The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 03, 1971, Image 5
iher 3, ij; the battalion Wednesday, November 3, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 5 hearing federal f*. ' a l agent* nine oil* oalymii to talk t •y attacif, •lity Boar; m of Hoji 1 high claa the indu New classification created for those unlikely to be drafted WASHINGTON — A new - ra ft classification was created Tuesday for registrants too y 0U ng to be drafted and the 18- year-olds and older men with such hitfh lottery numbers they’re unlikely to be called into military service. Selective service laid down also neW ground rules for personal appearances before Draft Boards for a young man to make “a fair representation of his claim” for exemption or deferment. At the same time there’s a built-in brake designed to keep protestors from overloading the boards with ap peals. Deputy Director Daniel J. Cronin said the new “holding” classification, 1H, is designed to enable the service to “do business with the people likely to be draft ed and let the other people go about their business.” The rule changes put the draft operation in line with the new draft law, including the phasing out of college, trade school and junior college deferments. They become automatically effective in early December, 30 days after they are published in the Federal Register, as required by the new law. A major change not required by law wipes out the catchall 1Y classification that lumped together men wtih borderline physical disqualifications, homo sexuals, criminals and a variety of others. From now on a man in this area will be given 4F as physically unfit, 1A-RR1, mean ing being adjudicated, or 1A-AO, meaning acceptance undeter mined. Those men who turn 18 next year and must register for the draft then will be given the new 1H classification, except for those who enter military service, join reserve units, or are sole surviv ing sons. They wll remain there until their lottery in 1973, when Selective Service will announce a cutoff lottery number. Those below that number will remain in 1H and those above will be classified 1A or any ex empt or deferred classification for which they qualify. For men turning 18 this year, a cutoff number will be an nounced after the 1972 lottery and men below that number will be reclassified 1H, where they’ll remain until they reach age 26 barring an emergency. Men exposed to the draft as 1A this year or earlier but were not drafted will be put into 1H after next Jan. 1, and stay there until their 26th birthday. Divinity students will be put into a new deferment class 2D and sole surviving sons will be in a new class 4G. ALBERTSONS DRUGS & FOODS HARY SAVINGS » SPECIALS GOOD THUR., FRI., SAT., NOV. 4, 5, t SAUSAGE ■ JIMMY DEAN I imvi iem U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF '-l' m o I=ff (q) lb. vUU I GROUND BEEF 58‘ J&B LINK SA H — _ _ _ os SLICED COOKED HAM danola SLICED COOKED HAM oanola SLICED COOKED HAM oanola J&B LINK SAUSAGE lb 84‘ FRYERS JSS?.!*"** lb 28' WEINERSA l lf;!'.?l!*!"'.5i «;:84‘ 7^7 RIB STEAKS . g Sf' H . 0 ' CB lb 98' BOLOGNA nl49' SLICED LUNCH MEAT...”*"™ 4 FRESH WATER CATFISH ,,98 WHITFIELD KOSHER DILL 48 ^ CHOCOLATE CHIPS.Lk - 39' JANET LEE GRADE AA MEDIUM DELICATESSEN & SNACK BAR FAMILY PAK 2 BBQ CHICKENS 1 PINT YOUR UB. POTATO SALAD RED BEANS CHOICE OF: 1 PT. COLE SLAW ONLY CHILI ..“.".-““‘."A 39* PRESERVES. ™ 58' TOASTER PASTRIES..™™ ? 3^ $ 1 00 BLACK PEPPER 33' FRESH DAILY FROM OUR INSTORE RAKERY FOOD BANQUET POT PIES • BEEF • CHICKEN • TURKEY BOZ. ORE IDA CORN-ON-COB 8 INCH THE REAL THING ^ 2 LAYERS CARROT CAKES LARGE SIZE BELL PEPPERS 10 C U C UB E RS l0NG GRt . t . M » s * l * c ' IA ^ ^ r $100 GRAPEFRUIT Tti(AsGR ?r , . M . RU . B . Y . R * Dfor i FLORIDA CORN GOURMET'S DEUGHLiiisls ^ GRO-FRESH MIXED VEGETABLES BAKERY ASSORTED COFFEE CAKES LARGE E A l size ^ y GLAZED APPLESAUCE CAKE DONUTS 20.M 00 PLAIN OR SEEDED HARD ROLLS LET SKAGGS ALBERTSONS BAKERY DEPT. MAKE YOUR NEXT PARTY CAKE IT'S DELICIOUS HOURS MON. thru SAT. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. I UNIVERSITY DR. AT COLLEGE AVE. ^^UQUID DETERGENT DETERGENT DETERGENT TABS TTk. dish detergent LIQUID DETERGENT JOY DASH SALVO CASCADE THRILL s 59* 7Q< BOX f ^ 82° I" 69* g 83* DEintGINT DREFT The new personal appearance rules will permit a man for the first time to bring witnesses to support his claim for deferment or exemption. Other changes in the rules in clude these: • A man will be required to register for the draft during a period beginning 30 days before his 18th birthday and ending 30 days after. At present he must register within five working days after his birthday. • A man will be given at least 30 days notice to report for in duction. The old rule was 10 days but normally it was stretched up to 30 days. Peru government establishes ties with Red China LIMA (•#*) — Peru’s military government established diplo matic relations with Red China on Tuesday and won Peking’s of ficial support for the Peruvian claim to a 200-mile limit of ter-i ritorial waters in the Pacific. This claim by Peru, as well as by neighboring Ecuador, and Chile, is disputed by the United States. Peruvian and Ecuado rian navel patrols have seized U.S. fishing boats many times in side the 200-mile limit and mari time officials have levied heavy fines against them. Peru is the third Latin-Ameri- can government to establish ties with Peking. The others are Chile, whose president is a Marxist Socialist, and Cuba. Argentina is considering estab lishing relations. The announcement of Peru’s ties was made in a brief com munique issued simultaneously by the Peruvian Foreign Minis try and Peking. The communique pointed out that the Peruvian government recognizes Peking as the only legal Chinese government. It also stated that Peru takes note of the Communist Chinese claim that Taiwan is “an in alienable part of the territory of the Peoples Republie of'China.” The communique said the two governments would exchange am bassadors “within a short time.” Shortly after the announce ment, Nationalist China suspend ed relations with Peru. It was the fourth time the Na tionalist government had sus pended instead of severing rela tions with a nation that has rec ognized Peking, in an apparent Nationalist attempt to partially preserve the government’s dwin-< dling diplomatic ties. In a brief television appear ance Monday night, Gen. Ed- gardo Mercado, Peru’s foreign minister emphasized Red China’s position as a world nuclear pow er and pointed out that Peking backs Peru’s 200-mile jurisdic tional claim. “China’s recognition of the 200- mile thesis is of great historical significance for us,” Mercado said, “because within this plural ism of power, in this new stra tegic balance, the positions of the great nations have been taken. Edwards is distingu ish ed AF Cadet Wayne C. Edwards of College Station has been named a Dis tinguished Air Force ROTC Cadet at A&M. The designation indicates he has demonstrated potential of be coming a Regular Air Force offi cer. Col. Robert F. Crossland named Edwards among 22 AFROTC cadets accorded the honor. Cross land is the professor of aero space studies and ranking Air Force officer at A&M. He said Distinguished Cadet status denotes that a cadet, through performance, has dem onstrated potential of becoming a Distinguished Graduate and possesses qualities and attributes essential for successful perform ance as a regular Air Force of ficer. Senior cadets are selected on the basis of high moral char acter, leadership evidenced through campus activities, the Corps of Cadets and Air Force field training and high standing in military and academic classes. The son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Edwards, 302 Timber Street, ma jors in recreation and parks, is a squadron 11 commander in the Corps and a graduate of A&M Consolidated High School.