The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 29, 1972, Image 14
Page 2 College Station, Texas Tuesday, August 29, 1972 THE BATTALIO- Football coaching staff has talent and background In addition to the actual coach ing functions, numerous admini strative duties are performed by the Athletic Council and athletic department personnel to make the entire program operate smooth ly- The Athletic Council, a group of faculty members, is in charge of the overall policy and approv ing proposals in all areas of ath letics. Dr. Charles H. Samson, head of A&M’s Civil Engineering De partment, is the chairman of the Athletic Council. The other mem bers are Dr. O. D. Butler, head of the Animal Science Depart ment, Dr. Lannes Hope, associate dean of the College of Education, Dr. Earl D. Bennett, associate dean of the College of Business, and Harry L. Kidd, associate pro fessor of English. Bob Wright is the recruiting coordinator and director of pub lic relations for the athletic de partment. He has served as As sistant Executive Vice President of the Texas High School Coaches Association. Prior to that, he had logged 19 years in Texas high school and college coaching. Max Bumgardner is beginning his first full school year as aca demic counselor, having joined the department in January. “Coach Bum” is in charge of the aca demic aspect of the athletes’ lives and works extensively with the faculty in acquainting them with the athletic program. He served 21 years as a coach in Denison and San Angelo. Marvin Tate is in his seventh year as A&M’s associate athletic director. A 1955 graduate of A&M, Tate is in charge of many of the details and duties which Emory Bellard’s head coaching job prevent him from doing as athletic director. nancial matters connected with the athletic department, including purchasing, payroll, budget and ticket sales. Wally Groff, also an A&M graduate, is in his sixth year as business manager of the athletic department. In this capacity, he is responsible for all phases of fi- Billy Pickard, who graduated from A&M in 1956, has served the athletic department for more than a quarter of his lifetime. As a student, Pickard assisted Charles E. (Smokey) Harper as trainer, and he has been the full time athletic trainer since 1965. This year, his duties have been doubled, since he will be the ath letic equipment manager also. This doubling of roles is the re sult of the retirement of his long time friend and associate, S. M. (Monk) Meeks August 31. Jim Hutchinson joined the ath letic department in March as ath letic facilities supervisor. This puts him in charge of all outside equipment, with Pickard handling the inside duties. He has work ed for the Health and Physical Education Department at A&M since 1968. Emil Mamaliga, one of the top men in his field in the United States, supervises the weight training for all A&M athletes. He also officiates in various sports and is a faculty member of the Health and Physical Edu cation Department. /f's a Great Year for the Aggies! Sales Dept. Service Tuesday & Thursday Til 9 p. m. Other Evenings Till 7 p. m. 7 a.m. to 6 p. m. Monday - Friday Parts Dept. Open Saturday till 1 p. m. Mastercharge—BankAmericard—Mobil Credit Card. Campus Pickup and Delivery Service ★ Special Campus Representative: Tom Evans all Dealership Services- 846-2532 CUSTOM Pontiac - Buick - CMC Trucks 601 Texas Ave. — Bryan 823-8044 Elmer Smith, who has been on the football coaching staff for 18 years, will serve as a special consultant to the athletic depart ment this fall awaiting his offi cial retirement December 31. Smith has had extensive experi ence in the coaching field, and he is a member of the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame. Publicity is the job of Spec Gammon and his assistant, Jim Butler. Gammon is in his tenth year as sports information direc tor, while Butler starts his fourth year with the athletic depart ment. The pair of veteran news men is responsible for press box operations in all sports, press con ference, statistics, news releases, brochures and any other duties to aid sports writers in covering A&M athletics. Ex< aTm Aggit are t be e 1 1971-' Shelb being the S Ne\ enee, *1 Billy Pickard Ags in the prok Cowboys; Dave Elmendorf, Los Angeles Rams; Larry Stegent.StLj Cardinals; Ross Brupbacher, Chicago Bears; Edd Hargett, New (» Saints; Bill Hobbs, New England Patriots; Steve O’Neal, NewYorkif Tommy Maxwell, Oakland Raiders; Mo Moorman, Kansas City Gal Grady Allen, Atlanta Falcons, and Jack Pardee, Washington Redai; In addition, Billy Bob Barnett, former basketball and football te for A&M, is playing in the Canadian Football League. Barnettpifl one year for the Chicago Bears. The only Aggie playing in major league baseball is Dave Jotsi of the Baltimore Orioles, although A&M can boast of several it league players. Billy Hodge is in the San Diego Padres organizat \km Doug Rau and Bob Long are playing for farm teams of the Los Dodgers, Cliff Davis is with a Houston Astros farm club, andi Jim Hutchinson Camili is playing for a Cleveland Indians minor league team. In golf, A&M graduates Bobby Nichols and Ralph Johnston on the professional tour. Billy Martindale, the golf coach at Soofe Methodist University, is a former touring pro and an Aggie grad. Leonard Forey, David Hoot, Lee Hitt, Mitch Robertson and 1; IS Englert are the newest additions to an outstanding group offra® A&M athletes now competing in professional athletics. Forey is an offensive lineman with the Cleveland Browns, Mm a safety for the Houston Oilers, Robertson is trying to earn ajillr punter for the New England Patriots, and Lee Hitt is a cornerbacuf the Green Bay Packers. This foursome brings to 17 the number of Aggies in the Naal;; Football League. Englert, who was named to the second team All-America bail unit as a centerfielder last spring, is in the San Francisco Gap organization. He currently is playing for a minor league teril; Decatur, Illinois. Other A&M pro football players include Charlie and > Krueger, San Francisco 49ers; Lee Roy Caffey and Mike Clark,Ini Powhovs* Dave F.lmenHnrf T Anoelec Rams* I arrv Stpopnt St 1 LOUPOTS The Now Look for Girls Peanuts & Male Jeans Halter Tops and Halter Sets Smock Tops Body Shirts Shrinks Panty Hose Knit Tops