The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 12, 1972, Image 5
kttau 1 BATTALION Wednesday, July 12, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 5 el Firemen training courses begin Saturday Memberthan 3,000 fire service ihere from throughout the :i, P* forj^Bon mid 25 foreign countries ' u ‘'g i|i' ma : o sdM the fire-fighting of the worlti Saturday ^■aigh Aug. \. ^■hc three one-week courses numicipal, industrial and '■’•lion, Df, Iplnisli speaking fire irn will ^^Hhehl at tiie ‘JO-acre- Brayton "'terested jjBeinori Training Field west of “otact: Tjl main campus, a $750,000 fa- Trail, iHty considered the best fire ^^Bning course in tl)e nation. Chief instructor Henry U. Smith said the 43rd annual Texas Fire men’s Training School should break all previous records, due mainly to new certification re quirements for Texas firemen and emphasis placed on better fire fighting programs by government and industry. Smith’s seven-man staff will be supplemented by 490 experi enced instructors and speakers from governmental agencies, in dustry, manufacturing, the armed E> services and educational institu tions. In' addition, the students will benefit from $700,000 worth of donated and loaned equipment and supplies. Smith noted two instructional areas have been expanded for this year’s schools. The fire preven tion and fire inspection course has been reorganized and updated. Three teacher training courses, all approved by the Texas Edu cation Agency, will be available to full-time instructors from paid fire departments. The teacher courses -— covering methods, materials and human relations communications — meet new state requirements for fire service instructors, he said. The first week’s session, July 16-21, attracts volunteer and paid firemen from small rural com munities to large cities. Sixteen different courses are offered, from basic fire-fighting to scien tific investigations. A public demonstration is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Wednes day, July 19, at the training field. Among the products to be shown are new equipment and wet and dry chemicals that extinguish fires in a matter of seconds. Smith said his staff is com pleting work on a closed pollu tion control system which will prevent waste water from running into creeks around the field. Vet Medicine students, faculty honored at banquet Friday A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine recognized 16 students and three faculty members at the annual Honors Convocation Friday night. The outstanding member of each of the three professional classes were announced. They included former Aggie basket ball star James M. (Mike) Heit- mann of Houston, third year class; Houston L. Lane of Steph- a SKAGGS ALBERTSONS STOCK UP fj NOW. SAVE! > SLICED SLAB BACON "SMOKED" SLAB BACON SPECIALS GOOD WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. JULY 12, 13, 14, 15, 1972 ■ HICKORY SMOKED picnics 6 TO 3 LB. AVG. SLICED 48c LB. BAR-B-Q CHICKENS » 99' mtAI LOAr. . n . B .-. T . RnY . 0 . N !. r , 98' ECKRICH SMOKED SAUSAGE . 1 19 HOT LINKS “ .5 re ,r o CORN-ON-COB 2,o,45' SWEET CAEIFORNiA LARGE SIZE BREADED SHRIMP ,.oz„o69 t NUGGET HAMS v^™ I 69 PIMENTO CHEESE SPREAD - 53‘ ft boneless top ROUND STEAK. “ .. I 38 V BONELESS SWISS STEAK I 28 CUBE STEAK I 39 LB. CHICKEN FRIED STEAKS .. 88' CORNED BEEF I 19 BANQUET FROZEN BtiF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY PEAS MUSHROOMS CHINESE DINNERS j- fL FANCI FOOD BITS & PIECES 4^0 Z FROZEN CHUN KING «■ 100Z. «00 ^ PKGS. ■ .M# FOR ■ 3 /*1 00 69* LARGE SIZE 2 LAYER CHOC CAKE FROM OUR OWN INSTORt BAKERY LBS. CANTALOUPE ,15 ( ROME BEAUTY APPLES .EEL ,29 RED ONIONS ~r. ,19 LIMES ™.“ ,59 CELERY CALIFORNIA LONG SHANK 29^ PIZZA FROZEN SAUSAGE OR CHEESE ROMAN 14-OZ. GREEN BEANS 00 FROZEN WEST PAC CUT OR FRENCH SLICED 8 OZ. PKG. BROCCOLI SPEARS FROZEN WIST PAC SOZ. PKGS. 00 BAKERY CHOCOLATE MERINGUE LARGE SIZE 8 INCH 8 INCH SIZE POTATO DINNER ROLLS 4) >r AO* JfTENofR Wm mJm Jmooi. “W M FRUIT FILLED COFFEE CAKES EACH LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED HOURS MON. THRU SAT. f A.N.-t P.M. SUNDAY It A.M.-7 P.M. ASSORTED FRUITS EACH 2/581 University Dr, At College Ave. DASH DETERGENT^1 M IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 32 OZ. KING * envill, second year, and William C. Bookout of Santa Rosa, first year. Lane also received the $300 Borden Award and the Tarrant County Veterinary Medical As sociation Auxiliary Award. Book out and Heitmann were presented cash awards from the Texas Vet erinary Med i c a 1 Association (TVMA) Auxiliary. The Norden a Teacher Award went to Dr. Floron C. Faries Jr., associate professor of veterinary parasitology. TVMA awards in teaching and research were presented to Dr. Larry D. Claborn, associate professor of veterinary physiol ogy and pharmacology, the teach ing award, and Dr. Richard M. Robinson, associate professor of veterinary pathology, the re search honor. Michael T. Allen of San An tonio a second year student, re ceived the $400 Pfizer Award from Charles Pfizer and Co. It is given for outstanding schol- ^ arship and leadership. Other student awards included James W. Rundell of Delhi, La., AVMA Auxiliary Award; David M. Miller of Throckmorton, John H. Milliff Award; Larry N. White of Texas City, Microbiol ogy Award; Miss Nancy F. Rowe of San Antonio, Upjohn Award for small animal clinics, and Tommy J. Barton of Cameron, Upjohn Award for large animal clinics. Also honored were Gary D. Hodges of San Angelo, Bexar County VMA Auxiliary Award; Robert O. Allardyce Jr. of Evans, La., and Dan L. Hawkins of San Antonio, Student AVMA Aux iliary Awards; Dr. William Dean Johnson of Lubbock, John Paul Delaplane Award; Richard L. Goode of Waco, Ross P. Mar- steller Award, and Leroy B. Vad- en of Houston, the Dr. Danny L. Davis Award. Wives of the students were recognized, with Mrs. Leland A. Prowse III receiving the Out standing Senior Wife of the Stu dent Auxiliary Award. -g-. r'OOT .Y.M ,.Y . A READING IMPROVEMENT CENTER teaches - remediates - enriches PHONICS COMPREHENSION WORD ATTACK SKILLS CONCENTRATION THINKING SKILLS STUDY SKILLS For further information contact: Mrs. Avery Goodgame Reading Specialist 4101 Oaklawn, Bryan 846-3812 BRYAN AERO INC. You want to belong to the in crowd. Learn to fly and get your Private Pilots Li cense at Bryan Areo Inc. the best place to learn to fly- Very highly qualified FAA instructors. Also ground school offered. For more information Call 823-8640 or 846-3317 Coulter Field Bryan State Farm is still paying big car insurance dividends . . . currently 20% to eligible Texas policy holders on expiring six-month policies. ' U. M. Alexander '40 1221 S. Mgin Bryan Phone; 823-0742 STATI FARM INSURANC U STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Offlcb: Biooinlngton, Illinois