Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July 5, 1972 THE BATOl J. H. Quisenberry resigns as head of Poultry Scienr 4 Dr. J. H. Quisenberry, one of the best known figures in the poultry research world, retired Friday as head of the A&M Poul try Science Department. It’s a position he has held for 26 of the 36 years of association with A&M. The scientist will remain with the Poultry Science Department until Aug. 31, when he will offi cially go into full retirement. However, he plans to continue to work with graduate students, con duct research, do consulting work with the domestic and foreign poultry industry, and “travel a little.” Dr. H. O. Kunkel, dean of the A&M College of Agriculture, lauded Quisenberry’s years of service and accomplishments. “Through Dr. Quisenberry’s leadership, Texas A&M has re ceived broad exposure and become a leader in poultry research in the United States and the world,” Kunkel said. “He is a dedicated researcher and teacher. We are fortunate that he will remain associated with the university, even in retirement.” The Texas Poultry Federation and many friends will sponsor a retirement dinner for the profes sor at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Ramada Inn in College Station. A social hour at 6:30 p.m. will pre cede the dinner. Quisenberry is most widely rec ognized among fellow poultry re- searcherS in the United States and other countries for his work on laying hen management and nutrition. One of his favorite proj ects has been phase feeding, or changing the diet according to layer age and production stage. Another has been the relation of body size to feed efficiency of commercial layers. The researcher and teacher has had many career high points, but he says he values most those years with his students, American and foreign. And then there were the times he spent as technical ad visor for poultry development work in such countries as Brazil, Ceylon, Bangladesh, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Quisenberry was bom in Cook County, Texas, in 1907, but grew up in Hardeman County. He re ceived a BS degree (with honors) from A&M in 1931, a master’s degree in animal genetics in 1933, and his doctoral degree in gene tics and nutrition in 1936, both from the University of Illinois. fore returning to head;. Poultry Science Depart! 1946. He came to A&M in 1936 as an associate professor of genetics, followed by appointment as asso ciate professor of animal husban dry in 1944. Then came a year as head of the University of Hawaii Poultry Science Department be- Quisenberry has receiril honors through the year:®'! them being an honorary! | ber of the Texas Poultry ; meat Association, lifegj the American Poultry Eb Society, and the Colderi Award of the Texas Pos!^ eration. o it t< I? WE GIVE R1 m \M WE GIVE WE GIVE m 50 FREE 50 FREE 50 FREE 3 Lbs. or More FRESH PEACHES EXPIRES 7 /8!7? UMfT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY r* 1 i| U i lh I'uri husr tif lb. pkq. 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