1HE BATTALION Thursday, December 7, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 3 Butz To Remain Secretary Of Agriculture CAMP DAVID, Md. ) _ President Nixon is keeping Earl Butz as Agriculture secretary but is replacing Commerce Secretary Peter G. Peterson with South Carolina textile manufacturer Frederick B. Dent, the White House said Wednesday. As part of President Nixon’s second-term Cabinet shuffle, Peterson will take on a tempo rary special mission to Europe and Asia, then return to private life. NOW SHOWING 2 p. m. - 4:19 - 6:43 - 9:12 SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30-3:30 ALL SEATS $1.00 pi CHILDREN'S MATiNEES MGM * 0 tt,WHAT FOatA* : tCVvC Happy Son*.*,.’- ? rcHc Happy Song-fiii * Enter,. There were signs that the for mer Bell and Howell Co. presi dent was eased out after losing a bid to become an international economic policymaker and after falling from favor among Nix on’s closest advisers. Sources said Peterson turned down an ambassador’s job in Eu rope before losing his bid to han dle international economic policy under Treasury Secretary George P. Shultz who is being given wide economic powers in Nixon’s sec ond term. Press secretary Ronald L. Zieg ler told newsmen at the Camp David presidential retreat that Peterson’s departure results not from a rift with Shultz, but from a “joint decision” between Nixon and the man who succeeded Mau rice H. Stans as commerce secre tary in February. While Butz is being retained in the second-term Cabinet, White House officials said Nixon has ordered a broad shakeup of the Agriculture Department to make it “even more responsive to farmers’ needs based upon today’s problems.” Undersecretary of Agriculture Phil Campbell conferred with Nix on at the rainy and fog-shrouded mountain top retreat Wednesday, but it was not clear how this was related to the coming shake- up. Wednesday’s announcements at a news conference reduced to two —attorney general and transpor tation secretary — the Cabinet posts yet to be covered by Nixon in his shuffle. Word is expected soon that Richard G. Kleindienst will re main as attorney general and that John Volpe will step down at Transportation to become ambas sador to Italy, the land of his ancestors. Dent, whose nomination re quires Senate confirmation, is a 50-year-old Yale graduate who has been president of Mayfair Mills since 1947. A native of Cape May, N.J., he now lives in Spartanburg, S.C. He is no relation to White House political adviser Harry Dent, who also is from South Carolina. As the President worked in his Aspen Lodge office, Ziegler an nounced a pair of nominations to key Treasury Department posts. He said William E. Simon of New Vernon, N.J., will succeed Charles E. Walker as deputy Treasury secretary, and that Ed ward L. Morgan will succeed Eu gene T. Rossides as assistant Treasury secretary for enforce ment, operations, tariff and trade affairs. The resignations of Walker and Rossides were announced Tuesday by the White House. In addition to working on his reorganization plans, Ziegler said Nixon was keeping in touch with and giving instructions to his No. 1 foreign-affairs adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, who is in Paris ne gotiating with North Vietnamese leaders. ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Bulletin Board Services Building Renamed M-G-M presents *%£ * -i Msrmas TOTALWqsr VY8$RItv stamng ROSSANO BRAZZI - PAUL TRIPP NOW SHOWING 1:31 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 “BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE” (R) With Goldie Hawn QUEEN TONITE FIESTA NITE “YO’ SOMES HOMBRES” Sky way Twin ^ o.'vr-m WEST SCREEN AT 6:30 P. M. “SKYJACKED” (PG) With Charlton Heston At 8:30 p. m. “KELLY’S HEROES” (PG) With Clint Eastwood EAST SCREEN AT 6:30 P. M. “ELVIS ON TOUR” (G) At 8:15 p. m. ELVIS—THAT’S THE WAY IT IS” sraiiMra The Texas A&M University System Board of Directors has renamed the Services Building in honor of the late Reed McDon ald. McDonald, who died last De cember, had served as director of the Feed and Fertilizer Control Service, now housed in the Serv ices Building, from 1959 until his death. He was a long-time mem ber of the TAMU staff, having begun his career as a mailing clerk for the Texas Agricultural Extension Service in 1927. McDonald later served as as sistant cashier in the Extension fiscal office, the university fis cal office, and was executive as sistant of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station from 1936 to 1949. He also was assistant comptroller for the system from 1949 to 1955. He became auditor for the Feed Control Service in 1955 and director in 1959. The agency was changed to the Feed and Fertilizer Control Service in 1961. The long-time TAMU employe contributed much in the develop ment of both the Texas Commer cial Feed Control Act of 1957 and the Texas Commercial Fer tilizer Control Act of 1961. He worked with various segments of feed and fertilizer industries, con sumer organizations concerned with these industries and tech nical personnel of the A&M Uni versity System and other agen cies. Situated at the corner of Ross and Ireland, the Reed McDonald Services Building also houses of fices of University Information and Publications, the Department of Agricultural Communications, Journalism Department, Student Publications, Texas Transporta tion Institute Publications, Agri cultural Analytical Services, Thermodynamics Research Center Services and Faculty Mail Serv ices. Present director of the Feed and Fertilizer Control Service is Dr. Flake L. Fisher. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED TONITE AT 6:30 P. M. John Wayne In “THE COWBOYS” At 8:30 p. m. “WILD BUNCH” PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center EVERY THURSDAY at The New EAST GATE LOUNGE $ 1 oo Pitcher Night (Lone Star Beer) 8 p. m. to Midnite Under New Management TONIGHT Phi Sigma Beta fraternity will meet in Room 2A, MSC, at 7:30 p.m. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3A of the MSC. Panhandle Hometown Club will meet in Room 201 of the Physics Building at 7:30 p.m. Pecan Valley Hometown Club will meet on the third floor of the Zachry Engineering Center at 8 p.m. Eagle Pass Hometown Club will meet in Lounge B at 8 p.m. Sophomore Council will hold its meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 146 of the Physics Building. Biomedical Science Association will have no meeting this month due to a conflict with finals. El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Birch Room of the MSC. Student Textbook Exchange Service is in operation December 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 and January 15-19. Save money through buy ing and selling between students. Call 845-5111. MONDAY Animal Science Wives Club will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room (Room 203) at the Animal Industries Building. The program will be presented by a Malady cosmetics representa tive. Come By and See Our Unique Apartments 1 and 2 bedroom and 2 bedroom studios with four color schemes. Recreation Room and Large Pool Sauna Bath Tennis Courts Laundry Room 24-Hour Security Rent from $150. Utilities and T.V. cable paid. SOWTHUieST VllrIrflftGO apartment® Q 1101 Southwest Parkway & Medina St. C.S. 846-1931 fountain fountain, BOONE’S FARM, MODESTO CALIF.