The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1972, Image 7
: ■mmimam jSSlFlEt THE BATTALION 'ednesday, July 19, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 7 ad Battalion Classifieds ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL WED.. F| x ‘ m m CALL 822-3737 Texas Avenue — Bryan ’9 Krueger new head of poultry science Dr. W. P. Krueger, A&M poul try science professor since 1959, is the new head of A&M’s poultry science department. Krueger is heading the consoli dated department of poultry sci ence of the university, the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension Service, according to Dr. H. O. Kunkel, A&M’s dean of agricul ture. The new department head suc ceeds Dr. John H. Quisenberry, who retired June 30 after a teach ing career that spanned 36 years. In announcing Krueger’s ap pointment, Kunkel said: “He is a capable and dedicated teacher and researcher. He enjoys internation al recognition as a poultry scien tist through his authorship of an impressive list of scientific jour nals and the many graduate stu dents he has taught. “Furthermore,” the dean contin ued, “Krueger is held in high regard by his associates and has the confidence of the poultry in dustry.” Poultry continues to be an im portant segment of Texas agri culture with an income of approx imately $225 million annually, Kunkel said in emphasizing the impact of the industry. A native of Riesel, Krueger holds a B.S. Degree in agriculture and an M.S. Degree in poultry science from A&M. His Ph.D. De gree is from the University of Missouri in population genetics and animal breeding. Krueger served with the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1946 during World War II. He was principal and teacher in the St. Paul public school at Marlin, and was instruc tor at Mississippi State Univer sity and instructor and assistant professor at the University of Missouri. He joined the TAMU staff in 1953 and progressed to the rank of full professor in 1959. Krueger is associate editor of Poultry Science and is president of Phi Kappa Phi and a past president of Gamma Sigma Delta. He holds membership in Sigma Xi and Phi Delta Kappa. He also is a member of the Poultry Science Association, World’s Poultry Science Associa tion, American Genetics Associa tion, American Society of Natur alists, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Association of Southern Agricul tural Workers. Krueger is active in numerous professional committees. He is past chairman of the Southern Regional Poultry Breeding Tech nical Committee and the Commit tee on Graduate Instruction in the TAMU College of Agriculture. He is a past member of the Grad uate Council at TAMU and is a present member of the Texas Poultry Improvement Board. He has authored more than a dozen technical journal papers or publi cations. Dr. and Mrs. Krueger have two children. \ MSC " Cafeteria ^ i. I I NOW BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THESE CARE FULLY PREPARED AND TASTE TEMPTING FOODS. EACH DAILY SPECIAL ONLY $1.09 PLUS TAX. 1 beta 99 MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL BROILED BACON WRAPPED MOCK FILET STEAK GERMAN STYLE POTATOES Choice of one vegetable Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL FRESH CORN FED CHICKEN FRIED BEEF CATFISH STEAK w/CREAM FILET w/TARTAR GRAVY SAUCE Choice of two vegetables Grandma’s Cornbread Rolls & Butter Choice of one Tea or Coffee vegetable Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee ES Y $4.99 Y $3.99 THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL ITALIAN CANDLELIGHT DINNER — ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE ^ ^ Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad I Prt, -a Choice of Salad Dressing- - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee [ You cannot believe you get, “The Whole Thing,” for $1.09 ^ FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL MEXICAN FIESTA DINNER TWO CHEESE AND ONION ENCHILADAS w/CHILI Spanish Rice Patio Style Beans Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY SPECIAL NOON AND EVENING TWO TENNESSEE SMOKED CURED PORK CHOPS SERVED ON BED OF SAUERKRAUT Spiced Crab Apple Choice of Two vegetables Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee “QUALITY FIRST’ SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON AND EVENING OLD FASHIONED YANKEE POT ROAST Potato Pancake Choice of one vegetable Rolls & Butter Tea or Coffee Ag Communications wins 14 national contest awards A&M’s Department of Agricul tural Communications won 14 awards in recent national compe tition in the American Association of Agricultural College Editors. Six of the awards were won by the department’s Electronic Media Section. These included an excel lent rating on a special filmed tel evision feature on 4-H and very good ratings on a radio feature, radio spot announcement, and tel evision spot announcement. Good ratings went to another radio feature and a regular filmed tel evision feature on ultrasonic Reactor gear donated by army hospital Nuclear reactor research equip ment valued at $20,000 has been presented to A&M’s Nuclear En gineering Department by the De partment of the Army. Dr. Robert G. Cochran, depart ment head, said the equipment came from Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D. C. It has been used in biomedical re search at the hospital, he noted, with the program completed and the research reactor deactivated. The equipment includes air borne radio activation detectors, research graphite and electronic equipment. evaluation of livestock. Both the Printed Media Section and Publications Section each cap tured three awards, among them an excellent rating each. The Printed Media Section’s top award came for its press service for magazines. The Texas Agricul tural Extension Service division of the Publications Section reaped an excellent rating for the annual Extension Service report titled “Extension Advances Progress.” A very good rating went to the Printed Media Section’s weekly press service and a good rating to its daily press service. The Texas Agricultural Experi ment Station division of the Pub lications Section received a very good rating on a grain sorghum research bulletin and a good rat ing on the 1971 fall edition of Texas Agricultural Progress, the department’s quarterly magazine. The other two awards included a very good rating for an art de sign created for the 1972 Exten sion Service Press Day packet and a good rating on a special ra dio script. The Department of Agricultural Communications is composed of the editorial offices of the Agri cultural Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station plus the reproduction and distrib ution division. The department is responsible for the preparation and distribution of mass media materials and information as well as publications relating to agri culture, home economics and fam ily living, and 4-H and youth.- Dr. William E. Tedrick serves as editor and head of the depart ment. Miss Mary K. Mahoney is associate editor. Heading the va rious sections are Bill Braden, printed media; Larry Quinn, elec tronic media; Mrs. Helen Scott, Experiment Station publications; Mrs. Dorothy Holland, Extension Service publications; Bob Cullen, art; Cornell Green, visuals; and Tommy Ryan, reproduction and distribution. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED ISfc ^ ^ ■ It: Ptl mm: :>HUNTSVILLE,TEX. 'W.'.fif .smmm 8K5 GXMDSIIQ Direct Ticket Orders and Information: Texas Prison Rodeo, Box 99, Huntsville, Texas 77340. Tickets Go On Sale August 1 Bring coupon and collect your Silver Angel at Guppies, Puppies, Etc.. ALL GLASS TANKS DIRECTIONS: Go 1/2 mile south of the Ponderosa Motel and turn left for 1 mile and turn left for 1 miles and turn right to No. 19 Lake Placid — The Home of Guppies, Puppies, Etc. . . OPEN: 6 - 9 p. m. Monday thrd Friday 1 - 6 p. m. Sunday. '•»<> ' 846-7385 — 846-8047 ©IBSON’S WE HONOR BOTH CARDS— BankAmericard in/to nn /n, ENTER Prices Effective July 20 - 22 Use Gibson Instant Credit 1402 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas STORE HOURS: MON. thru SAT. — 8 A. M. - 9 P. M. Save Money on Summer Lawn Care At Gibsons No. 191. Revolving sprinkler waters areas up to 50 ft. in diameter. Now Only 9 Only Our Reg. $6,751 Right Guard Deodorant Gillette 13 oz. t used by more men and more women than any other deodorant be cause it real ly works. Our Reg. $1.88 Now Only $1.49 Barbosol Shave Cream 11 oz. concentrated lather shaving cream, regular or menthol. Our Reg. 89c Now CCp Only Skil Shop 714 power saw. No. 1715. Comes with 7^ combina tion blade. Our Reg. Now $19.99 Only $16.88 csr the extra rich shampoo 16 Oz. Extra Rich Liquid Prell Shampoo. Our Reg. Now (J»1 Ql __ Only Zebco Spinning Reel No. 404 Spinning Reel, no backlash, trouble free. Fast line pickup. Dependable 15 lb. Zebco line. Our Reg. $4.47 lontfl* roR Vitalis with V7 Grooms hair without grease, prevents dryness, fights embarrassing dan- duff, keeps hair neat all day without grease. No» Our Reg. $1.42 Only Pillow Pals Small pillows great for boating, lounging around the back yard. All with funny sayings. Our Reg. $1.39 Now QQp Only SSI; Coronet Water Hose By Tecknor Apex. 50 ft. Yz in. water hose. No. 7500. 100% vinyl nylon reinforc ed. Our Reg. $2.99 Now Only $2.19 Carnival Glass New shipment in iridescent gold or blue. Set of glasses or single pieces. All Priced as Marked From $1.45 $2.99 Candle Ring Holders Three piece set includes flower ring, holder and can dle. Many styles and colors to choose from. •mm EJltfc daW Comb & Brush Set Baby gift. Individually decorated and boxed. Fine soft nylon bristle. Our Reg. $1.19 Now Only 89c Candle Holders Round candle and tripod holder. Antique type hold er. Several styles to choose from. Your Choice of A Special Group Our Reg. $1.39 ...... oZ 99c Vaseline Intensive Care Cream Totally different. Extra rich formula. Smoother for red chapped or irritated hands. Our Reg. 98c NOW ONLY 74c Golden Age Beverage 12 oz. cans. Cola, Cherry Cola, Grape Soda, Straw berry Soda, Root Beer, Cherry Soda and Lemon Lime Soda. Our Reg. Now Only 2 for 25c 12 for Toastmaster Box Fan 20 in. No. 5325-1. Keep cool with a toastmaster fan. Our Reg. Now $16.99 Only •* v-av." .v.v • .•* .,v. .-.Y.V. .-..-.v