The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 12, 1972, Image 6
5 ■ .n, > ■, \ Page 6 College Station, Texas Wednesday, January 12, 1972 THE BATTALION Overhouse ranks as one of A&M’s greatest Jeff Overhouse With more than half of his collegiate career still ahead of him, A&M’s Jeff Overhouse is well on his way to becoming one of the all-time Aggie greats. “Jeff may be the most com plete player we’ve ever had,” Coach Shelby Metcalf says of the 6-7 junior from League City Clear Creek. “By the time he’s through, he could be the best ever.” Through eleven games this sea son, Overhouse is leading the team in scoring with 18.7 points per game and in rebounding with a 10.5 norm. He has made a clean sweep of all-tournament honors, being named to the all-star teams in the Lobo Invitational, Astro- Bluebonnet and the Presidential Classic. Overhouse was voted the Most Valuable Player in the Presidential, which the Aggies won by beating Virginia Tech 66- 62 in overtime. The title game in the Wash ington tournament provides an excellent example of what Met calf means when he calls Over house a “complete” player. In addition to his 17 points and 17 rebounds, Overhouse held Allen Bristow, the nation’s No. 7 scorer, without a field goal in the second half and the overtime period. Overhouse demonstrated his great courage in the Bluebonnet tourney when he played all 40 minutes on a severely jammed knee, yet scored 30 points and grabbed 16 rebounds in a 73-68 victory over LSU. His performance this year has been no surprise. Last year Overhouse was voted Sophomore of the Year in the Southwest Conference and led a senior-dom inated team in scoring and re bounding in league play. He scored more points than any A&M sophomore except Carroll Broussard, and that includes such Aggie greats as John Beasley and Bennie Lenox. Jeff was named to win the All-SWC team and voted Most Valuable Player by his teammates. In addition to his other talents, Overhouse is tough from the free throw line. He hit 15 of 16 at tempts in the Presidential Classic and is hitting at a .718 clip for the season. WE GIVE grecpm grrAMP>a I 11 WE 61VE JAX BEER 6 CAN CTN. HUNTS ASSORTED SKIUET DINNERS AIR FRESHENER WIZARD HEINZ KETCHUP AUNT JEMIMA CORN MEAL TH£$£ PRICES GOOD THURS-FRI. & SAT. JANUARY t 3.14 g IS 1972 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES LOG CABIN SYRUP HERSHEYS l2-oi. BH. COCOA FRENCHS S-ei. Box 6-oz. Jar TEA SOFT PLY PAPER ^ fo-Lb. Pkg. TOWELS 3 ALL SWEET Gnt. I75-Ct. Roll MARGARINE PIGGLY WIGGLY FRUIT lb. in Qtrs. COCKTAIL WELCHS 303 Can GRAPEJUICE BABY FORMULA 24-02 Sae SIMILAC LIQUID BONNIE BAKER _ 13-02. Con m 2 26-02. Box Lane OATS 12-02. Box COKES SPRITE, FRESCA, TAB 6 BTL. CTNS. $ 1 Limit 3 With $5.00 Purchase or More, Excluding Cig. & Beer. ■FROZEN FOOD DEPT. TENNESSEE BRUSSEL SPROUTS as 8-oz. Pkg. TENNESSEE STEW VEGETABLES 20-oz. Pkq. 43 HEALTH AMO BEAUTY ALPS— TOOTHPASTE Me Clean's List AAe Gnt. 4-oz. Tube 69c VASEUNE Blue Seal List dde 3 3/4-oz. Jar 45c HAIR TONIC Yase/bte List 3 1/2-oz. Bit. JANUARY 14 & 15. COME AND SAMPLE TEXASWEET GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGES IN ALL BRYAN PIGGLY WIGGLY STORES. FREE RECIPES AND NEW IDEAS. ORANGES mmtTvrl TEXAS 1 VALENCIA ,b ■ BELL PEPPERS 3»29‘ CELLO CARROTS": 24 3? GREEN ONIONS" bun 12c CELLO RAPISHES ea 12c YAMS Lb. 23c YELLOW ONIONS"'? *25’ BONNIE BAKER BREAD 4 S1 BAMA GRAPE JELLY LIQUID DIET SEGO A 18-07. M £ Jars I 4^89* PIGGLY WKGIY MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS GUARANTEE H ever a parehas* tf PIGGLY WIGGLY MEATS Mb k pkatt jp* hr any raeaan aAakeemr, Jmt tat m. Want! REFUND YOUR MONEY PROMPTLY, COURTEOUSLY, no hoo4 k rahtn tha moat. I SHANK PORTION ItAMSl DECKERS QUALITY DECKERS BUTT PORTION DECKERS TSE? HAM DECKERS CENTER 11 SUCE Vli SMOKED SLAB BACON HORMEL By the Piece Lb. LEAN & MEATY SPARERIBS » 4“ BOSTON BUTT SEMI-BONELESS fN M PORK ROAST “ 55 LEAN & TENDER PORK STEAKS ‘ SO 2” | OWENS REGULAR OR HOT SAUSAGE RATH—6-OZ. PKG. ^ ^ ^ ^ A LUNCH MEAT-^jJ) RATH LINK SAUSAGE pkg: m * c 89 PORK CHOPS FAMILY PACK Caakka: FRYERS ^ 2 Wkft Ptm Gbbts RATH SLICED BACON LB. 29 n DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS tVERV TUES WITH <2 SO OR MORE PURCHASE NOW! THREE GREAT STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER ’4M0 TEXAS ATE. '3Sti TEXAS AVE. '200 E. 24* ST. BRYAN STATION, 'OUANTHY RIGHTS RESERVED Mfrin cm 1 WE cm U JKS, WE 4 Gift * PLAY move Monda 11 poi: Ex 1 All smmm All For ^ neo An OPECN STAMPS An GREEN STAMP! Studi for n in Si m GREEN ! I STAMPSJi OP CBN I STAMPS ] A&M s coming x Cadets i week. Studen H9 of G tatween Directc ^ Ki'ou au ditionii are thin b ers nius overall p Univer | On the