The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 29, 1972, Image 4
THE BATTALION Tear Gas Canister Touched Off Southern University Incident BATON ROUGE, La. OP) — A tear gas canister tossed by a state policeman into a crowd of blacks sitting outside Southern University’s administration build ing touched off the wild melee Nov. 16 that left two students dead, an all-black committee of inquiry was told Tuesday. “The first that I noticed, the state police came closer to the administration building, and they were seven to five feet from the first of the students that were Jet Crashes Over Moscow MOSCOW OP) —A Japan Air Lines jet lifting into the wintry sky over Moscow’s international airport crashed in a ball of fire Tuesday night. Japanese officials said 63 of the 76 persons aboard were believed killed. An American Embassy officer said two Americans were among the 13 persons believed to have survived the fiery plunge into the snow. The two were receiving emergency treatment at Moscow’s Botkin hospital, he said, but their identities were not immediately available. About 300 rescue workers sped to the crash site. The survivors were pulled free and sent to near by Botkin hospital. Dip and Dab Shop 206 S. Gordon, Bryan Art Plaster New Hours: (Beginning Dec. 4) Mon. & Tues., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday (Closed) Thurs. & Fri., 10 a.m.-lO p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.-9 p.m. (Closed each 1st and 3rd Saturdays) Louise Parrett A JLLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop 1014 Texas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center Big car insurance dividends? State Farm is now paying eligible Texas policyholders a big 20% dividend on expiring six-month policies. See: U. M. Alexander '40 221 S. Main Bryan Phone: 823-0742 STATE fARM STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois XXXX RATED ADULT LIBRARY CLUB Direct from Hollywood 2 Full Color Sound Features of the Hottest, Uncut, Un censored, No Holds Barred Adult Films. 272 Seats - Air Conditioned OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3 p m. til Midni le ESCORTED LADIES V 2 PRICE. Mondays - Bring date or friend absolutely FREE. Sundays - Ladies Free. Clip This Ad For <1 Discount. Features Change Thurs. For Membership Infor. Contact ADULT LIBRARY CLUB UniWrsitv <U;n tinst sitting down. “One of the state police offi cers took a tear gas canister and he lobbed it underhanded into the crowd of brothers that was sitting there. I grabbed it and I flung it out away from the stu dents.” Within seconds, Hershell Har ris told the panel, the choking, blinding gas had scattered the students. Harris, who said he was out side the building when the vio lence exploded, delivered his eye witness account as the Black People’s Committee of Inquiry examined witnesses for the sec ond day. The panel met at a downtown labor hall. Across town, Southern’s 65- year-old president, Dr. G. Leon Netterville, went behind closed doors to testify before a biracial investigating committee set up by Louisiana Atty. Gen. William Custe. Netterville has been invited to testify before the all-black com mittee, but leaders said they had received no reply. Guste’s grand jury-style inves tigation, the only state-sponsor ed inquiry with any legal force, was also meeting for the second day. Focal point for the investiga tions is the half-hour-long clash which climaxed three weeks of student protests at the nation’s largest black university. Denver A. Smith, 20, of New Roads, La., and Leonard Douglas Brown, 20, of Gilbert, La., were sprayed with buckshot and died of head wounds. At Southern’s smaller New Orleans branch, all was quiet. The school was reopened Monday after a 10-day break, but the class boycott which had plagued the school for weeks appeared effective. Harris’ description of the ini tial clash conflicts with evidence Gov. Edwin Edwards and other high-ranking officials claim tlie; have. Edwards has films show the first tear gjj came from the students. Harris identified himself ; leader of Students United, group behind the demands more of a voice in the adminii tration of the school and for Nf terville’s ouster. Another Students United lead, er, Nathan Howard, deliver^ testimony which likewise con. flicted with official accounts. CAMP on ten(lei resid en ^ feeping iakeup T ilstratic % idiard.^r k iry -of D* sued A jeretary Welfa iijinate is no of Ms Completi OPEN 9 AM TIL 12 MIDNITE DAILY - SUNDAY 9 AM-TIL 10 PM lB3