The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 29, 1972, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, November 29, 1972 ■Janet Landers Coeds Get More ‘Coverage’ — information A&M’s women’s rifle team will be traveling to Manhattan, Kansas to participate in the Kansas State Turkey Shoot. This is the largest jntPT-r'nllppinm rifle match in the nation. The team is composed of WiSHSHh Nancy Jordan, Annetee Jensen and Glynis Cantrell. They won the chance to attend the Kansas match by some top shooting in Houston at the Cougar Rifle Invitational. The Aggies scored 4,218 of a possible 4,800 at the University of Houston meet. The quartet beat men’s teams from University of Tekas at Arlington, Trinity and Rice. Wickham scored 1,080 of a possible 1,200 to be the high point scorer on the team Announcements from the “Y” association include several Christmas topics. Carols of Christmas song book will be distributed by the “Y”. These may be picked up in the Y.M.C.A. Building in Room 102. Dec. 4-15 the “Y” will be wrapping presents for the Aggies. This service is free to members and for non-members a charge of $ .25. Colleen Bourland, of the services committee suggests that students bring packages by earlier to avoid the rush. Organizations that wish to adopt a needy family for Christmas can receive information in Room 102 of the Y. This is a service of the “Y” association so that area families can have a more meaningful and fuller Christmas Alpha Lambda, national honor society, will have their Christmas get-together Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Barcelona Apartments Club Room. Members are asked to bring a small gift for a needy child valued under a dollar for either a girl or boy aged 3-9 years. These gifts will be wrapped at the party. Alpha Lambda has a new slate of officers. They are as follows: Melissa Martin, president; Patti Gaulding, vice-president; Robyn Evans, secretary; Kayron Dube, treasurer; and Susan Anderson, historian and reporter Only a few days ago short skirts with a flair and low cut tops were commonly admired by the male majority of A&M. As the cold breath of winter sweeps the campus, however, women reluctantly sacrifice, par tially at least, their femininity for a bit more warmth. Heavy wool en slacks replace sheer tan hose. High-collared, long-sleeved blous es replace short, low-cut dresses and even mittens and tobaggan caps cover neatly manicured hands and hair. Heavy coats and scarves cover a once nicely ac cented shape. Men are the ones to suffer in the cold weather despite their temperate advantage over woman. They do not get the privilege of admiring the beauty of the weak er sex. Men rarely consider how women feel as they wait for the shorts and halters to come back. How do women feel all bundled up and gawky ? Here they are, the epitome of beauty and all that is good, wrapped up, buttoned, snapped, and tugged on just to get half way near being comfortable. Fewer women go braless in the winter so they can have a little more warmth, and for many, that is no good at all. Those comfort able loose-fitting clothes have to be put away and bulky, itchy, binding garb worn in their stead. Women dislike winter as much as men when it comes to clothes. However, there is hope. There are certain advantages attainable in the winter that are not in the summer. For example, as one male student put it, “It’s more fun to cuddle in the winter be cause you don’t get sweaty.” Winter clothes for women are for the most part softer to touch than summer clothes due to the large amount of mohair, velour, velvet and wool w o r n by girls during the cold months. The ra tio of pants to dresses worn in the winter is much higher than in the summer, therefore, giving greater opportunities to touch softer material. >iS! V JAY S SABER INN Package Store Come by and let us show you our selection of fine liquors and wines. Weekend specials every Friday and Saturday. We appreciate your business. Open : Student Discount 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Monday Thru Saturday 701 Texas Ave. at Saber Inn 846-7755 ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue — Bryan Floral Design Ranked High isS% By JANET LANDERS Floriculture 203, Flowers Ap plied to Daily Living, will be taught for a second time this spring. The course, which meets Tues day and Thursday at 12:30-1:45 p.m., was created over the sum mer to help meet the increased enrollment of coeds. It is open to all students as a three hour elective. Mr. R. H. Rucker, land scape architect and floriculture professor, is the instructor. This course teaches the prin ciples of design as applied to home decor and arrangements. Much emphasis is placed on the development of individuality and stimulating the student’s creativ ity and imagination. Marcia Durso, junior floricul ture major says of the course, “This is a practical course for any student because it teaches you not only principles, but Mr. Rucker covers the practical aspect such as cost and how to get the most for your money and your talents.” Numerous types of flowers and foliage are covered during the course, with Rucker making ar rangements during class. Why Are Chicanos Proud? Jnan Gomez—Q lalion Presented by the Mexiean-American Awareness Committee (MSC) bill hen Sporl Kinendous with a ith advani Aggie h Waylar in Tuesda was just sre Wednesday November 29th 8:00 P.M. MSC Ballroom Tonight! ROBERT RUCKER explains some of the finer points of floriculture to one of his classes The course, Floriculture 2|[)8, teaches principles of djesigji with flowers and arrange ments. (Photo by Steve Ueckert) iesident CE-PRESII irrespon ecorder ieasurer IADEMIC I STERNAL i RE PENT SI LECTION E A Beautiful Way To Say "Merry Christmas froma Texas Aggie JRVICES [BUG REL idicial n OLLEGE MARGE IADUATE !N10R OLLEGE [•LARGE OLLEGE IADUATE NIOR :nior IPHOMORI See Your Senior Dorm Representative Cards; IStf A Piece (including envelope) Call 845-1686 845-5495 A Senior Class Project OLLEGE MARGE IADUATE OTOR :nior JPHOMORI OLLEGE IADUATE K J mmmmmjw m m E mm u E mm WE HONOR BOTH CARDS— 9KZ9H BankAmemcard ^UnTTrUnj Prices Effective Oct. 26, 27, & 28th Use Gibson Instant Credit 1402 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. — 8 A. M. - 9 P. M. THESE CHRISTMAS ARE FROM 10R IPHOMORI “MERRY SPECIALS” *‘“ E GIBSONS OLLEGE [■LARGE IADUATE !NI0R NIOR Momori Icicles COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 7-Oz. Family size, with flouride Our Reg. 84< Now Only 73C O.J.S BEAUTY LOTION 6-Oz. OJ’s Beauty Lotion medicated for cleanser,, astringent, acne, pimples. Our Reg. 84^ Now Only 66C Old Spice Gift Set Contains 1 after shave lo tion 4% oz., 1 cologne 4% oz. Perfect gift for dad or brother. Our Reg. $2.79 Now Only Metaiized icicles contains no lead, flame resistant, 1000 strands 18 in. long. Our Reg. 89c Now Only 77c China Tea Set 23 pee China toy set with wood hutch. Our Reg. Now $5.86 Only $4.49 Ladies Panties Machine washable, white only. Size 5-9. Our Reg. 69c Now Only2 For 99c Deluxe Fruit Garland Christmas decorating is easy with this beautiful 9 ft. long fruit & holly gar land. Our Reg. $4.97 INow Only Cage Bingo Fun for the whole family. Set contains revolving bingo cage, cards, markers, and numbered balls. Our Reg. Now $4.69 — Only $3.77 ONCE AGAIN GIBSONS HAS HOT DOGS WITH CHILI 15c EACH OR 2 FOR 25c FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Serving 11:00 A.M. To 7:00 P.M. E 0 * CONTAC CAPSULES 10 Capsules Continuous relief from nasal congestion due to the com mon cold, hay fever. Our Reg. $1.19 Now Only. 99C WELLA BALSAM CONDITIONER SHAMPOO 8-Oz. Washes in shine and body Our Reg. $1.59 Now Only Ladies’ Western Shirts Tailored design, pearl but tons, blue, brown, green. Sizes 30-38. Our Reg. $4.97 Now Only $3.88 Clown Stack Ages 1 to 4. Learn while playing, eight graded rings to stack. Our Reg. $ 1.99 Now Only $1.67 Daytona Road Racing Set Electric road racing set. 8-1/32 scale. Over 50 pieces, 6 volt. Our Reg. Now $13.39 .... Only $11.47 20 INCH DRAGSTER BICYCLE No. 2034 and No. 2035 . . Boys and Girls Our Reg. Now $42.95 Only $29.01) 16 Only Christmas Wrap 5 ass’t packs Our Reg. Now Slinky Kooky Kri tiers You turn the knobs, it wig gles, waggles, stretches and scrunches. Our "M I kW Hoover Steam Iron No. 4001 or dry iron. Stain less steel sole plate, 1100 watt, channeled steam, fab ric guide, light weight. Our Reg. Now Skill. 7-1/4 Skilshop Power Saw No. 1715 A 9 amps which develops up to 5200 rpms. Comes in an attractive orange color. Also comes with a blade and wrench. Our Reg. Now $19.99 Only $17.8!) CANISTER SET No. Ill Heavy plastic green or gold canister set—flour, sugar, tea and coffee. Our Reg. Now NIOR iPHOMORI :nior [■large OLLEGE [■LARGE aduate SNIOR inior ’PHOMOR] OLLEGE 8E-VET A' IT-MED A inior } phomor: MVERSI '’■Large iaduate ^ergra e $iden< r .“ p URY ijTHLEY jJfEtso Ie GETT-H campus