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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1971)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, October 14, 1971 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Listen up Gripes about gripes and everything else “It’s a comfort to know that my lock held!” About those bikes There are bicycles all over campus this year. They are parked in front of doors, they come whizzing down sidewalks, they loom suddenly in the headlights of a car as it drives across campus at night. Generally, they are everywhere they are not supposed to be. To combat this problem, O. L. Luther, chief of University Police, has announced that laws affecting cyclists are going to be enforced, including the issuing of tickets to violators. We can only agree with University Police. We hope that they attack this problem with the same gusto as they issue parking tickets. We realize that such a stand will probably bring screams of protest from many cyclists. This pleases uk no end. Those laws that A&M’s version of the two-wheeled maniacs are violating were made to protect both the cyclist and the pedestrian. They are there to keep foot-travelers from being hit by bikes, they are there to keep bikes from being hit by cars and they are there to keep people from stomping on fragile 10-speeds that are parked in their way. We suggest that all bicycle riders familiarize themselves with these laws. An article explaining them was printed in Tuesday’s Batt and we will be happy to furnish copies of it to any who want one. We hope there will be many requests. Bulletin Board Tonight Computer Science Wives’ Club and Industrial Engineering Wives’ Club will hold a meeting in the Community Room of Bryan Build ing and Loan, 2800 Texas Ave., at 7:30. Panhandle Hometown Club meets in the lobby of the Memori al Student Center at 7:30. Dues will be collected. San Angelo-West Texas Home town Club meets in room 3C of the Memorial Student Center at 7:30. Skeet and Trap Club will meet in the lecture room of the Archi tecture Building at 7:30. Friday Chess Committee will hear Dr. Dusan Djuric speak on Aleakine at 8 on the third floor of the Memorial Student Center. Editor: Grumble, grumble—lousy laun dry service—grumble, grumble— inadequate parking — grumble, grumble — kampus kops — grum ble, grumble — football tickets — grumble — athletics — grumble — Uncle Gene — grumble — tra dition — grumble — yell prac tice — grumble — bicycles — grumble — freaks — kickers — CTs — Maggies — LCB — Narcs — Feds — Fish — Zips — Han- nigan — grumble, grumble — quack shack — Highway 6 — bon fire — trees — grass — Batt ed itor — grumble — Coke machines — air conditioning — construc tion — grumble, grumble — tele phone company — grumble — in surance salesmen — grumble — radio — grumble — Sbisa food — grumble, grumble, grumble — Student Senate — hah, hah, hah, hah — discontent. So what else is new? Quit yer bitchin’. Smilingly yours, Bradley D. Ellis ’74 Jeffery A. Simmers ’74 Gene B. Collier ’73 No more crazy letters — grum ble, no more Listen Up — grum ble, no more editor’s replies — grumble, grumble, no more fun — grumble, grumble, grumble. Never! — Ed. grumble. ★ ★ ★ Editor: Three years ago I remember walking across the campus and noticing all the decals and bump er stickers supporting Head Coach Gene Sailings. Stickers like, “Stallings for President” and others were in existence. Stall ings somehow became the “IdoU istitf God” of so called “Aggie Country”. “Love it, or leave it” was the familiar expression of both civilians and corps students. Everyone loved Gene Stallings, and not too many people said anything that wouldn’t support him. Somehow people got the impression that Mr. Stallings was the “Key” to success. He and he alone was responsible for win ning all the football games. Today, some years later, Mr. Stallings doesn’t have the sup port and backing he had years ago. Instead of the “Stallings for President” stickers, I now see stickers like, “Go Gene Go! Any where, but just go”. Can we really say that Stallings was ever re sponsible for winning the football games by himself, or, vice versa, can we say that he is directly re sponsible for losing the games now ? After all, aren’t there 12 men on a football team (No, there are eleven) and many other coaches responsible for winning. Mr. Stallings can’t run or make touchdowns for the team and he surely can’t make the ball stick to the player’s hands. He’s no miracle worker and he never has been. Maybe there’s a communication breakdown between Mr. Stallings, the other coaches and football players. Who really knows ? I surely don’t. I personally am not a loyal sup- Che Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. The$ must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collegiate Press Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester; $6 per school year; $6.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. embers of the Student Publications Board are: Jim sy, chairman ; H. F. Filers, College of Liberal Arts ; White, College of Engineering ; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Jr., e of Veterinary Medicine; Dr. W. E. Tedrick, College riculture; and Layne Kruse, student. to the use for to it or not paper and local news of spontaneous Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. origin published herein. Rights of rep herein ar Servic Franc Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San EDITOR HAYDEN WHITSETT Managing Editor Doug Dilley News Editor Sue Davis Sports Editor John Curylo Assistant Sports Editor Bill Henry HAVE I GOT A GIRL FOR YOU! Wow! Have you been by the “Y” office to see over 140 sweet young things in the Gig ’Em Club Dating Service file. If you haven’t you don’t know what you’re missing, and more girls are joining all the time. These girls want to date Ag’s and that means YOU! Fill out your application in Room 102, YMCA AND bring a recent photo to attach. If you filled out an application last year renew it NOW old applications will be discarded after Friday, 22 October. Student Y Association porter of Gene Stallings and you could ship him and anybody else out and it ceally wouldn’t phase me one way or the other. I’d just like to say that the present stu dents and former students of Texas A&M should stop expect ing “God like” miracles from a “Earthly Man” and maybe in the future they won’t be so quick to place the blame on one man. I think it’s kind of like learn ing in college. If you get a good prof you learn because of him, if you get a bad prof you learn in spite of him. Aubrey Gene Cherry ’72 An excellent letter. —Ed. ★ ★ ★ Editor: In the past there has been much controversy between the Corps and civilians concerning school spirit and the following of traditions. However, after the last football game, in which we were crushed by the Texas Tech Red Raiders, we have found something in which both the Corps and Civil ians agree on, the coaching of the football team. By now it is quite obvious that there needs to be some drastic changes in the offensive coaching. It is the job of the coaching staff to stress timing and coordination among the offensive unit and this has been apparently lacking in the last few years and even more re cently the last few weeks. Note: Our offensive unit has scored only once in the last 4 games. Yet, the defense, having to play 70 per cent of the game, performs ex cellently even against a ranked team like Nebraska. With the of fense consistently giving the Cornhuskers good field position through fumbles and intercep tions, it was hard for the defense to prevent many of the scores. This brings us to the conclusion that we have some excellent tal ent on both defense and offense and in the defense coaches but we lack offensive coaching. We feel that there needs to be some coaching staff changes, particu larly the offensive coaching. So if the administration would pull their heads out and make some changes in the offensive coaching, maybe next year we can see some real football by the “Fightin’ Texas Aggies.” Five Frustrated Students (Name withheld by request) ★ ★ ★ Editor: In response to Mr. Allen’s state ments saying he wants to force the Student Senate into action, I would like to say that he ob viously knows nothing about what is happening, because this year’s Senate is definitely in action. First of all, no responsible leg islative organization makes a de cision without looking into the reasons that decision is made, and certainly no administrators will respect a decision made on the “spur of the moment.” For your information, Mr. Allen, there have been several meetings concerning I.D. checks with Mr. Groff and many other administrators. You can be sure that action will be taken. I have been here four years, and I have made a habit of com paring past and present Student Senates at A&M. I can assure you that for once this year’s senate is working. It’s functioning far better than any senate I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t begin to mention all of the accomplishments of this year’s senate, even during its first two months of operation. (It’s done more than the last 2 years combined.) And so, before you ridicule any one on this campus, I suggest that you study the problem and get your facts straight. Why don’t you follow a mem ber of the Senate Executive Com mittee around campus for a day or so. You’ll be quite convinced of my point. Dan Smith ★ ★ ★ Editor: This letter is to thank you for expressing so well the atti tude of most civilians over corps- civilian relations. After all, why should 2,000 people control 12,000? Also, I feel that something must be done about the parental attitude this school has (Dean Hannigan). One of the biggest problems is where students live. Why are single males under 21 discriminated against when it comes to housing? To live in a dorm is to live in a very super vised atmosphere. One must pay board and eat in Sbisa. A student cannot modify his room in any way to suit his own personal de sires or needs. An example is painting the rooms. Not only does a student have to supply his own paint but it can be only one of four colors already in the rooms. But to live off-campus a student would be out of such control. An other point for living off-campus is the new revenues it would sup ply to the people of College Sta tion. Instead of all housing money going to the university due to its monopoly on housing, the mon ey would also go to the citizens of this area. Also it would save the university money because it would have to supply less rooms. It could then spend money on up grading the present dorms. Housing is but one example of the university’s attitude. Other questions I pose are: 1) why do parents get our grade cards instead of the stu dents ? Are we considered to be too immature to account for our own grades ? 2) Why should we pay for athletic programs ? As it stands here now, it is Athletics (foot ball) first—education second. 3) Compulsory attendance in class is wrong. If a student is here for an education he will at tend class when he feels it is necessary for him. Since atten dance will most likely be less there can be more personalized contact in class between student and teacher. Thank you again for your past civilian-corps editorials but the time has now come for the stu dents to unite and press for free dom from university control of their lives. Ralph Messera As far as the student housing goes, the situation is mostly monetary. Getting a straight and precise answer to your question is all but impossible. Grade cards will be sent to students only if they are over 21, according to the housing of fice.—Ed. AGGIE PLAQUE Plaster Accessories Finished - Unfinished Working Area Free Instructions gift-a-rama! Redmond Terrace College Station FREE! AGGIE WIVES’ SPECIAL! Just What You Need To Solve Your Xmas Gift Giving! Buy Two Portraits and Get A Third One Free! Color or Black & White Offer Good Through October Only UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 N. Main North Gate For Appointments Call: 846-8019 You Can Get A I 1 REE ORDER oil FRENCH FRIES With A Whoppei Or A Whaler And A Large Drink Note: You Must Show Your I.D. Call In For Orders 846-8007 J BURGER. KlflG not 9 to 5 live play it your way hours your own clients your own decisions your own income unlimited unreal no real insurance counselling check our campus program PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Gordon B. Richardson Campus Representative 707 University Drive, Suite 23 846-7027 ATTENTION All Seniors and Graduate Students! MAKE SURE YOUR PICTURE WILL BE IN THE 1972 AGGIELAND YEARBOOK PICTURE SCHEDULE A - D Oct. 4 - 8 E - I 6ct. 11 -1 5 J - K - L Oct. 18 - 22 M - N - O Oct. 25 - 29 P - Q - R Nov. 1 - 5 S - T - U Nov. 8-12 V - W - X - Y - Z Nov. 15 -19 Make-Up Week — Nov. 22 - Dec. 10 NOTE: Students needing pictures for job-applications or al ' personal use may come ahead of schedule. CORPS SENIORS: Uniform: Class A Winter - Bl<n> ! or Midnight Shirt. CIVILIANS: Coat and Tie. PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN FROM 8: A.M. to 5: P! NOTE: BRING FEE SLIPS to UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 No. Main — North Gate Phone: 846-8019 PEANUTS PE AIM UTS YOU see, CHl/CK £IMPL¥ DOESN'T REALIZE THAT DEEP DOUN YOU'RE REALLY IN LOVE IdITH HIM, AND.. I TOLD YOU I'M EKmB 1 W0NE LOVE SOME ONE AS WISHY- WASHY AS.. CAREFUL! NOuJ. YOU'RE Right bacr WHERE YOU STARTED By Charles M Incidentally, HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT I STOPPED CALLING .YOU 11 SIR"? Cf