Barcelona RESERVE A GREAT APARTMENT FOR FALL RENTAL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION 700 Dominik — Call 846-1709 for Information Pag-e 4 College Station, Texas Tuesday, November 14, 1972 THE BATTALION Vietnam Cease-Fire Could Be Stalled Again Student Section, Tennis Courts, Basketball and Volleyball Courts, T.V. Lounge, Pool Table, Club Rooms. Student Rates. Efficient, Discreet -Professional Management. Security Guard. The Newest in Apartments in College Station/Bryan Area. Student Plan $62.50 per month. We have separate Girls' Dorm. WASHINGTON > _ The White House said Monday there may be a need for additional consultations with the North Vietnamese beyond the “one more” negotiating session out lined last month by presidential adviser Henry A. Kissinger. Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told newsmen he could not confirm or deny that Kissinger and chief North Vietnamese negotiator Le Due Tho would meet this week in Paris. But if and when such a ses sion takes place, Ziegler said, “there will be further consulta tions required” with South Viet nam and perhaps Hanoi. The press spokesman denied this was a shift from the state ment Kissinger made last month in which he predicted that “what remains to be done can be settled in one more negotiating session with the North Vietnamese nego tiators, lasting, I would think no more than three or four days.” Ziegler told reporters also that Gen. Alexander Haig, Kissinger’s deputy, brought a letter to Pres ident Nixon from South Vietna mese President Nguyen Van Thieu when he returned from Saigon Monday. Ziegler confirmed also that Haig went to Saigon last week carrying a Nixon let ter addressed to Thieu. The spokesman would not dis close the contents of either mes sage, but American officials in Saigon indicated Haig’s four days in the South Vietnamese capital apparently cleared the way for a resumption of the Kis- singer-Tho meetings. Haig landed Monday afternoon at nearby Andrews Air Force Base where he was met by Kis singer. The two flew immedi ately by helicopter to report to Nixon at Camp David, his moun tain retreat in Maryland. While U. S. sources in Saigon spoke in optimistic terms, Amer ican officials in Washington clammed up after Ziegler spoke Monday. Earlier, they had pre dicted Kissinger would fly to Paris this week, and some spoke of a cease-fire agreement being signed this month. In addition to the reports that the way has been cleared for new talks by Kissinger and Le Due Tho The New York Times reported from Saigon that Thieu has modified a major objection to the nine-point draft agreement disclosed last month. According to the U. S. and Vietnamese officials quoted in the Times, the Saigon leader told Haig he would accept a pledge in principle by Hanoi to pull their troops out of South White House Fellowships JXow Available FANTASTIC FASHION UNDER $20.oo Smock tops and full shelled blouses in assorted pastel colors Easy care dacron & Cotton. Sizes 3?-38. $6.00 Penny Pincher ^ by ^^ererlep Q&ralep TOWNSHIRE Persons from all occupations between the ages of 23 and 35 (inclusive) may apply to serve as a White House Fellow before Dec. 15. The White House Fellows is a group of 15 to 20 “promising young citizens” chosen to serve as assistants to members of the Cabinet or the White House Staff. The program was founded by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The plan originated with a suggestion of then Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare John W. Gardner. Five years later. President Richard Nixon called the program an example of “tremendous foresight and perception.” In addition to their daily tasks, they participate in educational activities revolving around the government’s processes, person alities and problems. In this way, they learn first-hand the major issues faced by govern ment and the challenges of find ing and implementing solutions. One Aggie, Henry G. Cisneros, from the class of ’68 has already served as a White House Fellow. During his term, Cisneros met with President Nixon and other leaders in Washington and across the nation. Tasks of the individual fellows vary, depending on what needs to be done. In most cases, by the end of the year a Fellow will have written speeches, attended conferences, supervised staff work, drafted reports, conducted meetings and other such pro jects. Throughout the year, emphasis is placed on linking theory and practice, analysis and action. Applicants must be citizens of the United States. No employes of the federal government are eligible for the program, except career personnel of the aimed services. Nominations may be made by an organization (usually the em ployer) or by an individual or group having special knowledge of the nominee’s abilities and po tential. Organizations may nom inate more than one candidate and are encouraged to do so. Fellows receive a government salary of up to $27,289 for the year, depending upon previous education, experience and earn ings. Applicants are screened by re gional panels who then send their comments and recommenda tions to the Commission on White House Fellows. After additional screening, the Commission makes its presentation to the President, | who then names the new group of Fellows. Applications may be picked up j in the Student Government Of- | fices in the Memorial Student Center or be sent for at the President’s Commission on White House Fellows, The White House, ! Washington, D.C., 20500. Ag Stumpers ASTERISKED UOXES SPELL THE TWO WORD NAME OK ONE OF THE TOWN HALL GROUPS NOVEMBER 17. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED OPEN HOUSE ACROSS 1. To ia]) (i. Nicknamo for a sister Si. Negative 14. Nothing more or different 15. A city in Florida 23. Very small 27. Used originally as a plural pronoun of the seeoml person in the nomina tive case ‘Iron Birds” At another time “ Lyric Ait String Quar tet” Artist Showcase presentation Wed., Nov. 15 A pointed arch having on each side a reversed curve near the apex lone of two spellings) 55. Completed 59. Abbreviation for Egypt 61. To propel a boat 30. 39. 43. 50. DOWN 1. To recognize 2. Not any 4. Bashful, shy 5. “Crossword Puzzle, • Hunt" the name of the SPP CONTEST (for the answer call Bill Hatherill S45-7180) 12. Our first basketball game, Nov. 28 16. Grassland, pasture 20. Not nice 26. Abbreviation for Public Relations 36. 12 o’clock (in the day) 38. Wearing apparel used for feet 45. Not down 47. Also 56. A bovine animal Southwest Village Apartments I 2 ! 9 10 * 14 23 24 The Most Exciting Complex In Town NOV. 12 THRU NOV. 18 We are nearing completion on our 200 unit complex. Come by and see these unique apartments and register for a FREE gift certificate to be given away. We have 1 & 2 bedrooms and 2 bedroom studios with four color combina tions to choose from. Vietnam. There was no official confir mation of this in Saigon or Washington and South Vietna mese Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam said in a speech Monday night his government still de mands the removal of all North j Vietnamese troops. Hanoi’s public attitude is to accept another meeting with Kis singer, but only to sign, not to renegotiate the nine points. The draft agreement did not contain any direct reference to withdrawal of North Vietnamese troops from the South and the issue was not one of the “six or s e v e n” ambiguities Kissing said needed to be smoothed ( in a final session. Devoted & Concerned Book Collectors Art Books, American Ir Books, and Poetry boola] Some out-of-print, i autographed, some lin editions. 846-1307 after 6:00 p. m. AGGIES ... DON’T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Will Do YOUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-A-Way Plan ONLY $80.00 A PAIR We Also Have Spurs & Chains Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 109 E. Commerce San Antonio, Texas 78205 — CA 3-0047 CASH FOR USED BOOKS Loupot’s buys books for 300 other College Stores CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION Each Tuesday, 5:30 p. m. Holy Eucharist and Supper EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER 904 - 906 Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) 846-1726 m A, Kent Ellis, Evangelist “IN CHRIST” The most important and beneficial relationship which one can sustain in life is that of being “in Christ.” These words are used “of a person to whom another is wholly joined and to whose power and influence he is subject, so that the former may he likened to the place in which the latter lives and moves . . . ingrafted as it) were in Christ, in fellowship and union with Christ . . . most inti mately united tod him” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, p. 211). The person “in Christ” enjoys all spiritual blessings, redemp-; tion, forgiveness, and sanctification (Eph. 1:3, 7; I Cor. 1:2). “M Christ” he is a new creature, receiving the benefits of God’s grace 1 and love, being led on to triumph and eternal salvation (II CorJ 5:17; II Tim, 2:1; Rom. 8:39; II Cor. 2:14; II Tim. 2:10). The, blessings of being “in Christ” continue in and beyond death, for “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord” (Rev. 14:13). To live and die outside of Christ is to miss all these blessings in time and eternity. Two passages in the New Testament tell us how one conies to be “in Christ.” Both state that a proper subject is “baptized into Christ” (Gal. 3:27; Rom. 6:3). You wil search in vain for any] other way to enter “into Christ,” and thus to enjoy the incalculable benefits of this relationships. TWIN CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 3610 Plainsman Lane Bryan, Texas Phone 846-4515 or 846-0804 DEC DEC. DEC DEC. H0US DEC DEC DEC. DEC. THESE ARE A TOTALLY NEW CONCEPT IN APARTMENT LIVING OOIITHUIOOT VlIrMftGe apartments O 1101 Southwest Parkway & Medina St. C.S. 846-1931 BONFIRE PICTURES Order Now From Your Dorm Representative We are now taking advance orders for 8 x 10 color pictures. Sales benefit the Fish Drill team and the Civilian Student Council. to i For Information Call: BARKER PHOTOGRAPHY 846-2828 Robert Barker ’71