The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1972, Image 5
'.V.'V.v' £►" !■ ■; .v .WA" .'. , iJV , %V«W»V>.V. V.-.' Vv •>"/, .•' ■ .*a*Vu> j . r.'S'Ji!iSK’ BATTAUC rms A&M to receive oceanographic research vessel Wednesday, July 19, 1972 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 5 Con- WASHINGTON, D. C. ict has been let for a new . ss of oceanographic research a ion is in 3ge j s being built by the Navy, i u 10na .h-., ^ tbe first ship to be pre- MU i S eumn« d to A&M . Adm. J. E. Snyder Jr., ocean- . rapher of the Navy, said the indicated that IT cation has t in the So SOSOLIK'S <ZuruT „ TV & RADIO SERVICE „ g lt f ‘ re8 ‘'Zenith - Color & B&W - TV . _lll Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 / IMHIIIIIIII! :ports I first two vessels of the AGOR- (U) class will be built at Halter- Marine Services, Inc., in New Orleans. Delivery is scheduled in about 14 months. Admiral Snyder said the basic cost for construction of each ves sel will be about $1.8 million. Each will be outfitted with ocean ographic equipment valued at approximately $800,000. The second vessel goes to the University of Hawaii, the ad miral said. Both ships will be outfitted by TAMU’s Oceanogra phy Department at its new ma rine logistic support facility on Pelican Island in Galveston. AGOR(U) class ships will be 172 feet long and accommodate approximately 28 persons, in cluding scientific party and crew. The twin-screw steel-hull craft will cruise at 12 knots, with a range of approximately 8,000 miles. “The AGOR(U) can easily sat isfy Texas A&M University’s forecast requirement for 260 ship-operating days per year in the 1974-to-1978 time frame and should offer significant improve ments in capability, reliability and economy of operations,’’ not ed Rear Adm. C. O. Holmquist, chief of naval research and as sistant oceanographer for ocean science. TAMU currently operates three oceanographic research vessels, in addition to three craft used for water pollution research in bays and estuaries. “This new vessel will greatly enhance our capability to conduct a comprehensive program as we continue to expand our deep water activities in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and Atlantic,” emphasized Dr. Richard A. Gey- er, head of TAMU’s Oceanogra phy Department. Funds to assist in operating the new ship will be provided by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation, Dr. Geyer added. Capt. Henry Rowe of the TAMU Oceanography Depart ment will serve as the univer sity’s liaison in New Orleans during construction. He also will be in. charge of outfitting both vessels. Roger Knight wins Amoco pet engineering scholarship Roger B. Knight of Houston has been selected for the Amoco Production Foundation under graduate honors scholarship in petroleum engineering at A&M. Knight was selected for the 1972-73 award by TAMU offi cials. He was announced as the recipient by C. F. Bedford, Amoco Foundation vice presi dent, and Dr. W. J. McGuire, SPECIALS GOOD WED. THUR., FRI. AND SATURDAY, JULY 19, 20, 21, 22 SMOKED PORK LOIN DECKER'S FULL QUARTER SLICED !/4 LOIN C SWIFTS BUTTERBALL DEEP BASTED 16 TO 22 LB. AVERAGE Cvj Hfhii lb. - ■ JANET LEE SLICED BACON ^78* HAMIII ,*1 29 M BOOTHS FANTAIL BREADED SHRIMP M 6 ’ COUNTRY SAUSAGE H. ..0 79' FRESH DRESSED FRYERS.... 0 "‘“."r 1 . i..33' STEAK FINGERS 88‘ SLICED CHEESE ".""i 10 . „«p,o 65' JUMBO FRANKS u. 78' DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR SLICED TO DECKER'S meat H 35' SWISS CHEESE."i??.': u.79* LUNCHEON LOAFS „ 88' RAT TRAP CHEESE ~ , 59 POTATO SALAD. 44' JANET LEE — GRADE AA EGGS SWEET & TENDER COLORADO CORN LARGE DOZ. MINUTE RICE JOHNSON’S LEMON JUICE 28 0Z. PKG. REGARD, WOOD PANEL LIQUID r \ GOLDEN CROWN BAKED FRESH IN OUR OWN INSTORE BAKERY! 32 OZ. JAR ii US' LARGE SIZE 8 INCH TWO LAYER WELL FILLED EARS NABISCO WAFFLE CREAM COOKIES CARROT CAKES y - p 0 EARS FOR GREEN ONIONS TENDER-MILD ROMAINE LETTUCE ™ „„ 25* .. 2.^25* ...2 r 25* PL II/VIS CALIFORNIA-SANTA ROSA ^ 5^00 RED CABBAGE :7“. ,.14* RADISHES CRISP - SOLID - CHERRY RED ti y vy umm MORTON'S HONEY BUNS SKAGGS ALBERTSON’S POTATO ROLLS O l,g ‘ ht AO* # tender®® DOZ. * 9 CT. A ^ BUTTERMILK CRULLERS FIAV-R-PAC GRAPE JUICE ‘oz. 1C* CAN | o o u% SKAGGS ALBERTSON'S FRENCH BRcAD FLAV-R-PAC MIXED VEGETABLES >| p r$10 0 "W SEEDED ■ C 10 oz. $ 1 00 ^0 PKGS. LIT OUR INSTORE BAKERY MAKE YOUR NEXT DECORATED CAKE!! $ EACH ONLY HOURS' MON. THRU SAT. * A.M..T P.N. SUNDAT 11 A.M.-7 P.M. LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED UNIVERSITY DR. AT COLLEGE AVE. BankAmericaro in/i out /uv scholarship chairman of the Petroleum Engineering Depart ment. The scholarship will pay $700 for Knight's freshman year, and $800, $900 and $1,000 in suc ceeding years dependent on the recipient's maintaining at least a “B” average. Spring Woods High School, where Knight graduated this spring, also will receive a $200 Amoco Foundation grant for pur chase of scientific equipment. At Spring Woods, Knight was a Na tional Merit Finalist, National Honor Society member, listed in “Who’s Who in High Schools” and the 1971 outstanding chem istry student of the American Chemical Society. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Knight, 1643 Crestdale, Houston. Bedford noted the foundation is placing 18 freshman scholar ships in geology, geophysics and engineering at 16 universities this fall. The foundation was created and is supported by Amoco Production Co., the U. S. exploration and production sub sidiary of Standard Oil Co. (In diana). Refrigerators now available Students wishing to rent re frigerators for the second sum mer session may do so by con tacting Ray Holdbrook, manager of the refrigerator program. Holdbrook said that the same rate, $10 rent for the refriger ators and a $10 deposit, would be in effect. He is keeping no spe cific office hours, but he will be in the refrigerator office Mon day from 3 until 5. Holdbrook’s home phone num ber is 823-5891. He also can be contacted by calling the Student Programs Office, 845-1615. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED n*jdoo ^ READING IMPROVEMENT CENTER teaches - remediates - enriches PHONICS COMPREHENSION WORD ATTACK SKILLS CONCENTRATION THINKING SKILLS STUDY SKILLS For further information contact: Mrs. Avery Goodgame Reading Specialist 4101 Oaklawn, Bryan 846-3812 BRYAN AERO INC. You want to belong to the in crowd. Learn to fly and get your Private Pilots Li cense at Bryan Areo Inc. the best place to learn to fly. Very highly qualified FAA instructors. Also ground school offered. For more information Call 823-8640 or 846-3317 Coulter Field Bryan MONEY Loaned on Anything of Value Sports equipment Stereo equipment Guitars-Amps Jewelry-Tools Guns-Cameras No credit record required! Come to see us. Get a pawn loan of $30 and receive $2.00 free on your first loan. Texas State Credit 1014 Texas Ave. Weingarten Center