The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 1972, Image 3
THE BATTALION Friday, March 24, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 3 ? others need to d. te those it more 5th. >n 23rd. AJLL.EN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Oil i-Prest* Je Den' e, Lava, 5, id Delta 2-2512 LIQUORS AND WINES FOR EVERY TASTE Susan’s 410 S. TEXAS (RAMADA INN) COLLEGE STATION YOU’LL FIND OUR PRICES EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN ANY IN TOWN. PLENTY OF EASY PARKING Check Our Selection of Pop Wines Grad student designs wheelchair run by voice Helping the helpless ... an A&M student from Abilene is doing just that. David F. Edwards, a 23-year- old graduate student of electrical engineering, designed and built the electronic controls on a wheelchair which will allow to tally paralyzed persons a means of self-propelled locomotion by using their voices to operate the wheelchair. Dr. Paul H. Newell, associate dean of the College of Engineer ing, originated the idea. However, on the first design, the quadra- plegic was required to hit a spe cific note to make the chair move. The new chair is essentially the same, except the patient may hum anywhere in a range of notes. “This makes the operation of the chair much easier,” Edwards said. “The lowest range causes the chair to turn left. As the patient hums up the musical scale, the chair will move forward and left, then forward, forward and right and then right. The highest range will cause the chair to back up,” Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex H. Edwards, 3418 South 27th Street, Abilene, said. “The electronic controls may be adjusted to the male or female voice,” he said. “We ask the quad- raplegic to hum the lowest com fortable pitch and then we adjust the controls so that this pitch corresponds to a left turn.” A small microphone rests against the voice box of the pa tient and keeps out room noise. A frequency meter and a series of lights are attached to the arm of the chair to indicate which pitch the patient is humming. “The electronic controls were designed for a wheelchair, but they can be used in other ways,” Edwards continued. “For example, we could use this method of control to help the patient adjust his bed, turn the pages in a book or turn on a television set—allowing him more and more independence.” “A patient might even be able to feed himself, if the controls were attached to an artificial limb,” Edwards said. He was assisted by his gradu ate advisor, Dr. Y. Thomas Rhyne, associate professor of electrical engineering, and Dr. Arthur Sher wood, assistant professor of bio engineering. Edwards hopes to complete his master’s degree in August and enter the field of computer de sign. Everyone invited to join Aggie Christian Fellowship By REBECCA L. McKEE Just what is a Christian? Many people have found the answer to this question with the help of the Aggie Christian Fellowship. Although it has been recogniz ed officially by the university for only a year, the Aggie Christian Fellowship was unofficially rec ognized by Dean James Hanni- gan for about six years, accord ing to Bill Priebe, a member of the fellowship. Priebe said in a recent inter view, “The main purpose of Aggie Christian Fellowship is to give people the information by which they can learn about Jesus Christ. And the second purpose is to provide fellowship for Christians by which they can be built up in the faith.” The organization has every ma jor religion represented in its membership. The fellowship is a member of an international organization call ed the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. The nation al chapter is called Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of the U.S. “One of the things we regret is we have had an awfully hard time reaching the foreign stu dent and the black student. We haven’t been able to establish the feeling we would like to estab lish,” Priebe said. “It has been difficult to con tact these groups because the club was originally all Anglo men, and if you want to contact foreign students and blacks, you need to have responsible foreign and black people in the organization to help bring others in.” The Aggie Christian Fellowship recently sponsored a “seminar,” which was aimed specifically at the female in an attempt to let her know the club was for women as well as men. Priebe said anyone interested in becoming active in Aggie Chris tian Fellowship can go to the All Faiths Chapel any night at 7 or call the fellowship office at 846-0138. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WORK WANTED Will do typing. Call 823-4679 after 6 p. m. and all day Saturday. lOOtl Typing, H2-5738. electric typewriter. Call after 6. 100t3 : Experienced typist, retarial Science. BBA degree in Sec- 846-2963. 96tfn hy. tfn I Typing. Symbols. 1526 or 823-3838. . Notary Publn ic. 822- 132tfn Typing near fcrienced. 846-89' can 66. Electric. Ex- 135tfn CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College Ave., Bryan, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones, R.N. 99tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS”— Application forms for Spring Awards Pro- pam may be obtained from the Student financial Aid Office, Room 803, YMCA Building until March 81, 1972. All applica tions must be filed with the Student Finan- Li.i aii — .. ' - m. not 82t21 cial Aid Office by no later than 6 :00 p. April 1, 1972. Late applications will be accepted. To be eligible to purchase the Texas A4M University Ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in residence and credit for ninety-five (95) semester hours. The hours passed at preliminary grade report period on March 13, 1972 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the ring clerk, room seven, Richard Coke Building. She, in turn, check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the ring clerk starting March 27, 1972 and continuing through May 6, 1972. The rings will be returned to the registrar’s riny ling through May ngs will be returned to the regis office to be delivered on or about June 16, 1972. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 :00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Fri day, of each week 81t37 HELP WANTED Opening for floral designer with train ing or experience in latest methods. Only i those qualified need apply. Call 822-6047 : for i for an appointment. 9714 Students, part-time work, above average income, flexible hours. Call Fuller Brush, 846-1300. 85tl8 LOST One cuff link. Reward. 846-4334. 100t2 —EVERYDAY— Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. 6 qts. for $2.00 SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 690 Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer Some used Air Conditioners available now. Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan FOR SALE Honda CB—360K2 1970 with trailer, two helmets, spare parts. Excellent machine, 100 m.p.h., $760. 846-9046. 100t3 1963 Pontiac Safari stationwagon. Auto matic transmission, $300. 601 Hereford Dr., College Station. 99t4 1969 Fiat 124 Sport Coupe, 30,000 miles, 6-speed, XAS Michelins. Fine condition. $1700. Pearre Chase, 846-4604. 99t4 1070 Chevy Nova, 4-door, 6 - cylinder, standard transmission, radio. 36,000 miles. All white, blue interior. Very clean. 822- 6701. 99t6 Several 4-inch foam mattresses for sale. Perfect for campers or camping out. Price $12. See at Rodeway Inn, 1601 Texas Ave. between hours 9 a. m. and 8 p. m. 99t4 Washing machine, Frigidaire brand, apartment size. Ask for Hardy. new, $60. 822-1669. 99t4 1966 Corvair, red, standard transmission, good tires. 846-0714. 98t3 1969 Renault 10, $760. 846-6688 after 6. 98t3 po- $i: 1969 Plymouth Fury III wer brakes, air. Good es, $1296. 846-0637. ., automatic, dition, clean. 98t3 660CC Triumph Bonneville. 846-0301. Excellent. 97t5 1967 Austin-Healey. Runs good. Make offer. 846-2380. 97t8 1971 Penton. Excellent condition. 846- 0810. 97t4 SPECIAL NOTICE STUDENTS — store your projects, re search papers, etc. for $5 up at U-STOW & GO, 2206 Finfeather Rd. 822-6618. 99t2 U-STOW BANDS, COMBOS — NEED INEXPEN SIVE PRACTICE ROOMS? See U-STOW & GO, 2206 Finfeather Rd. 822-6618. 99t2 Tropical Fish Salt Water Fish Brazos Valley Aquarium Supply Located 4.2 Miles From Hwy. 6 (Texas Ave.) on Hwy. 30 (To Huntsville) 846-1332 HOURS: Wed.-Thur.-Fri. 5-10 p. m. Saturday & Sunday 2-10 p. m. Closed Monday & Tuesday Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 67tfn TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 WANTED Ride to Chicago or Wisconsin for Easter. Share costs, driving. Call 846-2008. 98t3 FOR LEASE across from Post Two office spaces available at North Gate in desirable location acrosi Office. Will furnish to suit tenant. Call 846-6312 or write P. O. Box 336, College Station. 97tfn FOR RENT Large two bedroom unfurnished apart ment in Bryan. Excellent for student and wife. $66. J. B. Agency, 823-5469. 96t4 ,arge it in One bedroom furnished apartment. All ;ric, air-conditioned. No bills paid. $100 per month. Call 823-6736 or 312D electr Ehlinger Drive. 97tfn me; after 6. 822-4201. Couples only and no pets. 97tfn Unfurnished two bedroom house, newly refinished. Air-conditioners, big fenced-in back yard. Five minutes from A&M Uni versity. $126 a month rent. 822-0994 after 6:30. 97tfn NEW APARTMENTS 1505 Broadmoor 2 Bdr. fnrn. or unfurnished, central air & heat, all electric, stove & refri gerator. From $135. per month. All utilities paid. Call 846-1297 Office: 1503 Broadmoor LAST YEAR [AT MARIENRAD VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished. Air condi tioned, dishwasher. Near Cook’s & Townshire. Rents from $110. 822-5041 — 401 Lake St. Manager Apt. 24 CASA DEL SOL APTS. Now accepting applications Spring - Summer - Fall ’72 One and two bedroom fur nished and unfurnished. Pool - Air-Conditioned - Club Room. 401 Stasney 1-5 p. m. or Phone 846-3455 low as apartment are milies at Southgate Village tments. Visit our office at 134 Luther om 8 :30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Mondi thru Friday and we will explain ren procedures and place your name on our wai' Moderate income rental rates $93.12 for an unfurnished available to fan Apart St. fr day ital Ring list. 846-3702. 67t49 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: One and two bedroom furnished apartments ready for occupancy. 1% miles south of Campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934, or after 6, 846-3408 or 822-6136. 68tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIKS TY & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 ‘‘A T* David F. Edwards, a graduate electrical engineering student, explains to Sue Roemer of College Station how the hum of his voice propels the new wheelchair designed by him. COMMENT OF A McMAHON GRADUATE In September, 1971, I graduated from McMahon College and imme diately accepted a position as a Court Reporter. Currently I am, making $12,000 per year. For a fas cinating career that really pays off, I suggest you look into Court Re porting by contacting McMahon College, 2601 Main, Houston, Texas 77002. Call coUect 713/228-0028 Diane Parnell STUDENT DISCOUNT With This Ad or Student ID. Available At JAY’S PACKAGE STORE At the Saber Inn THE BUDGET MART •'The Market Place of Brazos Valley” Do you have merchandise in your home that you would like to turn into$$$$??7 Bring it to "The Mart" and Let Us Sell It For You! We Have A Great Demand For Clothing - Good & better (No soiled, torn faded items will be ac cepted). Clothing accessories. Sporting, goods (No pistols or rifles). Hardware. Kitchen items, Small appliances. Radios, TV's, Record Players, Stereos, Jewelry, China, Silver. Luggage. Household items. Bookcases, Books. Tables, Lamps. Bedspreads, Drapes, Baby Fur niture. Toys. Games. Tools - Lawn Mowers and many other items too numerous tip mention. Merchandise Must Be In Gpod or Better Con- dition. Merchandise will be Accepted During Store Hours: OPEN 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday thru Saturday 23rd ft MAIN DOWNTOWN, BRYAN , TEXAS -Selling Merchandise For Individuals From All Over The Valley- directed ALAIN RESNAIS award winner at the Venice film festival Friday March 24 8:00 EM. MSC Ballroom Students $1.00 Others $1.50 Presented by the CONTEMPORARY ARTS COMMITTEE