The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 27, 1972, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 27, 1972 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Race Relations Specialist Joins A&M Education Faculty “I’m losing my ecological compassion for grassburrs!” A school-community relations and community education special ist who has consulted on school race relations has joined the A&M educational-administration facul ty. Dr. Raymond D. Terrell, 37, was administrative assistant to the superintendent for community re lations in a Cincinnati, Ohio, school district until late August. Dr. Harold L. Hawkins said Terrell will chair the Educational Administration Department’s pub lic relations option as Dr. Paul Hensarling directs more attention to Teacher Placement Services. Terrell also will teach courses in school-community relations, school special services and staff personnel relations and supervise administrative interns located in school systems over Texas. The new assistant professor helped found Interracial Interac tion Inc., a corporation of black and white professionals that con sults with school districts on race relations. Terrell is the 1972 president of the firm and chapter past presi dent of the Ohio Community School Education Association. “1. I. I. is a group of six pro fessionals—three blacks and three whites — which did consulting work in Cincinnati, modeling healthy relationships in schools,” he explained. Establishing a good “trust level with the media” was Terrell’s goal as assistant to the superin tendent in Cincinnati’s Princeton school district. One of his PR jobs involved helping keep schools open through a bus driver strike that idled a third of the district’s 86 buses. University Judicial System To Be Evaluated Thursday A meeting Thursday of univer sity staff and students will con sider a recommendation by the Student Senate on the proposed university judicial system. establishing dorm judicial coun cils and the powers they have. Bill Hartsfield, instrumental in bringing the resolution before the Senate at the end of last year, said the main point of the resolu tion is to recommend all informa tion on university judicial proc esses and the offices that handle them be compiled in one place. He added that all the information was available, but scattered throughout the University Regu lations. After consideration of the res olution the committee will make a recommendation to President Jack K. Williams’ office. There- fore, action on the recommenda tion should occur in two to three weeks. Attending the meeting will be Associate Dean of Students How ard S. Perry, Dean of Men Charles W. Powell, Dean of Wom en Toby Schreiber, Dr. Haskell Monroe and Kent Caperton. The recommendation also seeks to develop a consistent method of Students attending the meeting will be Layne Kruse, Ron Kra- navek, T. Mark Blakemore, and Hartsfield. I Batt News Summary | By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The ranking American diplomat in Cambodia escaped a powerful terrorist bomb Wednesday morn ing, but the blast killed three Cambodians and set afire the diplomat’s armored limousine, au thorities reported. Thomas O. Enders, the 6-foot, 8-inch U.S. charge d’affaires, emerged unhurt from the battered wreckage of the car. He was on his way to the U.S. Embassy, where he is in charge while Am bassador Emory C. Swank is on home leave in the United States. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. — More than 3,500 persons are expected here Saturday for a joint conven tion of the Texas Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Boards. Among topics to be discussed will be policy making in light of court decisions, character-based education, year-round schools, community education and data processing for small schools. The three-day meeting will be held at the Convention Center. PEKING — American antiwar activists, accompanying three American prisoners of war re leased by North Vietnam on their journey home, disclosed Tuesday that Hanoi says spying devices have been found in U.S. packages sent to POWs. Cora Weiss, leader of the four activists, said after viewing a display of the electronic equip ment allegedly hidden in such things as cans of milk, “It looks to us an unmistakenly profession al job.” A Pentagon spokesman, Maj. Gen. Daniel James, said, “The charges are too ridiculous to dig nity by trying to address them in detail.” envoys from North Vietnam and set another meeting for Wednes day. Neither side would reveal what was being discussed. WASHINGTON — The United States took the lead Tuesday in world monetary reform, laying down a far-reaching plan includ ing more flexible currency values and abandonment of the dollar as the foundation of the interna tional financial structure. The plan, presented by Secre tary of the Treasury George P. Shultz, carried tough penalties for nations running heavy bal- ance-of-payment deficits. ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue — Bryan Conultl ,n M m at our new ( 5c A COPY at our new quick-action copy center Open 7 days a week Try This Convenient NEW Service Soon! Pick Up The Meter Key At The Main Desk In The Lobby Of The M.S.C. easy-to-use XEROX’’ equipment! SMILE WASHATERIA and DRY CLEANING Triple Load Washer Double Load Washers Single Load Washers Newest Dryers We wash, dry and fold. Special washer for blanket* bed spreads and rugs. Attendant on duty. Open daii; 7:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. Located at 3800 Alani Drive Bryan Near Texas A&M One block behind Pepe Tacos—turn on Lynn or Ehlinget —go down one block—stop at SMILE WASHATERIA (New air-conditioned brick building) GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 5 bag 39c LIMIT I WITH $7.50 PURCHASE ADDN. BAGS 57c delicious WAYS— UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — In his strongest speech in four years condemning United States involvement in Vietnam, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromy ko declared Tuesday that the U.S. is carrying on an “unprecedent ed expansion” of the Vietnam War. He demanded the withdrawal of all American troops. In Paris, Henry Kissinger held his 18th secret meeting with peace AUSTIN, Tex. — Reps. Don Adams of Jasper and Lynn Na- bers of Brownwood, asked Gbv. Preston Smith Tuesday to open the special legislative session to \ legislation for a “true life sen tence.” The representatives said the life sentence should be assessed for murder, rape, armed robbery, kidnapping and the sale of drugs to minors. Last July the U.S. Supreme Court found Texas’ death sentence statute to be unconstitutional. H MEAT REDEEM THIS COUPON FOR w SO EXTRA SCH QUEEN STAMPS With Purchase of $5.00 or More TjSTM 'LHEESE OR SMOKE (Excluding Cigarettes) FLAVOR) LUNCH SPAM ! to FEED’EM i for LESS PRICES 1 GOOD SEPT. 28 0CT.4, T972 Typiwt. typewritei 12 OZ. CAN Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax- Represented nationally by National Educational Advertisinjr Services, Inc, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and corn m u n ity news pa per. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press LETTERS POLICY Letter.; to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 pe full year. All subscriptions subject rtising rate furnished on request, j The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, yea sal ar ; $6.50 P tax. Advertising rate furnished Tg i 217 uec Texas 77843. Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77S13. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for ■edited to it or not reproduction of all news dispatchs otherwise credited in the paper and 1 paper and local news of spontaneous Rights of republication of all other Members of the Student Publications Board are,: Jim Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. Tom Adair, Dr. R. A. Albanese, Dr. H. E. Hierth, W. C. Harrison, J. W. Griffith, L. E. Kruse and publisr matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. H. B. Ii. Sears student newspaper at Texas A&M, is The Battalion, published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. EDITOR MIKE RICE Managing Editor Larry Marshall News Editor Rod Speer Women’s Editor Janet Landers Sports Editor Bill Henry Assistant Sports Editor Kevin Coffey BETTY CROCKER - YOUR CHOICE Jlanilfiirjjer Helpers Address: ■BfeMBnU \t's a Great Year for the Aggies! Sales Dept. Service Tuesday & Thursday Till 9 p. m. Other Evenings Till 7 p. m. 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday-Friday Part Dept. Open Saturday Till 1 p. m. Mastercharge—BankAmericard—Mobile Credit Card. Campus Pickup and Delivery Service. COKES or DR. PEPPER 39c OUNTY PAPfcR TOWELS 3 *“= $1. * USDA GRADE A CUT-UP 3/ c 6 BTL. CTN. ★ Special Campus Representative: Tom Evans all Dealership Services-846-2532 CUST Pontaic - Buick - GMC Trucks 601 Texas Ave. — Bryan 823-8044 LB. PRODUCE FROZEN FOOD ^ I iifc; t '.mm POTATOES U'k.wo.i 49 ROMAINE LETTUCE 5c BUNCH ALL QUANTITY RIGHTS RSVD. if y you us- V Ore da: te p 4 I Y Typing. »nd scient Fast ar evenings. Typing Typing Perienced. Typing. Freshma aken for University Di To the --Do n: J1SC01 lUality iscount bu you iunt 1 ai ,t i Wi buy. offered if iexas A\ North Te: ment Com Pood fum bel Lost in jnents. a Reward. 9080 night Premii mount* balanct Priced “Sale” Just others. grade oompai Ha Con Gu A.C., Alien Sts fre Porei Prt an Joe 220 Givip