The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 29, 1972, Image 5
HE BATTALION Wednesday, November 29, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 5 tended tes: ials claim has c 1irst tear tudents. d himself „ 0 ^ ts United, tl* ; demands f ( ' in the adminij. >ol and for % Richardson Named To Succeed Laird As Secretary Of Defense ts United lead, ^rd, delivered. likewise eon. U accounts. iuwuui camp DAVID, Md. — ddent Nixon launched h^s ( eeping second-term Cabinet a keup Tuesday by naming ad- inistration veteran Elliot L. jehardson to be the next Secre- of Defense. To succeed Richardson as the (fretary of Health, Education Welfare, Nixon said he will iijinate Caspar Weinberger is now director of the Of- of Management and Budget. Completing a triple-header an- if nouncement, the President named millionaire industrialist Roy Ash, president of Litton Industries, to succeed Weinberger in the Cab inet-level OMB post. The selections of Richardson and Weinberger are subject to confirmation by the Senate when it returns in January. Ash does not need Senate confirmation. Press secretary Ronald L. Zieg ler, disclosing the personnel changes to newsmen, said: “These three announcements come at a time when an inten sive review is being undertaken of the entire government struc ture and they are part of the President’s broad plan to bring fresh perspective and new vital ity to the second four years of his administration.” There had been advance spec ulation that Richardson might be picked to succeed Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, who disclosed weeks ago that he planned to resign at the end of Nixon’s first term. H o vv e v e r, there had been equally persistent x-umors that Richardson might become Secre tary of State, to head the de partment in which he served as undersecretary during the early part of the Nixon tenure. Richardson, 52, has been HEW chief since 1970. Long active in Republican pol itics in Massachusetts, the eru dite Richardson was lieutenant governor and attorney general of that state in the 1960s. Weinberger, 55, joined the Nixon team in 1970 as chairman of the Federal Trade Commission after serving as director of fi nance for Nixon’s native state of California. Like Richardson a Harvard graduate, he became deputy di rector of OMB when the agency was created on July 1, 1970, and moved up to the top job last May when George Shultz became Sec retary of the Treasury. Weinberger will be expected by Nixon to “bring about further efficiencies within HEW,” Zieg ler said. Ziegler said Richardson also will have a mandate to try to slim down the Defense budget. Ash, perhaps the least known of the trio of appointees, co founded Litton Industries of Bev erly Hills, Calif., in 1953 and has been its president since 1961. Responding to inquiries, Zieg ler said Ash will resign as Lit- @ SKAGGS \ ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS A DEL MONTE m 3!! !■ m L, PORK 101 mm DEL ■* MONTE EC ATS UR 26 0Z. JAR L 4 SLICED LB. USDA CHOICE BEEF BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST LB. HO S BO S (J FULL QUARTER LOIN SLICED y BREADED SCALLOPS ,00H 1” LINKS “ 0Ki . D *68* ED BACON = ^83* ELESS STEW ~ 88* prn puctcit albertsons cue jtll Lrtttot /^. r a c a n . i2ozOS CEO B0L0GNA”!K?s^" .,pko.58* VARIETY PACK -s™ „o 2 99* fTDVTDC USDA GRADE CUT OftC i Ilk V Ls\0. A U.P .LB..35‘ WHOLE LB. A Y DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR REUBEN’S COOKED CORNED BEEF : iK0!R . l8 2” REUBEN’S PASTRAMI * 2 25 BABY SWISS “ * l 45 DENMARK IMPORTED CHEESE...S. * ! 48 TURKEY BREAST S 2 25 PEL MONTE® ROUND-UP GREEN BEANS NEW CROP SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES TUNA .sk 3,o, $ l #0 DlPIfl ETC DEL MONTE 3 $100 r IU WL L.O. HOT GARIIC. Diu * ^ | POPCORN "" 2j. s,#0 FRESH DAILY FROM OUR OWN INSTORE BAKERIES UNA COIADA CAKE TRY THE SUNNY CARIBBEAN FLAVOR OF PINEAPPLE WITH COCONUT MILK mm COMPARE OUR QUALITY GRAPEFRUIT .V.. 6 ^ 5 1 00 1 GREEN BEANS 34* POTATOES.. 2 *, 29 c APPLES Sir 68 cl NAPA SWEET DELICIOUS CHINESE , 19< LAMBRECHT PIZZAS P&, $-|00 SAUSAGE I W OR HAMBURGER 12 OZ. PKG. FREEZER QUEEN ENTREES 5 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM 6.5 OZ. PKG. ALBERTSONS SHOESTRING POTATOES I $100 BAKERY LEMON MERINGUE PIES 8" SIZE 79* ASSORTED FRUIT FILLED COFFEE CAKES n oo APPLE SAUCE CAKE DONUTS I6“.x“ s l ## BANANA NUT LOAF 4 $100 16 OZ. I UNIVERSITY DR. AT COLLEGE AVE. FOOD & DRUG WITH ONE CENTRAL CHECKOUT!! pH ■ * l. IjOOj'’ ’ jMg-' J V' Lr. ton president Dec. 9 and would divest himself of his considerable stockholdings in the company. During the first two years of the Nixon administration, Ash served as chairman of Nixon’s Advisory Council on Executive Organization — a part-time job. On a rainy day here, Nixon spent much of his time discuss ing his reorganization plans with a series of official visitors, tak ing time out for a telephone conference with Vietnam peace negotiator Henry A. Kissinger back in Washington. With him at various times dur ing the day were James Lynn, undersecretary of Commerce; aides Charles Colson and John Whittaker; Sen. Robert Dole of Kansas, the chairman of the Re publican National Committee; and House Republican leader Gerald Ford of Michigan. Ziegler promised that more personnel shifts would be an nounced here Wednesday and said Nixon probably will make a heli copter trip to the White House in the afternoon to meet with Nguyen Phu Due, special repre sentative of South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu, to discuss the Paris peace talks. Maternal Deaths Unnecessary AUSTIN CP)—A Texas Medical Association committee says 50 out of 82 deaths directly related to childbirth in 1970 could have been avoided. The TMA Committee on Ma ternal Health also said the state had a maternal death rate of 3.6 women per 10,000 live births in 1970, the latest year for which it had statistics. The rate is based on the deaths of 126 women who were known to be pregnant within 90 days of their demise. Eighty-two deaths were directly related to child birth. In 1969, the maternal death rate was 3.1 per 10,000 births. Ponderosa Specials • Friday Evening; Fish Fry — $2.00 • Sunday Noon Lunch $2.00 • Special Weekend Rates for Parents & Students Call 846-5794 Ponderosa Motor Inn NOW SHOWING 2 p.m. - 3:42 - 5:34 - 7:36 - 9:18 THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. PaisnKHinl Pictiro Presents to ABC Circle Film * lonmar ftoduction ol IRVING WALLACE’S THE MAN KIDDIE MORNING SHOW THIS SATURDAY 10 A.M. Get Your Free Tickets at These Downtown Merchants Mode-o-Day, J. B. White, J. Penney, Parker-Astin, Beall’s 1st Chapter “FLASH GORDON” Plus BOY 10 FT. TALL You’ll Come This Saturday 10 a.m C. STARTS TODAY only McIntosh, the indian-fighter, stood BETWEEN ULZANA, THE APACHE-AND THE BLOODIEST MASSACRE OF THE WEST! BURT LANCASTER ULZANAS RAID A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR- R