The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 28, 1971, Image 3
Septembe, AGE] JRANCE itional U,, 'UTION W6-37K fhole THE BATTALION Tuesday, September 28, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 3 Campus briefs Contemporary Arts opens fall series vm I re? 5672 B, IN 1 with As t.” k'ery y all Per- many :olor- way to be bury re keen nue to little ;elves vill rudea- .C-' Contemporary Arts opens its fall lecture series Thursday at A&M with Clark Moustakas, au thor - psycologist of the Merrill- Palmer Institute in Detroit. The Memorial Student Center committee presentation will begin at 8 p.m. in the MSC ballroom, announced chairman David Dacus. Contemporary Arts lectures are public-free events. Moustakas will speak on “Lone liness vs. Being Alone,” Dacus said. The author of “Creativity and Conformity” promotes humaniz ing learning, encourages individ uality an dself awareness and enriching the curriculum with art and the creative process. Other Moustakas books include “Lone liness” and “Individuality and Encounter.” “I am happy being alone or be- being with others, person to person or in real groups,” Mou stakas notes. “I enjoy walking, playing, singing, dancing, medi tating, running in forests and along sea shores; rock-setting, gazing at the moon and reading what I want to read in my own time and place.” ★ ★ ★ Boone appointed to Advisory Council Dr. James L. Boone Jr., head of the Industrial Education De partment at A&M, has been ap pointed to the State Board of Education’s Advisory Council for Technical - Vocational Education in Texas. The six-year term on the 21- member board was recommended by the governor and approved by the state board, subject to con firmation by the Texas Senate. Dr. Boone, 48, will represent teacher education. The council organization and funding was in cluded in legislation this year to provide an advisor council to the State Board of Education on vo cational-technical education be low the college level. The council holds monthly meetings, Dr. Boone said. A member of the A&M faculty 19 years, Dr. Boone holds bach elor, master and doctorate de grees from A&M. He is a native of Houston. ★ ★ ★ Boyce to present paper at conference An invited paper by Dr. Meher- wan P. Boyce of A&M will be given at the International Gas Turbine Conference in Tokyo Oct. 4. The paper co-authored by me chanical engineering graduate student Y. S. Bale of India is titled “A New Method for the Calculations of Blade Loadings in a Radial Flow Compressor.” It was invited by a joint com mittee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Japan Society of Mechanical En gineers. More than 100 were sub mitted to the international com mittee. Dr. Boyce, an assistant profes sor in the Mechanical Engineer ing Department, also will serve as vice chairman of the confer ence turbomachinery sessions. Enroute to Tokyo, he will present a seminar on “The Aerodynam ics of Turbomachines” at the University of Hawaii, also by in vitation. An A&M faculty member since 1969, Boyce has degrees from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, State University of New York at Buffalo and the University of Oklahoma. ★ ★ ★ More scholars named at A&M Five additional President’s Scholars have been named at A&M for 1971-72. President Jack K. Williams said they are Douglas S. Carlson of Houston; Rosemary E. DeYoung, Beaumont; Margaret C. Nagy, Lubbock; Gary N. Proctor, Arl ington, and Clayton G. Smith, Victoria. The five President’s Scholars, along with 20 named in early September, will carry the desig nation through the 1971-72 sen ior year. Upon enrolling at A&M next fall, the President’s Schol ar receives a $1,000 a year schol arship for up to five years study at A&M. President Williams said five new $25,000 endowments were recently arranged, bringing to 25 the number of President’s Schol ars selected this year. They will join a list of 75 President’s Schol ars at A&M next fall. ★ ★ ★ Barnes to speak at Political Forum Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes will speak Wednesday at A&M under auspices of Political Forum for a noon series talk on drug laws. Forum chairman Paul Turner said the public-free presentation will be from noon to 1 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center ballroom. The presentation will follow the usual noon series format, with a question-answer session follow ing the lieutenant governor’s ad dress. ★ ★ ★ Students can sign for placement interviews Graduating students can now sign up Monday through Thurs day for placement interviews, Placement Director Robert C. Reese announced. Reese noted that graduating students can sign up on com pany schedules beginning at 1 p.m. He said the revised sign up procedure should be more equit able for all graduating students. Company schedules will be posted at 1 p.m. each weekday except Friday, two weeks in ad vance of the date of the com pany representative’s scheduled presence. BATTALION CLASSIFIED CHILD CARE All day child care services for pre school children. Call after 5 p. m. 846-2782. 17t4 and also for football games, all ages. 846-6690. very day Children of 15t6 PLAYLAND NURSERY SCHOOL Conveniently located at 1801 S. College Call 822-2620 A playland for your child, offering an educational program for children 2-12. Reasonable rates—hot meals furnished. 137t22 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 8400 South College, State Licensed. 823-862 6. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn SATURDAY NIGHT BABYSITTING or for groups by reservati 6 p.m. Friday to make resi Saturday. (Open for afte football games too.) For m tion call 8! supervision. other time on. Call before lervations for 7:30 p.m.-l :30 a.m. or any oth< ms afternoon Aggie more informa tion call 822-2620 or 822-1732. Adult —137t22 FOR RENT Nice townhouse apartment. Two bed rooms upstairs. Living quarters down stairs. Partially furnished. $110. per month. No utilities. Carpeted. 408 1st St., Apt. 2, % mile from campus. Call Boyetts 846-7366. 17t3 NEW COLLEGE STATION UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS ' T — RTMENTS. New brick apartments now available for family units. Only % mile south of Kyle field. Rentals as low as $116, $127, and $138, respectively for 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments. bills paid. Central air and heat. Fenced patios, laundry facilities and major appli ances all included. Hurry 1 Only 15 out of original 200 units left. Call 846-3702, or visit "Southgate Village Apartment” rental office at 134 Luther St. in College Station. 14tl6 Two bed- occu- of campus. Lake ig. Washateria on grounds. Coun try atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co. 823- 9tfn ATTENTION STUDENTS: room furnished duplex. Ready for pancy. l(/> miles south for fishing losp 0934 or after 5, 846-3408. VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS I 1 Need A Home Pool and Private Courtyard Limited Applications For The ;d Applications Spring Semeste 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. 24 No Vacancies GOOD LUCK TO THE AGGIES! 40tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Tie rade bars, from SENIOR RING JEWELRY! cuff links, tie tacs, and charms made from A&M senior ring crests. Beautiful gold- filled* replica of your senior ring, complete afted with by four class numeral. Finely crafl Balfour—each set custom made from made official A&M ring die. *10K Gold at ad ditional cost. Student Finance Center, Box 6688, Memorial Student Center, Station, Texas 77840. Colleg 16t ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADU ATES ! You may order graduation an nouncements beginning Sept. 13—Oct. 15, Mon.-Fri., 9-12—1-4. Cashiers window, MSC. 8t20 Hoover’s Tennis Service. One block south of tennis courts. Open 1:30 to 6:30 p. m. 846-9733. 82tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 67tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. Students interested in applying for a Rhodes Scholarship should confer with Dr. R. H. Ballinger 302-C Academic Building. Prior to October 12, 1971. 17t8 The deadline for student organizations to apply for official recognition is Oct. 1 at the Student Finance Center J -*-- Memorial Student Center. in the 15t6 Havoline, Amalie, Conoco. 35c qt. Prestone—$1.69 Gal. —EVERYDAY— We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Hearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock HOLLEY CARBURETORS EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Alternators $19.95 Exchange Starters - Generators Many $13.95 exch. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 Our 25th year in Bryan TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in residence and credit for ninety-five (95) semester hours. The hours passed at the oar 1 i ’ive ng hei 5evi , w igil Orders fo: pai -eliminary grade report period 1971 ty-f: ifyii : ti n S< irn, ring eligibility. pr< 18, 1971 may ninety-five hour requirement. —alifying under ir nam en, Richard Coke Building, in turn, will check all records to determine qualitying leave thei Room Sev period on October be used in satisfying this requirement. Students this regulation may now names with the Ring Clerk, Richard Coke Buildini She, these rings will be taken by em will be returned to the Ring Clerk starting JNoveml 1971 and continuing through December 14, 1971. The rini the Registrar’s Office to be delivered on or about January 21, 1972. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 :00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, of each week. H. L Heaton, Dean Admissions and Records Mrs. H. Brownlee, Ring Clerk 17t37 WORK WANTED Accurate typing on IBM electric with symbols. Marti, 846-5820. 14t6 Typing near campus, perienced. 846-8965. Electric. Ex- 135tfn ing. 65. 132tfn Typing. Symbols. Notary Public. 822- 0626 or 823-8838. 132tfn HELP WANTED B-CS T. V. 9 Needs eight students at once for late delivery work. Must have own transporta tion. Apply in person at 409 Varisco Bldg. No phone calls accepted. 17t2 Students needed to service Fuller Brush customers. Average $3 per hour. Flexible hours. Call 846-0378. 8tl6 WANTED Female roommate wanted for two bed- roomme room furnished house. $50. 846-6618 after ema n f WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. FOR SALE Football mums for Cincinnati game by Floral Culture Society. $2.00. Place orders at Floral Culture Greenhouse Thursday or contact the salesman on campus. 17t2 Living Bible. $9.95 available. 845-4601. Group Discounts 17t4 Toy poodle puppies, five week old, apri- :olor. AKC registered. Have fo cot males left, each. 822-6824. Have Please call after 5 p. m. $65. 17t3 Triumph 650 Bonneville ’69 engine ’67 frame. Excellent mechanical condition. $750. call Bill at 822-5491. 17t4 1968 W/ Dodge Charger. Air, p. steering, automatic, polyglass tires. Clean, excellent idition. Best offer. con 0586. Call Ron at 846- 17t4 Aggie Den - Open 10 a. m. 7 days a week. You are welcome Den. till 11 p. m. me at Aggie 187tfn Posters! Posters! Posters! All of the brand new releases - come see ! Best ever. —Aggie Den. 137tfn 8 track tapes guar; artists - $2.98 each - Den. aranteed perfect - all shop early! Aggie 137tfn Girlie Magazines - Girlie Pocket books are y 2 price at Aggie Den. 137tfn Maggies invited to Aggie Den ! Come on over and visit and play a few games of Aggie pool ! Den. Join the other maggies Aggie 137tfn Cue Sticks - Jointed - From $8.95 to have good supply of the very best cues available — Aggie Den. 137tfn $198.00 - we Pinball, Billiards, Bumper stickers, Post- rs all at Aggie Den. 137tfn The hottest posters ever released! Come see now at — Aggie Den. 137tfn We buy almost anything — Aggie Den. 137tfn Aggies! Bring y Den for a grand time 1 at Aggie Den ! Bring your Maggie Meet your friends Aggie friends 137tfn Posters Galore! Come see the brand new releases — Aggie Den. 137tfr AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES; Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 90S S. Main 822-6000 HEADQUARTERS FOR PIRELLI (RADIAL) TIRES Also—Racing Oils & Greases Castrol - Pennzoil - Amalie - Valvoline BRAZOS OIE SALES 107 East 19th Bryan 823-0016 tfn • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 If you rent or if you buy You pay for the home you occupy But if you buy instead or rent You save the money you would have SPENT! ONLY 18 LEFT 1971 MODELS AT CLEARANCE PRICES Nelson Mobile Home, Inc. 813 So. Texas — College Station CollefireMaster is 7'7??-v; -yy rrl IN THE NATION IN SALES TO COLLEGE STUDENTS. Let Us Show You; Charles Johnson Skipper Kearns General Agent Gary Joyce J. C. Brooks Bill Betterton Jarvis Porter Mario Seminara Jim Leo Jerry Sheppard Jim Stout FIDELITY UNION LIFE INSURANCE CO. 303 College Main North Gate 846-8791 v.:Rt^BsK-::sr:: : • ’