The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 05, 1972, Image 5
THE BATTALION B, IfTS CoHe»* Station. Toxm To Prove Point This Season HUM Park ram* to Touo AAM to pmm m potet, and b« waa will >ac to pop bio own way to do it. A A-4. m-pound oonior flow HanUrili* Pork mam to A«rfe* rfli too tf I ' ploy Sou Oh 1L- Pork m Ao i otortor ot loft tockk, provod bio point, but ntisfiod -1 think I'm but I otiil think I eon do kottor. Pom pro tort ton Kao ol- wopo boon my main probktn, but I’m ooofo confident to tit this yudr." Park boo boon a eoluabl* utility M in bio career at A AM. Ho boo noon duty ot con tor, guard and taokie Hia favorite pooitioo ia the one ot wbick bo goto to ploy. Coach Emory Bollard eonoidors m of tbo main cogo in a or, Tory intent and very intelli offenaioo Hue. “Mike baa gont. Ho dooo a good job." oo and atrength,” Ballard Park and tbo root of tbo offonao lo'o a Tory dodicated play- found itaotf looming a ramplotoiy bow syatom whoa Bollard brought bio Wiohboao to AAM loot spring. Park think a tbo Wiahbono is groat for tbo offonoioo lino. . block io Important oa orory play, aad that really hetpo your concan tration And, too, are hare confi dence that If ore can ostabllah a croaaa, the play Is going to go. The batter we block, the farther the backs run. That is satisfaction for a lineman.’* to bo pita being a oonior with two i. Pork cant mat on hio oa- ca. Behind him la a youngs- imod Ricky Soaker “He io sat sophomore lineman I*to koto." Park said. “He baa ability, aad bo’s going to root one when be goat aoane Ho keeps me going nod every day." Aggies open the season i at Wichita Stats. As bo baa played against tbo w%. Park knows tbo game * bo easy. "Wfrhita io going a lot bettor than people think. They are a lot more oa-: perienred than they ha to boon in 1 the past, and they are really go ing to giro oo a fight. I knew we've looked pretty good in prae*| tics this foil, but a game is com pletely different.'* Pork, who io married, plans to go into teaching when ho gradu- atoa. Hit father is tbo superin tendent of the Huntsville school district, and hia mother teaches at Sam Houston State University. Chances are he’ll prove to be as good a teacher ao ho has boon o learner. Mike Park EMOt-futE rrnoa nmO** lyvno • moh ERRORITE* * Tyo °" BOOKSTt BUSIER-JONES AGENCY HOME MORTGAGES INSURANCE ARM A HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Hams Office: Nevada. Mm MSI Texes Am (In Ridgecrest) Md-lTtt !*= SAINT THOMAS' EPISCOPAL CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER PM Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) Telephone: MP-17SS t Sunday, 8 aad P.90 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, Canterbury Eucharist aad Supper. 6: 80 p. m. Thursday, Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, 6:30 a. m. The Rev. James Moore, Chaplain. The Rev. W. R. Oxley, Rector H Welcome Aggies i ... Dry CUnning nt it* bent. We have served. 0»e Ag- gRl Corps for 10 years and we know yoor needs. We enw ■ gibe you better cleaning service and alterations than ever before and too, we appreciate your busineaa. If ypu need One Hour Service you can get it at Villa Maria One Hour Cleaners. 4 » VI0 Villa Maria Rd. Bryan W. L. Ayers Owner and Manager Open Labor Day IMPORTED 3 & 10 SPEED BIKES >aUa - Service NEW SHIPMENT OP PEUGEOT Limited Supply AOS — $119.95 U06 — $127.95 CENTRAL SUPPLY 711 S. Main CUned Double Treat Retreat JACK TAYLOR MB tor Of Castle Hilln Bepttei Church San Antonio Author of “The Key To » Triumphant Living” BEVERLY TERRELL Soloist end Composer from Dallas, Texas WHAT: Texaa AAM BSU Retreat THEME: “Marti More’' / PLACE: Ptaeywooda Baptist Encampment DATE: September 22-25, 1972 TOTAL COST: *6.00 plus trumportation <•» 00 tueenratioa fas due aoou Wedneeday. September 8*) Per farther information, call SM-4411 or come by the BSU. 801 N. Main ■ SID Begins As Host of Second Year TV Program Spec Gammon, in hie tenth year as sports information director at Texas ARM, will host the “Spec Gammon Show” which is aiied each Monday night at 6:88 pm. on Channel 4, Community < vision. The format for the series, new in its second season, will be films highlighting Aggie games aad keeping Aggie fans up to date an happenings behind the scenes. He will also give scouting im ports on the Southwest Confer ence teams and Aggie opponents. Interesting guests will alse be interviewed. Gammon, though a Texan for many years, iscolvod his farmal education in Oklahoma and ac quired his Bachelor of Arts de gree from Oklahoma State Uni versity la Stillwater He waa a quarterback in his high school days aad alao captained the bas ketball team. After earring in the Army for three years during World War II, he began his career in the sports departments of several smalltown newspapers. Shortly thereafter, he became sports editor of the “Odessa American” for 18 years He joined the athletic depart ment at ARM ia July of IMS in his present capacity aa Sports Information Director. He is married to the former Aria Rutenbeck of Greeley, Cola., j in 1964. They reside in Collage Station and have two children; a daughter, Maria, 18 and a son. j Greg, 13. Gammon said hand basketball coach*! .elby Metcalf and head baseball coach Tom Chandler will have television shows when their respective seasons begin later this year. Spitz Gets Seventh Medal On Winning Relay Team MUNICH — Mark Spits, winning an incredible seventh gold medal, helped the United States to a world record 8:48.16 victory Monday night in the 4<X) meter medley relay at the Olym pic Games. East Gorman y captured the silver after a stirring duel against Canada, decking a 8:61.18 to the bronse-winning time of 8:62.26. Backetroker Roland » Matthes gave East Germany a quick lead, covering 1M meters ia world town A t quailing time e^ 66.8 see- onda, while Mike Stamm of San Diego, Calif., did 67.97 for the Uni tod States. Tom Bruce of Sunnyvale. Calif., put the A me rice ns in front to stay, completing his leg at 2:02.20 in the breaststroke. East Ger many was in strong content»o«. with 2:02.88. Then, the 22-year-old Spits, the pride sf Carmichael, Calif., broke it open on the butterfly portion, giving the UA. a four-meter lead with a time of 2:56.48, after 800 meters. Jerry Heidenrekh of Dallas cruised borne with a four-second edge ever (he East Germans. The world record effort erased the mark of 8:604 set Sept. 6. 1971, at Leipsig, Germany, ky a U.S. group that included Spits and Heidenreicb A second string foursome of Americans handled the qualifying earlier Monday in Olympic record time of 8:61 M. Spite’s complete domination of the Games included seven world record performances in the 100 and 2*0 freestyle, 100 sad 206 butterfly, 400 and 800 freestyle relays and 400 medley relay. Ne Olympian in any sport had ever won more than five, end ao swimmer had ever captured more than three individual champion ships. Melissa Belote of Springfield, Va., won her second Olympic gold medal with a world record 2:19.19 in the women's 200-meter back stroke Monday night Sue Atwood of Long Beach. Calif., took the silver medal ia 2:20.38 and Donna Marie Gurr of Canada won the bronse in 2:28.22. Miss Belote, 16, who won the 100 meter backstroke earlier ia Olympic record time, bettered her world record in the 200. It was 2:20.6. set Aug. 6 ia the U.8. Olympic Trials at Chicago and equalled earlier Monday in pre liminaries. Many Clubs To Begin League Play Numerous AAM Sports Clubs have scheduled organisational meetings to recruit new members MOON DREAM Expert watch repair, jewelry repair, and engraving. The Friendly Stove EMBREY’S JEWELRY 416 University Dr. 846-5816 ALLEN OMsmobile Cadillac SALES . SERVICE “Whera satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 and to snake plans for the coming school year. The Fencing and Gymnastic Chibs meet Tuesday ia G- Rollie White Coliseum. Fencing meets ia mem 261 while Gymnastics meets oa the third floor tumbiirwr room. All these interested In gymnastics but unable to attend are urged to contact Bob Felts .at 846-6896. Beth meetings begin at 7 p.m. The AAM Sports Car Club meets Wednesday at 7:80 ia the old College Station City Hall to disease a Sept. 9 and 16 rally and antoeroas race. The Aggie All-Star Bowling League will meet at 7:80 p.m. Tuesday in Room 2-A of the MS< The Texas AAM soccer team will organise formally Wednes day in Room 229 of the Chemistry Building at 7:30 p.m The team practices at 6 p.m. Tuesday aad Thursday at the soccer field. This year the team will be com posed of college men from North America. South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This year the team is looking forward to a win ning season ia the Southeast di vision of Texas, which includes Rice, Trinity. Houston, and other schools. All interested persons are urged to attend the meeting and prac tices. Y .»«• i ^ H. F. CA>mponent8hsJCufilom StercNi Quad A Stereo Quality Name Brands Bargain Basement Price* MARA! FISCHER I SANYO Mfim • k DUAL BENJAMIN MIRACORD BSE J B LANSING rectilinear HMFIBB SHU RE LEAR Jl ROM CHANNEL MASTER SPECIAL QUAD BUY <*aad AM/FM Em. with 8 Track Ben. Miracord (Waagsr with Base, Cover, Bmprie Elf Cart. Pair of It'-S-way Air-Sue. SPERM Pair of 8*-3-way Air-Sua. HPKRS Fair Trade 866* CmlOM Stereo Price 5495 rOK MORE INFORMATION CALL WALTER EMANUEL '60 — 84«-R041 f -Aw L com. t!v /Sage, Pool Table. Club Serurit* {juard Dkcvoet profs !K SMILE WASHATEHIA and DRY CLEANING , . 1 M 1 V ' M jff Triple Load Washer Double Load Washers Single Load Washers Newest Dryers dry and fold. Special washer for blankets, and rugs. Attendant on duty. Open daily 7:30 A $f TO 9:30 P.M. Located at 3800 Alani Drive 4 Bryan Near Texas AAM V One tM »ck behind Pepe Tacos—turn on Lynn or Ehlinger > down one block—stop at f ... \ 4 SMILE WASHATERIA (New air-conditioned brick huildiiqt) Big car insurance dividends? State Farm is now paying aligibta Texas policyholder* a big 20% dividend on expiring six-month policies 40 STATI F ANM MUTUAk j, Ai/TOMOSllf iNBUmmCf COMPANY : —