The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1972, Image 4
Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 19, 1972 THE BATTALIC ‘Clipper’ begins her voyage home GALVESTON — The "Texas Clipper,” Texas Maritime Acad emy training ship carrying 128 students, began its voyage home Saturday, sailing from Palma in the Balearic Islands. Arrival back in Galveston from the two-month 13,000-mile Medi terranean cruise is scheduled Aug. 6 after a visit to the Canary Islands and courtesy stops at New Orleans and Freeport. Badio conversations between the ship and TMA offices in Gal veston indicate all aspects of the cruise have been highly success ful, including a visit to Split, Yugoslavia. That visit reportedly represented the first time an American training vessel had docked in the Communist coun try since World War II. In addition to 63 TMA cadets fulfilling summer training re quirements, the "Clipper” has aboard 65 recent high school graduates participating in A&M’s “Summer School at Sea.” The ship also carries a 34-member crew and staff. Registration headquarters transferred Registration headquarters, for merly located in the basement of the YMCA Building, has been moved to Room 203 of the Old Cushing Library. Willis S. Ritchey of the Regis trar’s Office said that the pres ent setup includes three or four offices and a foyer. The move was made Monday and is effec tive immediately. The phone number, 845-7117, remains the same. Ritchey said it was important for everyone to keep the new lo cation in mind when giving direc tions to students attending fresh man and transfer student orien tation sessions. “quality construction for comfortable living’ CUtd General Contractors, Inc. Telephone: 822-4226 IDEAL FOR COLLEGE EMPLOYEE WITH A GROWING FAMILY 4 BR, 2 bath, CA&H, dbl. garage, built in range, eat ing bar, large paneled fam ily room, near So. Knoll Elem. School, convenient to campus ... all of this for only $22,900 . . . easy fi nancing. You may call us after hours or week-ends. 822-4226 Big car insurance dividends? State Farm is now paying eligible Texas policyholders a big 20% dividend on expiring six-month policies. See: U. M. Alexander '40 221 S. Main Bryan Phone: 823-0742 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Dr. Sweet says More schools offer continuing education programs^ Continuing education programs of some form or another are of fered by nearly all member insti tutions in the 11-state Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Dr. Gordon Sweet said it is an expanding educational service that an increasing number of schools are getting into it in a variety of ways. “Continuing education often enrolls more people than regular degree programs,” the Southern Association executive secretary said. “We’re talking about education at any time in a man or wom an’s life. It picks a person up at one point and takes him to an other. This excites me,” Sweet told participants in an Academic Administrators Seminar at A&M. The exciting thing, he re marked, is that colleges and uni versities are attempting to learn where individuals outside the tra ditional school age bracket are located educationally. Termed “outreach’’ programs in education circles, continuing education provides learning op portunities in a variety of areas through foreign travel-study, in dependent study programs, non- traditional degree programs, cul tural-enrichment programs and televised and broadcast courses, among others. “A theological seminary offers outreach for parish priests and ministers who could not finish their degrees earlier, when re quirements for being ordained were less strict,” Sweet exam- pled. The school and college accred iting organization official intro duced by A&M President Jack K. Williams said the Southern As sociation is attempting to keep pace of such changes in educa tion. The association is a voluntary non-governmental organization of accredited institutions from Tex as to Virginia. Its purpose is the improvement of education i n member institutions, by estab lishment of accrediting stand- or: ards. jr Accreditation isadi* 88 through institutional self 31^ S in which TAMU is current- j volved, and on-site peer ev; 11 . tion. if;"- Dr. Sweet indicated that ^ tinuing education has) “talked about in the Soifji Association for years. B; 4 suddenly has caught fire at® ” of years ago.” Ik 1 *** - - ■! M 713 S_ |aJ SKAGGS ^ ALBERTSONS k. DRUGS ft FOODS SUMNER I 1 » V V. TOOT* root* POLISH WATER PIK $ PEARL DROPS TOOTH POLISH If you are one of the 100,000 Americans, who will become Senior Citizen this month. (Women mg/o 62 uxd Men tt 65) We know that prescriptions will represent a major expense for you and... • OPERATES ON 110 - 120 VOLTS • FLOATS AWAY LOOSE • FOOD PARTICLES • 'FOUR COLOR COOED • INTERCHANGEABLE JET TIPS I • ADJUSTABLE PRESSURE • • EFFECTIVE FOR THE ^ ' m • WHOLE FAMILY ..5,1 HELPS BRIGHTEN AND WHITEN EVEN THE DULLEST TEETH. DEVELOPED BY A DENTIST FOR DAILY USE AT HOME. If Skaggs is doing something about it. £ With our popular Helping Hand Prescription Plan Available to all women 62 and men 65 and older Ask your Skaggs pharmacist about our 'Helping Hand” Prescription Plan TO DA Y! _ m^r., SCOTCH HAIR SET TAPE IZESTABS VITAMINS; $ HOLDS FIRMLY - COM FORTABLE CREATED ESPECIALLY FOR HAIR STYLING REFILLABLE DISPENSER 1/2 X 650 IN. (18 YDS.) tBased on Social Security Administration reporti. SUPER DELICIOUS CHEWABLE VITAMINS. 2.29 SIZE 5f A clothes line posts $ PAIR OF METAL CLOTHES LINE POSTS - 7" METAL WITH 10 CADMIUM PLATED CLOTHES LINE HOOKS. 21” CUT LAWN MOWER $ 3 H.P. BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINE FINGER TIP CONTROLS. -r-.* HERE IS ALL YOU DO: <| Visit the pharmacy at the Skaggs Drug Centers, shown below, and pre sent positive identification of age. This can be: (a) a letter from the state indicating old age assistance; (b) a similar letter from the regional Social Security office stating that the bearer is receiving Social Security; or, presentation of your actual Social Security check would serve the same purpose; (c) presentation of birth certificate or copy; (d) a life insurance policy, and, (e) if requested, presentation of other collateral identification showing birth date, such as a driver’s license. The Skaggs pharmacists will assist in filling out a simple “application • form,” for your signature. Within a week after filling out this form, you will receive your “Senior scription Program. NO OBLIGATION The Skaggs pharmacist will ba glad to explain tha “Holping Hand” program in dotall and holp you obtain your personal card as illustrated at loft. Illllllllllllll STORE HOURS: MON. — SAT. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. SUNDAY 10 a.m.-7 P.M. UNIVERSITY DR. AT COLLEGE AVE. MHKAMERICMfi