lay, OctoberislE BATTALION Wednesday, October 18, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 5 ure Approves $6 Billion SS Increase >,le « e Teaehrrt Beal gpeal.iH [ SC Social j, WASHINGTON (j2p) — A c ° m - p ^Bise Social Security bill in- 1 ouncil wilting benefits by $6 billion ’* the Physiti eal . ,1 the House and Senate ^' m ' jeslaYi But disputes over a bill precinct ( in P ose a ^ ,r, 0 billion spending meet at tbe lilii - on the federal government uarters, 21 ! ive stalemated efforts for im- ' P-m. ThunJ|ate adjournment. Social Security bill sailed TRY gough the House by a 305-1 NOT Acer )te and thc Senate by a (il -° ___2__^J«rgi n > marking a big step to ward Congress’ hoped-for ad journment. But Senate opposition to the controversial $250 billion spend ing ceiling sought by the Nixon administration diminished hopes of some that Congress would con clude its work late Tuesday. The Social Security bill would raise payroll taxes to pay for the liberalized benefits. The maxi mum tax on a worker, matched by his employer, would be $631.80 next year, compared with $468 this year. But part of the in crease would occur even under present law, which would set the maximum for 1973 at $594. While the bill was hailed by most members as improving the programs it covers, others chided Congress — especially the Senate —for failing once to include re form of the welfare system in the measure. Rep. John W. Byrnes, R-Wis., said “nobody, nobody likes the present welfare system . . . and an important attempt to deal with one of the most serious problems before us has come to nothing.” The welfare reform section, which the House passed last year in essentially the form recom mended by President Nixon, was drastically revised by the Senate and conferees, unable to reach a compromise deleted the whole title. Welfare reform died in the pre vious Congress under similar cir cumstances. Senate opposition to the spend ing ceiling developed after critics charged the measure did not im pose sufficient limitations on the President’s spending powers. It is the chief obstacle to adjourn ment. The House passed 166 to 137 the compromise bill setting a $250-billion spending ceiling and authorizing the President to trim money allocations to fit it. Exempted from cuts are pen sions and medical benefits for So cial Security recipients, welfare recipients, veterans, military, civil service and railroad retirees, and the salaries of judges. Other budget items are grouped in 50 categories, each of which could be reduced not more than 20 per cent. aJ SKAGGS N ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS SPECIALS GOOD WED, THU, EDI, SAT ... OCT. 18,19, 20, 21 FOLGERS COFFEE SMOKED SHANK PORTION % SMOKED BUTT PORTION LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED EPS! COUlBONELESS SHOULDER ROAST ,. 84‘ 16 OZ. 6 PAK LINK SAUSAGE 68‘FISH STICKS ,,.,..98* WIENERS "•••• 58*CHICKEN FRIED STEAK ™ 5 ,84* _ ^ SKAGGS-ALBERTSON S „ BURRITOS FR ‘ NK ,,„z 88* SLICED CHEESE .., 5 o,.o,65 ( CREAM CHEESE ,,n " [ ,ozpko 10' GROUND BEEF , 85' PLUS DEPOSIT! BANQUET BANQUET COOKING CHOOSE FROM ALL ITEMS EXCEPT BEEF OR HAM I j . 11 ms i u i * i m ij BANQUET FRUIT PIES BANQUET POT PIES IEAD0W GOLD n oz. 5 ITEMS { TO CHOOSE ) FROM 5 OZ. PKGS. APPLE, 1 m CHICKEN PEACH, . 1 beef. OR CHERRY |AI IP" 3 1 H OR U JJ IK ^ 1 if TURKEY 20 ill PH 8 OZ. OZ. m J || PKG. >.r*il*w*A J, tp r ALL < x.jggjigtfeiiS .“Hl'i '•*'»*_•* * FLAVORS ~ DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR BBQ BRISKET SMALL & TENDER LB. Zr\/I>lf\l ALL MEAT BOLOGNA CVlXKIvn GREAT FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES 45‘ BBQ BEANS FRESH DAILY pt. 35‘ POTATO SALAD FRESH MADE is. 48 c HOT PEPPER CHEESE SPICY • j lb. 47 c GOLDEN RIPE CORN WEST PAC 10 Oz. Pkgs. SWISS MISS ANANASXwaffles A SKAGGS ALBERTSON S SPECIAL CHOCOLATE CAKES LB., DELICIOUS APPLES... ^ LBS. FOR M C fr t C a W' Crisp - long Shank Stalk 29' R A INI Swee * Sun *' ls, lb. 19' CARROTS vi,amin ^ Ca w- fy Cello Bag L lb. Ea. 33' i POTATOES...™ 2 u. 29' WEST PAC GREEN BEANS $ Cut or French Sliced 8 Oz. Pkgs. WEST PACK MIXED VEGETABLES $ 10 Or. Pkgs. ORE-IDA ONION RINGS 12 Oz. Pkg. C BAKERY BAKED NOT FROZEN PUMPKIN PIES 2*i APPLESAUCE CAKE DONUTS 20 •* S 1 LARGE ANGEL FOOD CAKES 2 Uniced Packed In A Poly Bag POTATO SEE US FOR THE FINEST SELECTION OF HALLOWEEN PARTY NEEDS! University Drive At College Ave. McCORMICK TOWIE SALAD AMERICAN BEAUTY ELBO SUNSHINE ADAMS EXTRACT SKINNERS LARGE ELBO MAGG1 BEEF OR CHICKEN ATKINS POLISH Dill BACON BITS OLIVES SPAGHETTI CRACKERS VANILLA MACARONI BOUILLON CUBES PICKLES 3’/* 0Z. dj jar iyi r 99< r 2H u; 42< ■“ 89 ( it 4 St 25t 5 89< Stumpers Answers M A HON E Y| BA; eHqAh l a! m U NIB B L_U im T* A s. or B I! T \ A&M Soccer Team Loses To Trinity The A&M soccer team suffered a 5-2 defeat at the hands of Trin ity University last Saturday in San Antonio. A&M led 2-0 to halftime after goals by Hernando Grana and Leopold© Sessarego. The Aggies, who were short of substitutes, ran out of gas in the second half and lost five goals to Trinity. A&M plays Texas A&I at 2 p.m. this Saturday and Pan American University at 2 p.m. Sunday. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED FRIDAY, OCT. 20 Is The LAST DAY For FRESHMEN Make-up Pictures for 1973 Aggieland at UNIVERSITY STUDIO 8 a. m. - 5 p. m. North Gate 846-8019 PAWN LOANS Money Loaned On Anything Of Value. Quick Cash For Any Emergency. See Us For Ready Cash Today. Texas State Credit Pawn Shop rolT^xas Ave., Bryan Weingarten Center EMPLOYMENT U.S. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Unique professional opportuni ties are available for those sen iors and graduate students com pleting work in: *Computer Science ’•‘Economics Engineering (EE, ME, AE) Foreign Area Studies Foreign Languages (High Proficiency Required) Chinese Polish French Portuguese German Russian Italian Serbi-Croatian Japanese Vietnamese Korean Geography * History *International Relations *Journalism *Physics ’•‘Political Science Psychology (PhD) Secretarial Science ♦Graduate Students Only All assignments are in the Washington, D.C. area. Some re quire foreign travel. Preference is given in the case of male applicants to those who have ful filled their military obligation U.S. citizenship is required. OB TAIN YOUR APPLICATION FROM THE PLACEMENT OF FICE. MAIL THE APPLICA TION TO OUR OFFICE BY 27 OCTOBER 1972. ALL QUALI FIED APPLICANTS WILL BE INTERVIEWED AT AN EAR LY DATE.