Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, August 2, 1972 THE BATTALK LAKE VIEW CLUE 3 Miles N. On Tabor Road Saturday Night: Tony Douglas & The Shrimpers From 9 - 1 p. m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite (ALL BRANDS BEER 35?) Thomas says Wed n Cooperative research needed to help cities A more cooperative research effort is required if universities are to improve their record of helping cities with their problems, contends Prof. R. E. Thomas of A&M. “The reason universities have been somewhat ineffective in the cities is not that their researchers have failed to do their jobs, but rather that they have not been working together,“ Dr. Thomas 'WHEN YOU Travel CALL ON US FOR MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER University Campus 846-3773 TOWNSHIRE SHOPPING CENTER 1907 Texas Ave., Bryan 823-0961 BEVERLEY BRALEY UNIVERSITY TRAVEL notes. As director of TAMU’s new Center for Urban Programs, he thinks that situation can be changed, particularly in such areas as municipal systems man agement, information systems and law enforcement. The A&M facility will approach city problems in the same manner as it has its research in various phases of the space program: through an interdisciplinary ef fort. “In the case of the space pro gram, it was basically a matter of getting different types of sci entists and engineers together to solve problems of a technological nature,” the former aerospace en gineering professor explains. “With the cities, it will be a matter of getting almost every body together — the engineers, urban planners, economists, edu- v*nn* ‘Vv- "When my brother Richard and I toured Texas recently we discovered a whole new attitude on your highways. It's called driving friendly. No more horns honking. No more tires screetching. Driving friendly. Just good people going about their business. Keep it up." Karen Carpenter "I admit I do enjoy a nip every once in awhile. But I never drink when I'm going 'to have to do the driving home. If you plan to drink, let someone else drive. Thats just one more way to drive friendly —the Texas way." —Ed McMahon “Speed on the highway usually has only one end zone ... an accident. Try driving friendly. Keep your speed down . . . You'll make it to the goal line every time." —Bob Hayes “My natural beauty usually attracts so much attention that drivers take their eyes off the road to stare at me and they run into telephone poles and fire hydrants. It's a mess. But you Texans keep your, minds on your driving. You don't give beauty more than a quick glance. You drive friendly." -Phyllis Diller “When somebody behind you wants to pass, pull over to the right and let him by . .. that's driving friendly." —Chariey Pride “There's nothing the Lettermen enjoy more than putting together a little close harmony ... On the highway we make harmony by blending in with traffic. Driving Friendly to make it all work together." —Gary Pike of The Lettermen drive friendly" Presented as a Public Service by the Governor's Committee on Traffic Safety- Presented as a Public Service by this newspaper cators, psychologists, sociologists and management specialists, among others.” The Center for Urban Programs was established in just this man ner—as a university-wide effort, Dr. Thomas emphasizes. For ad ministrative purposes, it operates as part of the College of Engi neering’s Texas Engineering Ex periment Station. In conjunction with the center’s establishment, an Urban Program Council was formed with repre sentatives from throughout the university, as well as from Prairie View A&M College, part of the A&M System. These representatives from var ious fields provide advice regard ing problem areas in which the university’s capabilities can best be put to work. “We certainly can’t solve all the problems,” Dr. Thomas readi ly admits, “but there are many which fall within our areas of expertise, and these are the ones we plan to attack with a well coordinated effort in which we bring to bear whatever resources are necessary to get the job done.” One of the center’s first under takings has been development of a continuing education program in municipal systems manage ment, directed at such agencies as the police, fire and parks and recreation departments and the tax assessors office. “Our Texas Engineering Ex tension Service performs some excellent work in this area, but primarily at the technician super visory level,” Dr. Thomas points out. “We are looking at the de partment head level — the fire chief, the police chief and pos sibly the assistant city manager.” San Antonio has offered itself as the “test tube” city for a short course we are developing to deal with systems management. The center also is developing a short course for airport man agers. The course will be offered for the first time next spring. Working through the center, Barton, Rowe win Upjohn awards Tommy Jack Barton of Cam eron and Nancy F. Rowe of San Antonio have been presented Up john Awards for outstanding clinical proficiency as graduating students in veterinary medicine at A&M. The awards were presented at a dinner sponsored by The Upjohn Co., a pharmaceutical firm. Barton received the award for outstanding clinical proficiency in large animal clinics. Miss Rowe was honored for her work in small animal clinics. TAMU personnel have teamed; to help the City of Dallas a study of an integrated cg| munication system. “This work may lead us i new areas, such as law enfo; ment and criminal justice," 1 Thomas notes, pointing out (Is is a widespread belief thati vanced technology has had ■ impact on law enforcement ti practically any other munici) field. “We see law enforcement i being one of the fields most 15 for the type of services we provide,” he adds. Still another center projecti volved helping the Waco pel school system lower the student cost of its new computi assisted teaching program. An area in which the ten, might become active is in ta information systems, taking formation from the files ofn ious municipal agencies and|i ting it in a central system. “There’s no doubt that a mi prehensive system can impm city services,” Dr. Thomas noa The tax assessor, for exam;i may have information that police department needs, thepi fessor points out, but under® existing systems there is mi rect means for sharing suchp: lie information. Among other problems wh the center may soon involve self are solid-waste manage® and inner-city decay. “The solid-waste problems be solved,” Dr. Thomas enp! sizes. “Since it can no longer burned and only so much can! buried, it will have to be cycled.” “Solid wastes should be loot; at as a resource and not as liability,” he reasons. Turning to the inner-city d« problem, Dr. Thomas said 1 center is already assembling! formation in an attempt to get! the heart of the problem. “It’s generally considered it the main problem revolves aroti transportation, but we thinks much more complex,” he obsera This is a prime example o(i! type of problem that will rap the talents of a host of differs types of professions work! closely together, Dr. Thomas eludes. Providing Professional Represei at Fidelity Union Life 84fi-8228 , David Johnson ’67 When you know it’s for keep Ifthi your finest shoul choic SC MEN' S0U1 STAT ment the E LEOI 0PM E WEST pletio TRIPOLI $325 WED. RING 62.50 APOLLO $750 ALSO TO 10,000 SO off H churcl Univei REGISTERED DIAMOND RINGS Love's perfect symbol is a Keepsake Diamond Ring . . . created in rich 14K gold and set with a perfect center engagement diamond. Choose yours today from our exciting new selection. Home of Bulova and Seiko watches. Expert watch and jewelry repair and prompt engraving. 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