ATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Nay 5(f per word ic per word each additional day B Minimum charge—75c Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion FOR RENT stalls with pasture, 3 miles from liable. 846-3502. 144t3 oom, 1 bath house. New, on one lilt in stove, central air and heat, per month. One year lease. 823-5064. “ 144t4 ee rent for 2 male students for part- Help—see manager of State Motel— jeas Ave. 144tfn UPEt real FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS 2 blocks from A&M. fcdroom furnished or unfurnished. [Pool and Laundry Facilities. Call 846-8981 144tfn [ousc, barn & corrals with 3 '/j acres Ht on Boonevill road just off East By TCall 822-1328 from 8 to 6:30, 822- ptcr 5 :30. Ibedroom nicely furnished house, $65 Cali 823-6045. 143tf HORSE STALLS AND PASTURES FOR RENT Indoor Riding Arena Located on Hwy. 6 S. Next to Ponderosa Call 846-6669 or 846-4254 14U4 leed roommate to share 2 bedroom, nishol apartment. $55 per month and bills 1318-A Antone (off Coulter). Call <27:1 nftci :: p m 137tfn ERRELI omposer Texas *IR01DM00R ARMS APARTMENTS Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnished. Hitilities and cable paid. All electric, n)tral air & heat. From $136. Four ^Lnts $33.75 each. From Manor East ping Center take Villa Maria to light, turn right on Carter Creek, blocks and turn left on Broad- Office 1411 Broadmoor. 5 tes to campus. 846-2737 138tfn men! OAKS. Beautiful half-acre mobile er, and 846—3578. Beal bites, reasonable rent, free wate lots. Call 846-7366 ENTION MARRIED COUPLES: mher 2i I® a,1| t two bedroom furnished apartments “for occupancy. 1*4 miles south of , .1 npus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on by 1"° (inds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. 823-0934, or after 5, 846-3408 or 58tfn HICKORY HILLS Mobile Home Community Bryan’s Newest & Finest Spacies & Mobile Homes for rent lione 822-6912—823-5701 f 2001 Beck Street so entrance on Hwy* 2818 at Industrial Park imtfn From Rock & Country To Swing! Dance Music the barons agency OF HOUSTON H. H. “Bud” McDaniel ’42 1136, Bellaire, Texas 77401 (713) 666-0800 ROCK DANCE Friday, September 8, 1972 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM BRYAN COLUMBUS HALL Music By FLINTLOCK (Bud McDaniel ’42, Manager) ohile Home Outlet Sales and Service AT HWY. 6 ft 21 BRYAN. TEXAS 77801 Low down payment Local Bank financing Up to 12 years to pay Free delivery and set up Phone 822-9140 —EVERYDAY— Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69^ Each Uernators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freeze and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan HELP WANTED Student for afternoons. 5 days a week. Apply Bryan Ice Co., 701 North Texas, 822-6222. 143tfn Wome pose for expe; Photoi tion age 18 and older are needed to lart-time photographic work. No rience necessary. Wages open, jgraphy, P. O. Box 9236, Colle for application. Write (6, College Sta- Church Organist needed. Wednesday services. Call 846-8447. Sunday and 141t6 Aggie Wives needed to serve as cafeteria line hostesses and dining room attendants in Sbisa Dining Hall from 10:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. and from 4 :30 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. each week day. This is an employ ment opportunity for the entire school year. See Mr. Harold Thearl, Sbisa Hall. Equal Opportunity Employer. 141t4 Need 4 waitresses. Day and evening. Apply in person at 807 Texas Ave., Oak- ridge Smokehouse Restaurant. 138tfn JOBS WAITING For Trained People Register Now For Term Starting Sept. 19th McKENZIE-BALDWIN Business College 702 S. Washington Ave. BRYAN, TEXAS Dial 713 822-6423 138t8 Men or women, full or part-time. $1.80 per hour starting salary. Part-time hours can be arranged for students or housewives. Openings at both stores. Apply in person only at Whataburger No. 43, 1101 Texas Ave., Bryan. 137tfn Married student or graduate student. Evening hours. Representing NATIONAL HOME FOODS. Pleasant — good pay. Ifitfn R.N. needed full-time as charge nurse on 11-7 shift. R.N. needed as relief charge nurse on 3-11 shift and/or 11-7 shift Top pay, good working conditions. Shift differential, plus mileage. Also needed, L.V.N. medication nurse for 11-7 shift full-time. Call or come to Grimes Memorial Hospital, 210 S. Judson, Navasota, Texas 77868, (713) 825-6586 Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann, Director of Nurses, or Mr. Fraley, Administra tor. 134tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Graduation Invitations for December Graduates go on sale Sept. 11 - Oct. 13 at the Cashier's Window — MSC from 8:00 - 6:00 - Mon. - Fri. 14U24 New horse stables for rent. 2 blocks from Bohanan Stables. 846-8568 after 5 p. m. 137t9 FOR SALE the hon ake the own home from Hi-Neighbor Mobile ames. 846-3766. 144tl Open reel tai also makes am fine machine. Lists for ove money, asking $200. Call 823-3045 evenings. 144t2 AKC German Shepherd pupp nd silver with shots. 846-5042. •pies. Black 144t2 MGB 1970. Only 22,000. Air, radio, new relli radial tires. Immaculate condition. 144t3 pirelli $2,100. Call 846-3907. Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn WANTED Waco Commuter seeking Call Christy 799-7875 Wi Bryan. carpool for TTh. ico or 822-4232 141t4 ATTENTION AGGIES. Permanent em ployment. Evening work. Time can be arranged to meet schedule, $125 per week guaranteed after one week training. Apply 201 Varisco Bldg, between 1 & 4 daily. This is a sales position. 136tfn Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S- Main 822-6000 1971 Yamaha 175, $375. 272-8636 (local). 143t3 1972 Yamaha 175-CC Enduro. 1100 miles. 822-4669. 143t3 Stereo component parts for sale cheap. 846-4101. 143t3 1967 VW Bus completely rebuilt $1,200. 846-6011. 143t7 Complete amateur radio station Heath equipment. Call 846-9260 after 6 p. m. 143t4 1970 Honda CB-360. Call R. T. Perry at 845-6426. 142t4 1972 Honda SL-350, only 1100 miles, ex cellent condition, 846-2998. 142tfn IBM electric typewriter 18” carriage, carbon ribbon. Excellent condition $250. 846-2236 after 5 p. m. 141t5 1967 Chevrolet % ton pickup, V-8 with goose neck hitch, brake control, in good shape. Call 822-3980 after 5 p. m. 1971 Honda CB-350. 6,000 miles. $676. Call 846-0648. 136tfn CHILD CARE I will babysit in my home. 846-0597. 144t6 Children wanted to care for in my home, reliable sitter available for working moth er. Monday through Friday. 846-4919 week days before 6 (846-2037 after 5:30). 142t3 Would like to do babysitting. Children of all ages are welcome. 846-6690. 141t5 Will keep children ages 2 years Aud older on day care basis. Located near Crockett Elementary School. 822-6550. 139t6 I will babysit in my home. C-10-Y Col lege View. 846-6189. 138t8 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Offict of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Vento, Edward Degree: Ph.D. in Economics Dissertation: INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN A TOKEN ECONOMY. Time: Sept. 11, 1972 at 1:30 p. m. Place: Room 3 in Nagle Hall George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College PERSONAL To the students and personnel of TAMU. —Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us before you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Employ ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you need furniture, you cannot afford not to see us before you buy at Discount Furni ture Co. jut it m 136tfn WORK WANTED Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. 135tfn Typing near campus. Electric. Ex perienced. Symbols. 846-8965 or 846-0571. 124tfn Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Kathy FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO • FIRE • LIFE TRUCK • COMMERCIAL E. B. (JACK) SMITH, Agent 520 University Dr. East Bus.: 846-1021 Home: 846-0974 College Station, Texas 77640 PRODUCTION WORKERS We are accepting applications for opening on first and second shifts. Must be 18 or older, and have own transportation and good work record. Must be able to work full time. Good pay and benefits. Apply: PERSONNEL OFFICE ALENCO A Division of Redman Building Products, Inc. 615 Carson Bryan, Texas . An equal opportunity employer. WANTED YOUNG ADULT OR RETIRED PERSON FOR MOTOR ROUTE Must have good transportation and be free afternoons from 2:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. and Sunday mornings. Call 822-3707 The Eagle Circulation Dept. WHY PAY MORE? For $139.00 per month you get: New 2 bedroom furnished apartment, central air con dition and heat. (No noisy window units) Owner pays water, sewer, garbage & TV cable. Adja cent to new, modern washateria. No long lease necessary. Try. If you don’t like, you can move by giving proper notice. Vet Med Student & A&M couples preferred. Few apartments available now and Sept. 1. 822-5236 THE Thursday, September 7, 1972 BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 3 News Briefs Gulf Oil Gives Grant Gulf Oil Foundation has made a $1,000 unrestricted grant to A&M’s Geosciences and Earth Re sources Foundation. Arnold Spoor, district explora tion manager for Gulf Oil Co.’s Houston Exploration and Produc tion District, presented the check Wednesday to Geosciences Dean Earl Cook. The $1,000 was the fourth in stallment on a five-year, $5,000 commitment by Gulf Oil Founda tion. Dean Cook pointed out the latest gift brings total support to TAMU from Gulf Oil to $330,163 over a period of years. Accompanying Spoor was J. E. Hooks, 1961 TAMU graduate, now a Gulf geologist. Attending the presentation were Dr. Cook, Dr. Airport Noise Disturbs Gtizens; Cause of Unusual Complications If you see a certain lad walk ing around who is 6 feet 2 and still shooting up at only 14 years of age, don’t credit his height on genes, chromosomes or heredi ty. Airplanes did it. If you’ve never lived at the end of a runway of a major air field, count your blessings. Just imagine huge four-motor passenger planes, screaming 200 feet over your home, all throttles out, fighting for altitude. The television turns over—not Whales Trained For Torpedoes Whales have been successfully trained to retrieve dummy torpe does from the ocean floor, the Navy says. Experts believe they could also be used to locate mines. The whale-training experiment, called Operation Deep OPS, fol lowed earlier secret experiments to train porpoises and sea lions to detect enemy mines and frogmen. The whale test, announced Tuesday, started in 1969 and end ed in October of last year in wa ters off Hawai. Both a 1,200- pound pilot whale and a 5,500- pound killer whale were used, al though the pilot whale proved more reliable and controllable, the Navy said. In the experiment, a whale was directed by signals from dum my torpedoes to depths of 1,654 feet. Equipped with a large yel low rubber bit clamped in its mouth, the whale swam to the tor pedo and clamped the device onto it. A large balloon then inflated automatically, and the torpedo floated to the surface. The whale, meanwhile, swam to the recovery ship where it was rewarded with a fish. The Navy said the project dem onstrates the feasibility of “a simple, highly responsive and eco- nomical-to-use system of recov eries,” using trained whales. SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 J r !fe Te * as ^R-LsJ CRfVPt£| SALE 10% OFF Wooden Boxes Needlepoint & Crewel Kits Preworked Needlepoint Childrens Kits 20% OFF PLASTER Join Santa’s Workshop Tuesday—10-12 a. m. just the picture, the whole set. Conversations stop. Telephone callers can’t make themselves heard. Everything loose rattles. And babies? Don’t expect them to get much sleep. This particular youngster was awakened a dozen times a night by the planes. The only way he would return to sleep was after a parent struck a bottle of milk in his mouth. The extra food made him over sized in no time at all and the doctor said that had to stop. It did give the baby a great start in growth, however. The neighborhood considered the plane noise just another prob lem of city living. That was until a flyboy in a home-made open-cockpit jet sailed over one day, reaching for the landing strip. He missed it half mile and crashed into a house, ripping out about 30 feet of the ridgepole and landing in the back yard which fortunately was unoccupied. The flyboy walked away with a debo nair strut. The next morning, “For Sale” signs sprang up on front lawns like bamboo shoots in the mon soon season. The family with the tall young ster that bought the house orig inally did so because it was a mile from the landing parrent at right angles to planes’ take offs and landings. Then more planes began using the field and a new runway was poured pointing straight at the family home. Other runways were laid later, and hundreds of families who had bought or built believing they were safe from severe noise found themselves in real trouble. All this happened in Dallas, but the pattern has been repeat ed over and over in other cities. Guess the number* of Swingline Tot staples in the jar. The jar is approximately square -3" x 3" x 43/8". Look for the clue about “Tot” capacity. The “Tot 50^” is uncondition ally guaranteed. It staples, tacks, mends and costs only 980 sug gested retail price at Stationery, Variety and College Bookstores with 1,000 staples and vinyl pouch. Swingline Cub Desk and Hand Staplers for $1.98 each. Fill in coupon or send postcard. No purchase required. Entries must be postmarked by Nov. 30, 1972 and re ceived by Dec. 8, 1972. Final decision by an independent judging organization. In case of tie, a drawing determines a winner. Offer subject to all laws and void in Fla., Mo., Wash., Minn. & Idaho. IMPORTANT: Write your guess outside the envelope, lower lefthand corner. "Clue: (You could between 200 and 300 Tots with the Staples in the Jar.) Swingline Honda G P.O. Box 1 New York, N.Y. 10016 THERE ARE. STAPLES IN THE JAR Name- Address. City- State- Telephone No. 32-00 Skillman Ave., Long Island City. N.Y. 11 tot Haskell Monroe, assistant to the vice president for academic af fairs, and Dr. Robert R. Berg, director of the Office of Univer sity Research. The grant money will be used in earth resources and geosciences programs. ★ ★ ★ Seminar To Be Held A seminar on the format and content of Fourth Count Census Summary tapes available through the A&M Library will be held Wednesday (Sept. 13). Time and place will be arranged after interested persons contact Joe Davis, libraries systems anal yst, at the library, 845-6111. A second seminar will cover use of available computer pro grams for retrieving data from the Fourth Count Tapes. Bulletin Board The Memorial Student Center Radio Committee will meet to night in room 2D at 7:30 in the MSC. Members are urged to at tend. p.m. in the Animal Science Build ing. Plans for the All-Aggie Rodeo will be discussed and new member ship will be taken. The El Paso Hometown Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in Lounge B of the Corps Area. Stu dents from El Paso are invited to attend the organizational meet ing. The Brazos Valley Gun Club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the old College Station City Hall on Church St. The movie “Adventures with Mule Deer” will be featured. Vis itors are invited. The A&M Wheelmen will meet Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m. in room 2B of the MSC. The movie “Magic of the Bi cycle” will be shown. The Political Forum Committee will hold its first organizational meeting tonight at 7:30 in the MSC Assembly Room. Material for making spirit signs can be picked up at the Student Y office in the YMCA building. The Student “Y” Association sells materials to the dorms and Corps each year. Signs are dis played the week before the game. For more information, contact Barbara Cowan at 845-2365. The Aggie All-Star Bowling League has set its first meeting tonight at 8:15 at the Triangle Bowling Alley. The league will start bowling this week. All interested bowlers are urg ed to attend. An Aggie Yell Practice will be held at 10:30 tonight in front of Henderson Hall. The Texas Aggie Rodeo Asso ciation will meet Sept. 11 at 7:30 The Fort Bend County Home town Club will meet Sept. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Art Room of the MSC. Election of officers will be planned. I AKEVIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. On Tabor Road Saturday Night: Moe Bandy & The Mavericks From 9 - 1 p. m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite (ALL BRANDS BEER 350) f: f 1 WE'VE GOT'EM ! OVER 700 PAIR IN STOCK RIGHT NOW! [L(SW0 o S JEANS FLARES Leave it to Levi’s to come up with the great look in jeans. Same built- to-last construc tion. Same lean fit. Same tough fabrics. But some fine new colors and a full flare to the leg. Fall into our place for a pair or two. with the famous Levi's tab $ i Open A i Swis-® Charge Account MANOR EAST MALL SHOP MON., THUR., FRI 9:30 A.M. TO8:30 P.M. TUE., WED.. SAT. 9:30 A M. TO 6:00 P.M. ! § 11 i II j &