The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 29, 1971, Image 4
■; ■ ; • •■■ Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, September 29, 1971 THE BATTAUOl Cardinal Mindszenty is released, leaves Hungary WASHINGTON (A 5 ) _ Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty became a free man Tuesday. During the last 23 years he was free for only four days, in October 1956, when Hungarians revolted against Communist rule. Release of the cardinal may represent the final dramatic mile stone in Mindszenty’s life. What ever the Vatican’s plans might be, it is unlikely that the 79-year- old man ever will play a major role again, either in his country or elsewhere. This reporter was perhaps the only Western newsman who cov ered the four major postwar phases of Mindszenty’s life: he interviewed him while he was still residing in his magnificent palace in Eszterhgom, then re ported his sensational trial, saw him again when a platoon of soldiers who joined the revolution freed and brought him back to Budapest, and finally talked to him in the shelter ef the U.S. legation where Mindszenty sought and found refuge when the So viets besieged the city to crush the revolt. He always was the same man, the proud, rigid, almost stubborn prince of the Roman Catholic Church. Hungarians, Catholics and oth ers, more or less agreed right from the beginning that Mind szenty, spiritual leader of about seven million Hungarian Catho lics, was not up to his task dur ing the dangei-ous period of the late 1940’s when the Communists applied crude terror to take over their country. The man, elevated by the Holy See to his high post during the chaotic period of the war, remained a parochial priest in the Esztergom palace, where Hungary’s primates had resided for centuries. Hungary’s religious leaders, first of all the Catholics, tradi- Halliburton gives $15,000 to support engineering chair Halliburton Education Founda tion, Inc., has awarded $15,000 to A&M for continued support of its Halliburton Chair of Engineer- The gift was presetted Tuesday to Engineering Deah Fred J. Ben son by Walter E. Heffler of Houston, vice president for Brown & Root, Inc. Brown & Root is a subsidiary of Halliburton Company which, along with its other subsidiaries, supports the foundation. The firm created the Hallibur ton Chair of Engineering at A&M in 1966. The position has been held since its establishment by Dr. Charles R. Rodenberger, pro fessor of aerospace engineering. HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CENTER 3406 South College Ave. 823-8626 announces their staff for 1971-72 KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Gwen Bledsoe 4 PRE-KINDERGARTEN i Mrs. Joann Wimbish 3 YEAR PRE-KINDERGARTEN , vMrs. Judy Ely 2 YEAR PRE-KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Sharon Bennett TODDLERS <1 YEAR OLDS) Mrs. Lee Bond INFANTS Mrs. Ingeborg Bengs COOK Rachel Benson TEACHER ASSISTANTS Mrs. Ruth White, Mrs. Maureen Jurcak, and Mrs. Kathy Henshaw EDUCATIONAL CLASSES 8:30 to 11:30 ALL DAY CARE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE 7:30 to 6:30 7:30 to 6:30 MONDAY — FRIDAY SCHOOL COORDINATOR MRS. NANCY WHITLOCK OWNER: MRS. LARRY JONES, R.N. Pawn Merchandise For Sale Tape Recorders Mech. Drawing- Sets Guitars & Amps. Cameras, Radios TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade PAWN LOANS On Anything of Value TEXAS STATE CREDIT CO. 1014 Texas Ave Bryan 822-5633 tionally played important roles in the country’s political life. In this climatic period, when the non- Communists were on the defensive against the ruthless tactics of the Red army-supported Communists, what Hungary needed was a skill ed political priest in the primate’s palace. Mindszenty was not this kind of a man. Then Gabor Peter, dreaded head of the Hungarian secret police, personally arrested him the day after Christmas and an indictment accused him of high treason. The cardinal was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. “I was tortured in body and soul,” Mindszenty said on the afternoon of Oct. 30, 1956, when a jubilant crowd escorted him back to the small medieval pal ace of primates in Budapest. The eight years in prison did not show on the cardinal. His piercing eyes, slightly stooped posture were the same—but there was a trace of greater under standing, almost mellowness in the man, standing in the small study of his Budapest residence. Three days later, on Nov. 3, he addressed his countrymen in a radio message. His speech, con trary to Communist accusations, was modest, almost humble. A few hours later, at dawn Nov. 4, he found asylum in the U.S. legation: the air then was ringing with the fire of Russian tanks. At mid-morning the same day rumor reached the legation that the Soviets had threatened to bomb the city from the air if the revolutionaries did not capit ulate. The legation ordered every one to the cellar. This reporter sat alone with Mindszenty in a cor ner. sad. He talked in low tones, re called his earlier meetings with this writer. The atmosphere en couraged the latter to ask the indiscreet question: ‘‘Why are you here?” Now, at long last, the cardini is a free man again. He was calm, quiet, and very Cardinal Mindszenty pondered and sighed: “Somebody must re main alive and free to tell the world what has happened, to shake up the conscience of the peoples.” What induced him to do ^ one can only guess. Probably lij, age, his health—despite the tt port from Rome that he loold healthy on arrival, it is knownh has tuberculosis—and the reco; nition that as long as he remaii. ed in the embassy, the Vatiti; could not appoint another hei of Hungary’s Catholic Church. Let us fill your next prescription for you. Call ahead and it will be ready when you arrive. Phone 846-7743. 111111111111111111 I i 11111111111111111! 111111111 1111111111 ^mUt! rWI. l 5 CUP I Electric Brewmasterl MODERN CERAMIC DESIGN WITH CORD GREAT FOR INSTANTS. 1111111111 p. FRESH 10 OZ. BOX ^— IMimm 0 PERSONAL FILE $ LARGE INDEXED PORTA-FILE WITH LOCK—HANDY FOR HOME OR OFFICE. ElfsKAGGsX {ALBERTSONS^ V DRUGS S FOODS 7 FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS SERVICE! |r VALUABLE coupon SLIDE OR MOVIE Film Developing 8MM, SUPER 8 OR £ 20 EXPOSURE SLIDE ^ TILM PROCESSING. COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER COUPON VALID THRU OCT. 2,1971 SWEET & LOW SUGAR SUBSTITUTE NO CYCLAMATE PACKAGE OF 100 SPONGES VERSATILE HOUSEHOLD SPONGES PACKAGE OF 20. 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