The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1971, Image 5
Thursday, September 16, 1971 College Station, Texas Page 5 THE BATTALION BAIT PICKS Games John Curylo Mike Rice Guest Picker Sue Davis BUI Henry Hayden Whitsett Doug Dilley A&M-LSU A&M A&M A&M LSU A&M LSU LSU Ark-Okla. St. Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark Ark UTATCU TCU TCU TCU TCU TCU TCU TCU ; Baylor-Kansas Kansas Baylor Baylor Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas USC-Rice USC USC USC USC USC USC USC Texas-UCLA Texas UCLA Texas Texas Texas UCLA Texas New Mexico-Tech Tech NM NM Tech Tech Tech Tech SMU-Okla. OU OU OU OU OU OU OU Dallas-Buffalo Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Houston-Cleve. Cleve Houston Houston Houston Cleve Cleve Cleve Last Week 8-2 8-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 5-5 2-8 Big man Van enjoys hitting By BILL HENRY Assistant Sports Editor Van Odom, 6-0, 236, from Corsicana, likes to hit and thinks that playing middle guard gives him this prerogative. His true position is a cross between middle guard and middle linebacker because he is able to play up in a two point stance behind the line or down on all fours head-to-head wtih the cen ter. Odom also calls the defensive sets in the huddle. Nebraska also uses this defensive setup. “I really like this position be cause it gives me the option to play either up or down,” he said. “When I or the coaches feel that the other team will pass I usually play in a two point stance since I have to cover the middle zone in pass defense.” Odom also has a lot of confi dence in this new defense, mainly because of the experience of the players on this year’s Aggie squad. “Last year we had far too many errors in our defense because we were young and inexperienced,” he said. This year we are mak- Pawn Merchandise For Sale Tape Recorders Mech. Drawing Sets Guitars & Amps. Cameras, Radios TAPES Buy - Sell - Trade PAWN LOANS On Anything of Value TEXAS STATE CREDIT CO. 1014 Texas Ave.—Bryan 822-5633 ing a lot less errors and the over all defense is playing much better.” Van is looking forward to the tough road ahead in this year’s schedule after last year’s lack luster 2-9 season. “Last year I was really tired,” he explained. “In fact I was so tired during the LSU game that I had to take oxygen. I was emo tionally thunk out during the last 18 seconds and physically dead. When we scored the tears came freely.” Odom was asked about having to play in front of the different fans around the country and the difference it made on the playing field. “In the beginning of the game it is kinda tough getting used to the change in all phases, the field of play, whether natural or arti ficial turf, humidity and the fans,” he said. “At LSU the fans are quite loud and the natural grass in the stadium is usually pretty deep. After the game starts, though, you don’t hear too much of the fans because you have your mind on other matters.” The question arose on how he feels going into this year as com pared to last and if there was any real differences in the team itself. “I am really looking forward to the entire season,” Odom ex plained. “It is my and many of our players’ last year in college football and we are real confi dent on the season. We can be a challenger this year. Last year toward the end of the season all we had to challenge was the cellar and we didn’t do much challeng ing in that department. This game against LSU will probably be the toughest game we’ll have because they are really going to be out to get us after last year’s upset in Baton Rouge.” Odom is much heftier than last year, about 30 pounds heavier in fact. “I can play better at this weight than the 202 I played at last year,” he said. ‘This is what I should weigh at the position I am playing. I have not lost any quickness over the weight gain either, so in my opinion this is an added asset in my favor. It really helps me in stopping the running game up the middle.” The biggest help Odom got for his new position was the experi ence he gained at linebacker last season. “It gave me added quickness and agility with the gaining of information on how to cover re ceivers on the pass,” he com mented. “I always have had a pretty good ability to stop the The difference in Odom’s style of play will be noticed by the opposition this fall when they try any play, whether running or passing, up the middle of the Aggie defense. This style of play just might get him a spot on the All-SWC team. Improved Aggies battle Longhorns in water polo match here tonight Tonight at 7:00 the Texas A&M Water Polo Club will take on its number one rival in the South west, the University of Texas at Austin. The Aggies, who posted a 6-1 season last year, dropped their first polo match against the Longhorns in the fall, and came back in the spring to thoroughly trounce a floundering Texas team. But Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God and His Righteousness. Mt. 6-33 ‘PRAYER’ Teaching by Mr. Joe Nay, Evangelist From Arlington, Texas Whose Love For Jesus Christ Has Touched Many Hearts. All-Faiths Chapel Holiday Inn Sept. 15 & 16—8:00 p. m. Sept. 17—8:00 p. m. PRAISE JESUS Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International One dark spot for Coach Dennis Fosdick is the fact that he will be playing without three of his best players. Gordon Taylor didn’t enroll in A&M this year, Mike McClellan is out for the season after falling out of a tree, and Les Hamman has a hurt finger. Otherwise, Fosdick feels he will have a team that can play better than last year’s team, be cause it is more experienced. “We have the know-how,” Fos dick said, “however, it is just a matter of being able to put it all together in one day. Last year, the game was relatively new to most of the boys. This year, we have a lot of new experienced faces together with some strong boys who can move the ball.” Due to start for the varsity team are co-captain Fred Meyers, an All-American, Steve Prentice, Eric Wolfe, Mike Hicks, Martin Litiken, Kim Blakeman, and Steve Engle in the goalie position. In the freshman game, Doug Meaden, Steve Engle, Scott Jones, Wade Mattingly, and Kent Berryman are definite starters. The seventh spot is still up for grabs. STUDENT ASSOCIATION The STUDENT Y ASSOCIATION has an activity for you. Enjoy programs devised for students, and help other students by leading an activity. Membership is not manditory for participation, so come alive through the Y. 1. Answer these questions: Do you want to stay abreast with today’s happenings? Solution: Join Changing World Events or CWE. Do you really know about your religion? Other religions? Come to Comparative Doctrines each Wednesday night at 7:30 in the All Faiths Chapel. Were you a Fish Camper? There is a place for you in the Delta Y. How much do you know about drugs? What would you like to know? Come to the Student Y Association Drug Abuse program beginning soon. Additional information about these and other programs can be ob tained in room 102 Y.M.C.A. Building. BE AN ACTIVE AGGIE!!! - ■ 4 GREAT BUT FROM E"5"2£3 WIDE BELTED TIRES> Strato-Streak J!8» • Two tough belt plies under tread reduce •Concave construction to put full tread width “scrubbing” motion and provide long mileage. in contact with road for excellent traction. As low as E78-14 (7.35-14) Whitewall Plus $2.37 Fed. Ex. tax and tire off your car. F78-14 (7.75-14) Whitewall *3 0 75 Plus $2.54 F.E.T. 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ABOVE TIRE PRICES AVAILABLE AT THESE PARTICIPATING DEALERS Billy Wilton Johnson Jerry Wilson Guy Pickett Danny Wallace Mike LeiTko I 1 TEXACO TEXACO TEXACO Mushinski’s Chamblee TEXACO TEXACO 400 Jersey College Sta. 1820 Texas Bryan 1405 Hwy.6So. at Dominik 7^1 University College Sta. TEXACO 2929 Hwy. 6 N. TEXACO 1101 Villa Maria Bryan 3901 East 2S Bryan ■ m : £ BSPI : MM:£!'-c'