The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 12, 1972, Image 2
CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle BALLOT COUMT $0 FAR Food Committee Reports (Continued from page 1) cpuesrioM: should A coed BE A REGULAR MEMSS? OE ooE CAKTooM FAMILY? ve$ NiO 181 semc> <rooiz BALLOT To*. SLOC&tl 3oK 92 92. Revised Texas Constitution A i Must\ Declares Jaworski realm of fine arts,” stated the proposal. The second proposal included the dissolving of the MSC Direc torate Leadership Committee and turning over this committee’s projects to the vice-president of programs for the remainder of the year. “In the past, this committee has had two primary activities,” said Walser. “These were the conference in the fall and spring leadership training.” The proposal also states “that a Leadership Training Program shall be established by the Coun cil officers and it shall be the specific responsibility of the Ex ecutive Vice-president of Projects to execute this program” for 1973-74. It was also decided at this meet ing that TAMU’s Free University shall be under the jurisdiction of the Council with the executive vice-president of projects respon sible for executing the program. “Bill Hartsfield, now in charge of ‘Free University’ as handled by the Senate, wants to make sure it is continued after he graduates in May and wants in some way to get into MSC programs,” said Joe Arredondo, executive vice presi dent of committees. The council also accepted the first policy proposal concerning space allocation and building use as submitted by Don Webb, vice president of operations. The remaining policies submit ted by the Building Studies Com mittee concerned the use of the southeast corner of the new MSC for organizational purposes. Four policy changes in the MSC Council Building Policies were ap proved by the council. The first three policies now read as fol lows: 1) “All functions, projects, pro grams, concessions, etc., proposed by clubs, ox-ganizations, or indi viduals, not sponsored by the MSC and occurring on the grounds of the MSC or in the building shall be approved by the director of the MSC, his desig nated representative, and/or the MSC Council.” 2) “All drinks and food shall be consumed in the designated eating areas and approved food services rooms only.” 3) “Those areas that have been designed for special purposes, e.g., piano rooms, listening rooms, etc., shall only be used for those special purposes.” The fourth policy reading, “no unmarried women shall have male visitors in the guest room area,” was deleted. Moi - e proposals are presently under discussion and will be voted on in January. Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, December 12,: State constitutional revision is a “must” before there can be ef fective decentralization of the control now vested in Washing ton, Houston attorney Leon Ja- worski declared Saturday at A&M. Jaworski, immediate past pres ident of the American Bar Asso ciation, spoke at commencement exercises for TAMU’s 990-stu dent midterm graduating class. Commissioning ceremonies fol lowed for 127 of the students, with Gen. Jack J. Catton, com mander of the Air Force Logis tics Command, assuring them that patriotism “is alive and well.” He also urged the new officers not to be discouraged in times of tightening budgets and de fense cuts. Jaworski, referring to passage of Amendment 4 in the November general election said a “forward step is in progress to accomplish a much-needed revision of the Texas Constitution.” function without updating consti tutional provisions to meet the needs of today’s society,” the prominent attorney noted. Jaworski left little doubt that he feels the federal government is too big, an assessment which he notes is shared by President Nixon. “On balance patriotism is alive and well,” observed General Cat- ton, “and although it may not come shining through in living color each night into your living room, it abounds across this na tion—certainly in this room.” Energy Crisis (Continued from page 1) tern will be reduced by eight to 10 per cent. —Approximately 50 per cent of all light bulbs in classrooms, aca demic, administrative and auxil iary areas will be taken out. Ac tion for all these will be taken by the Physical Plant for all buildings and areas. He told the newly commission ed officers “you will find that your dedication and self-satisfac tion will be directly proportioned to the depth of your share of a concept, and the single most im portant fundamental for you here today is patriotism.” —As final action, other lights not needed during final exams and holiday periods will be turned off. Council advised employees to wear warm clothes and keep elec tric heaters unplugged. Council said heaters will be picked up if they are found in operation and will be returned when the above restrictions are lifted. “The unvarnished truth is that this state cannot effectively dis charge its responsibilities in nu merous areas of governmental Rather than being discouraged in times of tightening budgets and defense cuts, the general en couraged the new officers “to recognize the challenge and to dedicate their service to doing something positive about meeting the challenge.” “Hopefully, enough gas and oil supplies can be found to permit near normal operations through the coming winter months,” the memo stated, “however, if not the University may have to run on some of the above restrictions through March.” Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertiainff Seryicea. Inc, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77S43. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 6% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Jim Lindsey, chairman; Dr. Tom Adair, Dr. R. A. Albanese, Dr. H. E. Hierth, W. C. Harrison, J. W. Griffith, L. E. Kruse and B. B. Sears The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatchs credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. EDITOR MIKE RICE Managing Editor Larry Marshall News Editor Rod Speer Women’s Editor Janet Landers Sports Editor Bill Henry Assistant Sports Editor Kevin Coffey Phone 846-0951 ANDRE'S 213 University Dr. — College Station Open Mon. - Sat. NOW IN STOCK FOR CHRISTMAS 1, 3, 4, 5, and 10-Speeds For Men, Women, Children “Use our free storage” Women’s 10-Speed — $97.95 For 9 & 10 year olds: The Tyler 4-Speed — $79.95 FOR QUALITY AT A LOWER PRICE COME TO ANDRE'S We Cany: Victoria, Motobecane, Zeus, GDI, Bianchi, Vainquer, Tyler BankAmericard “Your interests are always welcomed” CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION Each Tuesday, 5:30 p. m. Holy Eucharist and Supper EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER 904 - 906 Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) 846-1726 HAPPY COTTAGE 809 E. 29th Bryan, Texas Where Left So Many Gifts You’ll Walt Disney Store Including the adorable character figures, Our imported jewelry, Christ-^ mugs, oil lamps, & mas decorations & imported | banks. pex*fumes. ’ Come By and See Our Unique Apartments 1 and 2 bedroom and 2 bedi-oom studios with four color schemes. Recreation Room and Large Pool Sauna Bath Tennis Courts Laundry Room 24-Hour Security Rent from $150. Utilities and T.V. cable paid. OOlPTHIlieST VIIgMftGt apartments 0 1101 Southwest Parkway & Medina St. C.S. 846-1931 [jiniii* 0 f horseshex Iries close I WED> Texas A&M [meet at Tx em, OM Col. |, 101 Chun THU jrazos Ornit j meet in 1 LOU'S Got The CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Handicraft Items Including dolls (rag gedy ann & andy) and many other See our replica of the old fashioned gramaphone. A.: types plus stuffed ^ animals. Musical Jewelry Boxes Plus all the other decorative items, imports, & unusuals BankAmericard Mastercharge 1. Are you interested in the practical ap proach in technical training? 2. Would you prefer one of the many good paying jobs that are unfilled because of scarcity of trained electronic technicians? If you are interested in unexcelled train ing that qualifies you for excellent em ployment opportunities in less than two years, don’t procrastinate another day. Call or visit: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE Institute of Electronic Science A&M Research Annex F.E. Drawer K College Station, Texas 77843 822-2323 Classes Begin March 12, 1973 Stop by this week for punch and cookies HBppy Holidays LOUPOT'S across from the Post Office Decembi ton Intramural At WANT A • j*! • •■ M per word ea Minimum Classifie J1.00 per i each i DEA1 I p.m. day b« FOR eonditioner, co ilold itcDU arul Very cheai V-IO-B ColleKe sdile puppy. • litter. 846-55: rdr old quarter „ old thoroux at to play pol Also sadi iipiraUriy. Sell: tlJO or 846-2251. SC DARK SAHI (or Christmas, [• 10 p. m. J-1967 Karma %it condition i 118. il Mobile Home i and l 1 ,-! bath liter 5 p. m. J Mobile Home iith. Excellent te loan. 823-41 ;i Honda SL-35 it condition. 841 sosc TV & RAD Zenith - Cole All Makes B. 13 S. MAI> ledmond r J Phone 1402 Hv College St Prescrip Charge Act Free Kent Ellis, Evangelist NEW REVELATIONS From time to time someone comes forward claiming to have received from God new and additional revelations of truth. Some times religious bodies are founded wholly on the alleged divine origin and reliability of such revelations. These claims come in various forms, but all have one thing in common: they cannot be reconciled with the Bible. They regularly contradict the Bible in their teachings. But, more basically, their very existence cannot be reconciled with the Bible. The Bible teaches: (1) that the complete will of God for man was revealed to the Apostles of the first century; (2) that the Scriptures are a complete guide to the man of God- and (3) that any departure from Apostolic teaching is utterly wrong (John 16:13; Acts 20:27 II Pet. 1:3; II Tim. 3:16, 17; Gal. 1:6-9). Any purported additional revelation of truth denies all of these propositions. It is an addition to first century revelation and Scripture and a departure from Apostolic teaching. If any such “revelation” claims to be the same as Bible teaching it is totally unnecessary. If it claims to be different, it is totally wrong. Either way it is unacceptable to any person who accepts the Bible as authority. One may believe the new “revelations” or the Bible, but he cannot consistently believe both. TWIN CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 3610 Plainsman Lane Bryan, Texas Phone 846-4515 or 846-0804 PEANUTS By Charles M. Schnlz THE LARGEST DINOSAUR THAT. EVER LIVED WAS THE BRONCHITIS IT COUSHEP A LOT .' SOMEHOW I FEEL THAT I DON'T REALLY WANT TO GO THROUGH THE WHOLE PSYCHIATRIC BIT...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? CPOJi, C^YO/pAJ. (jyJL KEEP GOINS... I CAN HARDLK WAIT TO SEE WHAT COMES NEXT,.. MERRY CHRISTMAS and DRIVE CAREFULLY Loupot’s Lou’s Class of ’32