services, Inc, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter- MEMBER prise edited and operated by students as a university and The Associated Press, Texas Press Association community newspaper. The Associated Collegiate Press LETTERS POLICY Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school io ,he editor must be typed, double-sfoced. LTJ ^ a)ld no more than 300 words in length. They must be The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by Texas 77843. arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to The Associflted Press is entitled exclusively to the use for Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 21/, Services Building, reproduction of all news dispatchs credited to it or not College Station, Texas 77843. otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. Tom Adair, Dr. R. A. Albanese, Dr. ■■ —— H. E. Hierth, W. C. Harrison, J. W. Griffith, L. E. Kruse and EDITOR MIKE RICE b, b. Seais Managing Editor Larry Marshall News Editor Rod Speer Women’s Editor Janet Landers v, September through Sports Editor . .. .. . Bill Henry May, and once a week during summer school. Assistant Sports Editor Kevin Coffey ■ Jack R. Taylor Joe Ann Shelton Barbara Taylor fetus of a smoking mother may be directly exposed to agents such as carbon monoxide within tobacco smoke” at levels which produce stillbirth in animals, the report said. Experiments with animals sug gests that the mother’s milk may contain nicotine and nitrosa- mines, the latter powerful carci nogens, which pass through to suckling young. The offspring of smoking mothers are nearly twice as likely to have a low birth weight at de livery, the report said, but they grow faster the first six months because “a toxic influence” has been removed. The report said clinical stud ies involving healthy, young men have shown that cigarette smok ing impairs exercise performance “especially for many types of athletic events and activities in volving maximal work capacity.” Pipe and cigar smokers ex perience death rates “slightly higher” than those of nonsmok ers but “substantially lower” than those of cigarette smokers, the report said. The reason, it said, are that pipe and cigar smokers either do not inhale or do so infrequently or slightly. In the first official study of the health hazards of smoking the relatively new little cigars, criticized by some as cigarettes in disguise, the report said “it is reasonable to conclude that smoking little cigars may result in health defects similar to those associated with smoking ciga rettes if both are smoked in the same way.” Dr. Merlin K. DuVal, who re cently resigned as assistant health secretary of the Depart ment of Health, Education and Welfare, told Congress that new research confirms that cigarette smoking is a major cause of lung cancer and chronic bronchitis and contributes to chronic broncho pulmonary disease, cardiovascu lar disease and other ailments. What: TEXAS A&M B S U RETREAT Date: SAINT THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 906 Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) Telephone: 846-1726 Sunday, 8 and 9:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, Canterbury Eucharist and Supper, 6: 30 p. m. Thursday, Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, 6:30 a. m. The Rev. James Moore, Chaplain. The Rev. W. R. Oxley, Rector Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. DISCOVER THE FIRE OF GOD’S LOVE WITH US AGAIN SUNDAY — 10:45 A. M. AND/OR 6 P. M. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 315 N. Main — 846-6687 Hubert Beck Pastor TOWN HALL — YOUNG ARTIST SERIES Presents Robert DeGaetano Brilliant Young Pianist MSC Ballroom Monday, January 22, 1973 8:00 p. m. Town Hall Season Tickets & A&M Student Activity Cards Honored A&M Student Date $1.00 Other Students $2.00 Patrons $3.00 NO RESERVED SEATS Tickets & Information — MSC Student Program Office 9-4 Monday - Friday — 845-4671 1 Barcelona RESERVE A GREAT APARTMENT FOR FALL RENTAL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION 700 Dominik — Call 846-1709 for Information Student Section, Tfeiinis Courts, Basketball and Volleyball Courts, T.V. Lounge, Pool Table, Club Rooms. Student Rates. Efficient, Discreet ^Professional Management. Security Guard. • » The Newest in Apartments in College Station/Bryan Area. Student Flail $62.50 per month. We l|ave separate Girls* Dorm. JANUARY 26-27, 1973 Place HIGHLAND LAKES BAPTIST ENCAMPMENT "IT'S GETTIN BETTER" TOTAL COST: $7.00 PLUS TRANSPORTATION ($2.00 RESERVATION FEE DUE NOON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — CALL 846-6411 OR COME BY THE BSU, 20 3 N. MAIN PEANUTS CSaSZQQs} Randy's Liquor; 1EJ/ ri 524 E. UNIVERSITY Just 2 Blocks East Of The Campus Complete Line Of Merchandise Every Consideration For The Students ASHH r FBI af ]that h< rity chie ttional C [iversatio itic Nati Alfred C s promis , McCord sit is r< r, this i: and g McCord idants r [gate tri ddy, once >nt’s re-( purged v 846-1351 cme Specials Good at Any Monterey House With This Coupon. 1 Monterey Dinner Guacamole Salad, Chalupa, Chili Con Queso, Beef Taco, Two Enchiladas, Tamale, Chili, Beans, Rice, Tortillas, Hot Sauce and Candy. Reg. $2.15 Void after March 15, 1973 $1.79 J "I Good at Any Monterey House With This Coupon. Guacamole Salad, Chalupa, Chili Con Queso, Beef Taco, Two Enchiladas, Tamale, Chili, Beans, Rice, Tortillas, Hot Sauce and Candy. Reg. $2.15 Monterey Dinner $1.79 J 1 Void after March 15, 1973 Good at Any Monterey House With This Coupon. Fiesta Dinner Guacamole Salad, Beef Taco, Two Enchiladas, Tamale, Chili, Beans, Rice, Tortillas, Hot Sauce and Candy. Reg. $1.80 Void after March 15, 1973 $1-49 J "i Good at Any Monterey House With This Coupon. Fiesta Dinner Guacamole Salad, Beef Taco, Two Enchiladas, Tamale, Chili, Beans, Rice, Tortillas, Hot Sauce and Candy. Reg. $1.80 l_ Void after March 15, 1973 $1.49 J &UM MEXICAN RESTAURANTS 1 ported B BRVAN Bryin CMC 1183. Mobile II and U Iter 5 p ysitting Reason! WO ling, ele 846-6473, ling 822 ling ne iced. S: Wing. C —E Presl and femium punted anced Iced ale” j !t ch ers. ’ rade ti imparis aukAm E: Giving 2( By Charles M. Schfll 2